Chapter Fourteen: 5SOS Vs. The Best Friend
"Geesh, when Matt said he was going to put you guys to work, I didn't think he was this serious."
"You're telling me. You learn not to underestimate him."
"I see that."
The guys just came back from 5 interviews and now Matt's making them rehearse for their upcoming concert here in Miami.
"Weren't you going to go meet up with your mom?"
"Meh, I told her that id see her tomorrow. I wanted to keep you company and I have a splitting headache."
"Well I doubt this would be a good choice to hang out. We're about to rehearse and I don't think that your headache is going to appreciate you saying."
"True. I think I'll just hang out at the hotel."
"Okay, I'll see you soon babe." Luke said, kissing me. I surprised him by wrapping my arms around him and sticking my tongue in his mouth.
"What was that for?"
"Can I not kiss my boyfriend?"
Luke rolled his eyes and hugged me one last time, waking away.
Thank goodness the hotel's near, I thought to myself as I started walking.
I reached the hotel room and luckily, no one was there so I could do whatever I want without being judged.
Grabbing my earbuds, I plugged them into my phone and turned on my Ed Sheeran playlist.
"Hey Zel. We're baaack! Didja miss me?" Calum yelled.
They walked inside to see me on the couch, silently sobbing.
Luke saw me and sat down, pulling me onto his lap.
I took deep breaths but I would end up choking on my own sobs.
"Can you talk?" he asked.
I shrugged I opened my mouth, but all that came out was a hiccup. Sighing, I slowly said, "I... forgot how- hic- sad Ed Sh-hic-Sheeran's s-songs are."
Luke started silently laughing and I immediately retorted with, "Don't- hic- judge me."
"Are you guys busy tomorrow?" I asked, Luke playing with my hair.
"We have a couple interviews. Why?" Ash asked.
"Well, I kinda already told my mom that we'd come over tomorrow?" I responded.
"Can't wait," Luke mumbled.
"Michael wants another slice! Michael wants another slice! Michael wants another slice! Pizza! Pizza!"
I blushed and muted my phone.
"Is that your ringtone?" Calum asked.
Biting the corner of my lip, I nodded.
Michael had the biggest smile on his face as he started clapping.
"Why is this the first time we've heard that?"
"Because I keep my phone on vibrate, but then I regret it since I'm always losing my phone."
"So, who's calling you?"
"Oh! Yeah, right. Um... it was my best friend Spencer, but it went to voicemail. I should probably call her back." I said, getting up-which caused Luke to frown since he couldn't play with my hair any more.
Luckily she was on speed dial so it didn't take long for me to call her back.
"Zelina Valentina Rosario, I hate you."
"Well hello to you too. I haven't talked to you like forever and this is how you greet your best friend?"
"Well I'm pissed off at you. Why did I have to learn though Twitter that my best friend is dating Luke f**ing Hemmings?!?"
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry! I totally forgot to tell you! But why are you just calling me now? We released that at least a month ago."
"I know that, but I've been busy doing you know, work! And plus, you're in Miami now, my turf."
"Are we just going to forget that I'm from Miami too?"
"Well you've been gone forever."
"I had to go to college..."
"Well are there not good enough colleges here in Miami or even Florida?"
"Spencer, you know how much I wanted to go to NYU."
"I know, I'm just sad that we didn't go to college together."
"It probably would have helped if you actually went to college."
"I have two very successful jobs that do not need degrees. You are unemployed. So ha. Spencer wins yet again!"
"Since when did it become a competition?"
"Oh, it hasn't. I've always been better."
"Gee, thanks."
"Don't worry, you're a close second."
"Yes, but I'm dating Luke Hemmings, who are you dating? Oh, that's right. No one. So ha! Zel wins!"
"Well I'm not dating anyone because I'm too fabulous for everyone."
"Sure you are..."
"I hate you." She grumbled.
"I know."
Beep! Beep!
I looked at my phone to that I only had 20%. Great.
"Hey Red, my battery's about to die."
"No! Don't hang up on me. Plug your phone in and put me on speaker or something."
"One second," I walked over to the guys and covered my microphone as I said, "Hey, is it cool if I talk to my friend on speaker?"
"Sure," they replied unanimously.
"But talk over here. I want to meet the one you call, 'Spencer.'"
"'Kay," I replied, sitting next to Luke and plugging in my phone. After a few taps, Spencer was on speaker.
"Alright Spencer, you're on speaker."
"Took you long enough. I made a sandwich while you were gone."
"What type?"
"Grilled cheese."
"What type of cheese?"
"Aw, I love muster cheese."
"I know," she said, laughing manically.
"Gee thanks."
"No problem." she replied, making obnoxious chewing sounds.
"And you say my chewing is annoying." I muttered.
"Well your chewing is annoying."
"Occasionally you're lips smack and it drives me insane."
"I don't do that."
"Mhmm... sure you don't..."
"I hope you choke on your sandwich and die." I grumbled.
"I hope you choke while sucking Luke's-"
"EH!" I cried, blushing like crazy since the guys were right next to me.
"So that's why you two were in the bathroom so long." Michael snickered.
"Who was that?" Spencer asked.
"Michael," I groaned.
There was a thunk on the other line.
"Zelina Valentina Rosario, you are a b****."
"Takes one to know one."
"You started it."
"You guys sound like first graders." Ash commented.
"No we don't," we replied in unison.
"I'm way more mature than Miss Zel over here." Spencer replied.
"Says the girl who still goes to Publix and asks for a free cookie."
"Zel... its a free cookie. Do you really think I'm going to pass that up?" Spencer asked.
"Spence, the cookies are for little kids."
"And I care why?"
"You really weren't kidding when you said she was special." Luke remarked.
"Excuse me, but who gave you permission to talk?" Spencer snapped.
"Spencer. Don't pick fights." I warned.
"I could care less if he was the Queen of England, I say what I want when I want to. That's kinda why I'm called 'No filter McCormack.'"
"I realize that. I usually had to get you out if trouble because of it. I would appreciate it if you didn't pick fights with my boyfriend though
"Fine, but Lucas, call me 'special' again without my permission and I'll shove my foot so far up your a** that you'll be tasting rubber for weeks. Clear?"
"Crystal." he replied, looking slightly frazzled.
"Your friend is something else." Luke said, leaning against the door frame, watching me as I brushed my teeth.
"You're telling me. I have no idea how I've be able to survive 14 years with her."
"Woah," he said, awestruck.
"I know right. I met her when I was seven and we've been friends ever since. The reason we became friends in the first place is pretty funny actually. It was the first day of 1st grade and I was the new kid since I had just transferred from a private school to a public school. I didn't know where to sit and then this dude walks up to me and says, "You're really hairy." Next thing I knew, this red-headed chick punches the kid in the nose with all the power her little body could muster and said, "I think she's perfect just the way she is." So that's how we became friends, how I got my first friend at Sandy Shores, and how Spencer went to the principle's office for the first time."
"The first time?"
"Yup. She was called 'No Filter McCormack' for a reason."
Spitting out the minty toothpaste, I walked over to Luke. He instinctively wrapped his arms around my waist. He kissed my cheek which caused me to scrunch up my face.
"I tired."
Luke softly laughed as I crawled into bed, pulling him with me.
"Oh?" he said, looking at me strange.
"It's about time we share a bed." I replied. "It's not like it's crazy weird."
"True." Luke said, smiling and pulling me closer to him, my face hidden in his chest.
"Wait. He's sleeping in that bed with you?" Calum asked, walking into the room.
"Yes..." We replied at the same time.
"Then I'm taking the bed next door." He said, opening the door and leaving.
Luke and I could hear Calum say, "Michael get out. You're going next door."
"I don't want to sleep on the couch. Plus, it's your turn."
"There's an empty bed in there if you want it."
"Why don't you take it?"
"I don't want to be around them any longer."
"We can hear you!" I yelled.
"That's nice."
"Why don't you stay?"
"I'll give you gummy worms."
Michael walked into the room and said, "Guess who's your new roomies?"
Turning to face him I replied, "Oh great."
"So you two are finally sleeping in the same bed now?"
"Well don't have sex while I'm sleeping.
"Don't worry Mikey, I'm still a virgin."
"Ugh! I didn't need to know that."
"Well that's too bad," I replied, turning back around as Luke wrapped his arms around me.
"Do you want to build a snowman?"
I woke up groggily, my eyes slowly opening.
"Or ride our bikes around the halls."
I turned around to see a half-sleep Michael sleeping.
"I think some company is overdue. I've started talking to the pictures on the walls!"
"Mikey, shut up!" I groaned, grabbing a pillow.
"Make me," he replied groggily.
So I threw a pillow at him...
"Jokes on you, now I have an extra pillow."
"Michael. Shut up and go to sleep." Luke muttered pilling me closer.
"You two are no fun."
Author's Note:
Hi guys.
*hides behind a pillow*
I'm really sorry for no updating sooner. I know I said I would update before the concert, but... School kinda sucks and stuff so I kinda wasn't able to update. That and I was going to write a super-mega chapter, but that was becoming too dang long so I decided to make an executive decision and make it into 5 portion sized chapters.
So... Hopefully I'll see you guys soon.
Bye! Love you!
*blows a kiss*
*flashed peace sign*
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