7|Some things, you just can't control.
I still hear your voice in my head,
Calling my name, a gentle caress.
Your absence is an empty void,
With time passing I don't miss you any less.
Your smile, your frown, your laugh,
It's all engraved in my brain.
It's harder to go on every day.
I try to move on but my efforts go in vain;
I still have mental conversations with you
Trying to preserve you in there.
My brain cries and clings to every last bit of you,
Even the last memory of you it treasures.
I remember clearly, wishing I were dead, too;
Because life without you in it didn't make sense at all.
For days I wore your clothes,
Inhaling your scent, conjuring happy memories of you.
But even I knew deep down in there,
That you were gone;
That you'll never come back to sing me to sleep;
Never be there again to kiss me before you leave;
Never again be there to tell me its alright;
Never call my name in the adorable accent you had;
That I'll never feel your warm touch;
That I'll never truly, physically hold you again;
That you've gone to some other dimension;
And for once, I can't follow you there.
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