Chapter Thirteen: Hey! I don't know about you but I'm feeling... um... 21
I warn you. this chapter is get REALLY INTENSE. I'm warning you. If you don't do intense, well, I don't think you'll enjoy the end of this chapter. Sorry. But I'm warning you...
Still reading?
Don't say I didn't warn you.
Mature content ahead
I also put a link above to the song "Little Bird" by Ed Sheeran since it's mentioned in this chapter. Feel free to check it out because personally I love it.
"Good morning sleepyhead."
My eyes shot open to see Luke's face next to mine. My eyes grew wide, I finally looked around at my surroundings to see that I was laying on a bed, in the hotel. I-literally- rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom. Holy mother of fudge! What happened?!? Last night I wasn't drunk. I was just tired!
"Zel?" Luke murmured.
"Nothing happened last night."
I sighed in relief. Thank gosh.
"If you come out I'll explain."
"One second," I replied, refusing to come out with morning breath.
After 10 minutes of preparation, I finally decided that I looked decent and I walked out.
I saw Luke laying there checking his Twitter feed so I decided to crawl back into bed.
"Hi," I murmured.
"Good morning," he replied, his breath minty. He obviously brushed his teeth... good. I hate morning breath.
"So what did happen last night after I fell asleep?"
"Well, I carried you into the car, we drove to the hotel, you were still asleep so I carried you to the room, which earned a lot of stares. When we finally got to the room, I put you on the bed and when I went to sleep on the couch, you kept screaming, 'No, don't leave,' over and over again. I ignored it, but the guys got annoyed. When I walked over to you, you quieted down and reached out to me. Exasperated, I crawled into bed with you and you curled up next to me. After a while, you finally feel asleep. I tried to crawl out so I could give you space, but you clutched onto my arm. It was pretty cute actually, but that's not the point. The point is, you practically forced me to stay with you and I can assure you that nothing happened."
"Ok," I replied, kissing his nose.
We both turned around to see a sleepy Calum.
"Sorry," I whispered.
"Sh..." he groaned, going back to sleep.
"Hey Zel." Luke whispered.
"Yes," I responded.
"I love you."
"I know." This caused Luke to stare at me.
"I love you too."
"Guess what day it is?"
"Yes and..."
"Hump day?"
"No that's Wednesday."
"Um... I'm not sure."
"It's your birthday smart one."
My eyes grew wide and lit up. "Yay!" I squealed.
I love my birthday! It's a day dedicated to my birth (which was not natural since my mom got a C-section) and it's all about me! I love attention! Plus, I get presents and food! How can someone not love their birthday? I don't feel any older, but whatever, I still get cake!
I crawled out of bed and over to my bags.
"What are you doing?" Luke asked.
"Grabbing something that I've been dying to wear." I finally found what I was looking for and I put it on.
"Ta-da!" I declared, gesturing to my crown.
"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to wear this! My best friend gave it to me for my 12th birthday. I've wore it every birthday ever since."
"I know I am."
"Zel what are you plans tonight?" Ash asked.
"I don't know yet. Since you guys probably have practice or something like that, I'll probably stay here, treat myself to- like- $100 worth of room service and binge watch Netflix." I responded, shoving a piece of syrup drenched pancake into my mouth.
"Well as much fun as that sounds, that sounds boring. We're going to do something fun today!" Calum replied.
"I mean, we've gotta do something special. You only turn 21 once." Michael said.
"Something you wouldn't know." I replied, which resulted in him glaring at me.
"Plus... Netflix..."
"Forget Netflix. Netflix will be there tomorrow."
"But don't you guys have something to do today?"
"Nope. We asked Matt for the day off."
"And he agreed?"
They nodded.
"What's the catch?"
They looked at each other skeptically. Luke finally answered, "We have to practice all of tomorrow."
"But tomorrow we're going to Miami."
"We know."
Sighing I replied, "Well. Let's enjoy this day while we still have it."
"Where are we going?" I demanded.
"At least give me a hint!" I pleaded.
"Um... something an animal can do to you if it gets angry."
"Where would we find a place called 'Attack'?"
"Oh shut up Ashton," I grumbled.
"Don't worry, we're here."
I looked out of the window to see a mall.
"What does this have anything to do with animals?"
"Animals can maul you. Maul, mall. Same thing."
I simply rolled my eyes. "Why are we here?"
"Well, we have a plan for today and your clothes don't... how do you say it... it doesn't match the plan."
"Aw babe, don't feel bad. I still love you."
"Shut up you big cheese ball." I said, kissing him and grabbing hold of his hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Are you guys done?"
Blushing, I nodded but Luke decided to kiss my cheek anyways.
"Ew," I squirmed, squeezing his hand and walking out of the van. The guys were already decked out with sunglasses and hats while I slipped on Luke's sweatshirt.
"Is that mine?"
"Yes," I murmured. "I can't find mine and I thought-"
"It's fine. You look cute in it and you probably look better in it than I do." He replied, kissing my forehead.
"You're so weird," I commented, wrapping his arm around my waist.
"You guys are weird," Michael sighed, walking inside.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I don't know. You're the girl here." Michael replied.
"Well what are we looking for?"
"I don't care, you're the one that's going to be wearing it at the end of the day."
"Luke you choose, I trust you." I replied.
He turned around and pointed at a random store.
"Luke, that's a sporting goods store," I informed.
"Oh," he replied, turning around and pointing.
"Pretzel cart... that's a pretzel cart," I sighed.
"I know. I'm hungry."
After Luke finally got his snack, we walked into a random store. We started meander around, occasionally looking at articles of clothing. Michael got bored and started fooling around.
"Zel, you'd look hot in this," Michael said, showing me a red dress that looked too tight, too short, and had a plunging v-neck.
"No, she'd look better in this," Calum replied, holding up a puke green turtle neck with purple and orange poka-dots.
"Haha very funny," I retorted as Ashton grabbed something I couldn't see.
I quickly looked through a rack in front of me and found a multicolor, floral skirt and a white, criss-cross crop top in the shape of an X.
"I'm going to try this on," I said, walking over to the dressing rooms.
"Wait, try these on," Michael called out, handing me a pile of clothes. Oh boy...
"Zel! Are you done?"
"Give me a minute, I'm going to get changed."
"You haven't even changed out of your clothes?"
"I changed out of my clothes, into the outfit I chose, but I don't like it."
"Well come out here so we can see, the main reason we're here is to see you try on clothes." Michael cried.
Ugh. I walked out in my outfit, my face scrunched up.
"What's wrong with that outfit?"
"Ugh. The skirt fits fine, but the top is just, ugh. The shoulders feel weird since they're not on my actual shoulders. And then the fabric underneath my arm; number one, itches and number two, is not attached to my actual torso."
"Hehe, you said number two."
"Shut up Michael." I said, walking back into the dressing room.
"I hate you guys," I muttered a few minutes later, walking out in the next assemble.
I was wearing the dreaded red dress and I looked ridiculous. The dress ended right under my butt so I kept having to pull it down. The dress was extremely tight so I felt like I could barely breath and it made my boobs look bigger than they already are (the v-neck didn't help either). If I had saw myself walking down the street, I would have thought I was a prostitute.
"I hate you!" I fumed.
"I think you look hot," Michael said, which resulted in Luke slapping his arm.
"Don't call my girlfriend hot." Luke grumbled, pushing Michael off the couch.
"Who would wear this?!?" I exclaimed.
"My boobs are practically slipping out, I have to pull down the dress repeatingly, and for crying out loud! If it was any shorter you'd be able to see my vag! I hate you Michael for choosing this. Suck my di-"
"Excuse me ma'am, you are being awfully loud and you are disturbing the other shoppers. Please refrain using loud voices. That goes to the four of you as well," a random employee said, strutting away.
Glaring at her, I mumbled, "You can suck my-"
"Hey, Zel, don't pick fights," Luke said, cracking up.
The guys thought that it was hilarious, but I thought otherwise as I walked back into the dressing room.
The next outfit was the terrible sweater paired up with black bell bottoms... someone please kill me...
I walked out and I immediately glared at Calum. "Ew,"
"You look very modest," Luke said, trying to hold back his laughter,
"I hate you all," I said, rolling my eyes and walked away.
The third outfit was obviously Luke's pick since it was a red, plaid shirt and black, ripped skinny jeans.
I walked out and Michael's face scrunched up.
"You don't like it?" I asked.
"It looks too casual for our plan. Great going Luke." Michael commented.
"But we're twinning," Luke remarked (which we were).
"Get changed," Michael sighed.
I sighed as well as I walked back.
The last one was my absolute favorite. It was a simple, strapless black dress that cut off a couple inches above my knee. It was pressed against my skin, but it was still comfortable. It covered everything it should cover, but it was still kinda revealing. It hugged my curves (when you're black and Hispanic, your curves are already really noticeable)
I walked out smiling.
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Michael cried, looking very pleased.
"You look... stunning," Luke said, grabbing my arm and pulling me onto his lap.
"See! This is how you pick out an outfit!" Ashton said, standing up and bowing.
"Ash, you chose this?"
He replied with a cheeky smile.
"Wow, it didn't suck."
Rolling his eyes he replied, "Thanks for having so much faith in me."
I simply blew him a kiss.
"Where are we going now?" I asked, a churro in my hand (don't judge me!).
"Shoe store," Michael replied without hesitation.
"Do you have everything planned out?"
"Yup," he responded.
"What's wrong with my shoes?" I asked.
"Well, your Converse don't fit into my plan either." Michael responded, walking in.
"How about these?" Calum asked, handing me 6 inch stilettos.
"How about no. I've already told you, I don't want to break my ankle."
"At least try them on."
Sighing, I slipped them on and tried to get up, but my knees started to shake. I grabbed onto Luke for support and stood up straight. I felt super tall, but I was still shorter than them. #shortpeopleproblems Why?!?
"You look taller," Ashton commented.
"But you're still short." Michael teased.
"Can you even walk?" Luke asked, still looking down at me.
I took five- wobbly- steps, tripped, and fell.
"I'll take that as a no."
I glared at him until he helped me up.
"Why can't I just wear my Converse? My shoes are black, the dress is black. They match."
"Why would you mix those together?" Michael asked, looking at more shoes.
"Because I want to be comfortable!" I replied, putting my shoes on.
"You get 364 days of comfort, today is not one of those days." Michael explained.
"Excuse me, but I get more 10 days of absolute comfort. The other days are painful. Beauty hurts." I retorted.
"Well today's one of the other days." Michael replied, handing me a pair of shoes. They were red pumps and they're weren't as tall as the others but they were still tall. I slipped them on and stood tall; they were more comfortable than the others...
"How do they feel?"
"Meh," I replied.
"Okay good because I'm buying them."
"Mikey! No, I'm just going to wear my shoes."
"Too bad, I'm already buying them."
Oi vay.
"Zel, where are you taking us?" Luke asked.
"I have my own shopping to do," I responded, looking at the directory.
We walked a little longer-the guys were goofing around the entire time- until we finally reached my destination; Victoria's Secret.
The guy's mischievous expressions were gone. They were now replaced with faces of horror.
"Um... I think we'll sit out," Michael said.
"Matt said we had to stay together," I reminded.
They all sighed as we walked in. I was on my own turf now and I was going to milk this opportunity.
I walked around the store and found a couple things I liked, but I didn't feel like carrying them.
"Luke, could you do me a favor and hold these for me? Thanks babe," I said, putting my stuff in his hands without entirely asking for his consideration.
They were all huddled up near a corner, looking like lost puppies.
I smirked and said, "Luke, give those to Ashton. I need your... opinion."
I heard shuffling behind me as I walked over to the bras.
Grabbing two options I asked, "Which one is better? This one goes well with my skin tone, but I like this color better."
Luke looked really awkward as he replied, "I-I don't k-know."
I frowned. "You're no help."
"Sorry," he mumbled.
I grabbed the first option and walked back to the rest of the gang. I saw Calum talking to a group of girls, Ashton was still just standing there, and Michael was rummaging through some drawers. There went my plan.
"Mikey, what are you doing?" I asked, scared for the answer.
"Looking for something." He replied. Oh gosh.
"What's the point of this?" Luke asked. I turned around to see him pointing to a completely see-through lace... dress?
"I have no idea." I responded.
"Zel, you would look good in this," Michael suggested, handing me a tiger print thong.
"Ew," I responded, rolling my eyes.
"What about this?" he asked, handing me a bra with absolutely no lining.
"Mikey, you have a terrible sense of comfort and fashion when it comes to women." I said, getting in line (which was incredibly long).
After a good 10 minutes of waiting, I was finally checked out. We were about to leave when somebody yelled, "Oh my gosh! No way!" Oh boy...
"Oh my gosh! It's 5 Seconds of Summer!" some random girl squealed.
I slightly groaned as the guys turned around and smiled. It's not that I didn't like fans. I loved them (as long as they like me), but the ones that bother me are the squealers. It's so high-pitched. They started talking to her, sighing her phone (with a random Sharpie that came out of nowhere), and taking selfies with her. Everything was fine and dandy until she saw me.
"Ew," she said. "The rumors are true, you guys do have some creepy stalker."
I know I was supposed to just stand there and make sure it didn't get to me, but it felt different someone actually saying it practically to my face.
"Excuse me? I ain't no stalker, I'm Luke Hemming's freaking girlfriend." I growled, lunging forward, but luckily the guys managing to hold me back before I could do any damage.
"I think it's time for us to go," Ashton muttered.
"Let her go. I'd like to see her try to fight me!" the annoying girl replied.
I lunged forward again, "Sweetie, you don't know what you're getting into. Let me go! I'd like to show blondie here what fighting looks like. News flash: it doesn't involve pulling each other's hair."
She looked appalled. I growled and dived forwards, but they wouldn't release me.
"Let's go," Luke said, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder like I was a rag doll.
As he walked away, the girl was sneering at me. I yelled, "Take a picture sweetie, it lasts longer."
We walked a little longer when Luke asked, "Are you done ranting and raving?"
I nodded.
"Can I put you down now? You're kinda hurting my shoulder."
I nodded again, sliding down and walking by him meekly.
What is wrong with me? I can't go around yelling at every rude fan.
I suddenly felt a warm hand in mine. I looked to see it was Luke's (Duh. Who else's hand would it be?).
"Sorry," I whispered.
"Sorry for yelling at the annoying blond girl." I replied meekly.
He started laughing. "Oh Zel. You're a special person."
"You're not mad at me?"
"Why would I be mad? That was hilarious. Plus, you're not use to fame. It's only logical for you to act out." He replied.
"I love you," I smiled.
"I know," which resulted in me slapping his arm.
"I love you too." He said, kissing my forehead.
We walked more- which made Michael complain multiple times that his feet hurt- when we suddenly heard, "Look they're over there."
I turned my head to see that a swarm of people with cameras were coming in our direction. Paparazzi. Crap.
"Guys, vultures at 6 o' clock." I muttered.
"Crap," I heard someone mumble.
We ended up scurrying to the car, pilling in, and driving as fast as we could.
"How'd they find us?"
"Someone decided to share their selfie." Calum replied, showing us his phone. That random girl we encountered posted her selfie along with a video of me yelling at her.
"Crap," I murmured. Matt's gonna be pissed.
"Of course I'm pissed. Zel, you know better. The fans aren't happy about your guys' relationship. This has made it worse."
"I'm sorry. I know-"
"No, you don't know. If you did know, you wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that."
"Don't you mean, if you don't know?"
"Shut up Luke," Michael said.
"Matt. I'm sorry. I don't know what happened. She was really rude and something... snapped. It won't happen again."
"It better not. Now, are you guys ok?"
"We're fine Matt," Ashton assured.
"Good. And happy birthday Zelina." He said, walking away to take a call.
We sat there in silence until Luke opened his mouth to speak, but he was shut down by Michael saying, "Shut up Luke." Why? I have no idea, but it's Michael we're talking about.
"I'm bored," I said, Luke putting his head on my lap. "Hello Luke."
He smiled in response. I started playing with his hair (much to his protests).
"You guys are sickening. Later." Calum said, going back into the back room.
"So this is you're guys' plan for 21st birthday?" I asked.
"No, trust me. There's more. Wanna early birthday present?"
"Sure?" I replied, unsure where this was going.
Luke got out of my lap, sat up, cupped my face in his hands, stared into my eyes, and but the corner of lip, smirking. I hate him... he knows that drives me insane. My heart raced and I bit my own lip in anxiousness.
"Why do you do this to me?" I asked, my heart beating out of control.
He laughed and gently kissed me, his lip ring cool against our hot lips. He grabbed my waist, pulling me closer, my hands already in his hair. Everything was cute and sweet, but my back started hurting and I slowly ended up falling backwards onto the couch bench, Luke on top of me. We both started laughing, but that didn't refrain us from still kissing each other.
"What- the heck?"
Our heads shot up to see Ash standing at the doorway.
"Hi Ash," Luke said, not even bothering to get off of me.
"What are you two doing?"
"Nothing," Luke and I replied in unison.
"That doesn't look like 'nothing.'"
"I fell backwards-"
"I don't want to know. Just keep it down, you guys are 'breaking Michael's concentration.'"
"Ok," I replied awkwardly.
Sighing, he left Luke and I just lying there.
"Luke, can we move now? You're getting kinda heavy." I asked, unable to move.
"Oh, okay." Luke said, getting up.
I was about to get up but Luke somehow grabbed me, flung me over his shoulder, and carried me.
"Ah!" I screamed. "Luke!"
"What's going on in there?!?" Michael cried.
"Dunderhead over here thought it would be okay to carry me like a sack of potatoes." I replied, trying to get down. "Luke! I hate you! Put me down!"
"No thanks."
"No, we're going into the bunk."
"Why can't I walk?"
"Because I said so."
I sighed, might as well enjoy this.
"Ow Luke. Your elbow is in my rib cage." I muttered. We had just gotten in the bunk and we were trying to readjust ourselves. I turned my body so that I was facing him and he removed all joints from my chest cavity. I put my head on his chest and he put his arms around me, bringing me closer.
"This feels good," I murmured, my voice muffled by Luke's shirt.
"Mhm," he replied.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
"I'm hungry. I really want pizza."
"Zel, you stole a pizza my heart."
"Oh Luke, You're so cheesy."
"Well you're very punny."
"Why are we pun-ishing ourselves?"
"I don't know."
"Aw. You broke the pun chain."
"Did you have any more puns?"
"Oh sweetie. I have thousands of puns. Why did Hitler get hit by a bat?"
"Oh gosh. Why?"
"He did nazi it coming."
Luke silently laughed, "That was terrible."
"Then why are you laughing?"
"Because it was so stupid."
"Trust me babe. There's more where that came from."
"Oh gosh. And I thought my jokes were bad."
"How does Hitler sneeze?"
"Another Hitler one?"
"Oh shush! You love them. Anyways, do you want to hear the answer or not?"
"Fine. What is it?"
"Ah-jew. Hehe. Get it?"
Sighing he replied, "That was absolutely terrible."
"Oh shut up. You love it. But I have more. My friend's bakery caught on fire the other day. His business is now toast."
He sighed, shaking his head.
"Fine, I'm done." I said.
"Thank goodness," Luke cheered.
"They weren't that bad," I mumbled.
"Yes they were," Luke replied. "But it's okay, I still love you."
"You better," I said.
"Where did you get those jokes from anyways?"
"I got them from the wonderful world of Tumblr and from my best friend Marian. She was a very special person, mentally and personally. She has a weird sense of humor and I love her for it."
"Well I'd love to meet her one day."
"She'd probably fangirl. She is actually the one on who got me interested in a bunch of bands. I just was always missing out on good music because-"
Luke kissed me in the middle of my long rant.
"That was a nice way of telling me to shut up," I said, putting my head back on Luke's chest.
He started playing with my hair as I started humming.
"Whatcha humming?"
"This song I have stuck in my head."
"What song?"
"Little Bird by Ed Sheeran."
"Sing it."
"I'm too tired."
"Just sing. I don't care if you suck."
"You can't make me."
"But babe," he said kissing my forehead.
"I don't like singing."
"But I don't like singing."
"You sing all the time. Literally. Nonstop. We hear you singing in the shower, singing while washing dishes, singing at totally random times. You were even singing in the car."
Blushing I replied, "Yeah, but I pretty much zone everyone out when I'm singing. I absolutely love singing, but when I consciously know that someone is actually listening to me sing I feel like I have to sing amazing."
"You don't have to sing perfect. Have you heard Michael sing? It sucks"
"Heard that!" Michael cried.
Luke laughed.
"Fine," I muttered. "But if I suck don't laugh at me."
"I would never laugh at you."
I glared at him. "Oh really? What about that time when my shoelace got stuck in the escalator. Or when I tripped trying to get into the hotel. Or when Michael hit me... in the face... with a shoe! Or when we first met. You were the first to laugh when I tripped."
"Ok, I laughed at you then, but I promise I won't laugh now."
"Fine." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"But if I kiss you, will your mouth read this truth? Darling how I miss you. Strawberries taste how lips do. And it's not complete yet, mustn't get our feet wet 'cause that leads to regret, diving in too soon. And I owe it all to you, oh, my little bird."
I opened my eyes to see Luke smiling at me.
"That was... amazing."
"Really? Are you being honest or are you saying that because I'm your girlfriend."
"Honest, I swear,"
"Well then, thank you."
"Luke! Where are you?"
"In the bunk, why?"
"We decided that you would play winner and- of course- I won, so you get to play me." Michael said, opening the bunk curtain.
"Where's Zel?" Calum asked.
"Back here!" I said, moving my heads so that it could be seen. "Ta-da!"
"That's weird," was all they said as they left.
"Come on, Michael will be very upset if you're the reason why his game was postponed." I said, attempting to crawl over Luke. I was half way over him when he grabbed my arm and pulled me over. I ended up very close to him
"You were taking too long, slowpoke," he whispered into my ear.
"Oh thanks," I muttered in response.
Luke got out first and haled me get down since he had a top bunk and I- in his eyes- am a tiny person who is helpless.
"Luke, I can get down myself." I grumbled.
"I don't care. My princess needs help. And I will help her."
Smirking I replied, "Ok, then carry me to the back room."
"As you wish," he replied, picking up over his shoulder.
"Ah! Luke! Not like this."
"Too bad,"
"Jerk." I muttered under my breath.
"I heard that,"
"I don't care."
"Tell me something I don't know,"
"Tell me-"
"Luke please stop singing."
"But you love it."
"No, no I don't."
"Zel, you look bored."
"I'm not bored. I just don't know how to play."
Michael gasped over dramatically, "Luke, you are a terrible boyfriend. How can you not teach your girlfriend how to play FIFA?"
"You don't know how to play FIFA? Why is it that I'm just now learning this?"
"It never came up, you didn't ask, and it's not important."
"Not important? How is it not? Come here."
I waked over to Luke and he pulled me onto is lap.
"Do you know how to at least hold the controller?"
I held the controller, but I was apparently holding it wrong since the guys started laughing at me. Luke wrapped his arms around me and fixed the controller.
"There. Step one accomplished."
"Do I get a prize?"
He kissed my cheek as he continued onto step 2.
"Do you understand now?"
"Luke, I understood an hour ago."
"Well I just wanted to make sure that you definitely knew what you were doing."
"Babe, I got it."
"So how are you going to battle to the deaths?" Michael asked.
"I choose... you!" I said, pointing to Michael.
"Me? Zel, I warn you. I'm a pro at this."
"I don't care."
"Ok, I'll go easy on you."
"No! No! NO!!!"
"Yes! Yes! YES!!!"
"There's no way,"
"Obviously there is."
"How did you, a beginner, beat me, a pro?"
"Um... about me being a beginner."
"What about it?" Michael asked, extremely frustrated.
"Yeah, about that. I'm not a beginner."
"I've been playing FIFA since I was five. My 16 year old cousins taught me when I was staying at their house, for like a month."
"Sorry and Calum, pay up."
Calum sighed as he handed me $10.
"What? What was... what?"
"Calum bet I couldn't beat you in FIFA."
"But you tricked me."
"Oh well. I now have $10."
"That's my girl, swindling my friends." Luke said as I sat down next to him.
"I demand a rematch and this time I'm giving it my all."
"Sounds like a challenge. But first let me put on my victor's outfit." I said, putting down my controller. I got up and walked back to the bunks. Opening my bag, I found my crown and a neon-green zebra striped, oversized, fluffy poncho.
"Oh gosh. That's... something else,"
"Why thank you,"
"Oh Zel, good luck. You're going to need it. You won't know what hit you." Michael said, starting the game.
"Speaking of Zel, have you guys heard her sing?"
"Oh Luke. Again with that?" I asked, my eyes glued to the screen.
"Zel you have an amazing voice."
"Oh you flatter me," I said, my player stealing the ball from Michael's player. Yes!
"Luke, we hear Zel sing all the time. It's pretty annoying actually."
"Oh thanks Calum."
"No prob,"
"Well you guys haven't heard her actually sing. Zel sing."
"Um, kinda busy beating Michael over here"
"I highly doubt that you singing will break your concentration considering that you won't even look at me."
"Ugh. If I sing, will you stop bothering me?"
"Fine, what do you want me to sing?"
"I don't care just sing."
"Tengo la camisa negre porque negra tengo el alma-"
"English please."
"Ugh. Oh baby when you talk like that, you make a woman go mad. So be wise and keep on, reading the signs of my body. Happy?"
"Very. See guys, isn't she good?" he asked.
"I hate to admit this, but you chose a good girl. Funny, sarcastic, only slightly annoying, kind-ish, smart, a gamer, and can sing."
"I also cook," I added, my player kicking a goal!
"What? Since when?"
"Since forever, you never asked and it never came up."
"What can't you do?"
"I can't twerk if that means anything."
"Trust me; that helps."
"I suck at dancing in general."
"Neither can we."
"Who was just singing?"
"Zel," they replied in unison.
"You have a good voice Zel," Matt remarked.
"Thanks. It's always been a dream of mine to become a singer, but eventually that dream remained... well, a dream."
"Hm..." Matt muttered walking away.
"GOAL!" I screamed, practically throwing the controller. "GOALASO!!! I won! I won!"
"You're kidding me!" Michael cried out, a long stream of curse words coming out as well.
"Ha! Ha! Ha! HA! I beat you Clifford, I beat you real good." I chanted.
"Luke, I hate your girlfriend." Michael grumbled.
"Aw, be a good sport. Good job Michael, you were a worthy opponent." I said, giving him a hug.
"Ew, get off of me. Girls have cooties." He grumbled, pushing me off.
"Then Luke's already contaminated," I said, kissing his cheek.
"Get over yourself." I said to Michael rolling my eyes.
"Babe, smile."
I turned to him and gave him my "Popeye smile;" both of my eyes closed and a huge, teeth baring smile so big that my cheekbones felt like they were going to burst out of my skin.
"Cute," he replied, smirking as he took a picture.
"What are you planning to do with that picture?" I asked.
"I'm posting it on Twitter,"
"Great... more hate." I mumbled.
"You're still getting hate?"
"Every minute of every hour of every day." I replied.
"Wow, our fans are so supporting."
"I understand why they're so upset, I mean, you're off the market, but what I don't get is that they hate me yet they don't know me. But it doesn't really bother me as much as I use to, most of them are trolls who think they have 'power' on the internet. Sticks and stones."
"Wow, you're taking the hate pretty well."
"Well, if I stay calm, what will the haters have to hate? Nothing. They all just hate me because of my title. The only thing that pisses me off are the people that hate me because im black. I don't get it. Yeah I'm black, deal with it. If you have a problem with black people, talk about it at your next Anti-Black People meeting, keep me out of it."
Michael started laughing like crazy after my comment and feel out of his chair.
"Mikey, you ok?" I asked, laughing at his reaction.
"I'm... I'm... oh gosh... I'm f... fine... I'm fine..."
"No, no you're not," I replied, helping him up.
"It probably doesn't help that I'm also Hispanic. Oh well. That means I can curse them out in Spanish and they'll never know."
"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to Zelina. Happy birthday to you." The guys sang.
"Aw guys. Thank you." I gushed.
"Make a wish."
Closing my eyes, I thought for a second and blew out my candle.
"Yay! Now we can eat cake!" Michael cried.
I smiled, for once I didn't have to worry about my face being smashed into a cake.
"Wait! We have to do something first." Calum cried.
Next thing I know, smash. My face collided with the soft cake. Dang it...
"Geeh, thanks Cal."
"Oh, no problem. Happy birthday."
"Now can we eat cake?" Michael asked.
"Yes Mikey. We can eat now." Ashton said, pulling out another cake.
"My cake," I growled, grabbing the smashed cake,
"You have something on your face," Luke said.
"Oh, really? I didn't know." I remarked sarcastically.
"Let me help," he said, licking my face.
"Ew! Luke! I hate you."
"Whatever." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing me.
"Ew," Michael said, hitting us with a paper plate.
I turned my head and stuck my tongue out at him and turned back, resuming to kiss me.
"Get a room."
"Get away," I muttered.
"Enough!" Ashton said, throwing a sock ball at me.
"Fine," I said, wiping my face. "Someone please give me a spoon."
Luke gave me a spoon.
"Thank you." I said, shoveling smashed, chocolate cake into my mouth.
"So ladylike." Calum said rolling his eyes.
"I've already told you that gracefulness is not my forte."
"Zel, you can open your eyes now."
I opened my eyes to see Luke holding two boxes wrapped in newspaper.
"Sorry, I didn't have time to buy wrapping paper."
"It's okay. This one helps the earth," I replied. "Plus, when did you have time to buy me a present?"
"I have my ways." he replied. "Now, open them!"
Laughing, I ripped the paper and opened the small box first. I opened it carefully and I saw a guitar pick that said 5SOS on the front. I flipped it over and it said, "I pick you." I pulled it out and I noticed that it was actually a necklace. Smiling I kissed his cheek as I put it on.
"Open the other box!!!" Michael yelled. "The suspense is killing me."
"Mikey, you know what's in it." Luke said, laughing.
"I know, but I want to see her reaction." He replied, staring at me.
Laughing, I opened the box to discover a box holding a small camera!
"Oh my gosh! Luke!" I cried out, throwing my arms around him, and kissing him.
"Eh! We're still here you know." Ashton cried, blocking his eyes.
"Sorry," I replied. "How did you know I wanted a camera?"
"I remember you saying how you wanted to document these trip but you're phone probably wouldn't have enough data at the end of the tour."
"Oh my gosh Luke! Thanks!" I gushed.
"Enough of him, here's my gift." Michael said, handing me a small box as well.
I ripped the wrapping paper and guess what my gift was? A phone case that had a picture of cartoon Michael eating pizza.
Smiling I replied, "Thanks Mikey."
"No problem."
"My turn," Ashton cried, handing me a rectangular wrapped present.
It was a book! Paper Towns to be exact.
"Oh my gosh!!! I love this book! And it's mine! All mine!" I cried.
"Save the best for last," Calum said, handing me a small gift bag. I looked inside to see a beanie that said 5SOS on the front.
"Oh my gosh Calum. You are a life saver! Now I have something to put my hair in when I don't feel like fixing my hair." I said pulling it on.
"So who won?" Mikey asked.
"Everyone!" I cried, hugging them.
"Girls have cooties!" Mikey yelled, pushing me away.
"Zel, go get changed."
"Where are we going?"
"You'll see, now go get changed."
"Ugh, fine." I said. "But this poncho is really warm and comfy."
"Too bad," Luke replied, pushing me into the bathroom.
Sighing, I put on the dress and next the shoes. They were 4 inches, but I felt like a giant wearing them (but I'm still tiny compared to the guys). I went from being 5'4" to 5'8".
I really quickly curled my already straight hair and put my crown on.
"Ta-da!" I said, waking out of the bathroom.
"You look... beautiful." Luke said, looking at me in a speechless fashion.
"Thanks Luke. You don't look too bad yourself." I replied, noticing Luke's ensemble.
"Thank you."
"What about us?"
I looked pass Luke to see that the other guys looked actually... decent. For instance, Calum was actually wearing pants.
"Wow, you guys clean up pretty good." I commented.
"Thanks, I would say the same about you but you're still ugly."
"Gee, thanks Mikey. You really know how to boost a girl's self-esteem."
"Wow, it's a bar. This is my huge birthday surprise?"
"Yes, but you'll see why it's so special when we actually go inside." Michael explained.
"Okay," I replied, walking inside. It was pretty empty, a few people were sitting here and there. The lighting was dim and all the bar stools were empty.
I sat down awkwardly, not knowing what to do considering that this was my first time in a bar.
"Hey princess," the bartender said, smiling. "Is it a special occasion or did you just want to wear a pretty crown?"
"Special occasion," I replied.
"Let me guess... birthday?" she asked.
"Ding-ding-ding!" I responded.
"Alright! Twenty-first I'm guess."
"Right again."
"Do you like Harry Potter?" she asked.
Amazed I responded, "Yeah why do you ask?"
"Well you wouldn't be here tonight if you didn't," she replied, flipping her hair so that I could see her name tag.
"You're name is Hermione?"
"Yup. My parents were Harry Potter fanatics as you can see."
"Now... what do you want as your first legal alcoholic beverage?"
"Um... honestly... I have no idea." I responded, overwhelmed by the options.
"Well birthday girl, checkout our Potterhead menu," she responded, handing me a small pamphlet.
I took a look at it and I was immediately attracted to the Firebolt.
"I want the Firebolt." I replied
"Ooh, you're brave. That's got a punch to it." she said, raking out a shot glass. She started pouring what looked like thousands of liquors.
Turning around, I noticed that all the guys were dispersed. Calum was flirting with the other bartender (probably so he could get a drink). Michael was sitting, checking his phone and drinking who knows what, Ashton was in the corner, talking to someone and giggling like crazy, and Luke was next to me, fiddling with something I couldn't see.
"Here you go," I looked back at the bartender to see that she was sliding me a shot glass that was, bubbling. What have I gotten myself into?
"Oh gosh," I mumbled.
"Zel, smile." Luke said.
I turned to him to see that he was filming me with my new camera.
"Luke," I cried, covering my face. "Have you been filming me the whole time?"
"No, I just turned it on. Now drink your first cocktail."
"Fine," I muttered. Cringing, I grabbed the glass and chugged it down. It tasted... well, u didn't taste anything. All I felt was burning hot acid running down my throat. I started hacking ffrom the unusual feeling and I felt like puking. I grabbed onto Luke for support as I started hacking, my eyes shut.
"Babe are you okay?" Luke asked, his voice concerned.
I couldn't talk so I shook my head.
"Here, drink this." I opened my eyes to see Hermione handing me a clear liquid. I looked at her skeptically but she replied, "Don't worry, its water."
I took it and gulped it down, happy to have something to sooth my throat.
"You ok?"
I gave her a thumbs up.
"Here try this." Hermione said, passing me a drink. I was pink and blue and purple and it was swirling.
"I call this one, Wingardium Leviosa. Try it, I promise it's not as strong and this one you drink normally. You don't have to chug it."
Looking at my camera, I smiled and said, "Take two." I took a sip and was pleasantly surprised. It was really sweet, light, and airy. "Wow, this amazing. I would have never guessed this was alcohol."
"Now cutie, what do you want to drink?" Hermione asked Luke. Instinctively, I grabbed Luke's hand as he replied, "I'll just take water."
"And why is that blondie?"
"I'm not old enough."
"Well that's too bad," Hermione replied, passing him a cup of water.
"Haha," I replied.
"Oh shut up Zel," Luke muttered.
"Make me,"
"Oh I will." He replied, putting his fingers in the water and flicking his fingers at me.
""Luke! I hate you!" I growled doing the same.
"Hey guys, don't make a mess!" Hermione exclaimed. "I have to clean up tonight."
"Sorry," we replied in unison.
"Ugh." My eyes slowly opened, but they immediately closed because of how bright the room was. I immediately regretted waking up because I was immediately overwhelmed by nausea.
"Ah crap," I groaned. "Someone get me an Advil, I feel like death."
I tried to move my arms, but then I realized, I couldn't move. Slowly, I opened my eyes and I saw that I was being restrained by Ashton, Michael, and Calum laying on me. What?
"Good morning Miss Party Girl." I looked up to see Luke.
"Ugh. Can you please shut the blinds, I can't see." I groaned.
He walked over and closed the blinds.
"Uh oh."
"What?" he asked.
"I have to go to the bathroom and I can't move." I groaned, trying to release myself.
"Let me help," Luke said.
Between the two of us, we were able to get out without waking up the guys. As soon as I was out, I ran into the bathroom and puked (luckily in the toilet). Luke was there the whole time, holding my hair back. After I was done puking up my insides, I brushed my teeth, pretending Luke wasn't standing behind me. I was finally done and I turned to Luke.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what's wrong." I replied, feeling terrible.
"Well, I know what happened," Luke said,
"Wait. What?"
"Yeah, I recorded it all last night, do you want to see?"
"Well of course."
Luke grabbed the camera and began to show me.
Third Person POV:
"Luke thanks for this day. It was amazing." Zel said, finishing off her drink.
"Don't thank me. Thank Michael. He's the one that came up with all of this."
Zel got up and want to Michael and sat down next to him. He was being rather quiet and drinking... something but Zel was unable to identify it.
"Hi Zel." Michael said.
"Hey Mikey." She replied.
"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be over there making out with Luke or something?" he asked.
"We took a break. Also, thank you."
"For planning this day."
"You're welcome."
"I noticed that your hair is pink again."
"Yes it is."
"Thanks for that as well."
"Well why do you say that?"
Zel smiled, "Are we going to pretend that my favorite color isn't pink?"
Michael smiled back, "Okay, fine. You've got me."
"So why aren't you conversing with anyone?" Zel asked.
"Meh. I don't know."
"Don't worry. I'll find you someone." Then Zel loudly exclaimed, "Oh my gosh Mikey! You dominated in GTA!"
Suddenly, a short girl wearing studded combat boot, a short, black, leather skirt, a black crop top, and black framed glasses walked up to them. Her long neon green hair was curled and tumbled down her shoulders.
"Hey. I'm sorry for eavesdropping, but I heard that you game." She said.
Michael just nodded, too in awe to say anything.
"Radical! So do I. I'm Abby by the way. Do-do want a drink?"
"I would love one." Michael said, getting up.
They walked over to the bar and Zel suddenly saw a small Pokéball tattoo on Abby's wrist. He's in good hands, she thought to herself.
She walked back to her barstool next to Luke and said, "Look at that, I set up such a perfect couple."
"I see that." Luke replied.
"I think that deserves a drink." Zel declared. "Hermione, can I have another Firebolt please?"
"Sweetie, you almost died the first time. Are you sure you want to try again?" Hermione asked.
"I feel confident," Zel replied.
Hermione shrugged and passed her and other Firebolt,
Zel chugged it down, coughed a couple times, and said, "Hermione, keep them coming."
"Zel, slow down." Luke said.
"Luke, I'm fine. It's my birthday. Let me live." Zel replied, downing another glass. "Hey Hermione, do you have anything stronger?"
"I could add whiskey to it?"
"Yes! Yes! Do that!!" Zel cheered.
Hermione passes Zel her new, stronger drink but Luke grabbed it before Zel could drink it.
"Hwy! Party pooper, give me my drink!"
Luke calmly replied, "No Zelina. You're done. You're starting to get drunk."
"No I'm not," she slurred, taking the drink from Luke and drinking it quickly.
"Woo! Ow! That's amazing. Hermione make me more of these."
"No Zelina, you're cut off." Luke said, grabbing Zel's arm.
Zel pulled back ad growled, "No I'm not. You're not the boss of me Lucas!" she slammed a $20 on the bar and barked, "Hermione, make me more."
Hermione passed her 5 more shot glasses and Zel drowned them all.
"Zelina, stop."
"No Luke, I'm f- AH! I love this song!" Zelina yelled. She ran over to the DJ and yelled, "Can you please raise the volume?"
"What do I look like? A jukebox?" the DJ asked.
"Yes," was all she said as she gave him $10.
He took it, shrugged and raised the volume.
"Whoa!" Zel yelled, practically jumping everywhere, screaming out the song lyrics.
"Hey you," Zel slurred, walking over to two guys. "Dance with me."
The guy didn't even get to reply because Zel had pulled him to the dance floor which caused him to spill his drink.
"Hey!" he cried.
"Oh whoops," Zel giggled. "Don't cry over a spilled Cosmo. I'll make up for it later," she whispered, kissing his nose.
Flicking her hair off her shoulder, she got a glimpse of Luke. She looked straight at him, winked, and walked off with the guy.
A couple drinks and songs later. Zel finally sat down. But she wasn't sitting on a chair, she was sitting on random guy's lap (whose name happened to be Manny).
"You're really hot. I like your Latino accent, you see- hic- I'm Hispanic too, but- hic- as you can see- hic- I don't have an accent. Hic!"
"You're not Hispanic."
"¿No me cres hombre? ¿Porque no? ¿Porque soy nerga? ¿Eso es? ¿Eso es porque?"
"No, eso no es porque."
Zel shot up and yelled, "¿Porque no me cres?"
"¡Estas loca mujer!" he cried, getting up and walking away.
"Jerk," she muttered as she walked over to another guy.
She found out that his name was Samuel and that was about it.
"You're really cute. Do you have a girlfriend?"
"But she has a boyfriend."
Zel turned around to see Luke standing behind her.
"Oh hey boo. Sebastian, this is my boyfriend Luke."
"It's Sam."
"Whoops," Zel said, hiccupping.
"Zelina. Come on." Luke said, pulling Zel away.
"Let's sit," Zel said, plopping herself down.
After a few seconds Zel face contorted in nausea as she got up and puked in the trash can.
"Ewie," she said as she went up to Hermione.
"Can I gave a cup of water?" she asked, covering her mouth.
Hermione smiled apologetically as she gave her a cup of water.
Zel wobbled over to the bathroom and went to the nearest sink. Luckily, she wasn't completely gone so she was able to gargle the water ad get (most of) the water in the sink.
Zel secretly drank two more shots and immediately regretted it since she ended up puking again. After she got cleaned up, she went to Luke and said, "Babe, I want to go back to the hotel."
Luke sighed in relief as he agreed.
"So Zel. What do you want to do?" Luke asked, unsure of what to do.
Zel sat down as she said, "Well, come here and I'll tell you."
Luke sat on the footboard of the bed Zel was laying on.
"Closer," Zel whispered.
Luke scooted closer but Zel pulled him so close that their foreheads were touching.
"I love you." She said, pulling Luke to her and kissing him passionately. Luke was disgusted by Zel's alcohol breath, but Zel held his head in a position so he couldn't move.
Zel tugged up on the hem of Luke's shirt.
"Zel what are you doing?" Luke asked, his lips smashed against her's in an awkward way.
"Luke, I thought you loved me." Zel said.
"Zel, I do love you, but you're really drunk. I don't want to sleep with you if you won't even remember it from tomorrow."
"I promise, I will remember. How could I forget? You're my first."
"Exactly. If I'm going to be your first, I want to do it when you're able to walk in a straight line."
"I can walk in a straight line," Zel grumbled, getting up. She walked forward and tripped. Luke gave her an, "I told you so," look which resulted in Zel glaring at him.
"I'm wearing heels," Zel grumbled.
"Well then take them off your shoes and then try again."
"I don't want to." Zel grumbled.
Luke shrugged and checked his phone. Zel crawled into the bed with him.
"Zelina, no."
"Lucas, yes."
"Because I feel like I'm taking advantage of you."
"Well you're not if I told you to."
"Zelina, I love you. But I don't want your first time to happen because your judgement was clouded and if you were sober, I know you would agree with me."
"Luke, but that's the thing, my judgement isn't clouded." Zel insisted, lifting Luke's shirt.
He smacked her hand away and said, "Zel, I'll be right back."
Luke walked away from her and called the guys. They all said they'd come and hung up.
Luke turned around and walked back to Zelina to see her completely naked.
"Zelina, what are you doing?"
"Well you wouldn't make the first move so I did."
"Zelina, cover yourself up."
"Why? Do you have a problem with how I look?"
"Zelina, enough." Luke said, throwing her a blanket.
"Why don't you love me?!?" she cried, throwing herself onto Luke.
"Zelina, enough." He said, pushing her off and covering her up.
Someone suddenly knocked on the door.
"Cover yourself," Luke grumbled, opening the door.
"What's the emergency?" Ash asked.
"Zelina," Luke grumbled.
"Whoa, you used her full name. This must be pretty serious." Michael pointed out.
"Well come in and see for yourself." Luke replied.
They walked in and when Zelina saw them she smirked and said, "Oh so this is going to be a gang bang? The beds seems a little small, but I guess we can make it work."
"See what I mean," Luke said.
"Hmm, I see your problem."
"I'm not a problem," Zelina said defensively. "I'm just finally... relaxed. I'm cool as a cucumber."
"Well you know it's still Zel since she's making terrible metaphors."
"Simile. The word is simile not metaphor."
"Really Zel? You're going to correct me at a time like this?" Michael said, shaking his head.
"Sorry. I'm a grammar Nazi and anyway, my similes are not terrible." Zel slurred. "Uh oh."
She ran into the bathroom and puked.
"That's my problem!" Luke said.
"Alright, we'll help you, but first, turn off the camera."
"And that's what happened last night." Luke said, turning off the camera
"Wow," was all I could say.
"Um, how come I'm wearing my dress?" I asked.
"Long story short, we forced it back on you."
"So you guys have now all seen me naked?"
He nodded.
"Great," I muttered. "You better delete that tape."
"Will do," he replied.
"Why were they sleeping on me?"
"We wanted make sure that you wouldn't get up and leave and do something you'd regret."
"Ugh. I'm gonna take a shower. I reek of alcohol, perfume, and... ugh... puke." I groaned, walking to the bathroom.
"Don't take too long, we have to get ready to go to Miami."
"Aw man. I have to see my mom while I'm hungover?"
Luke nodded.
"Wow, what an amazing morning I'm having."
"No one talk to me." I said, plopping myself on a couch.
"I'm trying to sleep off my handover." I explained, putting on my eye mask.
"Don't forget to drink fluids," Luke reminded.
"Yeah, yeah." I muttered, putting my earbuds in at the lowest possible volume. Everything was prefect, but I forgot to count in one thing; the bus moving. The engine started and next thing I knew, I was hunched over the toilet, puking out my insides while Luke held my hair back.
"Ew, if this is what pregnancy is like, I'm never getting pregnant." I groaned, brushing my teeth.
Luke just softly laughed.
I rinsed my mouth and slowly hobbled over to an empty bunk.
"Is this bunk open?" I asked, hitting the bunk and luckily it was empty.
"It is. Ok. I claim this bunk. I sleep here now," I said, slowly laying down.
"Zel. Zel, wake up."
"Shut up Luke."
"Zel, you've been hanging out with Michael too much."
"What do you want, you piece of poop?"
"You have eat," he replied laughing.
I slowly slipped the eye mask off and opened one eye to see that Luke was giving me yogurt. Just the sight of it made my stomach churn which caused me to puke in the trash can Luke had found.
"Never mind then," he replied.
Grumbling, I closed the trash can and walked over to the bathroom to brush my teeth for the seventh time!
"Sorry," I said meekly, laying back down.
"Why are you apologizing? It's not like you did anything wrong."
"I don't know why I'm apologizing. But you already know that I'm always apologizing."
"That is true. You're too nice."
"Whatever butthead. Pass me my Gatorade."
I have no idea why, the only thing my stomach is letting me digest is water and Gatorade. But if I did puke, it would make my puke whatever color Gatorade I was drinking. Ew.
"You are so kind to me."
"I know," I replied.
"I really want to kiss you right now, but I don't kiss girls with puke breath."
"I don't have puke breath. Have you seen how many times I've brushed my teeth? Anyways I don't kiss guys with ugly faces."
"Whatever. That's not what you were saying last night."
Glaring at him I replied, "We do not speak of that."
Laughing he responded, "You are never going to live that down."
"I know," I sighed.
"Why are you sleeping here instead of my bunk?"
"This one was closest."
He cocked an eyebrow as if saying that he didn't believe me.
"Fine," I groaned. "I have this weird fear that if I go to sleep up there alone, I'll roll out and fall and die."
"I sleep there and I don't fall and die."
"Well you're you and I'm me. I trip over flat surfaces. Plus, you're bunks too far from the bathroom." I replied.
"That's true." Luke commented. "Now Zel, you have to do something you've been dreading. Eat."
My face scrunched up in disgust. I might be able to get some down, but the rest is coming back up and I didn't really didn't want to throw up... again.
"Ugh," I moaned, trying to sit up. Suddenly a huge migraine hit me and my shake arms gave out on me, causing me to fall. All my movement irritated my stomach ad I immediately threw up, but luckily Luke moved the trash can I front of me before I puked.
"Dang it," I muttered, closing the trash can and swinging my shaky legs off of the bunk.
After I finished brushing my teeth, I walked back to Luke in tears.
"Whoa babe. Why are you crying?" Luke asked, holding my hand.
"I was so stupid last night."
"You're still beating yourself about that? You didn't know what you were doing. You were drunk." Luke said, pulling me onto his lap and wiping off my tears.
"But that's the thing. I'm the reason why I got drunk. I chose to drink. I chose to keep drinking. I chose to let the alcohol take over."
"Well if it's your fault, then tell me; why'd you do it?"
"I..." I started, looking away from Luke. "I... I felt like you were... getting bored of me." I turned back to see Luke staring at me confused.
"What?" I asked.
"Wha- why would you think that?" Luke asked.
"I... I don't know. I just felt like... like I'm not good enough. I mean come on. Billions of girls would kill to date you. And there's millions of girls in the world who... who are prettier than me, or... or smarter than me... or funnier than me, or nicer than me. And-"
"Well they aren't you. You are all of those things and more. You're beautiful and... and smart... and ridiculously cheesy and witty and funny and sarcastic and... amazing."
Smiling, I leaned over and rested my head on his shoulder while he put his head on top of mine.
"Thanks babe, I needed that."
"Any time," he replied.
After a brief moment of silence, Luke kissed my forehead and softy whispered, "I love you."
"I love you too," I murmured back. I closed my eyes and my body started to slowly ache. I groaned and moved to the left to be able to reach my Advil and water. I took one and laid down, feeling relived. Next to me, Luke laid down, holding my hand and pulling me close to him.
"You have no idea how much I love cuddling. I was unloved as a child."
Luke laughed, "I honestly doubt that."
"It's true! If I tried to cuddle my mom, she would push me off the bed or couch. If I tried to hug her, she would tickle my sides and she knew that would cause me to back away from her. The only 'love' I got in that house was my grandma and half the time she yelled at me. My own dog hated me."
"I doubt that. What about your dad?"
I tensed up and Luke immediately noticed.
"I'm sorry, did I say something?"
"Yeah, you said 'dad.'" I murmured.
"You never talk about your dad."
"Mostly because there's not much to tell. I don't even know my dad. My mom and dad were dating when I was born. They broke up- I have no idea why, maybe because of me- and I rarely saw him, my parents didn't live together. I saw him every once and awhile, but after I turned six, I never saw him again. Meh. Oh well." I said, squeezing Luke's hand.
"I'm sorry."
"Now who keeps apologizing?" I asked smirking. "Plus, it's not your fault. You didn't make my dad go away. And if you're saying 'sorry,' because you can't do anything, don't sweat it. You can't make him come back. For all I know, he could be dead."
"Think positive,"
"I'm hungover, I can be as depressed as I want."
"Is that going to be your excuse for today?"
"Yup. And maybe even tomorrow. Speaking of which, cuddle me, I'm cold."
"What does that have to do with anything?"
"My hangover is making me cold. Now, cuddle!" I responded, resting my head against his chest.
"Oh Zel."
"I know you love me,"
"I know you love me."
"Oh shut up."
I carefully opened my eyes, but my stinking hangover made the light burn like the intensity of ten tours and suns. I slowly moved my arm so that it shielded my eyes and turned ever so slightly. First thing I saw was Luke, snoring ever so slightly, beside me, his arm draped around my waist. I smiled and whispered into Luke's ear, "I'll be right back. I'm going to the bathroom."
I crawled out and I relished how hot and sweaty I was. My sense of temperature was wonky and cuddling with Luke caused me to overheat and get sweaty. Ew.
I went over to my suitcase and grabbed the first two articles of clothing I could find in this huge mess (and I hoped they matched).
Slowly but surely, I went into the bathroom. I shut the door behind me and tried to lock it. Unfortunately, the lock was broken. Great.
I peeled off my sweaty clothes and just kinda stood there. I didn't feel like getting dressed, but I knew I couldn't just walk around in my bra and underwear. I grabbed my shirt and pants and sighed. My shirt was a thing grey sweater with 5 Seconds of Summer lyrics written every which way. My "pants" turned out to be a black jacket. I'm so intelligent...
I put down my jacket and grabbed my sweater when suddenly, BAM! The door opened to reveal Luke.
I screamed and dropped to the ground, my knees covering my chest. My sweater fell of top of me, but it did little to cover me.
"Sorry," Luke murmured, slamming the door shut.
Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh. Oh... My... Gosh... I kept repeating over and over in my head as I put my sweater on.
Dang it. I still don't have pants.
I walked to the door and opened it ever so slightly. Luckily, Luke was sitting on his bunk, checking his phone.
"Luke!" I whisper screamed. "Pst! Luke!"
He looked up and walked in my direction.
"Yes?" He asked, his voice cracking.
"I forgot to grab pants. Can you please get me a pair?"
"Um.. Okay. Sure. Where are they?"
"They should be on the left side of my suitcase." I replied.
Luke walked away and I shut the door behind him.
I was walked over to the sink and attempted to fix my hair.
Behind me, Luke opened the door. Yet again I screamed, but not in fear, of shock. Instead of him just leaving the pants, he slammed the door behind him.
"Um, hi." I said awkwardly, turning around to face Luke, leaning against the bathroom counter.
"Hey," he said sheepishly.
"Um, how's it going?" I asked. What are you supposed to ask someone while they're in a bathroom with you while you're half naked?
"I'm fine thanks. You?"
"I'm great considering that my boyfriend is in the bathroom with me while I'm half naked." I replied, smirking.
"Well at least I'll only have to do half of the work."
I started blushing like crazy and I slightly laughed while looking down at my feet.
"Oh gosh. That was a terrible joke. Can we forget that I stay please."
"No, it's ok. I-"
"Oh gosh. That was a terrible joke..." Luke said, rambling on and on.
Rolling my eyes, I walked up to him and held his face in my hands. I bit the corner of my lip as I stared into his eyes. He stopped rambling and all he could say was, "I r-really want t-to k-kiss you right now."
Smirking, I leaned in close to his ear and whispered, "Go ahead."
He turned his head and he stared kissing me. A soft moan slipped out of my lips as my fists balled around Luke's shirt. Luke pressed me against the wall and roughly kissed me. Oh gosh. My heart's racing and pounding underneath my sweater. I started overheating and I was probably sweating. He grabbed me behind my thighs and lifted me up. My legs wrapped around him instinctively and he kissed me harder. He moved his arms so that they were practically wrapped around my butt so that I didn't fall.
He stopped kissing me and his forehead was pressed against mine. We were both breathing heavenly and slightly sweating. I had no idea what I was doing. I, for once, was just acting upon instinct and not overthinking things. My lips ended up on Luke's neck and I could hear him slightly moan rasply as I softly sucked his skin.
"Zel, what are you doing to me?" Luke moaned, his hand grazing against the bottom of my shirt.
"I have no idea," I mumbled, my head resting in the crook of his neck.
His hand pulled up my shirt and next thing I knew, my shirt was on the floor and I was practically naked.
My hands made their way to the buttons on Luke's flannel, slowly unbuttoning them.
A few minutes later, Luke and I were stripped down to nothing but our underwear, his hands near my bra clasp.
Everything felt perfect, but everything also felt wrong. I mean, this is way father than I've ever gotten with, well, anyone, this is all totally new to me. Was I ready to give up my virginity? I mean, I do love Luke and its Luke- freaking- Hemmings! But for crying out loud, did I really want to have sex for the first time in a tour bus bathroom? Plus, what if Luke doesn't like was he sees? I don't even like looking at myself half naked in the mirror, but that's mostly because of me being slightly overweight in the past. Oh gosh. I can't do this. Oh gosh.
"Luke," I mumbled.
"Mm?" He replied, his lips peppering my cheeks and neck with kisses.
He immediately stopped and looked straight at my eyes. "What's wrong babe?" He asked, deeply concerned.
"I'm sorry, but can we stop please?"
"Why are you apologizing?"
"I don't know. I just feel like you expect me to, you know, give it up to you."
"And you think that why?"
"Well that's pretty much what my ex-boyfriend expected from me right before he dumped me."
"In college, I dated this guy and he seemed perfect; pre-med, ridiculously smart, kind, charming, sweet. And when I started dating him, it was going great. And one day, I was hanging out with him in his dorm and his roommate wasn't there. Keep in mind, this was young, naïve Zelina who believed that the world is a beautiful place and who believed in 'happily ever after,' and refused to admit that there are bad people in the world.
"So anyways everything was fine until he started making moves on me, but stupid me didn't realize it at first so I went ago with it. When it finally hit me, I tried to stop him and that's when he told me that pretty much the only reason he was dating me was to sleep with me. Isn't that great? And then he dumped me because I refused. So it's his fault that I usually have my guard up and it doesn't help that I had a terrible father figure. Guys suck... sorry... well you don't suck... but in general..."
Luke sat down on the floor and pulled me down next to him.
"I'm sorry," he whispered while kissing my forehead.
"Why are you apologizing?" I asked, grabbing his hand.
"I'm sorry for making you feel like you were obligated to do....well... this." He replied.
"No, no. Don't be upset. This is not your fault. If anything, I'm at fault here for kissing you first." I stated.
Luke still wasn't looking at me so I turned his face so that I could look at him.
"Babe. Hey babe. Look at me." I cried, slightly shaking his head to get his attention. He slowly turned to actually look me in the eyes.
"Babe. It's not your fault. Okay? I love you. You know that right?"
He nodded and I kissed him.
"Now come on," I said getting up. "We have to get out. I'm surprised no one's had to go pee."
I was putting my shirt back on when Luke said, "Nice underwear."
I looked at them to see they were my hot pink panties with a huge cartoon panda on the back.
"Thanks. My best friend Spencer dared me to buy it."
"She must be something special for you to buy and actually wear those."
"You could say that." I replied, putting my pants on. "Luke, I'll go out first and then you go out. Cool?"
I walked over to him and kissed him passionately, which resulted in Luke's tongue in my mouth...
I walked outside of the bathroom and grabbed my laptop. The first thing I did was check my Twitter. The picture Luke posted of me with the caption, "Look at my beautiful birthday princess. She just beat Michael in FIFA. He's not pleased," got millions of comments; the good, the bad, and the ugly. Geez, before I stated dating Luke, I could barely get 5 comments.
After checking Twitter, I decided to go on... Tumblr; the most beautiful and demented place in the universe. While I browsed, I listened to my old playlist I found.
"Hey babe," Luke said, plopping down next to me.
"Hey," I replied, slightly moving my computer so that he couldn't see the disturbing thing I was reading.
"Whatcha reading?"
"Let me read."
"No thank you."
"But babe-"
"No 'buts.'"
Luke gave me puppy eyes, but I refused to budge. I shifted my position and continued reading, letting out the occasionally giggle here and there as I scrolled.
"Hey guys."
I looked up to see Ash sitting across from us, the rest of the guys coming in too.
"Hey," I mumbled, trying not to laugh uncontrollably.
"Luke, what's on your neck?"
We all looked to see a red mark on his neck.
"A hickey," he replied effortlessly.
"But- wha- why?"
"Because it shows that he's all mine." I retorted, kissing him off-guard.
"Ew guys. Zel, don't make me kick you off this tour."
"Sorry, couldn't help myself." I giggled, my head resting on his shoulder.
"Zel! What are you reading?!?"
I turned my head to realize that Luke had read the Luke Hemmings Imagine that had popped up.
" that's Tumblr for you."
"Geez, these people have... um... crazy imaginations."
"You're telling me."
Author's Note:
Are you happy readers? I've finally updated.
*happy cheers in the background*
I'm sorry that I've been MIA and that I haven't updated in a month. I know that a couple of you guys have directly asked me to update. I'm so so sorry. These chapters are just slowly get longer and longer and we're coming close to the middle of the book.
*more cheering in the background*
And as you can see their relationship is getting more intense.
*Wink* *Wink*
Ok Readers. It's been fun. Gotta dash.
PS: Do you guys like the new cover I made? I personally like it more then the other.
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