Chapter Seven: Wait... WHAT!
"I hate you."
"I hate you too."
"Great. We all hate each other. Can we please start the movie?" Michael asked.
"No, I refuse to watch the movie."
"Luke, stop acting like a baby."
"I don't do old, sappy movies. And are you wearing my sweatshirt?"
"It's not a sappy movie. And don't get off topic," I said, crossing my arms so that he couldn't see that I was wearing his sweater.
"Whatever, I don't care. I don't want to watch it,
"Please Luke! For me?" I asked, giving him puppy eyes.
"No. when I said, 'I've never seen it,' I meant 'I never want to see it.'"
"Lucas Robert Hemmings! Sit your butt down and watch the freaking movie." I yelled, tired of being "Ms. Nice Guy."
Glaring at me, he sat down and muttered, "Fine. I'll watch it. But, I won't enjoy it."
"That's all I ask." I said, sprawling on the floor since there was more room there.
"Do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do,do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. 'Summer lovin' had me a blast, oh yeah.' 'Summer lovin' happened so fast.' 'I met a girl crazy for me.' 'Met a boy cute as can be.'-"
"Are you going to sing every song?" Luke asked, obviously annoyed.
"Yup," I replied, my head bopped to the beat.
"'Summer days, drifting away, to, uh oh, those summer nights.' 'Wella-wella-wella, tell me more, tell me more. Didja get very far?' 'Tell me more, tell me more, like does he have a car?'"
"Please stop!"
"Oh you love it."
"Did they just drive off into the sunset?" Luke asked, obviously confused.
"Because they can."
"Makes sense."
"Can you get me food?"
"Go get it yourself."
"But it's so faaar."
"Too bad."
"Lucas Ro-"
"Are you going to do that again?"
"Fine! I'll get you your food."
"Thank you! I love you!"
"Whatever," Luke muttered.
While he was gone, I positioned myself from the floor to the couch where Luke was once sitting.
Luke then returned back with a green apple. "Here."
"Can I have something else?"
"I'll bring you a banana."
"Ew, I hate bananas."
Smirking, he replied, "I know."
"Can I at least have Nutella?"
Luke just glared at me.
"Fine, I'll just eat the apple."
"Thank you. Now where was I sitting?"
I immediately blushed and looked down, playing with my fingers.
"Really Zel? Really?"
"Why do you think it's me?"
"Because you're blushing."
"How can you tell?" I asked, gesturing to my semi-dark skin tone.
"Your cheekbones pop out in that really cute way when you blush."
I blushed again and discreetly touched my cheek. He's right. My cheekbones do pop out.
"Oh Zel. I really didn't want to do this."
"What do you- AH!" I screaked as I was lifted up into the air. Luke had thrown me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Am I really that light?
He sat down and I awkwardly was lying on top of him, my elbow jammed in my rib cage and the other stabbing his left thigh. My long legs were sprawled on top of Ashton who happened to sit next to Luke. I shifted my weight onto my left arm (the one that wasn't stabbing Luke) and quickly adjusted myself so that I was sitting on his lap.
"Hello there," Luke said.
"Hi," I said, kissing his nose.
"Ew," Luke replied, wiping his scrunched up nose.
Luke and I both turned our heads to see the other guys looking at us.
"You guys are disgusting. Do you have no decency?" Michael asked, disgusted.
"Get a room," Calum replied.
"How? This hotel room only has one room." I stated.
"Well then get out. Because I can't stand you guys." Ashton said.
"Fine, we'll stop if you get me Nutella."
"You guys are weird," Michael said, handing me the Nutella.
"Thank you?"
"I mean, what are you guys?"
Luke and I turned to each other in confusion. What are we? We're not "just friends" but we aren't "dating."
"I don't know," I replied, looking back at Michael.
"Have you guys kissed since the 'paparazzi incident?'"
"No unless you count the kiss I just gave Luke on his nose."
"I don't,"
"Then no. And when did you become a relationship expert?"
"Don't question my power."
"But you still didn't answer my question."
"I guess we're in a flirtationship." I replied, which resulted in all of them looking at me weird.
"It's an in-between place of being flirty with someone, but not going as far as calling it a relationship."
"That's pretty much what 'this' is." Luke replied.
"Can I talk to you?"
"Alone please," Luke said, eyeing the guys.
"Okaaay?" I said, getting up from the couch and walking to the kitchenette where Luke was.
"So Zel, we've been seeing each other for a while, right?"
"If you call a week and a half a long time, sure."
"Well... I was wondering... if..."
"Luke, are you breaking up with me?" I deadpanned.
"What? No! The exact opposite actually. So you know how we're going to leave pretty soon to start off our tour?"
I simply nodded.
"Well... I was wondering... do you want to go on tour with us?"
"Wait... what?!?"
Author's Note:
I feel so powerful. Sorry. I'll hopefully posting very soon that you won't have to suffer.
By the way, this story takes place in early 2016, so it doesn't take place in present day. It takes place a couple months ahead in the future.
Wow, I can't believe that we're half way done with 2015. Geez...
- Alexis_08
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