leon kuwata is horny on main
a/n: this is rlly ooc but im cryin in the club rn so- also mistakes in spelling are intentional! also this has no plot bdjdjdj sorry!!
8:36 am
< luckym created group "the gang!!!" >
< luckym added superpopstar, ihatebaseball, and thirteen others >
luckym: hi!
< Byakuya left the chat >
< queenofliars left the chat >
< ultimateauthor left the chat >
luckym : ):
detective: what is this, makoto
luckym: hiiiiiii kyoko! :D
luckym: its a gc for our class!!
detective: why
luckym: ,,,because i want to talk to you guys!!
KiyotakaIshimaru: Haha! Makoto is right, this is an excellent opportunity to bond with our peers!
luckym: thanks, taka!
420bro: why are you people awake so early
soldier: it's 9am....?
luckym: hi hiro hi mukuro- and what the hell time do you wake up
fuckinenoshima: he's a man-child what do you expect from him lmao
luckym: don't be mean junko ))):
420bro: i'm going back to bed this is slander
fuckinenoshima: someone add back rich bitch already this is getting boooooring
< ihatebaseball added Byakuya, queenofliars and ultimateauthor >
ihatebaseball: sup fuckers
KiyotakaIshimaru: Leon! Language like that is prohibited in school situations!
luckym: hi guys :))))
ihatebaseball: fuck shit piss
bi-cycle: leon are you sure that's a smart idea
ihatebaseball: cunt ass dick
ihatebaseball: taka's been quiet for a while,,,
420bro: you're in for it now
KiyotakaIshimaru: Leon, this is unacceptable! How dare you?? Do you not realise how much trouble you'll get in if yo
KiyotakaIshimaru: this is mondo i took his phone of him
KiyotakaIshimaru: leon you owe me one
ihatebaseball: you have all my gratitude
KiyotakaIshimaru: np bro ;)
< KiyotakaIshimaru changed bi-cycle's name to leon's saviour >
donutswimmer: hello, what's this?
superpopstar: oh hi!!! i dont know, i think makoto made it, ask him
donutswimmer: @luckym @luckym @luckym
luckym: hi guys!!! its a gc for our class!!
donutswimmer: how cute!!! is sakura here?
butchbadass: i'm here, babe :)
ihatebaseball: WH
ihatebaseball: ABAJSLSDJ SJS
superpopstar: is leon okay
ihatebaseball: B A B E ?
ihatebaseball: WH?????? DOES NOBODY TELL ME ANYTHING
Byakuya: I hate to get involved with your trivialities but yes, they've been dating for several months. How on earth did you not realise- nevermind, I could care less.
ihatebaseball: ...
donutswimmer: ...
superpopstar: sir, you are what is known as a buzzkill.
KiyotakaIshimaru: I have returned with my mobile! :D
KiyotakaIshimaru: Guys...?
a/n: pls comment i like attention
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