Chapter Eighteen: Is It Everyone's Goal to Embarrass Me?
"Wait Zel, you did what?" Luke asked, laughing.
Blushing, I replied, "I snuck out of my bedroom window ad then my dog saw me and started barking and chasing me. She almost got me caught. And I didn't have time to open the gate lock, so I ended up jumping the gate fence. And I had to go through all of that just to go to my first high school party and it definitely wasn't my last."
"Yup. Miss Thing over here was quite the party girl. She'd be on the dance floor all night long. Bumping and grinding and twerking."
"Yeah, but that was before they had names. And plus, you are it sound like I was drinking and smoking and making out and stuff."
"That's true. When you weren't dancing, you were pretty boring. She refused to drink or smoke. She only went out on Fridays and Saturdays. And she'd force me to go back home before midnight."
"Sorry I didn't want to be dragged away by the police and have it show up on my permanent record?
"You should be," she said, playfully scowling at me.
"Seems like you had very memorable teenage years." Ashton commented.
"Eh. Kinda. I spent most of those years studying night after night. I kinda wish I had spent a little less time studying and prepping for finals, and more time making memories."
"She was the lame teacher's pet that knew all the answers and worshiped her notes like it was her Bible." Spence replied.
"Yes, and you were that rebel without a cause who sat in the back of the class, made sly remarks, and was always getting in trouble because you couldn't keep your mouth shut." I mentioned.
"Yeah, but you were the teacher's pet so you got me out of trouble."
"Yes I did. Who knows where you'd be if I wasn't there?"
"Jail. Ooh, maybe it would be like Orange is the New Black."
"I don't know what's awkwarder, 21 year old Zel, or 13 yer old Zel?" Spencer groaned.
"Awkward 13 year old Zel you say?" Michael asked.
"I'm pretty sure everyone was awkward at the age of 13." I grumbled.
"I actually think I have old videos." Spencer said.
"You do?" I asked.
"Remember when my mom bought me a video camera and I recorded almost everything for like a year."
"Oh that's right. They're on your computer aren't they?"
"Yes and luckily, I left my computer here last week. I'll hook it up to the TV." Spencer said.
Scooching closer to Luke, I put my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath, breathing in his scent. And if you're wondering, he has a good smell that smells faintly like strawberry shampoo. He kissed my forehead and placed his hand near my knee, rubbing shapes and incoherent words and phrases onto the fabric of my jeans.
"Aha! I did it! I am the supreme lord of awesomeness, all peasants, bow down to me!"
"Spence, all you did was put plug into the TV. A ten year old could have done that." I replied, rolling my eyes.
"Stop ruining my fun." Spencer pouted.
"Sorry?" I replied.
"Good," she replied, pressing play.
The first thing that showed up was my 13 year old face.
"Is it on?" 13 year old me asked.
"Yup, it's recording." 13 year old Spencer replied, behind the camera.
I stuck my tongue out and said, "Hello future us. It's Zelina Rosario."
"I'm pretty sure the people watching this know that. It's probably just future us watching this. They're probably laughing about how stupid we are and considering it's the future, they're probably watching this through a futuristic headset like in Back to the Future 2."
"Pfft, it's been like eight years and they only thing we have close to that is the Oculus Rift." I muttered.
"Nah, I think they'll watch it through chips in their head."
"Meh, you never know. Maybe this new President Obama will invent them."
"Wow, we didn't really understand politics or the actual jobs of the president back then." I commented.
"Heck, I still don't know what exactly they do."
"Well that's because you pay no attention to the world around you."
"I would argue, but you're right."
"Of course I am."
"Maybe. He seems like a nice guy."
"You just like him because he's black."
"Oh Zel,"
"Oh Spence,"
" you have any questions for... Well us?" Spencer asked.
"Um... Future me. I really hope you're doing well in life. I hope you're a singer or something. And I really hope I'm dating someone really hot like Zac Effron."
"Am I hot like Zac Effron?" Luke asked.
"You're a close second." I replied.
"Gee, thanks babe."
"No problem," I replied, kissing his cheek.
"And I really hope I'm not like an alcoholic and addicted to drugs and stuff-"
"Zel literally gets drunk after 5 shots, she would be drunk 24/7 if she was an alcoholic." Michael commented.
"She cannot hold her liquor." Luke replied.
"How am I not surprised?" Spencer sighed.
"And I hope I'm actually alive in the future and I don't die like next week."
"Well, you're still alive, so congrats." I replied.
"Spence, you got anything to say to yourself?" I asked.
She turned the camera around so that it faced her.
"Hey me. I hope I'm not addicted to drugs and I stay smokin' hot."
"Well I'm not addicted to anything other than maybe coffee and I'm shmexy, so go me." Spencer replied.
"And if Zel is dating a hot guy and I'm single, I suggest that Zel's boyfriend dumps her and hooks up with me because I'm fabulous."
"Luke, didja hear 13 year old me? Dump Zel and get with me." Spencer said, smirking.
"Nope, he's all mine." I replied, squeezing his hand.
"Sorry Spencer, you heard her." Luke replied.
"Well it doesn't hurt to try," she sighed.
I took the camera from her and faced it towards me as I said, "Please don't dump me. I don't want to die alone."
"Get over yourself. You sound desperate." Spencer groaned.
"I am desperate," I replied. "I'm about to go to high school and no one's ever asked me out."
"What about Jason Lapure?"
"Ew! He doesn't count. He's weird and that was like in 3rd grade."
"But he loved you,"
"I'd rather kiss a frog." I retorted.
"He wasn't that bad."
"He literally told me that he wanted me to birth his babies. THAT'S WEIRD!!!"
Spencer just smirked and started laughing.
"No! Not funny! Ew! If we were the last people on Earth and we were the only chance for the human race to repopulate, well... Earth was nice while it lasted."
"Yes. I have standards you know."
"I thought you were desperate?"
"I am, but I'm not that desperate."
"Shut up. You have a boyfriend."
"Looks like the tables have turned." I said, smirking.
"Oh yeah."
I rolled my eyes. "How does one forget that they they have a boyfriend?"
"I didn't forget, I just wasn't thinking about him right now."
"Mhm... Surrre. I'll have to tell Chase about this next time I see him... Which will probably be tomorrow since we have school tomorrow and I sit with you two icky lovebirds at lunch."
"Look how the tables have turned." Spencer replied.
"Don't hate us because you ain't us."
"Ain't isn't a word."
"Well ain't that too bad?"
"Alright, enough with this video. Bye me!" I said, putting my hand up to cover the camera lens.
"Don't get your dirty hands on my new camera lens!" Spencer screeched and then the video ended.
"You were cute when you were younger." Luke commented.
"What? Am I not cute now?" I asked.
"Nah, you're kinda hot." He relied, cracking up.
"Luke Hemmings, you did not." I said, rolling my eyes and face palming.
"I did," he said, still laughing so hard that he was practically crying.
"You're so lame. Remind me why I'm dating you again."
"Because I look so perfect." He replied, which made him laugh even more.
"Stop... Just stop. You're such a dork." I said, pushing his face away.
"But I thought you loved me?"
"Nah, I'm only dating you because you have hot friends."
"Thank you Zel." Calum said, smiling.
"You're welcome," I replied, cheekily.
"No, you're mine." Luke asked, pulling me towards him, which caused my face to be squished against his shoulder.
"Um... Excuse me... But... Um... I'm kinda getting smothered over here, Hemmings." I mumbled.
"Too bad. I love you too much to care."
"Mmm... Unhand me peasant." I grumbled.
"Meanie," he muttered, letting go of me. I took a huge, over dramatic breath and I cried, "I can breathe!"
"Oh shut up." He replied, playfully pushing me.
"You shut up." I responded.
"Both of you guys shut up so I can play the next video." Spencer said, glaring at us.
"Sorry," we both said in unison.
Rolling her eyes, she pressed play.
This time the video started with a close up of Spencer's face. She wasn't wearing makeup and you could see a few of her freckles splurged on her face. Her hazel eyes sorta twinkled and her strawberry blonde hair was piled on top of her head.
"Hey future us. If you've ever forget what it's like to have a sleepover with Zel, here you go." Spencer whispered, opening the door behind her.
Behind the door was me with my hair in a light pink bonnet, a bright green face mask on- well- my face, my retainer in, and I was wearing... an unicorn onesie.
Everyone started laughing and I was blushing like crazy.
"Wow Zel. You're so hot." Luke commented.
"Shut up!" I cried, punching his chest. "I was about to go to sleep. I can do and wear whatever I want"
"Sure, whatever. At least you grew out of your awkward phase."
Spencer threw her head back and laughed, "No she hasn't."
"She's not wrong." I replied.
"Spenscer! Get thats outs of here."
"I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Ugh! You'res such a flibagiki!"
"A what?"
"Mrgh! You know I can't talk with this sstupid thing in!" I grumbled.
"Then take it out smart one." Spencer replied.
Sighing, I took it out, "Happy?"
"Well at least you can talk "
"What do you want?" I groaned.
"Say hi to future us."
"Hey me, please tell me that Puberty is nice to me and I get hot because I can't do this everyday." I said, motioning to me green, martian-like face.
"What the heck is that anyways?"
"I don't know. My mom got me it, it's this avocado oil exfoliating thing."
"Avocado? Like guacamole?"
"What? No, it's not like guaca-"
Spencer interrupted me buy sticking her finger in the mixture. Her face scrunched up in disgust as it touched her tongue. She gagged and spit it out.
"EW! That's nasty!" She cried.
"Avocado oil! It's oil! You nincompoop." I groaned.
"That didn't taste anything like guac."
"No? Really?" I replied, sarcastically.
"Why did you stop me?" She asked, still spitting out the face cream.
"I didn't think that were dumb enough to actually do it."
"Well I obviously am!"
"Ok...ay then. This video's over. Good bye now." I said, putting my hand up to cover the camera lens.
"What did I say about your hands?!" Spencer yelled and then the screen went black.
"Am I hotter now?" I asked, making a stupid face.
"Oh yeah, totally." Michael replied sarcastically.
"Good. I didn't want to have to wear that face mask again."
"I think you looked pretty in it." Ash replied.
"Lies!" I said, hitting him with a pillow.
"Ow," he groaned, rubbing the side of his head.
"Shut up, next video," Spencer said.
This is one was me hunched over a piece of paper, laying on the gym floor.
"Hey Zel."
I flinched and covered the paper. I turned around and groaned when I saw it was just Spence. "Ugh! Stop doing that!"
"So... whatcha doin'?"
"You know what I'm doing." I grumbled.
"But say it to future you."
"Why? So the police can use it as evidence when I'm arrested?"
"You're not going to be arrested. You might get expelled, but not arrested. Probably."
My eyes grew wide and my jaw dropped.
"Nah, I'm just kidding. You're going to be fine. The coaches don't check them and if they do, they're too dumb to even notice."
"I better not get in trouble for this gay boy or I'll cut off your balls with rusty safety scissors."
"Yes, yes. I know." Young, 14 year old Justin replied. His black hair was in the iconic emo fringe and his pretty greenish blue eyes were framed by his black, hipster glasses (he wore those before they were cool).
"Rusty safety sciss-ors!" I replied, pulling out a pair scissors.
Justin's eyes grew wide. "Why do you have those?"
"Because I want you to know that I'm not joking."
"Are you done?" He asked me, laughing.
Sighing, I handed him my death note.
"Thanks!" He said, walking over to coach.
"So Zel, now that Justin turned in his paper, are you ready to confess your crimes?"
Cringing, I replied, "I may or may not have pretender to be Justin's mom and forged her signature for Justin's syllabus.
"Yeah you did!" She yelled. "How'd you do that anyway?"
"I have no idea to be honest."
"Well can you do me a favor and do my mom's signature? Ms. f*cking Welshie gave me f*cking dress code and this is my 3rd dress code 'violation' and my mom's gonna be pissed when she finds out."
"What did you wear?"
"Well, the first time I was wearing leggings, which is stupid. The second time was because my shirt was 'cut too low'. BS... and this time was because my 'bra was showing'. Well whoopty-f*cking-doo. My bra strap was showing. Someone call the police!"
"Oh my gosh, Spencer. If you keep getting dress code, you're going to get a referral.
"Then let them give me a referral!" Spencer cried.
Justin came back to us smiling, "Coach didn't even notice."
I let out a sigh of relief, "Thank the lord!"
Luke started laughing softly and looked at me.
"Hey," he mouthed.
"Hello." I replied.
"I really want to kiss you right now."
"I really want to punch you right now."
He pouted and I stuck my tongue out.
"We'll be right back. We're gonna get food." I said, getting up and stretching. Luke also got up and poked my sides while stretching with caused me yelp and fall to the ground. I absolutely hated being tickled.
Luke started laughing hysterically as he helped me up.
"Jerk," I muttered.
"I love you?"
"Lies," I replied, wiping the dust and lint off my jeans.
"I'm sorry?"
"Lies!" I said, walking to the kitchen. Luke followed me and smiled. "We're finally alone."
"Yes we are." I said, turning around and looking for the microwaveable popcorn.
He put his face in the crook of my neck and whispered, "Can I have that kiss now?"
"No," I whispered back.
"Too bad," he replied, kissing my cheek.
Rolling my eyes, I put the popcorn in the microwave and leaned against the counter. Luke smiled at me and picked me up.
"Luke, what are you doing?" I asked, my arms wrapped around his neck and my legs on both sides of his torso.
He sat me on the counter and smiled. "We're at the same level now."
"Shut up," I groaned, rolling my eyes. He smiled even wider and kissed my nose. "Better?"
"No." I pouted.
"Yes." He replied, kissing me.
"I hate you." I muttered, my lips pressed against his.
"Lies," he replied, his hand cupping my cheek. My arms were wrapped around his neck, my fingers combing though the hair at the nape of his neck.
We did this for a good 45 seconds until the microwave beeped.
"Fucking cock block." Luke muttered against my lips.
I groaned when he walked away to turn off the microwave.
"Oh calm down, I'm coming back." Luke said, walking back.
Smiling, I resumed where we left off.
"Where's the food?" Spencer cried.
"Give us a second." I replied, Luke's lips at my neck.
"You guys better not be making out!" Calum yelled.
"Thank you ye of little faith." I replied. Technically, we weren't making out. Luke was kissing my neck, so ha! Loopholes!
"Luke..." I said.
"Can you pop two more bags of popcorn?"
"Two more? Why?"
"Well, two for you guys and one for me."
"An entire bag for you?"
"Luke, as our relationship progresses, you'll learn more about me; the good, the bad, and the ugly. This is one part of the bad; I'm obsessed with popcorn. I could probably finish an entire bowl in like 10 minutes."
"I chew fast."
"And suck hard!" Spencer cried.
"Shut up!" I yelled back. "Have you been listening this whole time?"
"Nope, I just heard 'chew fast' and I filled in the rest." Spencer replied.
After the popcorn was done popping and stuff, I plopped down in between Spencer and Luke.
"Really, Zel? Popcorn?" Spencer questioned.
"You know how much I love popcorn!" I defended.
"You're weird." Spencer sighed, rolling her eyes.
"And you're not?"
Author Note:
Hey guys. Sorry if you guys got a notification that this chapter was published. I was a stupid person and I accidentally pressed "Publish" instead of "Save." I know, I know. I'm stupid.
*ducks behind a chair while people throw tomatoes at her*
Well, I hoped you guys liked this chapter of awkward Zel.
Don't forget to vote, comment, and share.
Love you guys.
(By the way, has anyone heard Zayn's new song Pillowtalk? My lord... this boy...)
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