Chapter Seventeen: Karaoke With Crazy People
"Zel, you should go first. I mean, it is your party."
"Um... Okay..."
I clicked the "Randomize" icon and on the screen "Peacock," by Katy Perry appeared.
Spencer and Justin cracked up and I immediately glared at them. "You two are crazy if you think I'm going to sing that song."
"Well, we are crazy, so..." Justin responded.
"Plus, rules are that you can't pass a song." Spencer replied.
"I hate you two, start the stupid song." I grumbled.
It wasn't until the fourth verse when I finally got into it.
"I want the jaw droppin', eye poppin', head turnin' body shockin'! I want my heart throbbin', ground shakin', show stoppin', amazin'." I sang, occasionally laughing. Luke kept making weird faces and smirking at suggestive content. I spent practically the entire song giggling and laughing.
When the song ended, (I got a score of 87%) I was awarded with a smattering of applause.
"Thank you. Thank you." I said, bowing.
"You're a great singer," Luke said, smirking.
"Why thank you," I replied curtsying. "Though that's not really a song I want to be known for reasons, but i'll take what I can get. So... Who's next. Justin or Spencer?"
"What? Why are we next?"
"Because you two forced me to sing."
"You loved it."
"Whatever. Spencer, you go." I said, clicking "Randomize." "Wannabe," by The Spice Girls appeared.
"Oh my gosh Justin! We have to duet!" Spencer exclaimed. Jack shot up and grabbed the other microphone.
"Soo, tell me whatcha want, whatcha really really want!" Justin sang.
"I'll tell you what I want, what I really really want!" Spencer sang in response.
"Tell me what you want, whatcha really really want!"
"I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna, I wanna ziga, zig, Ah!"
"If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends. Taking is too easy, friendship never ends!" They chorused in unison.
When they finished singing with a score of 97%, we all decided it was Luke's turn. The sing chosen for him was... She Looks So Perfect. I started having a giggle fit as he playfully glared at me.
"The karaoke gods have spoken! You must listen to wait the karaoke gods say." Justin reminded him, handing him the mic.
"Ugh. I know." Luke groaned, taking the mic.
At the end of the song, he was graded... 37%. A 37% out of 100%.
Luke stared at the TV screen, dumbfounded.
"How did I only get a 37% on a song that I wrote and sang?"
"Hey Mr. Butthead. Are we going to forget that I sang in that song too?"
"He probably forgot that this band is 5 Seconds of Summer. Not 5 Seconds of Luke." Ashton replied.
"Shut up." He said, rolling his eyes. "I'm so done with this band."
I was on the couch, unable to catch to breathe because of how hand I was laughing. Laughter tears rolled down my cheek and I clutched my aching sides. My lungs felt like they were on fire and my stomach was knotted because of lack of oxygen. I felt my throat tighten and I couldn't make any sound so I just sounded like a retarded seal.
"You okay?" Luke asked.
I held up one finger and continued laughing.
"You certainly are a special snowflake." Spencer commented.
"Anyways, I think it's Ashton's turn." Justin said, clicking the button. Ashton got, "Dancing Queen."
He was dancing and singing when Justin's phone started ringing.
"Ugh, the warren's calling." He groaned, answered the call. "Hey Wifey. What's shaking?" He asked, getting up.
"Zel, you are the Dancing Queeeen! Young and sweet, only seventeeeen!" Ashton sang off-key.
"No wonder you don't get solos. You suck."
"Thanks Zel!" He yelled, going back to singing.
Rolling my eyes and smiling, I plopped myself back down.
Ashton was almost done singing when I heard yelling coming from the living room. I got up and went to go check on Justin.
"Well maybe if your dick was thicker than you freaking eyebrows, we wouldn't be having this conversation!" Justin yelled into his phone.
"You okay?" I mouthed.
"Yeah, I'm fine," he replied. There was a noise on the other end of the line when Justin yelled back, "No Chuck! I was not freaking talking to you!"
Laughing softly, I walked back into the room to be greeted by "Zel, you can rap?"
Glaring at Spencer, I responded, "You told them I can rap?"
"Why didn't you tell us? It's not like it's embarrassing or weird." Ashton replied.
"I don't rap."
"Oh please, you have a sick flow."
"Okay, I'll go as long as you never say 'sick flow' again."
She laughed and held her hands up in defense. "Fine, fine. You have my word."
"Let's go to the be-ach, let's go get away. They say what they gonna say. Have a drink, clink, fond the Bud Light. Bad chicks like me are hard to come by..."
After I finished rambling on, Luke replied, "I think you're giving Nicki Minaj a run for her money."
"Nah. Her butt's too small." Spencer replied.
She simply blew me a kiss. Justin walked into our awkward silence. "Chuck's being annoying so I have to go home and fix everything, as usual. He 's lucky he has a cute butt or he'd be long gone. Zel, it was great to see you again and you better wear my collection or I'll have my minions find you."
"Don't worry, I will." I replied, hugging him.
"Bye girl," Justin said to Spencer.
"Bye boo."
Wringing my hands, I asked, "So who's hungry?"
Author's Note:
Hello my lovelies. Sorry I haven't updated in a while. I know this chapter is short and stuff, but I'll hopefully be updating again soon.
So, how was your Christmas? Or if you don't celebrate Christmas, how was your Kwanza or Hanukkah?
I got combat boot and the previous weekend, I went to Jingle Ball and got floor seats. It was GREAT!!!!! 5 Seconds of Summer WAS ABSOLUTELY GREAT!!!! Shawn Mendes was great! I almost started crying when he started singing "Hey There Delilah." I WAS TWO FEET AWAY FROM JOE JONAS!!!!! HE GOT OF THE STAGE AND RAN AROUND THE FLOOR SECTION AND HE RAN RIGHT BY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost passed out. Demi Lovato was a goddess (as expected). Everyone was just fabulous.
But enough about me. I love you guys and I hope to see you soon.
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