Chapter Nineteen: Popcorn, Animals, and Regret
"Zel, can I have some popcorn?"
"No!" I retorted, growling and pulling away, cramming as much popcorn as I could in my mouth.
"Don't mess with Zel and her popcorn. She'll kill you." Spencer warned.
"Mhm." I replied, nodding since my mouth was beyond full. "Mine."
"Forget I even asked." Luke replied, chuckling softly as he continued watching, stealing popcorn from Michael.
We watched more embarrassing videos of adolescent me when my mom walked into the lounge and said, "Zel, take Butters out."
"Yes, did you forget you had a dog?"
"No... well yes... kinda."
"She's in your grandma's old room." My mom replied, walking back into her room.
"Butters!" I cried, running. I opened the door and saw my usually hyperactive Jack Russell, sleeping on a bundle of blankets. She woke up because of my cry and she bounded over to me.
"Hi Butters!" I cried, Butters jumping on me. I pet her head, smiling widely. I grabbed her leash and attached it to her collar.
I walked outside and I was greeted by nice, hot, humid, Florida air. Oh how I missed this... I hated to admit it, but I missed hot, humid Florida. It was always relatively cold in New York and I hated it. "Spring" there was the equivalent to a Florida winter. I can barely handle 60*F. I've missed this.
"Butters! Calm down as I can take off your leash!" I grumbled. Her entire body was shaking like crazy since she was so excited that there was so many people here.
"Urgh! Calm down! I'm not letting you go."
Butters then tried calm down, which caused only her butt to shake involuntarily because she was wagging her tail so violently.
Sighing, I unhooked her and bam! She shot off like a bullet. The first person she ran to was Spencer and she immediately pushed her off.
"Get off of me shithead."
"Be nice to Butters." I said, hitting her with a pillow.
"I'll be nice to it when the rat calms down."
"She! Butters is a she." I replied, rolling my eyes.
"Butters?" Calum asked.
"She has a brown spot on her back that looks like a butterfly. We don't call her Butterfly, 'cause that's lame, but we call her Butters instead. I wanted to call he Mariposa, but no..." I said, sitting down next to Luke. Butters hobbled up to us and then tilted her head slightly as if deciding whether to go to her owner for nine years or the new guy. After 10 seconds of consideration, she jumped onto Luke's lap and licked his face.
"Well hello to you too." Luke said, laughing.
She rolled over onto her back, stomach exposed as the side of her tongue slid out of the corner of her mouth.
"What is she doing?" Luke asked.
"She wants you to rub her stomach. She does that to everyone." I explained, rubbing her belly. Butters, being the awkward dog she is, licked her nose weirdly. She's so weird... just like her owner.
Luke rubbed her stomach and Butters' leg started spazzing.
"She's a strange rat." Spencer muttered.
"Stop calling her a rat." I replied.
"Why are you calling her rat?" Michael asked, confused.
"When she was a puppy, she looked like an overgrown rat. End of story." Spencer explained.
"Butters did not look like a rat. I have never seen a hyperactive, white and brown spotted rat and I've lived in New York. I have seen some weird stuff. And shouldn't you know what a rat looks like, I mean, you did have three."
"You had three rats?!?" Ashton exclaimed..
"To be exact I have two rats, one mouse, two cats, a snake, and an Alex."
"What's an 'Alex'?" Luke asked.
"My brother." Spencer sneered.
"Her house was like a petting zoo." I replied.
"But I am not responsible for any injuries." Spencer defended.
"Yeah, your freaking rat bit me." I grumbled.
"First off, it was a mouse. And secondly, I don't even know why she bit you."
"I don't know either. Before I pet her I asked if she bites and you replied that she's never bitten anyone. What does she know?!?"
"Bites you," she replied, laughing.
"Stupid mouse." I muttered.
"Don't hate on Oreo. She probably bit you because you're black."
"Racist!" I cried, hitting her with a pillow.
"Don't hate me. Hate Oreo."
"Well the mouse's dead so I'll hate the owner!" I replied, hitting her again.
"You guys have such a great relationship." Ashton said, slightly laughing.
Michael then hit Luke with a pillow.
"Michael, don't hit Luke." I warned.
"Pillow fight?" He asked.
"No." I replied, lowering his arm.
"Lame." He groaned, hitting me with a pillow.
"Rude!" I cried, hitting him back.
"PILLOW FIGHT!" Ashton cried, hitting Luke.
"Why am I always the target?" Luke sighed.
After 3 minutes of flying pillows hitting me, I surrendered and covered myself with a blanket to try to soften the blows. Key word, try.
A few seconds later, Luke joined me under the "protection" I had made.
"You surrendered too?"
"Yeah, they kept hitting me and they messed up my hair." Luke replied, pouting.
"Poor baby Luke had his hair messed up. Aw. Boo hoo." I teased.
"You're so mean to me."
"I know."
"Are you two making out under there?" Michael asked.
"Oh yeah, totally." I replied, sarcastically.
"Cool. Can I join?" Spencer asked.
"No you perv." I replied, rolling my eyes.
And then the blanket was pulled off of us.
"Ooh... cold." I immediately said, glaring at Spencer who had the blanket in her hand and smirked at me. "Jerk."
"Tell me something I don't know."
"I'll be right back, I have to pee." I said, getting up from cuddling Luke.
"Have fun!" Spencer cried, waving goodbye.
"I'll try." I replied, walking away.
I entered into the bathroom and softly laughed. The bathroom looked exactly the same since I last saw it, which was when I left for college four years ago. The bathroom was pretty much entirely pink. The shower curtain was pink, the toilet seat cover was fuzzy and pink, the towels were pink, the mirror frame was pink, basically everything was pink. I was very into pastels in middle and high school. Still am, but black pops in here and there.
After I had finished peeing and washing my hands and stuff like that, I was in the process of walking back into the lounge and I heard a bunch of laughter. What torturous video was Spencer showing them that I would probably regret? I stepped to the doorway and my heart stopped. The blood ran out of my face and I felt like I was being choked. I gasped in shock and immediately caught Spencer's attention.
"Hey Z-"
"Kitchen, now." I growled.
"I'm going mom." She muttered.
"What is wrong with you!" I whisper screamed.
"What do you mean?"
"Why the h*ll are you showing them that!"
"I was a funny video and I thought that you wouldn't care."
"Well I obviously do!"
"Well I don't know why you're so pissed. It's just a stupid little video."
"Sure, it may just be a 'stupid little video', but I didn't want my boyfriend and his best friends to watch!"
"I don't get why!"
"Let me break it down for you. I... don't... want... my... boyfriend... and my friends... to... watch... me... get... drunk as h*ll... and smoke... weed!"
"I'm pretty sure they don't care."
"I care! I wanted to forever forget that part of my life. My subconscious blocked that out for a reason and now you've made the memories come flooding back. I was a stupid 15 year old and I will forever regret that. Why would you tape that!"
"I asked you if I could and you were fine with it."
"I was heavily intoxicated. I was actually willing to have sex with Jack and he's gay!"
"I asked you before anything started happening so don't even play that card."
"I thought you deleted that." I groaned.
"Well obviously I didn't," she retorted.
"The video's almost over, let's just go back." I said, grabbing a bag of tortilla chips nearby. She raised her eyebrows at my action and I retorted, "What? You know I eat in high tension situations."
"I know." She said, taking a chip.
"Don't take my chips!" I said, smacking her hand.
"Sorry, I forgot how defensive Mexicans were over their tortillas."
"I'm not Mexican!" I cried.
"I know," she replied manically.
"Urgh," I groaned, walking back into the living room where the video was luckily over and everyone was mindlessly on their phones.
"We leave for five minutes and we come back to see you guys being anti-social... wow. This generation at its finest." I sighed.
"We have the attention spans of toddlers, did you expect anything else?" Luke replied.
"No, not really." I replied, plopping down.
Author's Note:
Please don't kill me.
*ducks behind chair*
I know I have the worse update cycle ever. I'm sorry.
(And thank you R5_5sos_ismylife for threatening me with your apparent army of turtles.)
I quite frankly am not exactly proud of my writing at the moment and feel like I could do a lot better, so look forward to a bunch of random adjustments of chapters. *sarcastic yaying*
And sorry for having like 3 chapters of them just watching old videos. I feel like this could just be one huge chapter, but I decided to chop it up so you guys get more frequent updates. I might just make this into one huge chapter... Hmm *ponders*
Is anyone even reading this? I feel like no ones even here. *sigh*
On that depressing note, good bye my lovelies. I'll probably be back soon.
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