Jungkook // I Never Knew
Your P.O.V:
I had only just now sat down in my seat, which was in the farthest part of the back of the room, cold and dark. My black long sleeves were damp from my wrist all the way up to the end of my forearm. I could feel the warmth of my own blood as it ever so slowly trickled down in the same direction my arm, and it went along in sync with its every movement, making it all the more difficult to not scream out in pain. About every 45 seconds, I would let out a small breathy groan, forcing the same 7 students to turn around wondering what it was that wasn't making me shut the hell up about. Jimin, Taehyung, Hoseok, Seokjin, Namjoon, and Yoongi. Plus my 4th grade-up-to-now crush, Jeon Jungkook, the one boy every girl in the whole damn school has to be in to. Jimin and the others get their charms, but Jungkook has been the main target ever since the 6th grade, and that killed me. I've been bullied my entire life for god knows what reason(s). Maybe it's because someone knows I'm secretly in love with Jungkook, possibly it's because of the music I listen to, or because I usually wear all black, but then again, jungkook pulls the all black clothing off with ease and gets all the girls to follow his tail no matter what, so maybe it's just me. Maybe it's just that everyone hates me for being me. And I can't change that. If people dislike me, there really isn't much I can or want to do to attempt changing that. People don't change their opinions on others very quickly just because they want they want them to, and approaching someone like me for that matter is near to impossible. And I'm sure as hell not changing myself so other won't hate me. Tried that, and never recovered. Not to this day have I been able to reverse the decision of becoming something that I never truly was. And I learned that the hard way when everyone stabbed me in the back for it. So I'm just this depressed, naive, hopelessly-in-love, punk that's never gonna be happy and get the guy. It's the role I chose, and whether it was on accident or not, there's no way I could ever climb back out of the hole I dug myself into. Not on my own at least. I'd need an extra hand to survive, and so far, my hands are empty, with no one else's to hold.
Weakly, I let my opposite hands' fingers travel along the cuts on my wrist, and I bit down hard on my lower lip to contain what would have been a very loud scream of excruciating pain. I didn't think anyone noticed, until the person sitting in front of me turned around. Quickly, my eyes met Jungkook's akwardly. I stared at him for what seemed like hours, my mouth slightly open. He smiled at me genuinely and sighed. He looked down at my desk, and his eyes evntualy followed down and along my wrist. Jungkook slowly slid his warm hand over mine, and immediately, out of fear that he would pull his hand away with blood on his fingertips, I took my hand out from under his. He looked hurt, and it made me feel horrible, but he's gonna be even more hurt if he sees it. He sighed out of despair, unlike the first time. Before you could say in a sense that he was day dreaming while looking into my eyes. But I doubt he'd ever fall in love with me.
"....Are you ok?" Jungkook whispered softly, and got close to my face. My mouth still hadn't closed. Out of shock. He looked at me and smiling for one, TOUCHED me, and spoke to me. The impossible was happening. I am interacting with Jeon Jungkook.
In weak response, I nodded, and after followed with a weak "yes", stuttering in between letters. He gave me the "it's obvious your not okay" kind of look. I shook my head, my eyes tearing up. His hands clenched my clean wrist and he looked into my eyes deeply, mine now drowned in my own tears.
"Do you need to get out of here....?" Jungkook words calmed me, his words breathed out light and warmly against my face. I replied with a silent nod and mouthed "please".
"K. One sec" was the last he said before raising his hand.
The teacher Ms. Jow had her back turned to the class, writing on the dry-erase (white board) at a slow pace, the marker bled a bright green color with every swipe and flick she made as she wrote. The letters were messy, and boldly lined. It was our week of homework plan before winter break approached. Had to catch up for missed/late assignments before we could screw off for half a month.
The teacher was oblivous to Jungkooks hand waving endlessly in the air, annoying to him. He scoffed and decided to get up. My eyes widened and I tried to stop Jungkook, afraid he would tell the teacher I'm cutting myself, but my arms failed to grab his hand to pull him back down into his seat. He Ms. Jow, then lightly tapped her on the shoulder, making her turn around with a sweet grin. Jow loved Jungkook, one of her best and favorite art students. They exchanged a few words, and Ms. Jow lifted her head over to look at me and sighed sorrowfully. She nodded her head in agreement to whatever Jungkook had requested, and he sent himself off back to his seat to get me.
"Come on" Jungkook demanded lightly looking at me. Not angry, or sad, nor happy. Just a simple genuine stare, wondering what has made me do such things to myself.
It had been raining today, so Jungkook being the amazingly kind generous person he is was super sweet and carried me in his warm arms all the way to his apartment. He lied me down on the couch lightly and continued to just look at me.
"Jungkook you didn't have to d-" he cut me off before I could finish my sentence with "Yes, I did have to do this for you, and for personal reasons Y/N, you w-". He stopped abruptly and sighed. He sat next to me and grabbed both of my hands.
"Show me, Y/N, please". He paused for a moment, and in shock, I simply sat there, obviously not showing my disgrace and weakness to him.
"Please" he said again, but this time, his words possessed more formality and demand. He wasn't mean or intimidating, but he needed what he was asking of.
"Why?" I asked. "Why am I here? Why did you talk to me in the first place? Why do you care? Everyone else hates me, why not you?".
It was silent for about 30 seconds, but then Jungkook clenched my hands tighter, and got closer to the right side of my face. He brought his lips to my cheek, making me shiver. He left his face resting 4 inches above my right shoulder, and whispered in my ear quietly.
"Your here because.. I'm in love with you Y/N. Although you may not believe me when I say that, it's true. And it kills me just as much as it kills you to see you hurting yourself. It makes me sick to my stomach, I can't stand it. You don't think anyone cares about you, do you. Well, your wrong. Cause I do, a lot. And if I ever lost you, I wouldn't have much left to live for. I know everyone fucks with you, and teases you, calls you horrible things, I've heard it. Remember that day someone called you a whore, and the next day I came to school with a busted lip? That's because I defended you, and I got my ass kicked for it. Because my face- not any part of me is worth someone not getting called out when they do something horrible to you. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you anymore, not even yourself. I need you. I know this all sounds insane, but I'm nothing with out you".
There was 5 seconds of silence after he spoke, I couldn't move, or breathe. A rush of feels literally kicked me in the heart. Jeon Jungkook. Loves ❤️️ me.
What. The. Fuck.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I have to do this, whether you'll enjoy it or not" he said before grabbing my face gently, yet quickly, then brought his lips desperately onto mine. My eyes widened in shock, but I kissed back lightly to let him know I wasn't terrified, and his lips moved together perfectly against mine. I heard myself gasp as he bit down on my bottom lip, making me force out a soft breathy moan. I could feel his evil smirk form just barely apart from my lips, and after about ten seconds, he reluctantly pulled away.
"....Jungkook". I stopped to think about what just happened, and what I'm about to say. I took a deep breath before I continued my words.
"I really wish that I would've said something sooner, because everything you just confessed is how I've felt about you for almost 5 years". He smiled once I said that and smiled at me beautifully. He went to hug me but I pushed him away.
"I-Is something wrong...?" He asked.
"No, no, no, it's just that I u-um.. I'm soaked and I don't want to get your clothes wet.."
"Pfffft, it's okay, you can wear some of my clothes" Jungkook replied before lifting me back up and into his arms, and carried me into his bedroom.
He rested me down gently on his bed, and got down on both of his knees to face me at my level. He put his hands flat on my thighs and caressed the damp fabric material that still covered my skin.
"May I.." he asked politely, looking at me with puppy-dog eyes. I couldn't help but giggle at his expression. I nodded, still slightly unsure of what he meant exactly. But I grew a bit nervous when his hands trailed up from my thigh and to my pants zipper. He lightly slid it down, and went to unbutton. Once he did, my breathing rose heavier, causing him to pause and look at me.
"Are you oka- well that's a stupid question.." he scratched the back of his neck, and bit his lip.
"Is "this" okay is what I meant to ask" he said quietly.
"....I'm just not exactly s-sure what- ..this is.." I responded nervously. I had no clue as to what was going on, did he want to do things to me....? I thought Jungkook wasn't your average 'fuckboy'. He chuckled under his breath, and eventually spoke again.
"I'm going to change you and that's all. Don't be afraid, I'd never hurt you".
"It isn't you I'm scared of" I told him.
Jungkook still continued to strip off my clothing, unaware that I don't only cut my wrists. His cold fingers wrapped around my belt loops, slowly pulling my pants down. And he discovered so many scars, staring at each one with a terrified expression.
"Oh my god.." he whispered to himself. A single tear struggled to make its way down his cheek.
"...Jungkook, I-" I tried to explain, but he wouldn't let me.
"God damn it Y/N. W-why?" I didn't respond so he kept talking. "Why would you do this to yourself? Your ruining yourself! Why?" he asked again. I shook my head, now beginning to cry with him. He began to softly caress my scars, making me wince even at the slightest touch.
"Sh.." he told me quietly, trying to comfort me. Jungkook then proceeded to get on top of me, both of his arms locking me down under him by my hands.
"Jungkook.. What are you doing.." I asked, scared that I had pissed him off somehow and he's gonna do something crazy. Instead, he leans down to my stomach, which, by the way, are covered in cuts, old and new, and brings his lips to every scar he can. He kept this act and kissed each cut gently. It was a tender, sweet, yet still slightly painful feeling, but it comforted me somehow. Jungkook made himself face me, then buried his face in my neck, and pecked it softly.
"Y/N.. your gonna promise me, right now, that you are never, and I mean NEVER do this to yourself, ever again, you hear me?" he scolded. I nodded hesitantly, hoping he wouldn't notice it wasn't genuine.
"Y/N, talk to me, say you promise, this: *he nodded* isn't good enough for something like this". He waited for me to say it, and when I didn't, he grew irritated.
"Please Y/N" he begged. I saw the pain in his eyes, and it made my heart rip in half like crazy. I had to try to appease him somehow. I had to try and not cut my body for once. When have I ever really tried? Never. Because no one has ever been there to tell me not to. And now that Jungkook shows interest in caring about and for me, it means everything to me. I trust him with my life, which I have known him for 6 years of. I have to try, for myself and him.
"I promise" I told him, and it looked like he believed in me.
"I love you, ok?" he said. I smiled slightly.
"I love you too" I said back. And he smiled too.
The rest of the night, he held me close to him and kept me warm for hours.
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