(This is my first book so plz be nice... thanx. ) And as it says in the summary, I don't and of the media or characters, I just own the plot.
~Naruto's POV~ ~5 years old~
It was another night of me running for my life from the villagers. I was a good few feet ahead of them, I really can't believe that I was dumb enough to actually think that I could get away. I have ran these streets my entire life, you would think that I would know them better than this. I turned the corner thinking it was the ally with an exit at the end, I was so wrong. That was the one further down, this one had a wall. A huge wall that I can't jump. Once I noticed that I quickly turned around thinking I had enough time to slip out of that ally, run a little further up the street, go into the other alleyway and escape into the Forest of Death (Is the Forest of Death even that close to the village... welp it is TODAY.) But I couldn't, the villagers were already there, blocking my only way out.
I start to shiver, today was the worst day to get caught. I'm turning 5 today, yay. There were at least twelve of them, a few shinobi in the group too, just my luck. Every time they took a step forward I took two backward. It got to the point that my back ended up against the wall that was blocking me in, and I knew at that moment I was far from skewed.
First, it was a man, he drunkenly walked over to me and attempted to smashed his bottle over my head, and when it didn't work the first time he did it until it did break. The entire time he was doing it he shouted about how I murdered his son and daughter in law. When he finally got the bottle to break, my head was dripping blood and I felt extremely lightheaded. He backed away for only a woman to take his place. She had a kitchen knife and an apron on, I'm guessing she was a mother based on her outfit. She started to swing the knife around, cutting any skin it made contact with. Yelling my ears off about how I killed her husband, and how I should pay the consequences. By now the blood loss has made the faces start to merge with one another as the last face I could make out was a lady with a shinobi headband around her neck. She was crying as she walked towards me, saying that a demon like me should die for killing her boyfriend.
Then the world finally went black all I could feel was an agonizing pain. Not bellyaching pain but suffocating pain. The kind that makes you want to rip out the body part that is causing you to feel like you are being set on fire. The pain was so bad that it made me still aware of what was happening to me. I couldn't see who was doing it, but I could guess what was happening. I kunai cut on my left leg, a stab in my right, something wooden and round smashing down on my arms, and something cold being dumped on me. But as time went on, and they started to slow down and stop, I've grown numb and cold. So cold. I opened my eyes to see the last body leave the ally as black dots started to take over my vision. Gosh, when did it get this cold? I lift my hand to see that my fingers are bent in different directions and that the blood dripping from it was a deep red? Has blood always been that color? Then the world went black again. Dang, it's freezing tonight.
I woke up floating in some dark, dirty, water. I stand to find out that the water only reached my ankles. I looked around to find myself standing in front of a very large cage, like I couldn't even see the top from my five-year-old height. Once I looked inside I was met with bright red eyes looking into my own and for some reason, I wasn't scared.
~Kurama's POV~
I sat there and watched as those monsters continue to hurt this poor child even though he never once shows any action of fighting back. At some point, I realized that if this goes on he will die. After I came to that conclusion I then grow confused, I didn't understand why I cared. I mean if he died, then I would be released. But this child, after everything that these awful people have put him through, I truly did not want him to suffer because of me. I didn't want this boy to breathe his last breath at such a young age only because I was sealed in him. Once he fully passed out, and his breathing started to slow down, I dragged him into his mindscape.
Once he woke up, he started to look around. He then walked up to the cage, looking up at it. Now that he is in here with me I can see just how small he really is. I decided that I should make myself known. I open my eyes and look into his. I expected to see fear and see him start to shake in his sandals, but instead, he tilted his head and looked at me with confusion and fixation.
"Umm... I'm sorry but, who are you? Where am I?"
"Who am I? Is that even important at this time?"
If we don't do something now he will die, he has 20 minutes until even my chakra can't save him.
"Yes, the last thing I remember is the villagers attacking me. Then I felt cold, and now I'm here with... a tailed beast?"
18 minutes left
This kid is smart. "You know what I am, that's good, then you must know what I'm capable of."
"Yes I do, you destroyed a bit of their village the day I was born," He paused for a moment then said, "Oh, I'm your jinchuuriki, huh?"
Looking away I said, "Yes, you are, and I'm sorry for the pain that I have caused you."
"What do you mean?"
"The villager attacks, it's my fault that they hunt you down to cause you harm. I can't apologize enough."
15 minutes left
"Did you force them to do it?"
"Did you force the villagers to attack me? Command them to call me names and make me bleed? Did you influence my mother and father to ignore, neglect, and abuse me?" He paused again, as if he was waiting for me to respond, "Well, Did you?"
I'm shocked, the only thing I could say was "No."
"Then how is it your fault? If anything, I'm the one that's sorry. You had to seat in here, in that cage, all alone. You must have been so lonely. And you had to watch all that? I'm so sorry."
I'm shocked, he's sorry? Because I had to seat in here by myself and watch him get hurt? How can he care about me when he was the one dealing with both physical and mental pain?
10 minutes left
"It's not your fault. It's not like you could have done anything, so please don't blame yourself."
"Then I say the same to you, you couldn't do anything, so it's not your fault. Okay?"
Then he did a little head tilt, gosh how is he that cute and smart at the same time? I mean this kit talks as if he is, like what, 8?
I sigh and say, "Fine, I won't blame myself if you don't blame yourself. Deal?
He giggled and shouted, "Deal!"
7 minutes left
"Now onto more important topics, you're dying Naruto. And in 7 minutes I won't be able to help you and you will bleed out. I'm not saying this to scare you, I want to help you, may I?"
"Why what?"
"Why do you want to save me? If I die, you'll be free right? And I won't have to be hurt anymore, right?"
Kami, why are you so cruel. This poor kit, only the age of five, want to die to escape the pain and misery that is his daily life. I don't want him to live such a short life, he's smart and kind, he doesn't deserve this. I need to do something, and convenience him somehow to have the will to live. "Kit, you're right if you die, I would be free, but I'll still be alone. I want you to live so I can take care of you, make you strong, and turn you into your own person. If you don't want to live for yourself, then please live for me. And maybe one day you will grow to love life again. So please take my offer and let me help you."
5 minutes left
After my little spill, he just stood there, I guess he was thinking about it, he was like that for maybe a minute until he said, "Okay, what can I do?"
"I'll lift you to the seal, once you're there you must rip only half of the seal. If you rip the whole thing, I'll be free and that could kill you, understand?"
3 minutes left
I stretched my hand out and placed it as close to the ground as I could trying to let him climb abroad. He was so short that he couldn't just step upon it, he had to climb it, and once he was on I lifted him up as close to the seal as I could. But he was still having a struggle trying to reach it, he was standing on his tippy toes and at some point, he even started to jump. He ripped it off, but I couldn't see if it was only half or not. So I just start to push chakra out anyway, we were almost out of time.
0 minutes left
I always wanted to leave a chapter on a cliffhanger. FUN! Anywhore, hope you liked the first chap, until next time. Peace, your friendly neighborhood author is out.
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