fiery redhead is pummelled with balls
a/n: why am i bullying leon in all my titles
3:54 pm
ihatebaseball: ever wonder what it'd be like to be straight
leon's saviour: mood
luckym: mood
boyscanbefeminine: mood
detective: mood
soldier: mood
fuckinenoshima: mood
donutswimmer: mood
superpopstar: mood
butchbadass: mood
KiyotakaIshimaru: Yes! I do wonder that sometimes :)
420bro: lmao gay
xX_ANIME_LOVER_Xx: cant relate
donutswimmer: the lesbians are doing good ty
queenofliars: actually, this lesbian is doing pretty badly thank you
xX_ANIME_LOVER_Xx: oh, my lady!! how may i assist?
queenofliars: i require milk tea.
queenofliars: and bring it quickly.
xX_ANIME_LOVER_Xx: i'm on my way!
KiyotakaIshimaru: Uhhh... anyway, the gays are doing splendidly, thank you! :D
superpopstar: the bis are doing good, right guys?
ihatebaseball: hell yeah
leon's saviour: of course we fuckin are
boyscanbefeminine: ofc!! :)
ihatebaseball: i dont think we have any trans homies so like.. hetties how it be
420bro: im getting high thanks 4 asking
xX_ANIME_LOVER_Xx: i'm good thank you!
queenoflies: why aren't you getting my tea, you little BITCH
KiyotakaIshimaru: How many times do i have to tell you guys not to swear...
< ultimateauthor changed KiyotakaIshimaru's username to swear police >
420bro: oh hey look at that! toko made a funny
< ultimateauthor changed ultimateauthor's name to NOT TOKO >
NOT TOKO: aHAHAHA IM NOT TOKO, silly!!! she could never make a single joke!!!!!! that's why i'm better than her ;)
< Byakuya removed NOT TOKO from the chat >
luckym: hey byakuya that's mean ):
Byakuya: You're telling me you want to listen to /that/?
luckym: well no but still-??
< luckym added NOT TOKO >
< NOT TOKO changed NOT TOKO's name to ultimateauthor >
luckym: toko...? you okay?
ultimateauthor: go away- goodbye i'm going to write now rather than be among /you/ people
luckym: i mean. okay
luckym: aaaaanyway, has anyone seen chihiro? i've been looking for him all afternoon
leon's saviour: yeah! he's here helping me with me bike
swear police: Oh! I had no idea you required assistance, you could have asked me if you needed?
leon's saviour: nahhh we're good dw bro
swear police: Oh. Okay!
donutswimmer: awww ishi
donutswimmer: come hang out with me and sakura instead! <3
swear police: No thank you! I need to study anyway...
donutswimmer: but we need help );
swear police: I'm on my way!!!!! :-)
soldier: have you ever seen a man so wholesome
ihatebaseball: rt
donutswimmer >> leon's saviour
donutswimmer: why're you leaving taka out?? you're his best friend man wyd
leon's saviour: fuckin' hell
donutswimmer: what
leon's saviour: chihiro's helping me work out how to ask him on a date, okay?
leon's saviour: don't you fuckin dare tell anyone
donutswimmer: holy shit that's adorable
leon's saviour: the fuck it is! this is manly, i'm being the man here!
donutswimmer: **holy shit that's masculine
donutswimmer: anyway, how are ya gonna do it?
leon's saviour: i bought him roses
leon's saviour: and i'm gonna knock on his door, give him the roses, and ask him on a date
donutswimmer: aw!! want me to keep him distracted 'till you're ready?
leon's saviour: yeah, that'd be fuckin good!
leon's saviour: errr.. i mean, thanks
donutswimmer: no problem!!! can't wait to hear his reaction!!!
leon's saviour: me too, aoi. me too
the gang!!!
5:35 pm
boyscanbefeminine: OH MY GOD GUYS GUESS WHAT
a/n: what happens next? does ishi get a boyfriend? what did chihiro have to say? find out next time on the disney channel ;)
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