Chapter Six: I love... waffles
Dedicated to @VerDae. Love you babe.
In the end, I stayed until 3am and I had to take a cab home but guess what... Luke asked me out!!! Well, it's not really a date- date. He apologized about the guys (I told him that I found them hilarious). He then asked if I was busy on Friday night, I said no. He said cool and he pretty much asked me out, but I have no idea of where we're going. I practically freaked out and the inner black girl in me said, "Oh gurl, get it." (She's slightly perverted, as you can see)
Oh my gosh! I'm having an emergency. A fashion emergency! I have no idea what to wear! All Luke texted me was;
Wear something warm. Or don't... either way it works.
What the heck does that mean!?! Do I wear something warm or not?
In the end, I ended up wearing black skinny jeans and a black crop top (and yes I do realize that I'm wearing a lot of black).
Sitting on the couch, I read "Jane Eyre." (I definitely wasn't siting there checking my phone the whole time. Pfft, what do you think? That I'm desperate? Pfft... no.)
Ten minutes had passed when the doorbell suddenly rang. I jumped up and practically- see, I have some dignity- ran to the door. My heart was pulsing rapidly just thinking about the person sanding behind my door.
I opened the door expecting 6'5" of pure hotness, but instead was greeted by the small figure of... Mrs. Meenigan.
"Good evening Miss Ro-sar-i-o. I'm sorry-"
"No you're not. What do you want?" I asked, annoyed that it was this devil instead of Luke.
"Well! I'm here to inform you that if you don't pay your rent by the end of next week, I'll have no choice than to-" "-kick you out of this apartment complex, yes, yes I know." I replied, getting more ticked off by the second.
"Good. You understand. Have a nice night," she said, sauntering away. Rolling my eyes, I slammed the door and sat back down.
The doorbell suddenly rang and I ran to the door. (Forget dignity!) I opened the door to see- yet again- Mrs. Meenigin. She opened her pursed lips and said, "Miss. Rosario, your electrical bill is due-"
She was interrupted by me slamming the door in her face. The doorbell rang yet again and I yelled, "I swear Mrs. Meenigin, if I see your face when I open my door, I will call the cops for harassment of the public."
I heard a small gasp and shuffling of feet outside my door and I was satisfied. I walked over to my couch and ended up falling into a- somewhat- peaceful slumber.
I awoke to the sound of a doorbell. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a frying pan. I then slowly walked to the door.
"Mrs. Meenigin, I swear!" I muttered bringing up the pan like a bat. I opened the door and screamed, "Mrs. Meenigin I've had enough of your-" I looked up to see a slightly confused Luke looking at me, holding- gasp- flowers.
" Hi." I said, bring down the pan. He smiled and replied, "Why, hello. Is this how you greet everyone who comes to your house?"
Blushing I replied, "Sorry, my annoying landlord was-"
"Don't worry about it. These are for you," he said, properly presenting me the bouquet of Chrysanthemum.
"They mean-"
"-fidelity. I know." I finished.
"I felt bad for being late, so I bought you these to show you that I am loyal, but you haven't been able to see that yet. I'm sorry." He said.
"It's okay as long as you tell why you were late." I replied.
"Let's just say that I wanted to make this night... perfect."
I started smile.
"What?" he asked, smiling too.
"The guys were right; you are a huge cheese ball." I said, placing the flowers on the table I had near the door.
Ready to go?" he asked, laughing.
I've been ready for over an hour, I thought, but I simply nodded.
We walked out of my apartment complex and we were greeted by a horse drawn carriage. I was astounded. No one has ever done anything like this.
"Welcome to your ride." Luke said, gesturing to the carriage. Blushing, I climbed in (with the help of Luke) and scooted down to make room for Luke. The carriage was twinkling with fairy lights and Luke pulled out a bottle and two glasses. I looked at him skeptically considering that we were both underage.
"Don't worry it's sparkling apple cider." He said, reading from the label.
"Oh Luke, you didn't have t-"
"Yes I did have to." He interrupted. "I told you, I want to make this night perfect."
I blushed and took the filled glass from him. We just kinda sat there in quietness, looking at each other coyly. I broke the stare down by looking down at my strappy, black heels. Why did I wear heels? I want my Converse! Or flats. Just not HEELS! I'm probably going to trip and fall later and end up making a fool of myself. And the worst part; I'm still shorter than Luke. Bring 5"4' kinda sucks.
Rubbing circles into my thighs repeatingly, I looked over to Luke. He wasn't looking in my direction; instead he was starring in awe at the skyscrapers. I looked down and noticed Luke's skinny jeans (as if he'd wear anything else). I looked back at mine. Whose jeans were tighter?!? I -tried to- tug on my jeans, but I couldn't pull them.
"Penny for your thoughts," Luke said. I shot my head up and immediately replied, "I'm trying to find out whose jeans are tighter."
Did I just say that?
"Yes you did. And now that I think about it, you have a valid point." Luke responded.
"Your pants are probably smaller in size than mine, but they might be tighter than mine."
"Doubt it."
"Dude, no offence, but you have thinner legs than me. I have fat thighs."
"Trust my instincts, child."
"Just because you're older than me that makes me a 'child?'"
After close examination (big girl word!), we determined that my pants were tighter (I don't know if I should feel successful or depressed).
"So where are we going? Because if it's a place that people usually talk in, I'm running out of topics. But I always talk so I'll find something to talk abo-"
"Don't worry; this is a place where you don't really talk." He replied.
Hmmm. Where is this boy taking me?
Turns out we were going to the movies... yay.
"I would have taken you to the beach, but there are no beaches in New York." Luke said, helping me out of the carriage.
"Thanks Luke. Don't get me wrong, I love the movies! Who doesn't? But, I talk too much in movies. It's ridiculous. If anything, I talk most when I'm in at movies. I'll ask questions, make stupid remarks, and if I read the book that the movie was based off of, I'll start pointing out mistakes or quoting the book."
"I know. You told me yesterday." He replied.
I did?
"You also said that whoever could deal with you talking during a movie they'd be-"
"-my soul mate. I know. My mom told me that when I was eleven. Gosh, my mom is so lame."
"You talk about your mom a lot."
"Well I've lived with her all my life. She's back in Miami."
"That's funny, we're touring in Miami."
"Well maybe you'll see her at your concert. Even though she denies it, she really does like your guys' music."
"Well that's nice to know." He sighed. "You must really love her. Why'd you leave?" he asked.
"Well, there's always drama in New York. I wanted to be the person who reported it."
"Seems reasonable."
Walking into a nearly empty movie theater, with my arms full of overpriced movie snacks that Luke paid for (he refused to let me buy anything- how rude), we hiked up to the top row of seats (it's harder to get spotted up there). Everything was going well until the squealing happened.
"OMG! Is that Luke Hemmings?!?"
I made the mistake of turning around to see who was yelling. A girl about 12 was running up to us. She had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. A seventeen year old was chasing after her. He had thick, curly, dark hair and hazel eyes.
"Oh my gosh! It is you! Luke Hemmings; guitarist and lead vocalist of the pop-rock band, 5 Seconds of Summer." The girl gushed, shoving her way in between Luke and I. Now that's rude.
"I'm Haley and this is my brother Daevid. We are super HUGE fans of you guys."
"We? Don't you mean you?" Daevid asked.
"Oh Daevid, give it up. We all know you have a poster of 5 Seconds of Summer in your closet."
"No I don't! And what are you doing in my closet?!?"
"Mom made me put your clothes away."
"Stay out of my room!" Daevid grumbled, obviously upset that his sister found out his dirty little secret.
"Anyways Luke, I'm a HUGE fan! Can you please autograph my... my... phone case." She squealed.
"I would love to, but I don't have a pen."
"Don't worry; Daevid does!" she said, grabbing a Sharpie out of Daevid's jacket pocket. She gave it to Luke and he graciously signed her bright pink phone case. Daevid was astonished. When Haley gave him his pen back he growled, "What? Now you know what I keep in my pockets?" She simply nodded.
"Luke, would you mind taking a selfie with me?" she asked, her phone already on the front view camera.
"Sure," he responded, but much nicer than I would have been. He took a quick selfie with her and gave her back her phone.
"Wow. Look at the time. We better go or all the good seats will be taken." I said, even though it was obvious that no one was coming since the commercials were ending.
Luke waved good-bye as we walked up to our seats.
"Is it always like that?" I asked, sitting with my knees brought up to my chest in a casual manner.
"Pretty much," he replied
"You're so calm about it."
"I've been doing this for a while."
"I would have yelled at her."
"I know."
"Are you cold?" Luke asked, noticing my slight shivering.
"Kinda," I responded.
"I told you to wear something warm."
"No, you told me to wear something warm or don't. That doesn't help me!"
"Here," Luke said handing me his jacket.
I slipped it on and put my hand on the arm rest. I suddenly felt something warm come near it. I looked down to see Luke's hand lying next to mine. Smiling, I slipped my hand into his. He slightly squeezed and I could just feel him smiling.
The movie was almost over. It wasn't terrible, but I wouldn't pay to watch it again.
"You've gotta be kidding me," Luke muttered, looking at his phone.
"What is it?" I asked, but he brushed me off.
"You've been here before right?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Where's the back exit?"
"On the left I think."
"Let's go," Luke said, pulling me from my seat and practically ran out of the movie theater.
"Luke, where are we going? What's wrong?" I asked, close behind him.
"Let's just say that we're trending on Twitter." He said, finding the exit and practically running towards it. What does that mean?
Pushing the door open, he sprinted, pulling me with him. Suddenly I was blinded by bright lights. People were yelling, "Hey Luke look over here!" or "Luke, smile." or "Luke who's the girl."
"Put on the hood," Luke ordered. I did as told. Gosh I hate the paparazzi!
"Hey taxi!" Luke yelled. A taxi- surprisingly- showed up right in front of us. (Dang celebrities) We plied in, glad to have something between us and the cameras.
"I'm sorry,"
"It's okay," I replied.
"No its not, the paparazzi-"
"-are monsters, I know."
"I'm sorry"
"It's ok, but I want to know how they found us."
"See for yourself." Luke said, handing me his phone. A girl named Its_HayBae tweeted, "OMG! Just saw Luke Hemmings w/ mystery girl. Who could she be?" She also posted a picture of Luke and I walking up the stairs and me wearing his jacket. She also put our location. This means war!
"Well looks like I'm twitter famous." I said, lounging back on the seat.
"Sorry for interrupting but where are you guys going?" the taxi driver asked.
"Um... Hotel Pe-"
"Luke your hotel is probably going to be swarmed by the Paps. Take us to 1818 Ocean Avenue and take your time."
He looked at me confused.
"I live there. The Paps don't know where I live. You can stay there until the vultures die down."
"I'm sorry that this date didn't turn out as I planned."
"Luke I already told you, it's okay."
"But I told you that I would make your evening perfect. But this whole night is all messed because of the paparazzi. We were supposed to go out for pizza after this, and then go back to the hotel and hang out with the guys or hang out at your place and just talk. I-"
"Luke, it's okay. The evening didn't go as planned, but we can still do some of the things you wanted to do. We can't go out because of those vultures, but are you hungry?" I asked, opening my fridge, looking for something to eat.
"No, I'm good."
"Well I am. Running from the paparazzi makes a girl hun-gry!" I said, making microwaveable chicken alfredo.
"So how are you?" I asked, plopping myself on the couch next to Luke.
"I've been better." He replied.
"You're in an apartment with a beautiful girl sitting next to you. How much better can you get?"
"You have a point."
"of course I do, i-"
I was suddenly interrupt by something insane; Luke kissed me. I, normal civilian Zelina Rosario, was kissed by Luke Hemmings, guitarist and lead vocalist of the pop rock band 5 Seconds of Summer. How did this happen?
The kiss was, spectacular. He stared into my eyes and stared at my lips while biting his own. And slowly leaned in until he ending up on my lips. His freaking lip ring felt cold against my lip and it felt amazing. He gently grabbed my waist to pull me closer as if he was trying to make me go insane. My hand somehow ended up tangled up in his hair.
We were suddenly interrupted by the microwave. "My alfredo's ready." I said getting up. I grabbed the alfredo and a fork, and went straight into my room.
"What am I doing!?!" I asked myself, taking a bite out of my alfredo. There's an extremely hot guy who probably like me and here I am, sitting... in my room... eating chicken alfredo... talking to myself. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!?!
I finished my alfredo quickly, but I couldn't get myself to go out and talk to him.
Baby steps, I told myself, getting enough courage to actually get up. Next, I got myself to walk around my room, but that still didn't mask the butterflies in my stomach. So I decided to decipher what just happened piece by piece.
First, we got to my apartment.
Second, we ran up 2 flights of stairs trying to find my apartment without being spotted.
Third, he apologized for the "sucky" date. But I was okay with the "sucky" date.
Fourth, I asked if he was hungry.
Fifth, I made myself food.
Sixth, I complimented myself, but did it in a playful, flirty way.
Seventh, he laughed at my joke and said something playful back.
Eighth, I started babbling and was then interrupted by... Luke kissing me. And it was... amazing. It was... sweet, tender, loving, breath taking.
This immediately put the wind back in me. I opened my door and walked down the hall. I was about to go into the living room until I heard hushed voices. Stopping in my tracks, I pressed my back against the wall, making sure that I wasn't seen.
"Yeah, I'm at her apartment. There was a swarm of paparazzi. They were everywhere. She suggested that we go to her apartment because the paparazzi would be swarming the hotel- see, give her more credit... I don't know. No... well- no! Well... I kinda kissed her. Her microwave went off, she grabbed her food, and left me here."
This was my cue to leave. I turned to go back into my room, but turns out I was closer to the wall than I thought because thump, my nose collided with the wall.
"Ow!" I cried, cupping my nose to make sure that it's not bleeding, broken, dislocated, or arched upwards.
"Um... Zel?"
"Yes?" I asked, glad that my nose was okay, but still upset because of the pain.
"You okay?"
"I just ran into a wall and my nose feels like it's broken, but other than that, yeah, I'm doing great thanks. And you?" I asked, walking through the entryway.
"Fine, thank you." Luke said, smiling at my presence. Loud, incoherent mumbling boomed from Luke's phone as he put it up to his ear. Sighing, he tapped on his phone screen and the mumbling turned into words.
"Hi Zelina!" I heard Michael yell.
"Michael, you're on speaker phone. We can hear you. You don't have to yell."
"Did Luke kiss you?" Calum asked. Way to be subtle.
"Was he a good kisser?" Michael pried.
"Relatively, yes."
"Why'd you run away?"
"My chicken alfredo was ready."
"So food is more important than Luke?"
"Yup. Haven't you ever heard the expression fries before guys?"
"She's got a point," Michael said, laughing. "Why do you like Luke? You're pretty and smart and he's... Luke. What happened there?"
"I like his corny jokes and he's very... cute." I replied, which made Luke smile.
"No one likes his jokes and we all know that I'm more attractive than him. What is it that appeals to you? His fame?"
"If I wanted fame I would have moved to LA."
"If I wanted money I would have already stolen his wallet."
"Bragging rights?"
"We aren't even dating."
"Do you want him?"
"Honestly, I'm the last person who would want that considering that I'm a virgin."
"Why would I lie about that?"
"Sorry about the guys."
"Luke, I already told you. Its ok, I like them. They're weird, but it's ok. I love weird." I replied.
He awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his neck, unsure of what to do. We just sat there. I looked down at my hands and started playing with my fingers.
"Hey Zel,"
I looked back up at him. "Yes?" I asked.
"Tell me something I don't know about you."
"Well Zel, there has to be something I don't know about you."
"Um... I usually don't wear stuff like this... ever. I wore a dress yesterday because I was too lazy to match a top with a bottom. I wore this because... well... I wanted you to have a good impression of me. I usually just wear a band tee, skinny jeans, and a pair of Chuck Taylors. And I usually don't wear makeup. My face feels caked up with all the makeup I'm wearing. Also, my nails. Fake. My nails have never been this long and they are never painted and if they are, they're painted black. And I just realized, I probably just made myself sound really fake... great."
"Well I'll admit it. You do look stunning, but I want to see the real you."
"Ok. Give me minute." I said, walking to my room. First thing I did get changed into a normal outfit; a pair of black sweatpants, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles t-shirt, and a pair of neon green socks that had a picture of pizza on them (because who wouldn't want those socks?).
Next, I took a wipe and cleaned off all of the make up on my face.
Lastly, I took off the fake nails (it's a good thing they aren't acrylics).
"Ta-da!" I said, plopping myself back on the couch. He wanted to see who I really am... well here it is.
"Wow. I like your real version much better."
"Thank you. I was hoping you would say that. If not, that would have been awkward."
"So Luke. Do have anything you want to confess?"
"I said something about me that you didn't know. What about you?"
"Um... I really want to kiss you right now." He said, smirking.
"No kissing on the first date."
"Didn't we already break that rule?"
"Too bad. We're not going to break it again."
"You have no idea how many people would love to be into your position."
"Oh trust me. I do have an idea. I know a bunch of people who would love to kiss you, myself included."
"Well then just kiss me."
"Why not?"
"Because I said so."
"Fair enough."
We then again were just sitting there.
"What's something gross about you?"
I looked at Luke in amazement. "We just met and you already want to know my turn-offs?"
"What can I say, I'm weird like that."
"You got that right Hemmings. Um... I guess that... oh my gosh, I can't believe I'm about to say this... I... drool in my sleep and I burp pretty much nonstop."
"And you?'
"I apparently I fart the most in the band."
"Ugh." I groaned, my eyes barely opening because of all the light coming in from my bedroom window. Wait... BEDROOM WINDOW? I immediately opened my eyes to notice that I was on my bed. How did I get here? (Or should I say, how did I end up here?) Rolling out of bed (literally), I noticed that everything was exactly how it was yesterday.
I quickly used the bathroom and walked into the kitchen.
"Good morning."
I looked up to see Luke pouring himself a glass of orange juice and I immediately remembered what happened last night. We had talked for hours and then when we got tired, I went to my room and Luke slept in the guest room.
"Morning," I groaned. As you can see; I'm not of a morning person. I opened the fridge to try to find something to eat.
"You won't need to do that." Luke said.
"And why is that?"
"Turn around."
I decided to turn around to see a plate of waffles drenched with syrup sitting on my dining table.
"Thanks Luke, I've never had a guy make me waffles before." I said, sitting down.
"Well then you're welcome."
Now, how do I eat this without looking like a pig?
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