Chapter Five: Mexican Pizza
Dedicated to @NellSantiago
"Luke, where are we going?" I asked, practically chasing after him to keep up with him and his long, obnoxious strides.
"You'll see," he replied, walking across the street, in front of a very large hotel (But when you live in New York, everything is huge). Where is this boy taking me?
Walking inside, I was immediately blown away by the interior design. The decor had a Spanish vibe with the bright red and orange colors and the gold accents. The floor was covered in lush Persian carpets. I felt like I was in a palace.
Luke walked up to the front desk and started talking to Nicole (according to her name tag). She had a small frame with curly brown hair tumbling down her shoulders. Her brown rimmed glasses were perched on the brim of her nose and she typed very fast, her nails scratching the keyboard every time her fingers tapped a key. She handed him a card and in a perky voice said, "Enjoy your stay!"
Waving goodbye, we strolled into an elevator.
"Am I going to be told why we're here now?"
"How have you not guessed why we're here yet?" He laughed in response.
Well who knows why you've brought me to a hotel.
Maybe you brought me here because you're expecting to get "something out if it" but uh, uh mister. Good luck with that; I've managed to survive middle school, high school, and college with my purity intact so no amount of force you apply will break me, unless you just asked politely because if so, "Luke Hemmings take me, please."
"What can I say? I'm pretty slow with these things." I said with a fake chuckle.
And then we waited in silence. It wasn't awkward or anything, but it was silence nonetheless. Silence isn't as good thing when you've just met someone. I should know, I read a Cosmo article on it.
Luke suddenly walked up to me in a way that I had no choice than to back up. My back hit the wall and my shoulder exploded in pain. But it was completely masked because of Luke's expression. It wasn't frustration, it was more like... dominance. And even though I backed up, he still came closer. Well this took a different turn, I thought, ensuring that I didn't say it out loud. He stopped coming closer and he then started to lean in. he stopped when he was less than three inches away from my face. He placed his arm against the wall I was pressed against and put his other arm a few inches away from my hip. He just stood there, his striking blue eyes piercing into my brown ones. We stayed in that position for a while, until we heard the elevator bell ding, signaling that the doors were about to open. Using the wall as a support, he pushed himself off and turned to face the opening doors. An elderly couple walked in as we left.
"Are you going to tell me where we are going now?" I asked, breaking the silence.
Luke looked confused as he responded, "you haven't gotten it yet?" I merely shook my head.
Smiling, he replied, "Well, we're going to go see my fellow band-mates."
My eyes practically budged out of my sockets as I responded, "Wait, what?"
"What's wrong," Luke asked, deeply concerned.
"I can barely deal with meeting you, and now you expect me to remain calm as I meet all of you? What if I make a fool of myself? What if they think I'm annoying... or rude? What if they think-" "What if they love you? What if they think you're funny? They'll like you. I promise. I mean; I like you." He said, putting his hands on my shoulders as reassurance. I felt my heart practically melt, he likes me. I smiled at him as he suddenly hugged me. Wow, that went from 0 to 50 real quick, but its ok... I like it.
"Ready as I'll ever be," I replied, mentally preparing myself for the biggest fangirl moment of my entire life.
He swiped his room key card as I straightened out my white lace dress and smoothed out my crazy, curly braid.
We walked in and we were bombarded by obnoxiously loud voices and... the Mexican hat dance?
"Hey Luke!" I heard a voice that could only be... Calum Hood say, a huge sombrero sitting on his head.
"What's up?!?" I heard ... Michael Clifford say, sprawled out on the floor for no apparent reason.
"Who's the chick?" I heard none other than... Ashton Irwin ask, dancing around a sombrero.
My cheeks flared up and I tried distracting myself by tugging the hem of my dress and smoothing out my hair, but it wasn't working. I could still feel their stares burning into my soul.
"Guys, do you remember those books I was reading?" Luke asked.
"The ones about us?" Ashton asked.
"Those exact ones," Luke replied.
"The creepy ones about us?" Michael clarified.
"No. Well maybe, but no. While I was signing albums, you'll never guess who I met."
"I'm guessing her since she's the only one here." Calum replied, pointing to me. My eyes grew wide from self-conscience and I immediately looked down. What cute sandals I'm wearing.
"Well yeah her. And she's the author of the books," Luke gushed.
All the guys looked straight at me and I had no choice but to look up. I felt extremely self-conscience and all I wanted in that moment was to curl up out of existence.
They all looked at me like they were expecting me to say something, so in the most cheery voice I could muster, I said, "Bonjour!"
Michael looked at me weirdly as he said, "Um... Luke... the 'love of your life,' doesn't speak English."
Blushing furiously I replied, "I can speak English, believe it or not. But enough about me, even though I'm an amazing topic."
Michael laughed, "I like her."
"Hey Zel. You hungry?" Luke asked, handing me a room service menu.
"I'm starved. I haven't eaten in ages!" I moaned, scanning over the menu.
"You literally just ate half of our-"
"Ash, shh!"
I've been at the hotel for over an hour and wow. These guys can talk. Don't get me wrong. I love them (Much more than I use to considering that now I've actually met them). But man, they talk a lot. But then again, there are four of them and only one of me.
Flipping through the menu, I found a group favorite, PIZZA! My face lit up as I said, "pizza."
Calum smiled and said, "I like this chick already."
"Room service!"
Ashton didn't even look at the door as he yelled back, "Its open!"
In walked in a guy that was probably about my age. He smelled strongly of cologne but that was masked by his height. He was well over six feet and he was probably taller than Luke. He had black hair, olive skin, and a face that look extremely familiar.
"Alright . so um... ma'am-"
And that's when it clicked.
"Neal Francisco?!?"I cried.
He shot his head up and smiled. "Well if it isn't Zelina Walton."
I ran up to him and fist-bumped him. He absolutely hates hugs.
"How long has it been?" I asked.
"I don't know. Like... four and a half years."
"Wow. So what are you doing in New York?"
"Same reason you probably came; to make a living away from my parents." He replied.
"I bet you left because people kept confusing you for a palm tree." I joked.
He laughed, "That's what happens when your 6'6" and you live in Miami." It's ridiculous how tall he is. Even in middle school he was one of the tallest people in the school.
I turned around to see Luke (literally) hovering over me. I started blushing as I replied, "I must seem incredibly rude. Luke, this is Nell Francisco. We've known each other since 7th grade. Nell this is Luke Hemmings, my... acquaintance?"
Ooh, awkward. I don't know what to call Luke. But luckily, Nell didn't seem to notice.
"Luke Hemmings? Why does that name sound familiar?" he thought out loud. "Hm... oh! You're from that band aren't you? It's like 3 Minutes of Fall or something like that."
"5 Seconds of Summer," Luke practically growled, wrapping his arm around my waist, pulling me closer.
A small gasp slipped out of my lips but no one noticed. I've never seen Luke like this. Not in person or well... anywhere. Nothing, never. His arms were tensed up, his jaw was stiff, and his usual blue eyes looked cloudy. Was Luke jealous? That's pretty funny considering that Nell pretty much despised me in middle school. He claimed that I was "annoying." But... jealous Luke is kinda hot.
"I'm starving," I cried, cutting through the awkwardness. Thanks Nell."
"No prob. Just doin' my job" he replied, leaving.
When Nell left, I took Luke's hand off my waist and I started rubbing circles into his palm, the ultimate stress reliever (at least I think it is).
"What the heck was that?" I asked.
"I don't know," he replied.
"Were you jealous?" I asked, smirking.
"No," he grumbled.
I laughed. Luke was jealous of a bellboy. Priceless.
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