Chapter 10
Anton remained as stoic on the drive across town as he did when passing me my "friend." I wished I could read him, decipher if his "incident" would be reported back to Quincy, but he offered no inclination of his possible actions. He had chatted casually enough with Marley, but she could sell silence to a monk, so that wasn't out of character. The moment we pulled away from the curb in front of her house, the volume of his music increased, and the silence between us bursted my ear drums. I swear I was batting zero with Quincy's people. Wanting to improve my odds, I asked. "Have you enjoyed working with Quincy?"
His eyes darted from the road, towards me in the rearview mirror, then back to the highway as his head nodded, slowly.
"What's one thing about him that makes you happy to be a part of his team?"
Silence. Either, the music seemed louder or the beating of my anxious heart added to the rhythm. After clearing his throat, Anton thankfully replied. "Q is a solid dude. Always has been, and when a man shows more than he tells, he earns my loyalty."
Enough to snitch about flying dicks and drunk best friends?
As if he read my mind, he added. "Don't worry, Ms. Castle. I respect your privacy."
Blushing, I dismissed his confirmation of my concerns with the swift flick of my wrist. "Psh, that's no big. I was planning on telling him myself."
Anton's eyes disputed my lie.
The moment we arrived at Quincy's gate, I became nervous. It was strange, but I was only reminded of his net worth whenever I visited his mini mansion on the outskirts of Axum. Those were also the moments, set against the backdrop of gigantic maple trees, massive doors and windows on the estate and a huge amount of security wandering the grounds that I wondered what made him so interested in little ole me. Once we crawled to a stop on the circular driveway, Anton exited the SUV, then opened my door.
"Thank you." I muttered while handing him a rolled twenty dollar bill.
He refused with an extension and raise of his open palm, then waited for me to begin walking towards the entrance before trailing my path. Inside, Quincy was nowhere to be found. I stood in the living room and waited. Moment's later, he emerged from the elevator, damp and drying his hair with a crisp white towel.
"Hey, how long have you been here?"
"Not long."
He kissed my lips, then smiled at Anton who turned and left the house. Alone, he asked. "Why are you standing there like a statue?"
"I didn't know where you were."
"I thought I had time to get a couple of laps in before you arrived, but still. You're no longer a guest here, Dana."
"I beg to differ."
"Guests don't have closet space and toiletries spread across the bathroom counter." He chuckled as he plopped onto the sectional, then pulled me atop his lap.
"That point aside. I still feel so awkward coming here."
"What can I do to help alleviate that feeling?" He asked while rubbing my back.
"I don't know."
"While you think about it, I'll let Jaxon know you're here."
"See, like why can't we make our own meals, like we do at my place?"
"Is that what you want?"
I nodded.
"Fine, then that's what we'll do. I'll shower, while you decide what we're going to cook. Deal?"
Feeling a little more relaxed, I found the will to smile, then replied before gracing him a with passionate kiss. "Deal."
During dinner, the estate was eerily quiet.
"So, does Jaxon have the remainder of the evening off?"
Quincy consumed a slice of delivered pizza, then replied. "Yes, as does just about everyone else. Kenneth, Omar and a few others are still on the grounds, but the only people in this entire house are sitting in front of this fireplace."
Yes, he was amazing. Feeling excited, I fluttered my eyelashes as I asked. "What are we to do with all of this time and... um, space."
Grinning cheek to cheek, Quincy answered. "I can think of quite a few scenarios."
Five bowling games, an intense Ms. Pac-man showdown and a game of H.O.R.S.E later, he and I lay on the indoor court and stared at the rafters.
"Are you feeling better?"
"Yeah, I am, and I'm sorry about today."
"There's nothing to be sorry about. We all have our days, right?"
I sighed, allowing a sense of relief to rush over me. Experiencing a whirlwind of emotions for the past twenty -four hours had taken its mental toll, but Quincy did what he did best, saved my day. Attempting to forget about earlier unfortunate events, I closed my eyes, focusing on what I wanted to happen between Quincy and I that night along with what I desired with him during the next stage of my life.
"You're awfully quiet over there. What's on your mind?"
In my head, I shouted,"sex." Sweaty and fully clothed wasn't how I planned for our evening to go, and the more we had touched, the more I became ready for him to take the lead to get us there. Setting the tone, I replied. "Just wondering, what we're going to do now."
"The night is young." He declared. I could hear his smile. "What else do you have in mind?"
"Hmm." I twirled the foot draped over my angled knee. "A steamy shower sounds nice."
"Say no more."
Quincy pulled me to my feet, then guided me through the estate and into his private wing. Thrilled, the moment he closed the door, I pounced like a spotted hyena in heat. I was pleased that he matched my energy, even more so when he lifted me onto the bed and covered my body with his own. I could see the hunger in his eyes, feel the power of his passion as his kisses swayed between "damn I can't wait," and "I don't want to scare her off." It was the huge bulge on my belly button that excited me the most. Gus could never get me amped up like this. Just as I piqued from foreplay and grabbed his shirt to pull over his head, he rapidly pulled away, then backed off the bed. With my eyes as broad as my curiosity, I raised myself to my elbows and observed him pacing with a tent in his basketball shorts.
"Am I missing something?"
"No." He mumbled while walking and rubbing the back of his neck.
"Then why are you over there, and I'm laying here, alone, with a titty out."
"This is harder than I thought it would be."
I don't even believe he realized he placed his hand on his groin when he spoke. Convinced, he was simply as nervous, yet obviously as horny as me, I inched towards the edge of the bed, stood, then disrobed as he ogled my every move. So, he was a voyeur, noted. I beckoned him with my finger, pulling him towards me with an alluring invisible string. Standing toe to toe, I stared up and into his eyes. He wanted me. As I pulled back the elastic of his waistband, he bolted as he called out from across the room. "I'll start your shower."
Quincy rushed towards the bathroom, leaving me naked and speechless. Reeling from embarrassment, I pulled on one of his tees, then followed his escape route.
"Do you mind telling me what the hell is happening right now?"
"Dana, I'm sorry."
"No, your dick is going to be sorry if you don't get some relief. Look at you!"
He attempted to adjust himself while leaning onto the vanity counter. The beads of sweat running down his face were apparent before the shower raised the temperature of the room. But, glaring at him, he looked downright pale and nervous.
He urged. "Let's talk about this later, please."
"Why, when I'm confused as fuck right now. Do you want me or not?"
"Of course I want you, Dana. That's obvious." He glanced towards the steeple of penis I longed to bless me. "I just need some time, that's all."
Why, of all the things on God's green earth, did this have to be the one flaw Quincy Winters harboured.
"I just need some more time." He repeated, mumbling what seemed to be a mantra for himself more than a statement for me.
"Fine, Quincy. I'll shower, then leave. Could you ask Anton to pick me up in twenty minutes?"
"I'll take you home," he replied before exiting the bathroom.
"Apparently that's the only place you're taking me tonight." I grumbled loud enough for him to hear as he stepped back into the bedroom and closed the door.
Maybe his feelings were hurt, but so was my ego, and I was ready to go home. At least Gus would be there, and I didn't have to worry about him leaving me hot and bothered. Nope, I comforted myself with that thought as I stepped into the shower, not bothered at all.
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