~Naruto's POV~
After I spotted pointy hair dude, I made a straight b-line for him. From the looks of it he seemed to either be dozing off or acting like he was so people wouldn't bother him. A good strate if I do say so myself, might have to use it some time.
As I continued to approach him I was starting to get those stares again. Those stares that state that I'm lower than them. That I have no right to be staying in their presents. I hated those stares. With all the secret missions I've been on to save this village, if it wasn't for me, they've probably wouldn't even be alive. But even with those gross stares, I continued to walk towards him.
Once I reached his desk I took a deep breathe and faked cough. He slowly opened his eyes and made his eyes travel upwards until he finally reached my face. I had this giant smile on my face and said, "Hi, my name is Naruto." Even tough I meant for it to come out in the way that I normally speak while at school - loud - it came out slightly quieter and kinda shakey. Was I nervous?
"Why yes,I believe you are." I hear Kura say.
"Shut up. This is my first real outside encounter in a long time okay?
I'm not used to it."
"Or you think that's he's good looking." said Hiroshi.
"SHUT UP!" I say loudly in the mind set and hear a bunch of ouchs. So with a red face
I tune back into waiting for a response, and let's say it wasn't one that I thought I would get.
"Where did you go?" He asked with an eyebrow raise.
All I could do was stand there aw struck. "Huh?"
He sucked his teeth and whispered troublesome and continued, "Just now, after you said hey, its like you weren't here anymore. Like you left temporarily. Had a distance look." he whispered that part and looked away from me.
My blushed stayed on my face and started to think of some lies I could feed him. "Just say you got lost in his eyes." Kura laughed.
"No, I can't, that sounds so embarrassing."
"Better than the truth." Kura said.
"He could just tell the truth but say it in a jok-" Takashi was saying before he interrupted hime
"There's that look again." He said with a small smirk.
"Sorry, the voices." I said in a way that was meant as a joke but from his face he took another conclusion from it.
He nodded and said, " Okay, well Naruto with the voices, my name is Shikimaru. It's a pleasure to meet you officially."
I looked at him liked he grew another head, then gave him a guenine smile, "The pleasure is all mine."
~Shikimaru's POV~
I'm sitting in the back of class letting my shadows roam and take in the info of my fellow dumb classmates. Choji stated he was gonna come later which was kinda like a way for him to tell me not to go to the restroom anytime soon for it's not gonna smell too good. As I continue to let them roam, I realize that someone's shadow was coming closer. I also realize that I have never explored this person's shadows before, which means that they are either new or that they are letting me explore their shadow and knew that I was doing.
You can actually tell a lot from a person's shadow. Their agility, height, arms length, and many other elements that is useful for battling them.
Based on his person shadow, they are skilled, with both speed and flexibility. They also have a great amount of stealth behind them for their foot steps are light and airy. As they got closer I was starting to get more and more curious. Who was this powerful person?
To say I was surprised to see Naruto was an understatement. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the guy but I didn't expect for the powerful being to be him. Now that I'm thinking about, I've never did explore his shadows, how did I over look him?
He then said a nice little hi and it was kinda cute. I don't know but something about calling him cute just fit. I was about to say hello back but I then realize that he was't even fully paying me attention. He looked like he has dozed off and won't be back anytime soon. Once again cute.
When he finally came back I had to ask where he was off to, and I think that by asking that it kinda shock him up. While he was struggling to come up with an answer, I took this time to look around. I realize that most of the class is watching the us to see how we act wit another. I know that he an outcast for what is sealed in him, but in my opinion I think that he shouldn't have to deal with all that. We're all almost adults now, lets act like it. Gosh so troublesome. I then described to him that his eyes gave him away. On that he started to blush a tad bit more right before dazing off again.
It was kinda interesting to watch how his face changed. First it was a hard blush then a quick understanding, but before he could come up with the lie he was forming I interrupted. Stating that he's doing it again.
Then he does something I've never seen him do throughout this entire school year. He does this cute little lip bite and say, "sorry, the voices." At first I was mesmerized by the lip bite but then I realize that he is the tailed beast companion, maybe there are voices in his head.
Overall liked the way this was going so far so I decided to let him in a tad bit. I gave him my name and he gave me this beautiful smile saying something that just made me want to see how far this relationship could go.
*Raises hands.....* I know it's been forever but hear me out.
So life started to hit me hard and my small feelings of pain and loneliness turned into a whole (major) depression and I had to go help. Then I went to college that helped slightly but I was still having a hard time.....
But I'm back and hopefully here to stay :)
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