Everlark Reunion
Sit. Stare. Eat. Cry. Repeat. Sit. Stare. Eat. Cry. Repeat.
That's all I do now a days. I mis Prim. It's been 6 months since her death.
6 long months since I haven't seen him. Or been in his warm and safe embrace. And I miss him so damn much.
I usually cry about Prim. But I cry for him. I can't even say his name without breaking down. It used to happen with Prim too, but I've learned to live with it. Although I don't seem able to work with him.
I'm starting out my when I see him.
Ashy blonde hair. Ocean blue eyes. Muscular arms and back.
At first I think I'm dreaming. Could it be him?
Before I can think twice I run out the door and yell "Peeta!!!"
He turns around and says "Katniss!!!"
We run towards each other collapsing on a huge hug.
I hang onto him as if my life depended on it. To be honest I think it might.
He hugs me tighter as if he lets go I'll disappear.
"I've missed so much." He says.
"I've missed you too, Peeta. So much." I reply and start crying tears of joy.
"Hey, don't cry." Says Peeta soothingly.
"I'm crying out of joy. Not because I'm sad." I reassure.
"You wanna come over for a catch-up dinner?" He asks.
"Sure." I say.
"Ok then. Meet me at my house at 7. I'll go unpack now."
"Ok. See you later."
"Ok." He says and walks to his house.
I run to my house and go into the shower.
After I've cleaned myself up I get dressed in an orange dress that reaches up to my knees. I let my hair loose because I know Peeta likes it like that.
I look at the time and see it's 6:58pm. Time to get going. I put o. Black flats and cardigan and head to Peeta's house.
I've got a good feeling about this dinner.
*flash forward*
After dinner Peeta and I sit on his living room in a comfortable silence.
"How have you been?" He asks breaking the silence.
"Not that good." I tell him honestly. "The nightmares have been unbearable lately. I haven't had a full night of sleep since before the Quell. how about you?"
"Better. My flashbacks come rarely and when they do, I'm not violent anymore. I just hold on to a chair until the flashback is over." He says.
"Good to hear. Is there anything I should or shouldn't do to prevent one?" I ask.
"Not really." He smiles sadly at me.
And that is when I realize how close our faces are. But we keep leaning in.
Before I know it, our lips collide together in a kiss full of desire and love with a little touch of comfort. I know I won't be the first to break this. Seems like neither is him.
We pull away reluctantly because we have to breathe.
"I love you, Peeta." I say and he looks at me shocked and looks for any signs of lie. But it's true so he doesn't find any.
"I love you too, Katniss." He says after a couple of seconds and we kiss yet again.
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