Chapter Twelve: He's Never Out of Sight
Harry awoke in his bedroom, and felt a slight pounding in his head as he struggled to right himself, and was slightly annoyed when he was gently pushed back against the pillows. He turned to yell at the culprit, but was surprised to see Ginny sitting beside the bed. Harry did his best to compose himself, although Ginny clearly saw the surprise etched into his face, along with momentary flashes of pain and exhaustion.
"It's been a day," she said gently, and Harry blinked. "Madam Pomfrey rushed right over after Hermione called her. She prescribed a sleeping solution to calm your nerves."
Harry cleared his throat then, and Ginny poured him a goblet of water from the pitcher on the nightstand beside him. Harry nodded in thanks and sipped from the goblet, never taking his eyes from Ginny. "Where is everyone?"
"Ron and Hermione have been taking sitting with you in turns," she explained. "I've only started my turn an hour ago. They're getting some sleep. As for Dean, he's in another bedroom here, awaiting his turn. Draco and Neville are back at Longbottom Lodge, seeing to Scorpius, but they promised to be one fire-call away, should we need them."
"And Luna and Rolf?"
"Quibbler emergency, I'm afraid," Ginny said softly. "They heard a rumor about a Golden Snidget in peril—they're endangered, you know," she said, and Harry nodded, remembering reading about that somewhere. "Their task is to not only report about it, but to get it to safety in the Golden Snidget reserve, but the location is classified."
"And you?" Harry asked, and Ginny raised her eyes to his. "I heard that you and Dean were getting your assignments from the ministry, now that you've graduated."
"We've gotten our assignments," Ginny replied with a smile. "I've been made Sports Editor for The Daily Profit, while Dean's joined Hermione and Draco's crusade and has agreed to be the face of the movement. Since he thought he was Muggle-Born after all these years, he considered such a thing to be fitting. His ultimate goal is to find his biological father's family because of it, and to make records a more open thing, so Blood Status will never be doubted again."
"That's brilliant, Gin!" Harry cried out, and moved to get out of bed again, but Ginny almost immediately moved forward and stopped him.
"I can't let you get out of bed unless it is to relieve yourself, Harry. I'm sorry," she said to Harry's annoyed expression, "but it's Madam Pomfrey's orders."
Harry grumbled under his breath but nevertheless tucked himself back into bed, and yet he was pleased when Ginny conjured a few more pillows that he could use to prop himself up with, and gave her a smile. "Thanks."
She hesitated for a moment before permitting herself to speak again. "Listen, Harry, I was going to tell you before Neville came downstairs with Scorpius, back in June, about my theory about Snape, but..."
Harry was immediately on edge again, and he felt his blood pumping at the direct mention of the man he loved. "Please tell me," he begged. "Please, Gin. I need to know. I've been smacking my head against the wall these last few months."
"And I would've told you sooner," she said quickly. "But I had to finish my exams and graduate with Dean, plus there's been the wedding planning and starting my job for the ministry. There's just been a lot happening."
"Yeah, I understand that, and I don't blame you, Ginny," Harry told her, and Ginny breathed a sigh of relief. "A lot's been happening on my end, too. I've had to attempt to get over the man I'm in love with, and constantly prepare for this baby that he doesn't even know about. Not to mention being on bed rest, which means that now I can probably only read Auror reports, but only if Madam Pomfrey allows it..."
"She says you can do anything you want, provided that it doesn't exhaust or upset you," Ginny informed him carefully.
Harry sighed. "Too bad. Everything either exhausts or upsets me these days."
Ginny nodded. "Right."
Harry swallowed then, forcing himself to be calm, knowing that Ginny was unlikely to tell him anything if he didn't appear to have such a front. "All right, I'm calm," he told her, and her dark eyes snapped to his. "Just tell me... I need to know."
She nodded. "Of course, Harry," she replied. "My theory behind Snape's apparent hateful demeanor towards you was that I believed Voldemort's dagger to be laced with something. A curse, perhaps," she said, and Harry's eyes snapped to hers.
"A curse?"
"Yes," Ginny said softly. "A curse to make whoever disobeyed him to life a half-life, without the love of the person they hold dear."
"But Severus... He was never meant to live, was he?"
Ginny smiled. "Perhaps, perhaps not. I don't particularly wish to enter the mind of Voldemort again anytime soon."
Harry sighed, inwardly cursing himself for his stupidity. "Sorry, Gin."
"No harm done," she told him. "But, of course, there is the matter of breaking the curse. You want the curse to be broken, don't you?"
"Of course," Harry replied without hesitation. "I love him, and Lily's going to be born in less than a month. I want him here for our daughter, and for me."
Ginny nodded. "Well, it seems that we're going to have to consider our options, then," she told him, and Harry nodded back at her. "We need to really think about this, Harry, to think about how one would go about breaking a curse."
Harry bit his lips. "Well, maybe there's an ally or two we haven't called upon just yet, now that this new development has presented itself, who can help us out."
Ginny raised her eyes to his. "Who did you have in mind?"
. . .
The room was dark as Harry writhed beneath the blankets, grunting every now again in pain. The only sound that didn't come from him was the occasional concerned hoot from Dulcis, as well as Kreacher snapping into view every now and again, bringing in more hot water. Harry didn't fully understand what was going on, other than the notion that his daughter would be there soon. He squeezed his eyes shut then, a combination of tears and sweat dripping down his face as he tried his best to allow this birth to be over quickly.
"Kreacher!" he screamed.
Kreacher immediately ran towards the bed. "Yes, Master Harry?"
"More Wiggenweld Potion!" Harry yelled, and Kreacher made a grab for the bottle, before tipping some down Harry's throat. Harry fell back against the pillows then, as his daughter tried to make her way into the world.
After hours of pain, sweat, and tears, as dawn broke on that first day of October, something other than Harry's screams came forth from that room. A shrill cry of a child came forth, and Kreacher came forward, quickly washing the infant as Harry casted some cleaning spells onto himself and to the bedspread, before he tipped more Wiggenweld Potion into his mouth. He felt that his throat was raw from the impact of the birth, but as he conjured the lights on in the bedroom, the overwhelming sensation that it was all worth it flooded him then.
Kreacher smiled, wrapped the now-clean and calm baby into a pink silk blanket, embroidered with the initials L.L.P., which Molly had stitched for Harry over the summer. Kreacher stepped towards Harry, cradling the perfect bundle, and set her into his master's arms. "Master will need to eat soon to re-gain his strength," the house-elf reported, as he had been given strict instructions by Madam Pomfrey for before, during, and after the birth. "Kreacher will begin to cook now. What would Master Harry like?"
"Sandwiches," Harry said, the first thing that came to mind.
"Of course, Master Harry," Kreacher said, bowing. "Kreacher will go and procure those for master right away," he said, and, with that, popped from view.
Harry gazed down at his daughter for the first time, and the phrase 'utter perfection' immediately entered his thoughts. He smiled down at her as she stared up at him with light eyes, leading Harry to believe that she would inherit his green orbs. Her nose was his as well, and her mouth, but the long raven locks that covered her head were unmistakably Severus's, as was the shape of her beautiful face, as well as her hands, which he knew would soon boast the same long, tapered fingers as his former Potion's Professor.
"Lily Luna Potter, you are perfection," Harry declared, holding her close and kissing her forehead, chuckling as she let out a soft sigh of contentment. "Let's just hope that, someday soon, you can meet the brilliant man who also holds the title of 'your father'." Harry sighed, knowing full well that Ron and Hermione would never forgive him if he didn't let them know immediately that Lily was here. He summoned his wand wordlessly, and it flew into his hand and he whispered, "Expecto Patronum," all the while gazing down at Lily, before raising his eyes to the stag, who patiently awaited his message. "Ron, Hermione, sorry to wake you. Just thought you should know that Lily is here, safe and well. She's got long black hair and I think she's going to have my eyes. It's plain to see that I'm her father, but there's quite a bit of Severus in there as well. Just thought you should know..." He nodded to the stag then, who immediately darted off out the window and into the silver light of dawn. "Dulcis," Harry said, and the small owl hooted, flying closer. "What do you think of Lily?"
Dulcis cooed then, gently lowering her head and carding her break through Lily's hair. Dulcis's eyes widened then as Lily's eyes opened and gazed at her, merely watching the little bird above her head. Dulcis cooed again, and affectionately nibbled at Harry's fingers, almost as if the bird was congratulating him on a job well done. It was at Harry's chuckle that Dulcis flew to the top of the headboard upon Harry's bed, keeping firm eyes on both the door, the window, and the fire, almost as if she was daring anyone to come in and upset her master and young mistress.
"You're happy that Lily's here, aren't you, Dulcis?" Harry asked, and slowly pulled up his nightshirt to feed his daughter for the first time.
Dulcis cooed indulgently, but never came back down from her perch, wanting everyone who came into the room to know that she fancied herself a guard owl, and that nothing and no one would ever be able to change that.
. . .
Hermione woke up at around eight o'clock that morning and kissed Ron on the forehead before she slipped from their marital bed and padded across the floor. Slipping on a crimson robe, she left their bedroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen, where she put on a pot of tea and got out a carton of eggs from the fridge, plus some sausages, and some small potatoes from the cupboard beside the fridge. She sliced the potatoes expertly before putting them in a spice bath and into a frying man, humming to herself as they sizzled. She cracked four eggs into a bowl and whisked them, before seasoning them and putting them into a second pan. Finally, she got the sausages out of their packet and put them into a third pan, and soon the kitchen smelled heavenly of breakfast cooking.
Ron smelled breakfast and came downstairs, pulling a sweater on top of his tank top and sleep pants, as he came up behind Hermione. He chuckled as his wife giggled, and he gently moved her hair away from her neck and kissed her, and Hermione casually brought out her wand to take over, before turning around and pulling Ron into her arms. Ron leaned down immediately, kissing his wife and holding her close to him, and never wanting to let her go, and let out a little moan of protest when she pulled away.
"Don't want to burn breakfast, darling," she said, gently kissing him one last time. She summoned two plates from the cabinet, while Ron fetched silverware, napkins, and teacups for their tea, and set them all down onto the table. Hermione coaxed their eggs, potatoes, and sausages onto their respective plates, before sending them to the table, and sending the pans she'd used into the sink, the enchanted brush—a wedding gift from Molly—sprang to life and proceeded to wash them. "You're certainly tucking in," Hermione joked, sending their tea kettle over to the table, along with milk and sugar, as she crossed the room, noticing that Ron had stabbed his eggs and was bringing them to his lips.
"Don't want it to get cold," he said, although his tone was sheepish.
Hermione giggled, and stabbed her own eggs, and began to eat her breakfast with her husband, in a truly domestic sense, one she had grown accustomed to. "Rose seems to be just as impatient as her father," she said quietly, using her spare hand to touch her stomach.
Ron was immediately all ears, and set down his fork, kneeling down in front of Hermione and pressing his ear to her expanding stomach. "How is it possible to love someone so much already, 'Mione?" he asked, his tone quiet.
Hermione smiled, carding her fingers through her husband's hair. "Likely because of how much love went into conceiving her," she whispered, pressing a kiss onto his head. "I didn't know that all this happiness was possible, but I did hope for it."
Ron picked up his head then, and caressed Hermione's face with his hand, and she blushed under the intensity of his stare. "So did I," he replied.
As they stared at one another, merely enjoying the other's company, and basking in the mutual love between them, it was not difficult to understand that they didn't see the flash of silver light bounding onto their property. Nor did they at first hear the clomps of the stags hooves at it made itself known, charging inside via the front door and, finding no one, checked the living room. It was then that the stag decided to try the kitchen and, finally spotting Ron and Hermione, came towards them, butting Ron on his backside to the point where he let out a shout and flew to his feet, only to see the great creature behind him and immediately take his seat.
"Speak," Hermione commanded the animal, and attempting not to laugh at the momentary display of fear from her husband.
The stag opened its mouth and promptly spoke. "Ron, Hermione, sorry to wake you. Just thought you should know that Lily is here, safe and well. She's got long black hair and I think she's going to have my eyes. It's plain to see that I'm her father, but there's quite a bit of Severus in there as well. Just thought you should know..." After relaying its message, the stag lowered its head in respect to their pair of them before walking calmly towards the window, and leaping through it, disappearing from their view.
"Lily is here!" Hermione shouted, turning to Ron. "Honestly, Ronald..."
Ron, meanwhile, as soon as the stag had relayed its message, began shoveling his breakfast into his mouth as quickly as he dared. "Sorry, 'Mione, but this is my goddaughter we're talking about, and I won't let Ginny get her hands on her first!"
Hermione rolled her eyes, quickly finishing her breakfast as well before she got to her feet, motioning for their plates and silverware to go into the sink, and for their napkins to go into the washing machine. "Come along, then, Ron. We'd best ready ourselves and get cleaned up. I don't think Harry would take too kindly to us showing up all disheveled."
Ron sighed, hesitating for a moment. "I don't think we should be going to Grimmauld Place just yet, Hermione."
She blinked. "What? Why not?"
"We need to summon Ginny and Dean, Luna and Rolf, and Draco and Neville immediately," he told her, and Hermione looked shocked.
"Have you gone mad? Ginny and Dean are on a strict schedule for the ministry, not to mention how many reports Luna and Rolf have to present to The Profit. And then there's Draco and Neville, who are tending to Scorpius's needs..."
"Then we meet at Longbottom Lodge," Ron said, his voice firm as he took his wife's arm and propelled her towards the staircase. "Shower first."
"But, but," Hermione sputtered, shaking her head in confusion, "why do we have to go to the lodge now of all times, Ronald?! We've got our jobs, too, you know..."
Ron sighed. "You were all hot-to-trot to go to Grimmauld a moment ago..."
"Well, yes, of course," Hermione said quickly, doing her best not to trip on the last of the stairs as Ron guided them into their bedroom, which boasted a walk-in closet and en suite bathroom. "I supposed that a little visit with our goddaughter wouldn't do any harm, let alone wreck our schedule today, but now..."
"But now we've got to call in the troops, Hermione," Ron stated, throwing off his tank top as he moved towards the shower, and Hermione's jaw dropped at just how impeccable his body had become, now that he was chasing Death Eaters all day, every day. "We've got to figure out a way to get Harry and Snape back together, and quickly, because Lily deserves her other father, just as much as Harry deserves the love of his life back..." He was proceeding to step out of his sleep pants then, and turned to face his wife, and raised his eyebrows at her expression. "Is there something you'd like to say, 'Mione?"
Hermione swallowed then, her voice threatening to tremble. "Yes. Take me into the shower with you," she said, and threw off her robe, which left little to the imagination, and caused Ron to do a double take at his wife as she sauntered past him, and looked over her shoulder. "Well? Didn't you imply that we were in a hurry?"
Ron swallowed audibly then, but nodded. "Yes, Mrs. Weasley," he said, and Hermione grinned up at him as he walked into the shower after her.
. . .
Ginny rolled her eyes at the notion that Ron had decided to summon her and Dean on a weekday morning to Longbottom Lodge. She had just gotten out of the shower when his Jack Russell Patronus arrived, barking at her that she and Dean were expected. Rolling her eyes, she waited for the dog to leave before she threw off her towel and crossed over to her dresser in the cozy flat that she and Dean now shared in Chelsea, a little less than fifteen minutes away from the Ministry of Magic.
Pulling on a pair of black trousers, plus a white tank top and black blazer, Ginny stepped into a pair of business shoes and walked back into the bathroom. She cast a drying spell on her red mane and brushed her teeth before she made her way out of the bathroom and bedroom and down the hallway, where Dean's and Ginny's shared office was. She let herself in, seeing Dean, already dressed and looking handsome as ever, writing up plans for him, Draco, and Hermione for their next meeting of the Muggle Civil Rights within the Wizarding World.
"Hello, darling," she said, and Dean looked up from his piece of parchment, smiling at his fiancée and getting to his feet.
"This is a surprise," he said, pulling her into his arms. "I thought that The Profit called in their editors on Thursdays at ten. Everything all right?"
Ginny sighed. "They just cancelled the meeting before I got into the shower. Apparently, there's a hot news story that they needed several editors for, and it was senior choice, so I was out of the loop pretty quickly on that one."
Dean sighed, kissing Ginny's forehead. "Sorry about that, love. You'll get your chance, now that Quidditch try-outs have already happened at Hogwarts. I know that you're excited to be reporting on some of the games there."
Ginny laughed. "Yeah, well, it certainly would be fun to visit the old stomping ground." She hesitated for a moment before speaking again. "Ron's Patronus came and met me after I got out of the shower."
"Everything all right with him and Hermione?"
"I assume so," Ginny replied with a small shrug of her shoulders. "He didn't mention either of them, and I assume that it doesn't have to do with them."
"What was the message?"
Ginny rolled her eyes, leaning onto Dean's shoulder. "You and I, along with Luna and Rolf, have been summoned by Ron and Hermione to Longbottom Lodge. He didn't say why, just that it was urgent and we had to get there quickly."
Dean nodded, giving one final look to his parchment before pulling away from Ginny and making a grab for his jacket. "I wasn't getting too far anyway," he said with a smile.
"What is it?" Ginny asked, nodding at it.
"Just a speech for the next meeting, which isn't due to happen for another month. We only just got the topics to be discussed, and I've got plenty of notes jotted down in the meantime. There's nothing to worry about," he assured her, taking her hand, and going out of the office, and down the stairs towards the parlor, where their massive fireplace was.
Ginny took ahold of a handful of Floo Powder, before tossing it into the grate, and green flames suddenly roared to life at the contact. "Longbottom Lodge, Norfolk," she said clearly, and she and Dean stepped through.
They hesitated in the front hall of the beautiful estate for a moment before moving through to the parlor, which was vastly bigger than their flat in Chelsea. Draco was sitting beside the fireside, with Scorpius in his arms, and Neville was standing by, staring down at his husband and son. He looked up as Ginny and Dean entered, and smiled at them. Hermione was sitting opposite Draco, whispering about babies in general, while Ron was deep in conversation with Rolf about Rolf's recent trips with Luna, and Luna, meanwhile, crossed the room and embraced Ginny as soon as she and Dean stepped inside.
"What's going on?" Ginny asked, embracing Luna back for a moment.
"We expecting anyone else?" Dean wanted to know.
"No," Ron replied, clapping Rolf on the shoulder before getting to his feet and, quite soon, all eyes were on the youngest Weasley son. "I've called us all here for a purpose. Harry's Patronus came to mine and Hermione's place this morning to announce that Lily was born, and that she looks like a combination of both him and Snape."
Ginny swallowed and moved towards the bar, getting herself a goblet of butterbeer. "Well, it can't be easy for Harry," she said quietly, sipping her drink.
"No," Hermione agreed, shaking her head. "All I know is, I wanted to go to Grimmauld Place immediately to congratulate him, but Ron insisted we gather here, with all of you, instead. And he wouldn't tell me why," she went on, fixing him with a look.
"Honestly, Ron!" Ginny reprimanded him. "You've got to communicate with her. As your wife, she needs to be your sounding board. Dean and I aren't even married yet, and he's an excellent communicator," she said, walking over to Dean, who automatically put his arm around her waist with a grin. "It's because of this that I can't wait to marry him—one of the reasons, anyway. And besides—"
"Gin," Ron said, annoyed.
"Ron," Dean said warningly.
"She's not wrong, mate," Neville put in, and gazed adoringly down at Draco, who returned the look, and handed Scorpius off to Hermione before getting to his feet and nestling himself into his husband's arms. "Draco and I communicate and, even if we disagree, we know what the other is thinking, and it's beneficial."
"It certainly helps," Draco said softly.
"True," Luna said, speaking for the first time. "Rolf and I seldom disagree, but on the rare occasion that it happens," she said, moving to sit beside her husband, who took her hand, "I feel better knowing that we can compromise."
"Exactly," Rolf said. "Compromising is key."
"Anyhow," Ron said, quickly growing from annoyed to irritated. "I called the meeting because we can't allow Snape to get away with his treatment of Harry. Ginny, how did your conversation go about what Voldemort did to him?"
"As well as could be expected," Ginny replied, suddenly remembering that, due to her obligation to The Profit and Ron's to the ministry, they'd seldom talked since Harry had collapsed at Grimmauld Place a month before. "He thinks that there's something in the idea, but obviously we can't force Snape to watch the memories..."
"We could," Dean said darkly, but immediately shook his head. "I know it's reprehensible to think about, but what are our other options, really? Snape is being a cad here, but what else can we really do?"
"I'm so glad you asked." The voice caused everyone—save for Ron—to look surprisingly over at who had spoken. Entering the room was Minerva McGonagall herself, and she smiled at her former students, sending an indulgent look at Scorpius before she surveyed them all with her green robes trimmed with black velvet, her precise brown bun placed upon the top of her head as it had been back when they'd been at school. "Mr. Weasley called me here," she said by means of an explanation, and gently, pushed her glasses a bit further up her nose. "I am aware of the situation of Harry and Severus, and I am prepared to offer my services."
"What do you suggest, professor?" Ginny asked.
"I suggest appealing to his compassionate side—the situations in which it makes itself known, I'm afraid, are few and far between, but they're there, I grant you. He is due to return to Hogwarts to gather the last of his things—potions and the like—in the wake of him putting Spinner's End up for sale."
"So, there's a buyer, then?" Hermione wanted to know.
"Several people have expressed an interest, yes," Professor McGonagall replied. "I believe it has solely to do with what Harry did in terms of renovation."
"Too bad Snape didn't appreciate it," Draco muttered.
"Yes, quite bad, Mr. Malfoy," Professor McGonagall said with a nod. "I'm due to have a meeting with Severus just before he leaves this evening. Hopefully, I can attempt to reason with him then. If not, it is out of my hands. It is his intention to leave England entirely and, I'm afraid, he has not been forthcoming about where he intends to go."
Ron sighed. "All we can do is hope, then." He hesitated for a moment before he turned to his old Head of House. "It's bloody brilliant of you to do this, professor."
"It appears so. Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley," she put in, her dark eyes shining with amusement.
. . .
Headmistress Minerva McGonagall had been aware of Severus Snape from the time he had begun at Hogwarts in 1971. Although she became even more aware of him as the years went by—due to his Death Eater sympathies and later because they were co-workers and Severus becoming Head of Slytherin—she knew that Albus, her mentor, had always trusted him. As she sat in the headmistress's office, her work done for the day, she mused about all her years of knowing Severus and how quick she'd been to disown him when the word came that it was he who had killed Albus. Now that Harry had shown her Severus's memories, and he'd been acquitted of the charges by the Wizengamot, she had fully forgiven him for his apparent misdeeds and their friendship had resumed.
As for his relationship with Harry Potter, suffice it to say that she had no knowledge of it until Harry had written to her several weeks prior. It had come as a shock that the young wizard who had vanquished Tom Riddle, and who had seemed to loathe the former Potion's Professor, would seek to get as far away from Severus as possible, once he left the school. However, it did not come as a complete surprise to Minerva, who had seen the pair of them in a heated embrace during the young man's sixth year, outside of Horace Slughorn's Christmas party, in her Animagus form whilst wandering around the castle. She felt a little embarrassed by walking in on the private moment, and would have intervened, were it not for young Harry's arms wrapping around his most-hated professor and pulling him closer. Despite her better judgement, she'd merely walked away from the situation, knowing that Severus would likely be thrown in Azkaban for the offense, but Harry was no longer a child, and likely could have done something about the situation if he truly didn't want it to happen.
The knock on her office door clouded her thoughts, and she got to her feet, giving a small smile to Fawkes as she moved towards it. "Come in," she said, her tone firm.
Severus opened the door and crossed the threshold, his black potions bag around his shoulders and hanging off of him, and gave a curt nod to Minerva. "I've gathered my supplies. I'll be leaving now, if there was nothing else."
Minerva sighed, knowing full well that she would have to approach the situation delicately, if she ever wanted to get through to him. "Actually, Severus, there was something else. Would you mind shutting the door please?"
Severus felt his brow arching slightly, but nevertheless shut the door behind him. "Is it school business you wish to discuss, Minerva?"
She shook her head, feeling her fingers knotting together in a moment of anxiety. "Would you like some tea, Severus?"
"No, thank you," Severus replied, shaking his head. "I would appreciate it if you would just get straight to the point, Minerva. I don't want to be rude, but I would like to get a good night's rest, if it's all the same to you. The potential buyers will be coming to the house next week and I have much to do..."
"That can all be sorted later," Minerva said, knowing that this meeting hinged ultimately on Severus reclaiming his feelings for Harry, which meant that he could not leave England. "I feel that we need to discuss Harry..."
Severus automatically sneered at the mention of the name. "Why must we discuss Potter?"
"Because I know what was between you, Severus," she said, growing impatient with beating around the bush. "There was something between the pair of you, and I know it, and you need to admit it to yourself."
Severus shook his head. "I don't believe this. Who was it that got to you? Who got to you to meddle in my affairs? Was it Potter?" he snapped.
"No," Minerva said quickly, staring at him. "Why would you even think that Harry would put himself in this situation? He's been devastated enough."
Severus scoffed. "Lies."
"Not lies!" she cried out. "He even admitted when he was on the stand at your trial that he loved you, and you're instructed not to lie on the stand, even in the Muggle world. Why would he select that moment, of all moments, to lie about his feelings for you?"
"Attention?" Severus asked, spreading his hands. "I've no idea what goes on in that boys' head, and I've no desire to do so."
"Why would Harry seek attention from something as controversial about his sexuality?" Minerva whispered to him, and even Severus could admit to himself that lying about being gay was just not done, not even in this day and age. "You know as well as I do that he hated fame, Severus. I mean, perhaps, in the beginning, he didn't dislike it, given that it was an entirely new experience for him to be treated so well..." She hesitated for a moment, looking up at Albus's portrait but, as always, the former headmaster was asleep. "I'm sure you know by now what happened at the Dursley residence, Severus, for it was an open secret within the staff."
Severus grimaced and turned away from her. "Yes. But I didn't know of it fully until a year ago, I'm afraid. I may not be fond of the boy, Minerva, but I would never wish that treatment on anyone so young..."
"Is it just because of his connection to Lily?"
Severus turned and looked at her. "What?"
"Your compassion for his plight while he lived with his relatives," Minerva said quietly. "I ask because it seems as if you have some experience in that area."
Severus sighed, dragging his hands through his raven locks. "I'm not going to stand here and admit that my childhood was perfect, Minerva."
"And what do you consider to be perfection, Severus, given that it doesn't exist?"
"I suppose the Evans family showed me what normalcy could be within a family," Severus said quietly, bittersweet memories flowing through him then. "They didn't have mismatched clothes or lack of funds to provide something simple as putting food on the table—good food, too, not canned and cheap stuff. Mr. and Mrs. Evans perhaps had a half glass of wine at dinner, but only on very special occasions, like a birthday or holiday. But my mother and father..."
"I seldom saw you outside your school robes when you were a boy, Severus. Were you ashamed of your typical wardrobe?"
Severus visibly swallowed. "If one could call it that, yes. The Evans family took pity on me and would buy me clothes, but my father would burn them or toss them into the gutter around the back of the house. He said they were charity, and we didn't accept charity."
"Is that as bad as it got, Severus?"
"No." Severus blew some air out of his lungs as he recalled his father, Tobias, yelling at his mother, Eileen, for producing a wizard son, when he himself was a Muggle. Then the drinking began and the fights escalated to Eileen getting beaten; it was after he started at Hogwarts, likely by his third year, that Severus stepped in and fought back against Tobias's attacks upon his mother, and then they were both beaten. The worst of it came that old, leather-worn belt that Tobias Snape was in possession of, and Severus still recalled the buckle slicing into the flesh of his back... "My father was physically abusive."
"Just towards you?"
"No. To my mother as well."
Minerva nodded. "I am sorry to hear that, Severus."
He sighed. "It doesn't matter. It is over now."
"That part of your life may be over, Severus, but a new chapter has already begun. If you're not careful, you could stand to lose it before it even begins for you."
Severus sighed, permitting himself to look at Minerva again. "What do you mean?"
Minerva bit her lip for a moment, knowing full well that this would come as a shock to Severus, and she needed to proceed with caution. "Harry has had a child."
Severus blinked then, letting go of his potions bag which fell to the floor as he stared at her. "A child? Potter has had a child?"
Minerva nodded. "Yes, Severus. Harry has given birth, this morning at dawn, to be exact. It is a little girl."
"A girl?"
"Yes. He's called her Lily Luna Potter," Minerva went on, and Severus quickly did the math, knowing full well that Lily had to have been conceived in early January, which meant... "You are her other father, Severus," Minerva said softly, and Severus fell into a chair beside him, shocked at the notion that, not only had Harry managed to hide his pregnancy but that he, in fact, had assisted in his condition.
"Lily... She's mine?" he whispered.
Minerva sighed. "Yes, Severus. She has his eyes, but your hair, fingers, and the shape of your face, according to what Mr. Weasley and his wife told me. "Her nose, mouth, and skin tone belong to Harry, apparently..."
"I'm a father," Severus said, completely dumbfounded. Then, he immediately charged towards the fireplace. "Minerva, I must go to Grimmauld Place at once. I know our relationship is less-than-savory, but if the child is mine—"
Minerva blocked his way. "No, Severus, I am afraid I cannot allow it," she said quietly. "First, you are going to sleep. It's close to eleven and Harry and Lily are likely asleep. You will sleep as well and, in the morning, you will view Harry's memories of that night."
"So help me Severus, if you do not, I will Obliviate you of your knowledge of Lily!" she snapped then, her eyes narrowing. "You've hurt Harry more than you ever could imagine, and you need to learn the truth behind your relationship. Now, to bed I say."
"To bed, Severus!" Minerva ordered. "We will speak in the morning, once you've viewed Harry's memories, and only then would it be appropriate for you to see Lily."
Severus sighed, knowing just how right Minerva was, and trudged to the spare bedroom in the headmaster's quarters. "Very well..."
"And I've locked the Floo Network throughout the castle, and put anti-Apparition spells throughout," she called over his shoulder. "And don't even think about attempting to get through the gates—they're under strict instructions not to let you out. And don't bother with the house-elves, for they've been told the same. You are to go to bed and come out in the morning, ready and waiting to view Harry's memory of that night."
Severus sighed, but nevertheless turned around. "All right, Minerva."
"Good," she replied, levitation his potion's bag towards him. "Now, go to sleep."
. . .
Severus tried and managed to sleep for a few hours, and awoke to silvery light coming into the spare bedroom of the headmistress's office. Throwing the borrowed bedclothes off him, he got to his feet, popping his joints back into place and crossing over towards the window. Why was everyone bothering him now with Potter? Once the war ended and Voldemort had been vanquished for good, Severus thought that would be the end of it, but no. People seemed to think that there was something meaningful between them, and, once he finally saw the memories that morning, perhaps they would understand that there was nothing of the sort.
Severus cast a cleaning spell upon himself and his robes from the day before, and stepped into them before coming out of the spare room. He spotted Minerva already at her desk, looking over some parchment, and crossed towards the chair to wait. There was a pot of coffee upon her desk, along with what appeared to be breakfast sandwiches consisting of eggs, cheese, sausages, and potatoes between two English muffins. With the slight nod of her head towards the platter, Severus reluctantly took a sandwich and filled one of the provided cups of coffee, and sipped and chewed, all the while watching Minerva.
"Once you're finished, we will view the memory," Minerva said, never taking her eyes off of the parchment in her hands.
Severus chewed the sandwich even more slowly then. He didn't particularly want to see the memory with him and Potter, but the notion of seeing his daughter outweighed the reluctance to see such a scene. Just hearing about baby Lily hadn't been enough; he wanted to meet her and hold her, and the notion of having a child that was half him looking up at him without fear and only love caused his heart to clench. Finally, Severus finished his sandwich and cup of coffee before casting another cleaning spell on his hands.
"I've finished."
Minerva looked up from her parchment. "That's all you want?"
He nodded. "Yes."
"Very well, then." She vanished the sandwiches and coffee before getting to her feet, crossing the room towards the cupboard and unlocking it. The Pensieve's shallow bowl came out from there and hovered in midair, while Minerva procured the vial from her robe and poured in into the bowl itself, the black-ink color clouding the pale blue water. She raised her eyes to Severus's then and sighed. "Are you ready?" she asked.
Severus sighed. "As much as I can be."
She nodded. "Would you like to go alone?"
Severus hesitated. "Have you seen it?"
She sighed. "I have, yes. Harry sent it to me, initially wanting only you to see it, but later informed me to watch it myself."
Severus bit his lip. "I'll go alone, then."
Minerva stepped back then with a nod. "I'll be here waiting, then."
Severus swallowed then before stepping forward and putting his face into the bowl. It only took a moment for him to slip beneath the depths of the water, and soon found himself standing in the same office where he'd just stood. It took a moment for his eyes to adjust but when they did, he saw himself upon the floor, lying motionless, with blood seeping out of his neck.
Half a moment later, Potter, holding onto the Elder Wand, dashed out into the main office, and he let out an inhuman scream as he saw Severus, lying there. Severus continued to watch as Potter dashed forward then, holding the wand aloft, and whispered, "Vulnera Sanentur," over and over again, until the gashes were healed. Severus felt his eyes widen at the compassion and devastation in Potter's movements, and wondered why he would do such a thing when he spotted the tears on Severus's face.
Harry swallowed then, wordlessly summoning a vial from the storage behind the headmaster's desk and catching the tears inside of it, before he cleaned himself of Severus's blood. Severus noticed that tears blinded Potter's eyes, and Severus did his best not to compare his eyes to Lily's, who likely wouldn't be happy that he'd 'ruined' her beloved son.
Severus stepped closer to Potter as he walked over to the Pensieve and tipped the contents of his own tears into the basin, before he leaned inside of the murky depths.
Severus didn't know if he had the ability to fall in after the younger man, but he needn't have done, as he knew full well what he was looking at in the first place. A lump raised in his throat at the notion that he'd written off Potter so quickly, when the boy—the young man—had helped him before 'pilfering' the memories. With the Horcruxes all destroyed, save for Potter, the Dark Lord was definitely at his most vulnerable, so he was merely taking what was his due. If Severus had cared for him so much, he would have willingly presented the memories to him eventually, so anger towards Potter, he realized, had been unfounded to say the least.
Potter flew up from the Pensieve then, shaking his head as he clutched his heart, and Severus was shocked at the powerful emotion behind those beautiful eyes of his. Potter stared down at the Elder Wand then, and then...
"Evanesco," Potter whispered then, pointing the wand at his heart, and Severus watched, amazed, as he seemed to lighten considerably. Charred remains of something, and ash-like smoke came off from him then, and disappeared as quickly as they had appeared in mid-air, and Potter looked like himself; not like his father with his mother's eyes, but his own person, as he was always meant to be. He then turned to the body of Severus, who was still unconscious upon the floor, and crossed towards him then, slow in his steps.
Severus watched as Potter sent his Patronus to Madam Pomfrey, letting her know what had happened, and Severus was found how amazed he was at the notion that Potter was so cool under pressure in that moment. Next, as he turned around and walked into Severus's rooms, and Severus followed, noticing that all of Potter's things and his rucksack were in there. Severus saw Potter send his Patronus to Professor McGonagall, instructing her to look deeply into the Pensieve, which would exonerate Severus from any wrongdoing, and Severus noticed how hopeful Potter seemed in his words. And, finally, he sent off a final Patronus to Weasley and Granger, as she was known then, finally dressed and his things packed.
"I'm going to You-Know-Who," he said gently to the stag, and the being merely stood and waited for the rest of the message. "I've got a few ideas of where he could be. I'm going alone. I know how to handle him now. Keep Hogwarts and each other safe." He nodded to the stag then, who bowed to him and left. He stepped back out into the headmaster's office then, Severus at his heels, before Potter leaned down and kissed Severus's brow, and Severus seemed to feel the caress of the young man's lips, even now. "I know what to do now," he whispered to him, and Severus felt something inside him tugging, desperate to be let out and quickly. "I know how to kill him, because I'm not a Horcrux anymore. You-Know-Who is now at his most vulnerable," came his words, all in one breath. "I'm going to kill him, my love." His voice broke then before he leaned down and kissed his lover's lips, and Severus felt the tears entering his eyes at the movements of the young man, one he was so determined to hate, but even he felt that his resolve to do so was weakening. "You'll never know how much I love you, but I do," he went on, and Severus stepped closer to hear the tender words spoken by who the public believed to be his enemy. "And I'll come back for you as soon as I can. I love you so much, Severus Snape. I'll leave you with this question: Will you marry me when I return?" he whispered then, his voice hitching at the end and he lifted his head, hearing something—footsteps, it must've been—and, with a crack, Potter was gone, and Severus stepped forward, wanting to call him back, but was swallowed up top, back into the headmistress's office, where Minerva stood calmly waiting for his return.
"Minerva..." Severus whispered, his voice raw.
She sighed. "I'm sorry, Severus," she said gently. "We none of us meant to upset you, but you had to know the depths of Harry's feelings for you."
Severus dragged his hand down his face, feeling an ache throughout his body that he hadn't felt in a very long time. It was akin to the one that he'd felt when he'd discovered Lily's dead body in Godric's Hollow, in the wake of the Dark Lord's execution of her. "But... But marriage..." He whispered, locking eyes Minerva. "Potter wished to...?"
"Marry you? Yes. My guess is he still does," Minerva said quietly.
"I had no idea that it was that strong," he said. "He... He actually..."
"He loves you, Severus, truly," Minerva assured him.
"What is wrong with me then, Minerva?" he whispered. "I feel as if I am pre-conditioned to hate him, somehow. Potter must've been encouraged by me, on some level, if he proposed marriage to me..."
Minerva sighed. "The first indication I got was outside Horace's Christmas party, during Harry's sixth year," she replied. "I was wandering the halls in my Animagus form, and came upon the two of you. You were kissing Harry, and, as such, I was about to revert to my human form and stop it, due to your teacher status. However, Harry—surprised at what was happening no doubt—took a moment before he embraced you. He was holding you as one might hold a lover, and he didn't appear to want you to stop. Even though it was a complicated situation, and Harry was still underage, I didn't feel it was appropriate for me to step in. Harry was not considered a child any longer, and he could've easily pushed you off, had he wanted to..."
Severus nodded. "I remember trying to Obliviate him."
She laughed. "I doubt you were successful, considering that Harry informed me of the situation via letter, and about how he didn't want disciplinary action taken against you. Harry also informed me that his feelings for you were true," she went on, "as evidenced by the declaration he made in the memory."
"Well, I must have reciprocated the feelings," Severus replied. "But, why do I seem to hate him so very much?"
"It was actually Miss Weasley who came up with a theory on that end," Minerva said. "She thought that the blade that Voldemort used was laced with something."
Severus blinked. "Like a poison?"
"Perhaps, but Miss Weasley thought it could be a curse," Minerva explained. "She thought that the curse would cause the victim—on the off-chance that they somehow managed to survive the attack against them—to feel a deep-seaded resentment towards the person they loved the most, akin to hatred."
Severus was shocked at the youngest Weasley's astuteness. "Well, it certainly isn't so far-fetched to come to that conclusion," he said softly. "Considering the notion as well that the Dark Lord himself was incapable of love, so allowing someone who had survived an attack by him, meant to result in death, to live a life without the person they cherish the most..."
"Perhaps you must go and see Harry now," Minerva suggested.
Severus shook his head. "No," he said softly. "No. I cannot face Harry until I find a solution for this curse placed upon me."
"What do you suggest?" Minerva asked.
Severus sighed. "Apart from standard potions antidotes, a new spell, perhaps," he said, not looking forward to the research part of the task, just the resolution.
. . .
Severus paced the newly-renovated living room of Spinner's End; he had looked over all of the potion's books that Minerva had permitted him to take out of the Hogwarts Library, along with those in his personal collection. However, such a quest had proved fruitless, and Severus collapsed in his armchair beside the fireplace, exhausted from researching all day. He stared out the window at the sun setting, followed by the stars in the sky, and then the light of dawn, and still had no direct solution.
He trudged into the kitchen then for his morning cup of coffee; running on no sleep was not alien to Severus, who frequently never slept at Spinner's End, due to the constant arguments his mother and father had. Shaking his head at past history, he fumbled around, looking for a mug for his coffee, and finally managed to find one. However, he lost his grip on it, and it shattered upon the kitchen floor.
"Fuck," he muttered, pulling out his wand. "Reparo," he said, dragging his hands through his hair as the mug repaired itself, before he levitated it back onto the counter. Severus's breath caught then, and he shook his head at the simplicity of it all. "Could that really be it?" came his whisper then. A gasp entered his throat then, remembering the word that his mother had used as a term of endearment for him as a child—Animus, which roughly translated into the heart or the soul in Latin. "Jesus," Severus whispered.
The coffee forgotten, Severus ran through to the living room, casting a cursory cleaning spell on himself, before he opened the Floo Network. Hesitating, he was quite sure that Potter—Harry—may have blocked his access, but there was no harm in trying before Apparating. He tossed the powder into the flames before he said, "Number Twelve Grimmauld Place", and attempted to step though, and, to his relief, his access was granted.
Severus stepped through the flames and into the parlor of the Black—now Potter—family home, the silvery light of dawn being replaced by a pale pink. Severus looked around the room, and nearly drew back at the sight of that old house-elf, Kreacher, walking into the room from the kitchen, and stared up at the wizard.
"Ah, Master Harry's love," Kreacher said, although the house-elf, clearly protective of Harry, looked warily up at him. "Shall Kreacher summon Master Harry?"
"No, thank you," Severus managed to say. "Please, might I go and see him?"
Kreacher hesitated. "Very well," he said, gesturing up the stairs. "Master Harry is upstairs in the nursery with Mistress Lily."
Severus's heart clenched at the direct mention of his daughter, but nevertheless nodded to the house-elf. "Thank you," he said. Moving past the being, he made his way up the staircase, and heard Harry's soft voice in one of the rooms at the top of the stairs. Stepping closer, he saw him standing in a room, swathed in pinks and lavenders, and holding a bundle in his arms before a cream-colored crib. As he stepped closer still, Harry raised his green eyes at the squeak upon the floorboards, and immediately drew Lily back and away from him, kissing her forehead and setting her into the crib softly, before walking out of the nursery and shutting the door quickly behind him.
"How may I help you?" he asked, his tone flat.
Severus swallowed then; he deserved all of that and more. "I met with Minerva at Hogwarts the day before yesterday," he said, and Harry raised his eyebrows slightly at that. "She showed me the memory of the night that Voldemort attacked me."
Harry crossed his arms. "About bloody time you saw it. Well, what are you doing here then, Severus?" he asked in a clipped tone.
Severus sighed. "She also told me Miss Weasley's theory that Voldemort's blade was laced with a curse of some kind, rendering me unable to love you as I once did," he said quickly, and Harry visibly flushed then.
Harry shuffled from foot to foot. "Well, it was bound to happen. You getting the information, I mean..."
Severus nodded. "Apart from potions, I am afraid that I didn't know how to cure it," he went on, and Harry looked shocked then.
"You wish to cure it?"
"Clearly, I wasn't putting on a front when I claimed to love you. I was being my truest self, more true than I had allowed myself to be in a long time," Severus said softly. "If this is not really who I am," he went on, touching his chest, "then I can no longer live like this. You saved my life that night so as I could live a life, and whether you still wish it to be with you or not, I don't want to walk around cursed forever."
Harry blinked. "You would think, even after this cursed hell, that I wouldn't want a life with you, Severus?" he asked, his voice shaking. "I could never not want a life with you. I've loved you as much then as I do now—more so, even, now that we have Lily," he said, and Severus felt himself warm then at Harry mentioning their daughter. "But, before I have you meet her, we'll have to lift the curse," he said diplomatically.
Severus nodded. "Of course. I wish to be myself again."
Harry sighed, considering it. "You said that potions wouldn't work?"
Severus worried his lower lip. "I'm afraid not. I consulted all the brewing manuals I had, plus some other books not in my personal collection, inside the Hogwarts Library, that Minerva considerately allowed me to borrow," he explained. "I even managed to seek out some old potioneers I knew in my youth, but even they had no solution. After exhausting that means, I was afraid that I'd live with this curse forever."
Harry shook his head. "Then, we won't give up," he replied, wanting to clutch at Severus's hands in encouragement, but didn't want to overstep. "We'll consult the Ministry of Magic, if we have to. Perhaps one of the Death Eaters that Ron caught can be offered a plea bargain, to see if they know anything, or maybe the Malfoys can—"
"Harry, Harry," Severus said, his tone gentle as he interrupted the young man's passion. "I may have already figured out a solution."
Harry flushed again, nodding; of course he had. "Right," he said. "So, what's this solution you may have figured out?"
"A spell," he said, and Harry cocked an eyebrow. "A new spell."
"A new spell?" he said, shaking his head. "Well, why didn't you say all that before! Cast it! Cast it now! I want you back!"
"In order for it to work, Harry, I think you must be the one to cast it."
Harry blinked. "Me? But why?"
"Because you were the very thing that the Dark Lord wished to take from me," Severus replied simply. "Perhaps if you are to cast it, my mind would then seek to trust you, and, with trust, comes love, and perhaps then, the love will return."
Harry sighed. "Well, all right," he said, removing his wand from his pocket and holding it in a steady manner. "What is the incantation, then?"
"Animus Reparo," Severus replied. "Think of it as a repairing of my heart and soul, which it seems belonged to you in the first place."
Harry nodded then, stepping closer and leveling himself so that his wand was positioned right at Severus's heart. "I'll try," he said, considering all their good times together, and about how their hopes and plans had been dashed from the moment Voldemort had slashed his throat. "Animus Reparo," Harry said, his voice filled with passion, and a bright white light came forth from his wand, beaming right into Severus's heart.
Severus stiffened for a moment, and the cloudiness from his eyes seemed to slowly but surely evaporate, and his unsure stance was replaced by the tall one Harry had been used to patrolling the hallways of Hogwarts. He shut his eyes and shook his head in an effort to clear it, before the black orbs opened and lowered slightly, until they came to rest upon Harry. He swallowed then before he stepped forward without hesitation, yanking Harry quickly into his arms and covering his mouth with his.
"Severus," Harry moaned, feeling his body responding automatically to his lover, as he wrapped his arms around him, never wanting to let him go.
"You broke the spell," Severus whispered, pulling back and gazing into Harry's eyes, that carefree look returning to his features, and Harry realized, for the first time, how much he had missed that expression. "You're brilliant."
"You're the one who came up with it," Harry joked, feeling secure in Severus's arms. "How do you feel? Are you all right?"
Severus smiled down at Harry and nodded. "More than all right," he assured him. He hesitated for a moment, before yanking Harry back towards him, and devouring his mouth, causing Harry to moan beneath him. "God, I love you so much," he whispered.
"I love you, Severus," Harry said, arching himself along his lover's body. "God, I want to take you to bed right now..."
"What's stopping you?" Severus asked with a chuckle.
Harry laughed, gently pushing Severus back. "Our daughter," he replied, and Severus immediately looked past him towards the door of the nursery. "Would you like to meet her?" he asked him gently then. "Would you like to meet Lily?"
"More than anything," Severus replied.
Harry took Severus's hand then and slowly opened the nursery door, whereupon he let it go and stepped towards the crib, before he leaned down and gathered Lily carefully in his arms. "And here we are, my love," he said softly to her, and crossed over to Severus. "Severus, I'd like you to meet Lily Luna Potter."
Severus softened immediately at the sight of his daughter in the arms of the love of his life, and gently took her from him. "Hello, Lily," he said.
Lily's eyes slowly opened at the smoothness at her other father's voice, and merely stared up at him for a moment. However, the uncertainty in her expression quickly evaporated, and Lily gave him a smile that would stay with Severus for years to come.
"What do you think of her?" Harry asked.
Severus leaned down and kissed Lily's head before he looked up at Harry. "She is utterly perfect, Harry," he whispered.
Harry felt his eyes fill with tears then. "I couldn't agree more," he replied, and hesitated for a moment, knowing he had to ask it. "Are you still leaving?"
"England. You wouldn't just go, would you?"
Severus sighed, moving past Harry and gently returning their daughter to her crib. "I can't go anymore, Harry," he replied as the pair of them left the nursery. "I've got you back, and now we have Lily together. I don't want to be without either of you again."
Harry smiled slowly, shutting the door behind him. "You're sure?"
Severus turned around in the hallway and smiled back at him. "Of course. I mean... This won't end, will it?"
Harry blinked. "What makes you think it will?"
"I don't know. Perhaps now that the war is over, and there's Lily to consider..."
Harry watched as Severus deliberately cut himself off. "What do you mean?"
"Well, would you even want to be with someone so old?" he asked.
Harry laughed. "I should be asking you whether or not you would even want to be with someone so young," he replied.
"I love you," Severus said simply. "I never wouldn't want to be with you."
"I love you, too," Harry said, pulling himself into Severus's arms, and never feeling happier than he did in that moment, especially when Severus yanked him closer than ever. "And the same goes for me," he told him, and a gasp left his throat as Severus sought his lips again and, before he could stop himself, dragged Severus off to his bedroom.
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