This is normal talking This is Kurama talking This is Naruto talking in his head/mindscape
Also this is a random song that I thought of when I think of Naruto's current condition.
~Naruto's POV~
I woke up in an incredible amount of pain and with a huge migraine. My everything hurt, I know that at least 2 of my ribs were either broken or fractured, there was some freshly closed wounds, cuts up and down both my arms and legs, and blood clumps in my hair. I sat up to see that I'm sitting in a puddle of my own blood, the blood being a deep crimson. I'm still a little cold, but I'm guessing its just from the lack of blood in me.
I stood up on shaking legs. I wavered a little, feeling lightheaded and dizzy. I placed my hand on the side of my head trying to calm down the raging going on up there. I look around and remember that I'm closer to the Hokage's tower then the place that I was supposed to call home. I limped all the way there, sticking to the shadows. Luckily since it was so late at night there weren't many people out on the streets. I hoped that Jiji was still in his office because if he wasn't, then I'll just have to wait until tomorrow morning. That's way better than going back to that wicked place where Mother, Father, and my two older siblings live.
I walked up to the tower and see that the front door was closed, it's not even time for the secretary to leave yet. Now I'm stuck outside, in the cold, with all this pain. I leaned against the tower, trying to catch my breath, after walking this far after almost dying, and with a bad migraine added to that, this was not a good idea. "I can't stay here. Someone will see me and try to hurt me again."
"Do you have anywhere else you can stay?"
That startled me, I looked around trying to find where he was talking from, "Kurama?"
"I'm here, kit."
"Where are you, I can't see you," I said while I was looking around.
"Behind you."
I quickly turned around, but in doing so it caused a huge ping to go off in my head and my vision blurred. Once it focused I saw that Kurama wasn't even there.
"Oh my Kami, kit, I didn't know that would cause you harm, I'm sorry."
I giggled, he sounded like a frantic mother worrying over her son that scraped his knee or something, "No it's fine, it was funny," for different reasons. Hearing him worry about me made me happy, no one besides Jiji worries about me, and I feel like Jiji worry is kinda forced.
"If you say so, but yea, I'm speaking from inside your mindscape. You can't see me unless you either come in your mindscape or summon me. Which you will learn how to do sooner or later."
"Oh," that was all I could say. Will I really be that strong to summon him?
"Yes, you will be. Now, think, do you have a place to sleep tonight, besides that disgusting house?"
"Um," I start to think but another question came to my mind, and to get the answer I thought of it instead of saying it out loud, "Can you hear what I'm thinking?"
"Yes, I can. That way you don't have to speak out loud and people won't think you're talking to yourself."
"Oh, smart. Yea, I got a place, but I don't think I'll be very comfortable."
I giggled and thought, "You'll see."
I then started to walk towards Hokage mountain. Once I got there I sat down by a tree and leaned against it; I sat in a place that was the furthers from my Father's head. He was once the Hokage but when the twins were born he decided to give the job back to Jiji to stay with his family.
"I like this place. It's quiet and peaceful here, but is it safe to sleep right here, against this tree? All out in the open?"
"No one comes up here regularly, they only come up here on one of the Hokages' birthday. Which isn't until another month."
"Oh, well, go catch some Zs. I'll stay on watch and I will also put some more chakra into that migraine of yours. Goodnight kit."
"Goodnight Kurama."
I woke up maybe an hour or two after sunrise, which is later than usual. My body went through a lot yesterday so I wasn't surprised. I got up feeling a slight headache, and my ribs, legs, and arms still hurt but other than that I was fine. I started to walk towards the exit of Hokage mountain when I heard a sound that resembled kids laughing. I looked around trying to find the source, "Hey Kurama, do you hear that too, or is this head wound worse then we thought?"
"No, I hear it too kit. And from the sound of it, it's coming from the forest over there."
I walked over the forest edge and listened, the laugher sounded like it was getting closer. I was about to turn around and leave when *boom* I got knock over by some girl with pink hair.
We both got up at the same time and looked at each other. Just as I was about to apologize, she screamed and ran towards her friends, hiding behind some guy that was eating a huge bag of chips. He looked at her with confusion, then looked at me with the same look that he gave her. (The only ones, who parents told them to stay away from Naruto, are Sakura, Shino, Sasuke, and Hinata. Kiba, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji don't know about it yet.) I was about to turn around and continue my route to the tower when the kid with sunglasses said, "What happened to you?"
I tilted my head and gave a warm smile and said, "Oh, this is old, nothing happened and I'm fine."
There were 7 of them in total, 2 girls, 4 boys, and a puppy. All the kids look around my age too. A kid with sunglasses and a hood on. Another kid with the bag of chips and red swirls on his cheeks. A girl with pink hair and a huge forehead. Then there were the ones that have yet to spoke. A girl with blonde hair that was clipped behind her ear. Then a guy with his spiky hair in a ponytail and the other guy that had red triangles under his eyes that walked beside a small cream puppy. Those last three got my attention.
"You can't be fine with all that blood on your shirt and in your hair *sigh* troublesome." the pineapple one said.
"No, I'm really fine, now I must go home," I said with a smile and started to walk away with a hand on my ribs, standing for too long hurts so much.
I then felt something rub against my leg and whimper. It was the small puppy that was walking next to the triangle guy. I sit down with my hand still on my ribs and pat his head. As I do so he licks my hand and continues to whimper. I ask in a soft voice, "What's wrong boy, are you okay?" Even after I asked he just kept whimpering. I look up at them and say "I think something is hurting your pup."
"He's not the one that's hurt idiot, he's worried about you."
I flinched when the triangle guy said idiot, but after hearing what he said I started to scratch the puppy behind the ear. "I'm fine little one, please believe me."
"Who would believe you when they see you in that condition?"
The pup then gave a short bark and started to wag his tail. "Good boy." I got up and continue to make my way to the tower. Once I made it after keeping myself hidden from the villagers. I walked into the tower, passing the secretary that looked up, saw me, and smirked. She knew I was beaten up and was going to come here, that was my guess at least. I walked up to his door and knocked. I leaned on the door afterwards, I didn't realize how tiring it was to walk around in this state.
"Come in"
I opened the door and leaned on it, I said with a big smile, "Hey Jiji," I walked up to his desk and leaned on it. I felt it now after getting a break, the wounds on my legs and stomach reopened, some more severely than the others. It was really hot in Jiji's office, I was really short of breath and super tired.
Welp that a wrap folks, hope you enjoyed. See ya!
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