~Naruto POV~
I was awaken by the harsh poking on my ear. At first I let my ear flick it away but as it continued I lifted my hand and smack whatever it was. After a few moments of peace, the poking turned to tugging and I decided that I couldn't take it anymore and sat up on so that i was sitting on my legs and looked around for the culprit. After a while I looked slightly up and found a raven that was flying around my room. Noticing that I was staring at him, he settled down on my nightstand and started to squawk at me. I groan as I looked outside and saw that it was the ass crack of dawn.
I looked back down at the mean birb and laid back down to side eye it and said, "Now why are you here so early in the morning?"
I waited for a while as the birb just tilted his head then started to say, "Takashi told me to come wake you. Dont you got school in like," he turned his head to look outside, stared for a second then turned back around and continued, "46 minutes?"
Hearing that shot back up and yelled, "WHAT?!?" I looked around until I found my calendar. I turned my eyes to the lynx vision and saw that the birb was right, today was the day I started school. I slammed my face back into my pillow and let out a huge sigh. I then started to talk only to realize that it was coming out muffled. So I tilted my head and said, "Thanx, tell Takashi I'll be out in 30." With that he squawked and left through the door.
I let out one more sigh then started to stretch. I had my butt in the air and felt my ears and tails go through their many forms as I did so. (He was stretching like how most animals do... and to be honest I do it too lol) I then got up, picked my clothes, took a quick shower. After that I did all the other bathroom stuff and finally felt refreshed. I got dress in a metal fishnet tank top, a long sleeved crop top and some slightly baggy pants that was being held up by a chain belt. I then decided to do my hair so that it was braided to the side. I also decide to give myself nice wingtips. I felt like being angsty today okay. I but on some combat boots and left to get some quick breakfast. As I made my way to the kitchen and found all four of them sitting down at the island already eating.
I grabbed an apple and went to grab my satchel but stopped when i felt a hand on my shoulder. I turn to find Kura looking at me with a 'really' face. "What? Did I do something?"
He shocked his head and said with a fond smile, "You didn't do anything, I just don't think that you should dress how you normally do. It might raise suspicion." He has a point. I groan and debated on if it was worth the walk back to my room and the energy to un-dress and re-dress.
As if seeing my thoughts, Kane states, "You could always use an illusion. You use one anyway to hide your ears and tails. Which I don't understand because you could easily shift into your human form but whatever." I took his idea into consideration and decide to do that. Even though I looked hot as fuck I changed my appearance to be so my hair was in a low bun and that I was wearing a dull orange sleeveless jumpsuit with a baggy jacket in the same color.
I did a little circle and asked them if I looked okay. I got a few yeas, but Hiroshi then said, "I think you should change your appearance a bit more. You still looked like a new person and that's not how they would remember you. Isnt this going to be the first time Jiji is gonna see your face since the transformation?" He also has a point. I had to remember how I looked when I last let Jiji seen me.
I then turned my skin from the paper pale to a slight tan. My eyes from their lavender to a nice blue and my whiskers to be more bold. And lastly my hair to more of a natural blonde beside my platinum blonde with red under tone. (I realized I forgot that i didnt put that in last time.)
[He found out that he can control the red tips, in the sense that he can control wear they appear. So he decided that he wants the under bit of his hair to have the color. And since he has 3 more forms, he can also change the color. He has red, dark purple, cyan, and a deep silver or gray. His eye color can also change at will. It's just basically adding those colors to his normal eye color. Sorry, I thought I put that in lol :) ]
I do a final spin and got a few perfects this time. So I then hurry over to grab my satchel, and booked it to the door. I yelled a 'I'll see yall later' and a 'I love yall' before I started to ran through the forest so I can atleast try to make it on time. As I was about to enter the village, I went normal ninja running to shadow hopping. I not only was about to be late, but I also didnt want the villagers to see me.
When I made it to the academy, I gave a large sigh and took a deep breathe. I was kinda nervous, which is weird because I'm literally a cold blooded killer and highest ranked anbu... or was anyway. After gathering some courage and telling myself that im and that bad bitch I walked in and look for my class. As I was walking down the halls, not even five minutes in, the whispers started. And boy did my blood start to boil. This was so annoying, yes you dumb children. It be I the blood thirsty monster wanting to steal your soul. Run for your lives.
As I finally found my class, I felt a presence behind me and started to read their chakra. I usually did this natural, but I wanted to focus more on this one because they had enough balls to stand close. After a few seconds I realized who it was. It was Jiji. I stood their, acting like I was nervous as he raised his hand and placed it on my shoulder. I did a fake jump and placed a shocked expression on to make it seem like he surprised me. He chuckled and asked me if I was ready. I nodded and turned back around to face the door. Let's get this over with.
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