Jimin // Do It Again, I Dare You (2)
This is Sune Lee ok
Your P.O.V:
After an hour of the boys comforting me, I told them that they should get going because Sune Lee would be home soon. Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Jungkook, Hoseok and Taehyung all agreed to go out to the van and check up on me tomorrow morning, and text through the night. But Jimin refused to leave immediatley, and forced the boys to meet him in 5 minuets outside, max. After they walked out to the car, Jimin turned to look at me.
"God, Y/N.. I know I didn't do anything, but I feel absolutely fucking terrible.." Jimin apologized sweetly. Beginning to cry again, I nearly fell on top of Jimin, indicating a hug, but my body had grown so weak for so long, that I physically could no longer control my actions at all.
So here I lie, on my best friend, balling my eyes out, wondering what the hell I was thinking when I met Sune. I should've gone for someone I trusted, like Jimin. Wait- What the fuck am I thinking? Aren't I heartbroken?
Am I?
I began to zone out, leaving Jimin in silence as he held me tightly in his arms keeping his warmth against my cold body. I felt his eyes looking at me, so I looked back up at him.
"Jimin.." I said quietly. He caressed my cheek with his thumb, the rest of his fingers rested gently under my chin. His eyes scaled down and up, back and forth from my lips and from my eyes. I was confused or oblivious as to why. He leaned his face down closer to mine, and I could feel his warm breath against my skin.
"Yes?" he answered smiling.
"I- ...I'm afraid." I explained. I felt defenseless.
"Of what? I'm right here, I'm not gonna leave you alone. When he comes home, I'll hide in the closet, and if he lays a hand on you ONCE, I'll be right there, ok?" he said softly, trying to comfort me, but the tears only worsened. I didn't want to believe that Sune was capable of cheating AND hurting me physically. But in a way, he already has. I've been sick for days because of him.
"Ok?" he said once again, making sure I heard him through my sobs. I nodded my head in agreement faintly. He kissed my cheek, making a cold shiver send down my spine.
"Sorry.." he apologized. He looked hurt because he thinks he shouldn't have done that.
"It's fine.. I-..I'm just out of it.." I replied under my breath. I couldn't believe what Jimin had just done, but he did. And without hesitation.
I got terrified when I heard my notification on my phone go off. I picked it up slowly to see who it was, hoping it wasn't Sune Lee. It wasn't. It was my friend DΞΔN. I smiled in relief, and clicked on the message icon to read what he had sent.
* DΞΔN *: Saw Sune at the bar about 20 minuetes ago with at least 4 girls with him. Can't belive that guy. So sorry Y/N. He left after he spotted me. Must know I am your friend. He's probably coming home, so be prepared.
My eyes widened in shock, and I was growing upset again.
"Am I really that stupid? I couldn't tell at least one bit that this could be possible until now? What's wrong with me?" I told Jimin, struggling to speak clearly. He held me tighter and rubbed my back.
"Y/N, first of all, no, you aren't that stupid. In fact, you aren't "stupid" one bit. Sune is the stupid one. He had an amazing, kind beautiful girl right in front of him that loved him, and he just let it go like it was nothing. You didn't do anything wrong, I assure you of that. Nothing is wrong with you, I think you're perfect".
His words left my mouth agape in more shock than DΞΔN's message did. He just said I was amazing and beautiful at the same time. Some things that Sune Lee had never told me I was.
"You don't mean that.." I said solemnly.
"You think I don't mean it because you're asshole of a boyfriend never made you feel like you we're, when you really are beautiful".
Before I could speaku again, a loud knock on the door, who I assumed to be Sune Lee, came, following with his deep, angry voice screaming my name.
"Hide" I mouthed to Jimin silently, he nodded and quietly, yet quickly, arose from his seat and hid in the closet as he said. Sune yelled my name louder this time.
"Y/N!! Let me in now!" I heard.
"Coming!" I shouted back, I got up as quickly as I could to unlock the door so I wouldn't anger Sune more than he already was. If he saw DΞΔN at the bar, he is going to scream at me about it. He probably thinks I sent DΞΔN out to stalk him or something like that.
Once I unlocked the door, he immediatley brushed his shoulder passed me rudely.
"What the fuck, Sune? This has gone on too long. I know you aren't just "working" late anymore. I'm not gonna let you do this to m-" before I could get my last few words out, I felt a burning sensation after realizing that Sune had just slapped me. The burning sensation in my cheek grew worse every second. My mouth was left slightly open in pure shock.
"Don't you ever, and I mean EVER, tell me what I can and can't do. You fucking cunt" he scolded angrily, forcing tears down my face. He hit me in the exact same spot, worsening the pain on my face.
Before I could react, all of a sudden, Jimin busted out of the closet and charged at Sune. He tackled Sune straight into a dresser, making the weight of both of them shake the lamp off of the dresser. It fell on Sune's head, and I flinched when the glass hit the floor. There was a piece stuck in Sune's head, and he slowly leaned up to meet his devilish eyes with mine.
"Your dead you bitch" he mouthed towards me. But that only pissed Jimin off more. He forcefully sent his knee up into Sune's jaw, and we both heard a cracking noise. Just when he thought Sune had blacked out, Jimin turned to go check on me.
"Y/n! Oh my god are okay!?" he asked, caressing my slapped face gently. My eyes widened when I saw Sune rise off the ground with a beer bottle in hand, which was nearly hovering over Jimin's head. I pushed Jimin away from me as quickly as I could
"JIMIN LOOK OUT!" I yelled. He quickly spun around just in time to approach and stop Sune's attack. He brought his hand to the bottle, trying to throw it from Sune's grip, but failed weakly. He tightened his fingers around Sune's wrist as hardly as he could and wrestled him to the ground. The bottle flew from Sune's hand and to the floor, leaving more glass shards to be shattered everywhere in the apartment. Next thing I knew, Sune had gotten on top of Jimin, and began punching Jimin aggressively in the face over and over again until he started to bleed slightly.
Scared for Jimin and my own, I scanned the room for any kind of defense mechanism, and I meant ANYTHING. I brought my eyes below to the floor, and my eye caught glimpse of the glass shards on the floor. Quickly, I grabbed ahold of the sharpest and largest piece I could find in the short time. I silently walked towards Sune and Jimin, and once I hovered over Sune, I bit down on my bottom lip before plunging the shard of glass into his upper back repetitively.
- Jimin's P.O.V:-
I felt my own blood trickle down from my nose and onto my lips, and I licked it away. For some reason, the punches stopped, the pain was distracted, and all I could see was blood dripping down from Sune Lee's shirt and onto the ground behind him. Shortly after, he collapsed to the right of me, not moving, and I saw a crying Y/N in front of me. I scanned her entire body, looking for any horrible injuries Sune might have un/intentionally caused, but I stopped to see a blood-stained piece of glass in her hand. My eyes grew wider as she looked at me, balling her eyes out. All of a sudden, she dropped the glass to the floor and tackled me tightly into a hug. Hugging Y/N back just as tightly, I rubbed her back gently, and kept whispering to us "we're okay".
"Let's get out of here" I told her before I picked her up and into my arms, heading towards the door. I wrapped her legs around my waist, and I could feel feel her breath shaking as she buried her face into my neck. A tear rolled down under my eye socket, and trailed below my jawline and onto the floor. Once I got to the door, I checked one last time to see if Sune was still moving, He lied silently on the floor where we left him. His light grey shirt and jacket was slowly being dyed in the color of his own red blood. I sighed and opened up the door quietly, and ran out with Y/N secured tightly in my arms until I got to my car.
As soon as I got down to the parking garage where I had my car parked, I opened the front passenger seat door for Y/N, who is now asleep in my arms, I placed her gently in the seat and closed the door behind before getting into the drivers seat and heading home
-Your P.O.V:-
I woke up in the middle of the night wondering what time it was exactly. I glanced at the clock placed on a table.
1:48 AM
I must be at Jimin's house after the fiasco earlier this night. I never wanted to go back there again. I'd watch my things burn in an insinorator before going back to that apartment.
I realized that there we're a pair of non-clothed, muscular arms wrapped tightly around my body. I looked over beside me to see a sleeping Jimin on the couch next to me. I smiled slightly, and kissed his forehead, hoping he wouldn't wake up. But.. he did wake up after my lips touched his head. He shook his head to the left and right once each, before looking at me, and smirking cutely.
"Hey" he finally said. He cupped my chin under the palm of his hand and looked at me, smiling slightly.
"H-Hi Jimin" I responded, smiling back at him lightly. I felt his thumb caress the side of my face (which still slightly burned) gently, making me wince.
"Sorry" he apologized quietly before removing his hand from my face. He rested his hand now on my waist, conviniently nearby mine. He stared down at my fingers for ahwile before looking back at me. He pressed his lips together firmly, and looked down, licking his lips. He clenched my hand, holding it to his face. Jimin brought the top of my hand to his lips softly, making me blush. He grinned at me adorably. Jimin looked into my eyes deeply for a solid 25 seconds nearly, took a 5 second glimpse down to my lips, and back up into my eyes soon after. I could feel my heart beating faster and faster inside of my chest. It hurt, but this pain wasn't overly hurtfull. It was just.. A rush. And I kind of liked it.
"Jimi-", I was cut off by his words.
"Call me oppa Y/N.." he told me. I gulped before biting my lip.
"O-Oppa.." I stuttered, and immediatley after I called him "oppa", he forced his lips to lock with mine. Taken back at first, I sat there in his arms wide-eyed, but began to give in and kiss him back. Jimin "tied my wrists" into an invisible knot and placed them above my head, continuing to move our lips with each others on perfect timing. He bit down hard on my bottom lip, making me moan out loudly against his mouth. I could feel his devious smirk against my lips as he darted his tongue through my mouth, lacing it back and forth with mine.
After about nearly 2 minuetes of this, he pulled away hesitatnly for breath, as did I.
"Y/N, I'm sorry, but I needed that at some point, and I needed that tonight. I can't breathe when I'm with you. When I see you, I just want to grab you and kiss you so god damn badly. But I knew it wasn't ok for me to make a move until Sune had been out of the picture. And I'm sorry if this make's me seem like a total jerk, but if you hadn't.. K-killed Sune, I am not sure I'd ever be saying this to you right now. So please.. You don't have to decide right now, but sooner than later, I hope.. I have to request that someday you become mine. I can't live another day knowing my heart throbs everytime I'm next to you and I can't have you. Because.. I-I truly am in love with you Y/N. I fucking love you".
Jimin just confessed his love to me. I don't know what to feel. Happiness? Shock? Both? I have a weird feeling in my chest, and it's very odd.
Is that how.. "love" feels when you find it....?
"Don't say sorry, because it's difficult for me to not do that to the one I'm so crazy in love with either". I paused, earning a smile from Jimin. "Do it again".
"...Huh?" Jimin questioned, confuzzled.
"Do it again. I dare you" I told him licking my lips. He picked me up into his arms and walked to his bedroom. He layed me on the bed gently, and began kissing my neck, sucking softly in one place once in a while. I nearly breathed out his name silently as his teeth dug against the skin on my neck.
I don't know exactly how I feel, what is happening, or what is going to happen next for that matter. But I do know that as long as it's with Park Jimin, I feel safe. I trust him with my life and heart. I just didn't realize that until tonight. And I wish I would have sooner. So now that I have, I don't have to worry anymore about going home everyday knowing he's getting off with other women, because I've known Jimin long enough that I know for a fact that he'd never hurt me that badly. I think I know why I've been losing my mind lately. It's not only because of wondering where the hell Sune was each day, it was also because someone was playing with my heart and threw it at someone, and they caught it, and never gave it back.
And that person was Park fucking Jimin.
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