kiyotaka ishimaru has the eyebrows of a god
a/n: hi im trying to make taeko more prominent in celeste's personality as she becomes more comfy with her classmates
fuckinenoshima: my fingers are vaguely devoid of Girl right now
lesbisoldier: oh god mood
donutswimmer: mood i wanna hold hands with my gf rn
fuckinenoshima: oh my sweet summer child
lesbisoldier: i dont. think that's what she meant aoi
queenofliars: mood junko
donutswimmer: then what?? did she mean???
NOT TOKO: oh my god nobody explain this is too funny heheheheh
donutswimmer: someone eXPLAIN
butchbadass: aoi baby dm me
fuckinenoshima: oh my god im fucking sobbing
fuckinenoahima: sakura's really out her dming her girlfriend to say i'm horny on main huh
donutswimmer: what the FUCK junko sakura told me i am- that's so rude!!!
butchbadass: her response was mood
donutswimmer: S A K U R A W H Y
lesbisoldier: 😳😳😳
supergaystar: 👀👀👀
queenoflies: okay guys shut up for a minute i have tea to spill
fuckinenoshima: spill it biatch!!!!!
lesvisoldier: junko you sound like a mean girls wannabe pls shut up
<< lesbisoldier muted fuckinenoshima for 10 minutes >>
supergaystar: brutal but fair
supergaystar: anyway celestia honey tell us!!!!
420bro: hi im awake what is it cel
ihatebaseball: 😳 am curious what is it
queenoflies: you know souda from class 77, right?
lesbisoldier: the mechanic? yeah
ihatebaseball: ayy ofc i do! we're good pals
queenoflies: that's the one! i heard /komeada/ tell his boyfriend that they used to date??? nagito and kazuichi???????
fuckinenoshima: LMFAO WHAT A PAIRING
lesbisoldier: damn i thought souda's been hot for sonia since kindergarten- plus nagito's had it /bad/ for hajime for ages
ihatebaseball: nah its true kazuichi told me, that's wild tbh i'd never expect to see em together
<< fuckinenoshima changed queenofliars name to prettylittleliar >>
prettylittleliar: damn okay
fuckinenoshima: like the SHOW lmao im not flirting- or am i ;)
swear police >> ultimategaystar
swear police: Hello, Sayaka! May I request assistance? I believe i need your help...
ultimategaystar: ofc!! what advice do ya need, honey? <3
swear police: I...
swear police: I believe I may be in love with my kyoudai.
ultimategaystar: MONDO??????? MONDO OOWADA???????????????
swear police: Yes.
ultimategaystar: CAN I BE YOUR WINGMAN BBY
swear police: I do not believe I am affiliated with the term "wingman". However, if that makes you happy, so be it!!! You may be my "wingman"!
ultimategaystar: taka hun you're so pure i- anyway, i think you should tell mondo how you feel!!!!
swear police: You do???????
swear police: You honestly think I have a chance with him??????????
ultimategaystar: bb he loves you its so obvious
swear police: WHAT????????
ultimategaystar: i'm tellin the truth sweetie
swear police: I'll see you later- I have to go talk to him.
ultimategaystar: hope it goes well!!!!! <3
swear police: Thank you so much, Sayaka x
a/n: im sleepy but have this!
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