Jimin // Don't Go (2)
Jimin's P.O.V:
"Jimin...?" I heard Y/N exhale my name out breathlessly. Her car stopped in the parking spot abruptly, causing me to turn my head and face her. I looked into her eyes, which looked red around the pupils from crying so hard for so long.
"Yes Y/N?" I replied, forcing a smile and taking ahold of both of her hands. I waited for her to say what she was going to tell me, but nothing was said.
"N-nevermind.. I dont want you to be late for boarding or miss the flight because of me.. it's not important" she explained. I wanted to refuse her holding back, hoping it'd actually be something as important to her as it sounded. But I didn't.
Deep down I knew she wished I would've begged to get it out of her
I stared at her intensely, shifting my eyes back and forth between her eyes and lips, that had been slightly tinted with a dark shade of plum red.
Damn I wish I could just-
Why can't I let myself want her?
Why can't I just kiss her right then and there to avoid making a big mistake that I know damn well I WILL regret and shame myself for later?
She does the samw, trailing her eyes up and down my face, and I gulp, wondering if what I want to happen is going to occur.
And when it doesn't, I stop.
Hear that? It goes..
Hear it now? That is exactly what the sound a heart makes when it is beginning to snap into a million pieces. I hurts.
A lot.
She sighed and without a word ejected her car key from the ignition, stepped out of the car and popped the trunk open for me to grab my stuff. I removed my weight from the cars passenger seat and went to the trunk to grab my things. I didn't have much.
Just a suitcase and a backpack.
"Here" she said bluntly before shoving my belingings into my arms gently. After I collected all my things from her trunk, we began walking to the airport entrance.
once we gkt through security, metal and liquid detector, Y/N and I strolled to the gate for my flight. There was still eight minuetes that remaimed till all of the first class passengers we're enabled to board on the plane. I was class 1, A4, meaning I stand as the fourth person boarding this plane.
I took a.deep breath and turned to see a blank faced Y/N staring at the floor. She was barely breathing.
"Y/N?" I said loud enough to catch her attention. She swung her head around, flinging her hair over her eyes.
"Whoa there". I chuckled quietly, earning a slight smile. I pushed the hair in her face back behind her ears to join her other strands of hair that fell so perfectly against the back of her neck. She blushed at my fingers brushing against her temples, and I continued to laugh under my breath.
"Yes Y/N?" I answered almost immediately, eager for her next words to be spat out.
"I just wanna say a couple things before the thought of never seeing you again kicks in. You have no idea how muc you've ichanhed and impaxted my life for the better, and losing you now will be like losing a part of me. Because I have reseved fifty percent of my heart for you because I-"
Before she could finish the loud speaker cut off Y/N's sentence. I rolled my eyes in annoyance and waited for it to end.
'Please note that in less than one minuete first class passengers will be allowed to begin boarding now at gate 22, thank you andhave a safe flight to San Fransisco!'
Once it finished, I sighed. I grabbed ahold of Y/N's hand and shook it slightly. She looked at me with hollow eyes and murmured my name under he breath.
"...you should get in line to board" Y/N said quietly. I placed my second and third fingers together and used them to rise up Y/N face from under her chin. She looked at me with those painful, hurt eyes once again that pierced through my heart just like a bee sting.
"What we're you saying?" I asked while we rose up from our seats and I hugged her automatically. She never answered.
"I will miss you so goddamn much Y/N" was the last thing I told her before the flight attendants basically shoved me into the line, ushering me to get my ticket out and prepare it for them to scan so they could verify my identification and purchase for my ticket to let me on the plane. I wanted to slip oit of line so bad and pull her into another hug and never let go, but I simply kept moving towards the gate, like an idiot.
What am I doing?
Very hesitantly, I hand over my ticket, and roll my suitcase in through the gate entrance, but before I get in, I turn to take one last look at Y/N who is standing there watching me walk away from her.
Out of the corner of my eye, the corners of her mouth seem to pull into three syllables. they seem familliar, but I can't put my finger on it
Did she say "I love you"...?
Shaking my head making myself belive I am going crazy over her and im imagining things, I offically get in the plane and look and the rows of three seats that conunue to the back of the plane. The seats sandwich the slender walking aisle making it difficult for even someone with little to no luggage would find difficult to get through. Suddenly I stopped in my tracks. My heart began beating fasting than I've seen anyone run in my entire life. It xreated this painful thump in my chest that refused to go away. The feeling never fled and had no intention of fleeing until I decided to do something on my own.
I can't do this.
I can't and will NOT leave
I looked around behind me to see if someone was there, and luckily no one was. Quickly I spun my body around and ran out of the plane, hearing a couple "heys!" or "watch it'!" from annoyed people I accidenally bumped into, but honestly.
I could care fucking less.
As soon as I got out of the gate entrance where my boarding pass and ticket were scanned moments ago, my eyes chased the place where Y/N was once standing. But she had already began walking towards the exit. I saw a glimpse of her hair and I started running to her, screaming her name repetitively.
"Y/N!" I shouted, earning dirty looks from annoyed snobby old people. And yet again, I could care fucking less.
After about two more times of yelling her name, she finally very slowly turned around to see me twenty five feet away from her. Obviously shocked, she cupped her nose and lips hidden in her palms and began crying I assume. Without hesitation I dropped my bags to the floor and used all my speed to run back to her. Once I reached her, I wrapped my arms tightly as hell around her waist, slightly lifting her off of the floor. She removed her hands from her face to hug me back and instead placed them around my neck snuggly. After about twenty seconds of sobbing and holding each other in the others embrace as tightly as possible, I finally set her down on the ground, my arms still gripped on her hips.
"Y/N, I- Ah fuck it!" I was going to confess, but I think a kiss better explain that than words. I grabbed her face and forced my lips on Y/N's, recieving almost an immediate response as she kissed back. Our lips locked together perfectly even as I slightly used one hand on her butt to pull her body roughly against mine. The kiss was kept steadily rough, passionate, gentle and definitely full of affection and love.
Sadly, when we pulled away from each others lips, I saw a crying, flustered, but smiling Y/N.
"You crazy ass! Y-you came back for me...?" her question was shaky and I nodded my head in response
"Hell yeah I came back for you! I- I dont know how to pit this but I'll try. There has always been an adrenaline rush whenever im wkth you and I always joked that it ws your bad girl wild side. But the truth is that it was really necause my heart was beating uncontrollably for you. Cause I- I'm in love with you" I told her, leaving her expression flabbergasted.
"Before the stupid fucking lady on the speaker cut me off, I was gonna say I reserved half lf my heart just for you because I'm so in love with you" Y/N said blushing and crying. I smiled more than I ever have before and hugged her tightly once again.
"You have no idea how long I've hoped I'd hear you say that one day" I said through tears that were beginning to strean down my face in a bendy patern. I felt her smile form against the side of my neck, making me laugh slightly. I removed my arms from her torso and held her hands, holding them up to our eye sight.
"So y-you aren'tnleaving....?" Y/N asked quietly. I only smiled while silently studying the beauty Y/N possessed.
"Never. I love you too much, and I'd wish I had realize that I needed to tell you that sooner. I need you just as much as you do Y/N, whether you beluve it or not".
"I love you too, you fuckin' crazy ass" she said through giggles. I mouthed "c'mon" before leaning down on one knee to let her on my back. Still laughing a little, her tiny body climbed on my backx placing her hands on my shoulders. Suddenly, I felt her legs being wrapped around my lower waist, making me blush and tense up for a moment. I widened my eyes in embarassment and lust, but Y/N buried her soft faceu in my neck so I don't think she noticed. I wanted to say something but I..
...uh- didn't.
Reminding myelf we were still in a damn airport, I collected my things and run out to the car to head back home where I belong with the person I belong with.
And once we did get home, there was a little bit of fun that happened.. and I'm convinced sooner or later Y/N might be having a mini Jimin eventually.. Whoopsie..
Hopefully he'll have jams XD
Hiiii :3 so yah, I wanted to write this for so log and never got motivated enough, but tonight it happened for some reason. Sorry for the long wait btw.
Also if ur one of my constant readers kr followers you may have read my tragic Jin one shot before "Dont Go" (pt. 1) and I'm indescisive on how I want it to end
Happy or sad?
J-Hope you enjoyed this one, ARMY! More to come very soon so make sure to:
Vote, add, give a request or two and/or feedback! Love youu ♥♥♥
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