Princess Celestia will Molesti-yah! PART 2
ÀÑ: Get your popcorn ready cause this is gonna be a loong chapter :))
Applejack was softly licking Rainbow Dash's face.
"Tee hee, AJ! That tickles!"
"Uh, yeah, that's tha point!"
Dash was struggling to get out of her lover's grasp, but grinning the whole time. She was so immersed in her happiness. she did not notice the dark blue alicorn seething and scowling just a few yards away.
"Applejack!" Dash playfully protested.
The earth pony was now blatantly slurping her cheek and it was starting to get more odd than erotic.
"Haha, are you dreaming about Applejack?" Her lover asked, but now, her voice sounded strangely similar to...
Rainbow opened her eyes and found herself face-to-face with Scootaloo.
"Are...are you licking my face?" Dash asked, extremely confused.
"Well, I was hungry! There was no more ice cream left, but you fell asleep with a huge glob all over your face."
"Great," Dash said, lightly shoving the little pegasus off her and getting on her hooves.
She stretched and looked around the room, taking everything in. In a moment, the days events traveled back into her mind and she shuddered. Today she was going to get this necklace off even if it killed her.
"You didn't answer my question," Scootaloo said suddenly.
"And what question was that?" Dash yawned.
"Were you just dreaming about fucking Applejack?"
There was a dead silence in the room for a second as Dash's eyes shrunk in horror.
"SCOOTALOO!" She shouted finally, unsure if she was angry about the question or shocked that Scootaloo knew such a vulgar word.
"WHAT- I mean where did you learn that word?!"
"From you, Rainbow Dash!" Scootaloo said proudly.
"You said it like, twenty million times yesterday."
Dash slammed her mouth shut, feeling quite ashamed. She looked down, then back to the orange filly.
"Do you know what it means?" She asked, softly.
"Uhhh..." Scootaloo looked puzzled for a moment, then suddenly inspiration hit her.
"Ooh! I know! It's one of those words you can replace with a word you shouldn't say. Like, just now, when I said 'fucking', I really meant 'kissing', but I thought maybe that was too inappropriate to say."
Dash face-hoofed. Was I ever this naive and stupid when I was a filly?
"Scootaloo, when all this over, I'm going to explain to you why everything you said is wrong on so many levels. But, for now, never use that word again, okay? Oh, and Celestia's sake, pay attention in school!"
She wanted to add, without being able to fly, you don't have too much else going for you, but bit her tongue. This was no time to take her frustrations out on a little filly. It wasn't her fault Dash was in this mess.
"Come on, we have a lot to do..." She bit Scootaloo's tail and dragged her out of their hotel room.
* * * * *
Rainbow Dash was slinking around the Canterlot Royal Gardens. Luckily for her, all the excitement from the day before had died down. Security was still pretty tight, as the guards all but laughed at Scootaloo when Dash had told her to try and get inside to see the Princess for an urgent matter. They still didn't budge when Dash sent her back a second time and reminded her to mention that she was a personal friend of Princess Twilight Sparkle. For whatever reason, the guards didn't take the young pegasus seriously. Perhaps it was because she still had ice cream around her mouth and had the attention span of a goldfish.
Rainbow was just peeking around the corner of a large hedge, making sure Scootaloo was properly checking out her path, when somepony spoke behind her.
"Rainbow Dash, may I ask what it is you're doing in my gardens?"
Dash froze. Princess Celestia was right behind her and she was pretty sure she was in her line of vision. She was so scared of what might happen, she didn't turn around for an awkwardly long amount of time. When she finally did, Celestia was looking at her with an eyebrow raised.
Rainbow Dash, what's going on here-"
"Oh, no, Princess Celestia!" Dash said, throwing herself in front of the alicorn's hooves.
"Not you, too!"
Celestia looked down, quite confused, but the pieces to the puzzle suddenly came together when she spotted a familiar looking necklace wrapped tightly around the blue pony's neck.
"No, Rainbow, Not me too."
Dash opened her eyes and slowly got up. She was elated and confused, but also speechless. All she could do was stare and cock her head to the side. Celestia smiled.
"You see, the spell doesn't work on the pony that cast it."
"At first I couldn't understand all the letters Twilight had been sending me the past two days about you. Or why my sister was equally thrilled to talk about you. And it startled me further when all of your friends showed up here this morning, practically fighting each other and begging me to have the final say over which one of them has...What was the word they used? Oh, yes, dibs."
Dash blushed slightly, but Celestia continued,
"Then when my guards informed me that you and your handicapped sister were sneaking around in the gardens, I knew something was very wrong."
"Wait, my handicapp-" Dash paused to look over to where she last saw Scootaloo, only to discover she had made herself a faux armor suit out of hedge trimmings and was trying to get her cutie mark in being a knight by jousting with a stick.
"You know what? Nevermind.
"So, you made this necklace?" Dash asked
"Indeed, I did."
"Can you tell me how to get it off?"
"That I cannot do. But I can tell you that it won't be easy."
"ARGH! THAT'S ALL ANYPONY'S BEEN ABLE TO TELL ME!" Then, after realizing she had just shouted at the princess, she added sheepishly,
"I mean, please Princess! If you made it, then you should know how to reverse it! This necklace has made my life a living nightmare!"
"Tell me, Rainbow Dash, why did you choose to use it in the first place?"
"I didn't even know it was enchanted!" Dash protested.
"I found it in the Everfree Forest! I had lost my new Daring Do book and it was too dark to see anything! I stumbled upon this necklace when I noticed how bright it was glowing and I used it to light the forest floor enough to find my book."
"Oh, dear. Well, that does make this rather interesting then, doesn't it?"
"No, it doesn't. It makes everything SUCK." Dash pouted.
"Come, take a walk with me and I'll explain the real story..."
Dash scampered after Celestia as she slowly walked through the garden.
"Long ago, when I was still quite young and my sister was even younger, I was a very different pony. You may not believe this, but I was rather bored for a while and became a bit of a prankster.
It was hard to leave the castle to do anything without being surrounded by ponies that admired me, so I took on a disguise. I often frequented a little hut where I would sell potions that didn't do exactly what they expected them to do. They were all harmless, of course, and most of them had a laugh on the matter after their initial frustration."
This made Dash think back to a few pranks she had pulled herself. Twilight had been rather irked when she and Pinkie had switched her ink, but now she always laughed whenever the situation was brought up. Celestia continued.
"One day, an earth pony mare came bursting into my hut demanding a love potion. She was desperately in love with a stallion she had seen in the marketplace the week before, but was too nervous to speak to him. She was sure he would reject her and had decided that the only logical solution was to put a spell on him. I told her that I would never use magic to tamper with anypony's emotions, it's not fair and it wouldn't even be a funny prank. However, the mare was unrelenting. She bothered me daily, always finding new ways to irritate me on the matter. No matter how many times I explained to her how complicated love spells were and most of the time, they backfire, much to the user's dismay, it wouldn't convince her. I even admitted that I was merely a jokester, just looking to have a laugh, and none of my potions ever brought what they claimed to. She eventually became so annoying and persistant that I regrettably made the spell for her.
I enchanted a necklace, the same one that's around your neck today, to make the stallion fall in love with her. However, like I tried to warn her, the spell backfired. Messing with a pony's emotions, particularly love, never works out. Soon, the mare found herself fighting off every single pony in the town!"
"That's exactly what's happening to me! Only I never wanted anypony to love me in the first place! Ughhh...Did she ever get the stupid thing off?"
Celestia nodded,
"Yes, she did. When she came back to me, very upset and looking to reverse it, I tried very hard not to laugh or tell her 'I told you so'. Actually, I may have chuckled just a little. However, I gave her the same advice I just told you, it's possible, but not easy."
"So, how did she do it?"
Without realizing it, the two mares had made their way through the garden and were walking inside the castle. Celestia didn't say anything as she lead Rainbow Dash down corridors and up to two large doors.
"I can't tell you exactly how to remove it, as the spell works differently to adjust to whoever wears it. Perhaps you should look into the hint just a bit more, maybe you need to do something that isn't easy for you. It seems to me you haven't been very honest with your friends. You've been flying away from them and avoiding even looking them in the face. And I don't just mean since you put the necklace on."
Again, Rainbow blushed and looked away.
"For starters, maybe you should try being honest with them. They're your friends, aren't they? Don't you love and cherish them?"
"Of course I do! I love my friends more than anything! I'd give up everything for them!"
"Well, I'm not the one you should be telling," She pushed the door open with her hoof.
"Tell them."
Rainbow nodded, but her insides began doing more loops than even she could do in the air. She slowly walked in and over to her friends, who were still all waiting patiently inside. She walked up to Rarity first, who turned her head.
“Rarity!” Rainbow pleaded, she needed everyone to comply if she was ever going to remove the horrid thing.
“What?” She looked around.
“I have nothing to apologize for!” She turned her nose up.
“Your performance, Rainbow, on the other hoof…”
“I’m not talking about…about the sex!” Rainbow shut her eyes, frustrated.
‘We need to just be…honest with each other. And…and if we are being honest…I have always admired your passion and talent for dress making. I may not be as interested in all that girly stuff as you are, but I do sometimes wish I could pull it off as well as you do. You ARE a beautiful mare, Rarity, and I don’t just mean on the outside. You are going to make somepony really happy one day, but that pony isn’t me, I’m sorry.”
Rarity eyes grew large and she smiled before taking a breath.
“Why, thank you, Rainbow! I never would’ve guessed you felt that way, especially about my dresses. If I am being honest as well, I admire your confidence. While I may appear confident and act as though I always know I am beautiful, well, I don’t. I have a terrible fear of being rejected or not being good enough. I have never seen that fear in you, Dash, and that is a fear no pony should have. And…” She sighed.
“While I did have fun with you, I accept your feelings and shall no longer pursue you. Unless, of course, you change your mind. I just so happen to have another one of those toys you seemed to need so badly-“
“And, thank you Rarity! I’m going to pretend you didn’t add that last part, because without that, it was exactly what I needed to hear from you. You’re not the only pony that hides her fears, some ponies are just better at believing their own lies.”
Rarity nodded and Rainbow locked eyes with the next friend to speak with. She held back a sigh, this really wasn’t easy!
“Fluttershy…” Rainbow smiled.
Fluttershy smiled back, but just barely. Her hair fell over her face as it usually did when she lowered her gaze to the ground. Her cheeks were beginning to match her hair in color again.
“Y-yes, Rainbow Dash?”
“When I told you that I loved you and not to say those awful things about yourself, I truly meant it!”
Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she looked back up, even if it was just slightly.
“You did?”
“Yes! You may be a little nervous and scared about some things…okay, a lot scared over almost everything, but you are certainly worth something! And so deserving of love! You have so many wonderful qualities, I mean, just look how much animals like you! Right there, that tells me what a gentle soul you possess, as animals don’t trust just any pony! You’re the element of kindness for a reason! And while it may seem kinda vague, that is a quality many ponies forget to share or become selective about who receives their kindness. But, you give it out to everypony! No matter what! And that is truly a gift. I may only love you as a friend, but it’s still a very strong love. And I hope I’m lucky enough to still call you my friend.” Rainbow smiled hopefully at the yellow pegasus.
“Oh, of course Rainbow Dash! I’ll always be your friend, no matter what! I…I love you, too.” She said, the last part more softly than the rest.
“You have always stuck up for me and put up with my timidness, how could I ever turn away such a good friend? I’m sorry I got a little carried away before, but I just don’t know what I was thinking. And of course I envy a lot about you, in my eyes, you just have it all! Talent, confidence, and…looks. But, most importantly, your loyalty to your friends. Your loyalty to me. That isn’t your element for nothin’, you know.” She winked.
Rainbow smiled again, beginning to feel better and finally enjoying her friend’s company again. She was still nervous about what she was going to say to the last of her friends, the hardest truth she was going to have to face, but at least it was becoming more and more clear as she opened up to everypony. She walked over to Pinkie Pie next, who was bouncing happily, awaiting her turn.
"Pinkie Pie..." Dash began.
"I don't even know where to start. You mean so much to me, as a friend. Some of the best times in my life have been hanging out with you. I can't think of a pony that more fun to pull pranks with or more fun to be around. I am always amazed but what a deep pony you are, underneath all your craziness and hyperactivity. You remember every little important detail about your friends, you're always ready to give up anything for anypony, and you're always putting other ponies needs before your own. I mean, you forgot your own birthday one year, you silly filly! And that is truly amazing, how altruistic you are. But, it was kind of nice to see you act a little selfish the other day. I don't think it was really the best way and I'm going to have nightmares about that day for the rest of my life, but at least you did something for yourself. Even if it was terrifying and painful. I don't want to be your sub, Pinkie Pie, but I want to be your friend. And all do anything for you, just please never, never, NEVER do ... that to me again, okay?"
"Awwh, you didn't like it? How come you didn't use the safe word then?"
Dash's jaw dropped.
"S-safe word? There was a safe word?! Why didn't you tell me!"
"Of course I did, silly! It was 'fun'! I said it like a bazillion times and winked at you every time I did!"
Dash's eye twitched.
"FUN!" She shouted at her friend.
"I understand, Rainbow. I wouldn't have done any of those things to you if I had known you weren't enjoying it, honest! I thought you were just playing a role, that's why they call it role-playing! Get it? I'm really sorry, Dashie, can you ever forgive me and go back to being bestest best friends?"
"Of course, Pinkie." Dash hugged the pink pony before moving on.
Every pony standing next to her, however, decided to take one step away from Pinkie Pie.
"Twilight..." Dash said sadly.
The purple alicorn eyed the pegasus, then turned her eyes away again. She had refused to take one look at her since she began her honesty intervention. Twilight's feelings had been hurt the most and she wasn't ready to forgive her friend just yet.
"I can't blame you for being angry with me, I would be furious if some pony I loved kept running away from me. I'm not sure if you'll believe me, but it honestly wasn't on purpose. I know that might sound even more inconsiderate, that I wasn't even thinking about you enough to notice I was blowing you off, but that's not how I meant it at all. You see, Twilight, I think I'm closest to you as a friend than any pony else. We might clash heads on what a fun night consists of, but that doesn't mean I don't look up to you. Because I do. You are our leader, but so much more than that. When I look at you, at how strong and brave you are, well, it makes me feel strong and brave, too. So many times I've wanted to give up, you have no idea, but then I look at you. At the pony that never gives up, the pony who always finds a way. It inspires me. I know I hurt your feelings by ditching you when you were trying to tell me you loved me, but I was scared. I love you, too, Twilight. So, so much. But, it's a platonic love. You are so many things to me, Twilight, but a lover is not one of them. I ran away from telling you this because the last thing on this planet I'd ever want to do is hurt you, of all ponies. But, that's exactly what I ended up doing. I'm sorry I'm such a feather-brain, Twi. Can you please forgive me?"
Twilight tried to hold back how much Rainbow's speech had touched her heart, but it was hard. She hated to admit it, but she could feel tears welling up in her eyes. She looked up into Dash's eyes and gazed into them.
"Please?" Dash added. That did it.
"You are NOT a feather-brain." Twilight said, tears streaming down her face.
The two ponies embraced, Twilight trying to stop her tears. Dash trying to hold back hers.
"I love you, Dash. Thank you so much for being honest with me, I guess I didn't realize how hard this all may have been for you. I was so concerned with my feelings, I didn't consider how you felt. And for that, I'm sorry, too. Everything you just said means so much to me, I never knew you saw me that way. Rainbow, you are one of the best friends a pony could ask for. I...I... I just wish I had known you were going to say this stuff, so I could've prepared an appropriate rebuttal! This one won't work at all!"
Twilight threw her note cards in frustration and they landed all over the floor. The ponies giggled. Typical Twilight.
Now, the hardest one of all, Dash thought to herself.
Applejack smiled nervously as Rainbow approached her finally. Ok, here we go, you can do this! Dash told herself.
“Applejack…” She began.
“I…uh…well, this is really hard for me. I saved you for last because what I’m going to tell you, what I’m going to finally admit to myself, is one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. I’ve felt this, for so long, deep inside my heart. But, it scared me, so I just kept pushing it down and trying to pretend like it wasn’t there. I’ve never loved a pony in that way before, never felt so scared that they might not want me, that I might lose everything with them, especially their friendship. Which means more to me than anything, so even if when this necklace comes off and you suddenly don’t feel the same, well, then, at least I’ll still have you as a friend, and that’s all that matters. But, you’re on my mind constantly, Applejack. You follow me in my dreams, I feel like I have to beat you and be better at you than everything because…because it’ll make me good enough for you. Earlier, when you and I were alone, you were the one pony I could fully relax around and I felt pleasure in here more than anywhere else.” Dash put a hoof to her chest, indicating her heart.
“I love you, Applejack, as a friend and so much more. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy, in whatever way you want me to.”
Applejack smiled as she tried to hold back tears.
“Oh, sugar cube, ah love ya just the way ya are. Ah don’t care about silly contests or anything’, ya ARE good enough fer me! Yer good enough for any pony, Dash. Ya might not believe it, considerin everything ya’ll have been through the past few days, but ah didn’t jus decide ah wanted ya when ya’ll started sport in that fancy necklace. All it did when ah looked at it was give me the confidence to act upon it…honest.” She grinned.
“Ah love ya, too, Rainbow Dash. Ah truly do, from the bottom of mah heart. An’ ya already make me happier than ah’ve ever been, just by bein near me.”
“Well,” Rainbow said, wrapping her front legs tightly around her friend’s neck and nuzzling in as close as she could.
“You better get used to being this close to me, because I am never going to let you go.”
Applejack couldn’t hold it back anymore, tears began to slowly fall from her green eyes. The rest of their friends watched, slightly disappointed it wasn’t them, but also extremely happy that the ponies they cared about had found the happiness they had been looking for.
Dash almost didn’t notice the necklace unlatching itself and slipping away from her neck. As it hit the floor, Applejack pointed it out to her friend.
“Look, Rainbow! The necklace! It’s-“
“Quick, Applejack!” Rainbow’s magenta eyes locked eyes with Applejack’s green ones. They twitched back and forth as the pegasus looked deeply into them, searching into the depth of her lover’s heart and soul.
“Do you still love me? Was everything you said…true?”
But, before the earth pony could answer, a white light formed around the two of them. Then it slowly engulfed the rest of the ponies in the room. The light flew down to every single pony that had looked at Rainbow Dash the past couple days. Within seconds, all the ponies affected by the enchanted necklace and Rainbow Dash herself felt their eyelids being pulled down. Despite any pony’s best efforts, drowsiness sank in and they all fell to the ground, fast asleep. In the morning, the ponies would be slightly confused, but that would be it, no pony would remember what had transpired between themselves and the blue pegasus.
Princess Celestia watched as the little ponies fell into slumber and, one by one, she used her magic to softly put them in the various beds of guest rooms in the castle.
Very good, Rainbow Dash.
I’m proud of you.
I’m proud of all of you.
She sat herself down after Twilight and all her friends were tucked away, safely in their beds.
"And I hope to never ever hear the details of what those girls did to that pegasus.
I almost wish I could forget even knowing that anything happened between them at all.
Twilight…I didn’t know you had it in you!"
Man was this chapter looong hope yall enjoyed it:) sorry for those who dont like appledash i probably shouldve gave a warning first 😅 my bad y'all. Such a heartfelt chapter though:')
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