Chapter One: Worst Morning- like- Ever
Dedicated to AhannaCosta24 for being so pushy... I thank you
Life's weird. Simple as that. Life is weird. One moment you're having what seems to be the worst day ever and the next you're making out with your biggest idol... well, maybe that's not exactly what happened, but my life certainly took a 180. The best day of my life started with the worst morning in the history of mornings.
First of all, I woke up late. I was going to wake up super early, hit the gym, and eat a "nutritious" breakfast (which probably would have consisted with waffles, pancakes, syrup, and a lot of Nutella- but I deserve it; I mean I did work out).
But my power went out last night and it still isn't on. So I was stuck taking a nice, cold shower. And my straightener wasn't working- I wonder why?- so I was stuck with damp and tangled hair. But I can still use a hair bush! I had thought to myself. And then it broke in the middle of brushing my hair out. So I just decided to make a thick French braid. And when I went to go check my phone, I noticed that my phone hadn't charged all night. Great. Why do all the bad things happen to black people?
I grabbed a Pop-Tart and ate it untoasted since I knew that my toaster wasn't going to be working. But things were looking up! The fridge was working! I knew paying extra for a refrigerator generator would be worth it.
So guess who got to drink a glass of milk? This girl! And guess who surprisingly looked amazing? This girl! Well... not really. Guess who looked barely decent? This girl!
It seemed that everything was finally starting to go my way until I saw Mrs. Meenigin.
"Hello sweetie! How are you?" She asked, her beady, little eyes glowing.
"Fine Mrs. Meenigin. How are you?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"Oh, enough with the chit-chat! Zelina Walton you are three months late on your rent! If you don't pay by the end of the month, I'll have no choice than to kick you OUT of this apartment complex! Now, have a nice day." She said, sauntering away.
Ugh! I hate that woman. It's a good thing I'm leaving soon. I don't understand how Mr. Meenigin can stand her.
Going to the bus stop, I found my portable charger in my purse. Score! I grabbed my dying phone and plugged it in. Suddenly, my phone woke up and first appeared... Tumblr, my love and joy. And home to all my beautiful, wonderful, and psychotic followers.
"Are 'ou getten on or wat?"
I looked up to see a pissed off bus driver. Rule of thumb: Don't make New York bus drivers mad.
I immediately ran up the stairs and sat as far away from the bus driver as I could. Putting my phone away, I pulled out an old paperback of "Romeo and Juliet." I'm lame, I know. Don't judge me.
Author's Note:
Hi readers! I know this chapter was short, but it's just for you to get a feel of Zelina. Hoped you liked this (very short) chapter. Love ya'll!!!!
- Alexis_08
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