J-Hope // In The Moonlight
After a lazy, broing day of watching Netflix and pigging out on junk food all day, a text message was recieved.
♥Hobi♥: Y/N, meet me at the park in 10 to hang out pleaseeee, I miss youuuu
I smiled.
Me: Ok, cya then ^-^ I miss you too Hobi
♥Hobi♥: :)
I "got ready" (straigtened up and fixed my hair slightly before sneaking out my window, even though no one was home. The door was a bitch to get open even if its hard to believe, this was somehow easier to get out.
I started walking and began to curse myself because I forgot both my keys AND a jacket.
"Shit.." I whispered under my breath.
I felt a weird feeling, as if I was being watched, but continued to head for the park, since their was no point going home, considering I LEFT MY KEYS INSIDE. The feeling lingered behind me and foostwps were audible that approached close behind me. All of a sudden, a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my waist and picled me up against their chest.
"I missed you oh my god!" he yelled.
"You scared me goddamn it!" I shouted back angrily, beginning to tear up out of fear.
He must have caught a glimpse of the single tear glistening in the moonlight because his expression fell from happy to solemn in mere seconds. He frowned and looked down.
"Awww I'm sorry Jagi.." he said while hugging me, trying to comfort me.
"Hey.." he called for ky attention as he lifted my chin up to stare into my eyes.
He made a funny, but sexy face, mouth agape, whicu made me giggle. My tears began drying and Hobi without hesitation wrapped my legs around his waist, picking me off the ground and into his arms. He started carrying me towards the park which was barely 100 feet away, and in under 30 seconds, we we're there.
"You want me to set you down?" he askef politely.
I shook my head no, burying my face into his chest, shivering. Hobi sadly realized quick what was going on and looked at me with a risen eyebrow.
"You cute dumby, you forgot your jacket, didn't you" he ruffled my hair afyer foguring out my stupidity.
I nodded shamefully and he rested his chin on my head, pulling me even closer to his body. I felt heated up after a while, and he pulled away from the hug, then suddenly, he began lifting up his sweatshirt.
To my suprise, it appeared he didn't have a dhirt under that. I blushed slightly and next thing I knew, his bare torso was revealed. I stared in awe and embarrassment not being able to move. He shot a cute smirk my way, making my expression become more flustered if possible.
"Like what you see?" he teased, a bright, white glisten shown through his eyes beautifully as it hit the light.
I hit his arm playfully, and he faked groaning in pain. I rolled my eyes and hid my face, trying to not remember my best friend/crush beside me with absolutely nothing on above his waist.
"Here" he offered plainly, shoving his sweatshirt gently my way.
"Hobi.. no, you'll catch a c-"
"Y/N, honestly, your worth losing an eye for, I think I can handle a cold. besides, I'll just cuddle you, m'kay?" he bickered humorously, insisting I take his sweatshirt. I sighed and eventually accepted it, pulling it over my body, my shirt slightly lifted up on the side. I didn't think much of it, but once I could see again after regaining my vision out from under the hoodies fabric, Hobi eyes widened. He bit his lip, looking away once he realized I caught him looking at me like that. I chuckled lightly and shook my head. I pulled the hood halfway over my head and gently grabbed Hobi by his bare waist, holding each other in our arms, trying to keep warm.
"Thank you, Hobi" I thanked, and he smiled in return.
"Your welcome, Jagi. And how about from now on you call me.. o-oppa..?" he requested shyly.
"Hmm.. okay. Thank you oppa ^~^" he seemed to blush when I agreed and called him by his new "nickname". I smiled barely, staring at him intensely. I sighed in agony, remembering were not and probably never will be together.
Always being friend-zoned..
"Wanna go on the swings?" he asked.
"But if you stop hugging me, you'll freeze! I don-"
"Y/N. I would die for you. And I'd certainly freeze for you. Now come on" he grabbed me and picked me up once again.
He set me down gently on one of the swingset seats and walked behind me. I felt a huge gust of wind blow against my face as Hoseok pushed me on the swing. He gave it another two gentle pushes and I found myself high in the air, going up and down (EXID pun lol). I soon felt like I was going to high, so I yelled for him to stop.
"Hobi! Please stop!" I shrieked, now fearing flying off the swingsets.
He immediately brought my speed to an abrupt halt in front of me and I stopped, my body slightly jolting forward. I soon realized that Hoseok's face we're barely inches apart from mine. His eyes went from my eyes and lips repetitively, as did I.
"O-oppa...?" I questioned.
He didn't respond but instead slammed his lips to mine, bringing his and mine together in a warm, passionate kiss. He slightly tilted his head to the right and pushed my face closer to his, deepening the kiss. I felt him gently ask for entrance by nibbling on my bottom lip. I allowed him in and just ad the kiss grew heated, Hoseok bit down a litter harder on my lip once again as he was separating the lovely touch of our kiss. His soft, mint-scented breath hit my blush-covered cheeks, which he caressed gently with his thumb, trscing the outline of my deeply defined cheekbones.
"So..I'm just gonna say it.. I love you, so much, and I needed to see you tonight in order to make this official. So, if you would.. would you promise to be with me forever?
Tears were slowly filling my eyes, but I choked them back reluctantly. I sniffled, roughly whiping my nose and eyes with a napkin from Panda Express (dont ask) that I found in my jeans pockets. Hobi giggled cutely, and ran his fingers through my hair, pushing it back to look at my face.
"Yes, of course Hobi, I love you too, oh my god, yes" I rose up from the swings and threw my arms around his still cold body, holding him tightly.
I sobbed happily into his shoulder, apologizing silently for getting his arm all wet. We stood like this for a while in each others embrace but he oulled away from my grasp.
"I'm so glad I'm not friend-zoned anymore, you don't even know" I cried out in relieved tears.
"Me too. But.. you should get home now, it's getti ng later and colder by the minute" he stated factually.
"Um.. I- ...I left my keys at home inside.. c-can I stay with you tonight?" I adked nervoudly, hoping he wouldn't end up turning me down.
"Oh course you can babygirl" he agreed gladly, kissing my lips quickly.
"Thank you so much, oppa, I love you"
"I love you too, pabo" he teased.
"Hey I am not!!!" I had a fake mini tantrum, making him burst out laughing.
"I'm taking you home now" was the last thing he said before picking me up bridal style into his arms.
I squeeled shrilly but we didn't deem to mind much at all.
At Hobi's house...
He set me down on the porch while he ubkocked the door. Once the click was heard he re-acquired me into his embrace. He carried me through out the house and to his room, setting me on his bed. I giggled when he almost collapsed on top of me, but he held his weight above me, hovering over my body. He showered my cheek, jawline, nose, neck and lips with gentle, butterfly kisses that tickled after his lips left my skin. He suddenly stopped once he reached my lips and connected them with his roughly. I kissed back, scratching his back with my nails. I felt a warm and wet circle-shaped mark left invisibly against my lip, making my breathing heavier.
After another 3 minutes of this, he finally broke away, leaving us dumfounded and panting.
"Damn.." he whispered seductively.
"I love you Hobi. So much".
He kissed my forehead and held me close to his still shirtless chest.
"Lovevyou more, my beautiful babygirl"
Boy am I lucky.
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