Chapter Nine: Bruno Mars knows what's up.
"Up-town funk you up. Uptown funk you up. Say wha-"
"Ugh. Shut up." I mumbled, hitting the off button.
Oh gosh. Its morning... Today's the day. I thought to myself, rolling out of my make-shift sheet bed.
I was about to eat a pop tart when suddenly my doorbell rang. I dropped my pop tart back on my paper plate and ran to the door (probably waking up my downstairs neighbors).
Throwing the door open, I was greeted by Luke, his arms wide open. I immediately hugged him, burring my head in his chest.
"Good morning to you too," Calum grumbled, obviously annoyed by my lack of greeting.
"Good morning," I mumbled, my voice muffled by Luke's shirt.
"Stop that. The vibrations of your voice tickles." Luke said, attempting to pry me off.
"Sorry," I replied, releasing Luke.
"I can breathe again!" Luke cried out, taking a huge breath.
"Shh... I have neighbors you know." I said, sighing. And they say, I over-exaggerate.
"Is that all your stuff?" Michael asked, astonished by my small pile of suitcases.
"Yes... is it a lot?" i asked.
"It looks like all of our stuff combined."
"But the stuff in here is important."
"Oh really? What's in them?"
"That big one has my clothes. That small one has my shoes. The black backpack has my hair stuff like gel and my straightener. The blue backpack has bathroom stuff like my toothbrush and cotton swabs."
"Cotton swabs?"
"Yes! Ears don't clean themselves."
"She's not wrong," Luke replied.
"Shut up Luke," Michael retorted.
"What's in the pink bag?" Ashton asked.
"That one has all my books." I said, which received a strange look from all the guys.
"What? Did you guys really think I would travel without my books?"
"So this is your tour bus?" I asked, opening the door.
"Nope, we stole Kanye West's tour bus." Calum replied.
"That's what he gets for being rude to T-Swizzle and Beck." I said, smirking as I entered a lounge area. "Where is everyone?"
"They're at the hotel."
"Ah, makes sense."
"Ready to meet the people that make the band magic happen?" Luke asked, holding my hand.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied, squeezing his hand. Ashton opened the door and we were greeted by the sounds of multiple greetings.
"Guys, this is Zelina. Zelina, say hi." Luke said.
"Hi," I squeaked, slightly intimidated by the amount of people there.
One man stood up and said, "Hello, I'm Matt Emsell. I'm-"
"-their manager. Yes I know. And as you know, I'm Zelina Rosario. Nice to meet you. I warn you now, I tend to finish other people's sentences and I also tend to talk a lot, like I'm doing now." I said, out of breath.
"I see what you mean when you said she's perky." Matt said laughing, which caused me to blush (yes, I blush a lot, deal with it).
"Ok Zel, now for the tricky part, remembering all these people's names." Luke said, introducing everyone.
A few minutes later, I finally remembered everyone's names.
"Zel, you can let go now. They don't bite I promise." Luke whispered into my ear, squeezing my hand. I let go, sat in a corner, and pulled a book out of my bag.
"What is she doing?" Matt asked.
"I'm reading," I replied, my nose stuck in a book.
"Do you do that often?"
"Reading? Yes, all the time. Listening to peoples conversations? Occasionally."
"Zel, ready to go?" Luke asked, kissing my forehead.
"Ready as I'll ever be." I replied, grabbing hold of his hand.
"What were you guys talking about?" I asked.
"Tour plans. You would be bored." Luke responded.
"I'm bored just talking about it."
Luke leaned down and kissed my lips softly and asked, "Are you still bored?"
Smirking, I replied, "Slightly,"
"Too bad,"
"You're going to be stuck with me for over 8 months, there's plenty more from where that came from," he laughed, holding me closer.
"Can't wait," I replied, walking onto the bus.
"Are you ready for an appropriate bus tour?" Ashton asked.
"Why not?"
"This is the bathroom," Calum said, gesturing to the bathroom door.
"These are the bunks."
"This ones the best," Michael said, pointing to one that was obviously his.
"And this one is one you'll be spending a lot of time in." Luke said, pointing at the one across from Michael's.
"Ohhh!" the rest of guys cried while I looked very confused. Suddenly I hit me.
"That's Luke's isn't it?" I asked.
The guys nodded since they were still cracking up.
"Wha- oh... oh. Oh, guys not like that. I meant- you know what, never mind." Luke grumbled.
"And a personal favorite of mine," Michael said, sobering up.
"The GAMING ROOM!" he yelled, running to the back.
"That's Michael's favorite room, as you can see." Calum said, chasing after him.
"I think I'm gonna like it here."
After beating Michael in Mario Kart three times, I was exhausted. I tried to wake myself up, but soon I was fast asleep.
"Zel, Zelll!!! Wake up!"
I groaned, wanting to stay in my position forever.
"What do you want?" I groaned, unable to see who was talking to me.
"Are you hungry?"
"No," I responded, but my stomach said otherwise, growling like crazy.
"I'm pretty sure, you're hungry. Here,"
I opened my eyes to see Luke sitting next to me, handing me yogurt.
"Thanks," I said, sitting up. I looked out the window to see the sunset. "How long was I asleep?"
"About 4 hours, but its ok. You were sleepy."
"Sorry," I said, spooning out some yogurt.
"Why are you apologizing? Michael fell asleep too," Luke said, pointing to a blanket mound that was apparently Michael.
"Oh," was all I said, eating the rest of my yogurt. "Where are we going?"
"We're going to Philadelphia. That's our first tour venue," Luke answered.
"How long are we staying?"
"I'm not sure, ask matt."
"nah. I'm comfy. And bored. Can you pass me the TV remote?"
He gave me the TV remote and laid down next to me wrapping his arm around my shoulder and cuddled me. I sighed and he kissed my nose.
"You know you love it,"
"I know," I responded, kissing his cheek.
He grabbed my face and our lips met. His lips were soft and warm... I'm so weird...
We both looked up to see Michael sitting on the couch across from us, disgusted.
"Can you guys please keep your PDA down to a minimum?"
"Sorry Mikey," I said, still cuddling with Luke. (Oh my gosh, Luke is an amazing cuddler).
"You two disturb me," Michael said, glaring at us as he walked away.
"Now what are we going to watch?"
"Comedy," "Action,"
"I want to watch action,"
"But I want I watch comedy."
"Luke, action," I said, kissing him.
"But-" he was interrupted by me kissing him.
"Luke, action,"
"Ok but-" I kissed him again.
"Luke... action."
"Zel... comedy."
"Action," I pouted.
"Comedy," he said, imitating me.
"Fine, lets compromise. Um... Fast and Furious?"
"How is that a compromise?"
"It's a funny movie."
"Not really,"
"Shut up," I grumbled, channel flipping.
"Ha!" I cried. "Found it!"
"No 'buts!'" I ordered, kissing his cheek.
"Wake up lovebirds!"
My eyes shot open to see Ashton hovering over me.
"Five more minutes," a voice next to me croaked.
I turned my head to see Luke next to me. Oh gosh... Luke and I fell asleep. I know it's not a big deal, but it's weird.
"We fell asleep?" I asked groggily.
"Well duh," Michael answered. "Now get up."
"I'm comfy though," I murmured, curling up against Luke.
"Fine, but were in Philadelphia, so feel free to spend the night in the bus."
"Ugh," I groaned, trying to get out of Luke's grasp.
"Who knew hotel beds were so comfy?" I sighed, my face smooshed in pillows.
"Get use to it. That's what you'll be sleeping on for the next couple of months."
"I never want to get off," I moaned, hugging a pillow.
"So no food?" Luke asked.
My head shot up. "Food?" I asked.
"Well, its chocolate covered doughnuts if that counts" Luke replied.
"Chocolate!" I exclaimed, running over to Luke for "food."
I looked around Luke but I saw nothing that contained food anywhere. "Where's the food?"
Smirking he responded, "Up there."
I looked up to see that there was a cabinet right where Luke was hinting.
"What happened to you not liking to curse?"
"I think I can make an exception this one time,"
"I'll get it for you but there's a price."
Rolling my eyes I asked, "What's the price?"
"One kiss,"
"Nah, I'll just ask Michael to do it."
"Too late, I already grabbed it," Luke interrupted, holding the box in front of my face.
"Thanks babe." I said, taking the box and walking away.
"What about my payment?" Luke asked, frowning.
"You didn't give me the box the first time, go kiss yourself."
Luke looked at me sadly and I had no option than to go back. I went to kiss his cheek but then he moved his face right before I did and boom, I ended up kissing his lips.
"Jerk," I mumbled, my lips still pressed against his.
"Yet you still love me."
I stumbled backwards and ended up hitting the back of my leg with a countertop.
"Ow," I muttered.
Luke softly laughed and wrapped his arms around my torso. Next thing I knew, Luke was picking me up. What is he doing? He ended up sitting me on the countertop. His lips were hovering over my neck and they slowly traveled upwards until they reached my ear. He softly whispered, "Now I don't have to bend down as much."
Rolling my eyes I replied, "Just kiss me dang it."
"Yes ma'am." He muttered, his lips nipped at the skin behind my ear. Suddenly, I felt something warm next my hip. Slightly looking down, I realized that the warmness was Luke's hand tugging at the hem of my shirt.
"Luke," I murmured. "No, Luke stop." I pushed his hand away softly, but he either ignored me or didn't hear me.
"Luke, stop," I said a little loud this time, but it was easily mistaken as a moan.
"Luke, please no," I said, pushing his hand away with much more force. He finally got the message and moved his hand up to my waist. He came closer so that his forehead was resting in mine and stopped, breathing heavily. His right hand was on my thigh and was rubbing shapes into it with his thumb.
"Hey why'd you stop?" I asked.
"Where you enjoying that?" he asked, smirking.
"Well of course,"
Softly laughing, he trailed kisses from my lips, to my cheek, then my neck, and ended up my collarbone.
I softly sighed, tilting my head back.
"What the heck?"
Luke and I shot our heads up to see the guys standing there with the luggage.
"We leave you guys alone for not even 5 minutes, and we come back to this." Calum stated, while Michael stood next to him gagging.
I bit the corner of my lip and got down from the counter.
We both were awkwardly standing there when I realized Luke had the doughnut packet.
"Mine," I grumbled, snatching the box from him.
"Ever heard of sharing?" Luke asked, taking the box back.
"I'm an only child, I don't share." I replied, taking the box and- unattractively- shoved a doughnut in my mouth.
"How lady-like."
"Don't judge me," I mumbled, my lips covered in chocolate.
Luke and I were lying down on the couch, our legs intertwined. He was playing with my hair with a goofy smile on his face while we were listening to Calum tell us some random joke. My head was on Luke's chest, his heartbeat pounding the back of my head. My eyelids were slowly drooping (why am I so tried today?).
"Zel, are you even listening?" Calum asked.
My eyelids shot open as I replied, "Sorry Calum, I'm just- ah! - tired."
"You should get some sleep," Luke said, rubbing circles into the palm of my hand.
"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked, seeing only four beds.
"Sleep on one of the beds. I'll sleep on the couch." Luke said.
"No Luke, I'll sleep on the couch." I insisted.
"Zel, I want you to be comfortable."
"Luke, you have practice tomorrow. A sore singer is not a good singer."
In the end Luke won the argument (by pushing me off the couch), but he agreed to sleep on a bed tomorrow.
I went to the bathroom to quickly get changed into my pj's; a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt that said, So much Tumblr, so little time. I don't get how girls look good in baggy sweatshirts. I look like a beluga whale.
I walked back outside and crawled into the first bed I saw. I pulled the covers over my head and shut my eyes.
I was in a sensation of serenity until it was interrupted by bodies slamming on top of me.
"How rude. You didn't even say 'good night.'" Ashton exclaimed.
"I though you loved us," Michael cried.
"I would love you guys more if you guys would please get off of me!" I yelled, losing my breath.
"Sorry," Luke replied, every one slowly getting off of me.
I took a deep breath and sighed. I pulled the covers away from my face to see all of the guys lying on the bed beside me
"Good night," I sighed, exhausted, my eyes closing against my will.
"Good night," they whispered.
Luke kissed my forehead and murmured, "Sleep tight Zelina."
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