Chapter Sixteen: Ashton Makes a New Friend
"Hey Luke." I said, pulling Esme behind me.
"Hey." He replied, looking up from his phone.
"This is my cousin Esmeralda," I said looking at her, expecting her to say something, but she just stood there, her jaw slack.
"Can you talk?" I asked her. She shook her head.
"At least say something."
"I think my ovaries just exploded," she whispered.
I burst out laughing, "You're not allowed to steal my catchphrases."
"Hey Esmeralda. I'm Luke."
"Just call me Esme. Everyone else does." She managed to say.
"She speaks," I said, smirking.
"So Esme-"
"Hey guys," Ash said, walking up to us.
Esme's eyes grew even wider- if that's even possible- and then boom. She passed out and fell onto the grass.
"What did I do?" Ashton asked, shocked.
"You said, 'Hey.'" I replied, getting to the ground to check for any injuries.
"¡Mija!" Esme's mom, Danella, cried.
"Don't worry. She's fine." I reassured.
"¿Qué le paso?" She asked. "What happened?"
"He said 'Hey,' and she passed out." I explained.
"What? Why?"
"I'm guessing she's an Ashton girl."
"¿A qué? A what?"
"She likes a boy named Ashton from the band 5 Seconds of Summer."
"And what does that have to do with anything?"
"He's Ashton." I replied, poking him.
She got very close to Ashton and said, "You caused my daughter to faint?"
"Well technically I didn't do-"
He was interrupted by her slapping him. "You should be ashamed of yourself." She said, walking away.
Ashton stood there with a confuse look on his face. "What just happened?"
"I've just learned not to question it." I replied, squatting down to Esme's level.
"Hey Es-me! Wakey wakey." I said, shaking her slightly.
"Esmeralda Sanchez! Wake up!"
"Oh my gosh! Your phone just exploded!"
Zilch. She's obviously out cold since she didn't react when I said anything involving her phone.
"Ash, can you do me a favor had put her in a chair?"
"Sure," he replied, scooping her up.
I turned around to see my cousin Bianca walking up to me.
"Can you do me a huge favor?"
"My boss called me and asked me to come in last minute and I was wondering if you could watch Christian for me?"
"Um... sure, I guess-"
"Okay good." She replied, handing me the child. "His diaper bag is on that chair and he can eat small pieces of food. Okay bye!" She said, leaving.
"Wait, what?" I asked, turning around, but she was already gone.
"Well Christian, I guess your stuck with me." I said, walking over to Calum and Michael.
"Hey guys." I said, re-positioning the baby so that he was resting on my hip.
"Cute baby." Michael commented.
"Thanks, he's mine.
Michael and Calum's eyes grew wide so I immediately corrected myself. "He's not my son or anything like that. He's my cousin's son and I'm stuck babysitting him."
"Where'd the baby come from?" Luke asked, walking up to us.
"Well Luke, when a mommy and a daddy love each other-"
"You know what I meant."
Smirking, I replied, "He's my cousin's son. She had to go to work last minute and now I have a baby."
"Baby!" Ashton cried as he walked over to us.
"Ash, the is my cousin's son, Christian." I said.
Christian threw his arms towards Ashton as if he wanted him to carry him.
"Christian?" I said, trying to his attention, but he was staring at Ash.
"Ash, would you be willing to carry Christian?" I sighed.
"Sure," he replied. I handed him Christian and he had the biggest smile on his face that showed off his four teeth.
"Blood traitor." I grumbled.
"Hi Christian." Ashton said, trying to copy my accent that I use when I say his name. Christian started cracking up and he grabbed Ash's nose.
"Zel, what is he doing?" He asked, making sure not to move.
"I don't know. Just go with it." I replied giggling.
"Um... okay."
"Hey Zel!" I heard someone call. I turned around to see Justin signaling for me to come over.
"I'll be back," I said as I walked in Justin's direction.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Look who decided to show up."
I looked over to the street to see a guy on his motorcycle hop off and walk towards me. He took off his helmet to reveal, Vincent Carniseto.
"Look what the cat dragged in." I said, smirking.
"Hey smartass." He said, reluctantly hugging me.
"Hi dumbass." I replied. We're so kind to each other. "How's life been?"
"You know. Traveling and stuff. I love being a professional soccer player."
"Aw. You stopped traveling so you could come to my 'Welcome Home' party? I'm touched."
"Actually, I was already in Miami and I only came became there was going to be food."
"Sure. And by the way, you owe me $100."
"What? Why?"
"Because in middle school you said, 'I bet $100 that when I'm 20, I'll have a Ferrari.'"
"That was in middle school!"
"A Rosario never forgets."
"How do you know that I don't have a Ferrari?"
"Because I know you. You love showing off. If you had a Ferrari. You would have came here in it so you could rub it everyone's faces. That's a nice bike, but it's not Ferrari. Now, pay up."
"Do you honestly think that I carry $100 with me?"
"I'll take check." I responded, my hand extended.
"You're kidding, right? "
"Do I look like I'm kidding? You're a famous fútbol player. I'm sure you have money to spare for the less fortunate."
Grumbling, he wrote me a check for a $100.
"Very." I replied, putting the check in my purse.
"Jerk," he muttered, a few curse words coming out with it.
"Go tell it to someone who cares." I retorted, leaving him to grab some Inca Cola.
Opening my can, I visually checked on everyone. My 6 year old cousins somehow weaseled Michael into playing with them since he was sitting on a chair that was way too small, next to a table that he could barely get his knees under, while wearing a pink, feathery boa and a pretty pink tiara and drinking our of a tiny teacup.
Calum was talking to my crazy cousin who is almost always drunk and Ashton, who was still holding Christian.
Luke and Spencer were a couple feet away, laughing hysterically. She better not being telling him embarrassing stories about me.
I turned around to see fully conscious Esme behind me.
"Hey Esme. You okay?"
"I'm fine. My head kinda hurts, but I'm good."
We talked for a good ten minutes when Esme suddenly blurted out, "Please don't break up with Luke."
"Wait. What?"
"Don't break up with Luke because if you were to marry him, then I would be able to say that my cousin us married to Luke Hemmings and that would mean that I would be related to him. And then the kids at school would know that I'm related to a celebrity and they wouldn't make fun of me and they might just idolize me."
"Wait, kids are making fun of you?"
"Well yeah, but it's not they're harassing me or anything. I mean, what person hasn't been picked on? It just happens to me because I'm an easy target."
"And why is that?"
"Well I go to a really preppy school and everyone is pretty much blond, blue-eyed, rich, bubbly, and happy all the time. And I'm over here, the antisocial, "punk rock", emo girl that wears black skinny jeans, beanies, vintage band tees, and bracelets up to her elbow. They're always ridiculing me for not fitting into the cookie cutter image. At least I'm not a basic white girl."
"That's the spirit." I said, laughing. "If they make fun of you again, give me a call and I'll give them a piece of my mind."
"I'll keep that in mind." She responded, laughing.
"Ashton, it's time for Christian to eat." I said, taking Christian from Ashton's arms.
"Aw. I want to hold him." Ashton said, frowning.
"I have to feed him." I replied, grabbing mashed potatoes my mom warmed up for him. But he didn't want mash potatoes. He was staring at my grandma's world renowned green spaghetti.
"Christian, this is spicy. Es picante."
But he didn't care. He wanted it.
"Okay..." I replied, giving him some. As soon as he swallowed it, he cried, "¡Pica! ¡Pica!"
"Did he just say Pikca?! Is he imitating Pikachu?!" Michael cried.
Laughing I replied, "No Michael. 'Pica' means spicy in Spanish."
Michael frowned, "Aw."
Christian seemed to notice the change in Michael's demeanor because he leaned over to him, touched his hair, and giggled. "Color!" He cried, flashing his adorable smile. This immediately caused Michael to smile too as Christian attempted to get Michael to carry him instead of me.
"Oh no you don't. You're not leaving me for another 5SOS member again." I said, holding him tightly.
"It seems Spencer and Calum have hit it off." Luke said, softly laughing. We were watching Spence and Calum sitting next to each other, laughing. Spence was obviously flirting since she threw her head back when she laughing, kept touching his arm, and would flip her bright hair over her shoulder.
"Queen of flirts." I muttered, opening my third Inca Cola.
"What is that? You're like obsessed with it."
"This," I said, slurping. "Is Inca Cola. Its a Peruvian soda. And it is the best soda in the world!"
"I'll be the judge of that." He replied, taking my can.
"Jerk." I muttered, pouting.
"Mm, this is pretty good." He commented, drinking more.
"Hey! Get your own can!" I cried.
He ceremoniously slobbered all over the exterior.
"Ew! No, you can keep it." I replied, scrunching up my face.
"That's what I thought." He said, smirking.
"Butthead." I retorted, grabbing another can.
"I may be a 'Butthead', but I am a very handsome Butthead."
"Whatever floats your boat." I replied, rolling my eyes and drinking more Inca.
"Hey babe!"
I turned around to see Justin walking up to me, beer in hand. He weaseled his way between Luke and I and smiled.
"I'm bored. All your crazy family left."
Everyone had left, including Christian which made Ashton sad since his new friend was gone.
"Well what do you want me to do about that?"
"I don't know. Um... ugh... ooh! I know! Let's do karaoke."
"My boyfriend's a singer. I doubt he wants to sing."
"Actually that sounds fun."
"Yay!" Justin cried.
Author's Note:
Hey guys. I updated slightly on time.
*crowd cheers*
I want to say,
But anyways, I have a whole week off of school and I'm pumped!
And also, I have exactly 600 views. Whoop! Whoop.
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