The morning came all too soon and pansy and I got ready for classes. Today was the first day of classes and my schedule was the same as Draco and pansy's which I thanked Merlin for of course. Me and pansy walked arm in arm down to the common room to wait for the boys.
Schedule -
Breakfast - 6:30am-8:30am
1st - Potions (9am-10am)
2nd - Herbology (10am-11am)
3rd - Charms (11am-12pm)
4th - lunch (12pm-1pm)
5th - Transfiguration (1pm-2pm)
6th - Flying class (2pm-3pm)
7th - DADA (3pm-4pm)
8th - History of Magic (4pm-5pm)
9th - Astronomy (5pm-6pm)
Dinner (6pm-7pm)
"So anyone interesting to you?" She said
"Not yet but I know you have someone in mind" i giggled
She blushed a bright red causing me to smile widely.
"Don't tell him please" she pleaded
"Your secret is safe with me Pans" i said
"I like that nickname but now I must give you one" she said
"Let me know when you come up with it" i smiled softly
"Come on im hungry" Vincent crabbe said
"Your always hungry Vincent" i said rolling my eyes
"Don't call me that" he snapped
"It's your first name I don't go by last names unless I have a reason to" i hissed
"Okay we get it" Gregory Goyle said
"And what was that Gregory?" I asked with my wand in hand
"Nothing" he said holding his hands up
"Crabbe, Goyle, let's go to the dining hall" Draco said
"What a bunch of gits" I whispered to pansy causing her to giggle
We all walked to the dining hall where breakfast lay out for us in waiting. We all joined the other Slytherins at the table and I looked at the food in deep thought. I normally waited for permission to eat and I think Draco too notice as he nodded for me to continue and eat. I smiled softly and thanked him with a whisper and began eating some food. When we left the dinning hall we all headed to our first class which was potions.
"There will be no silly wand waving in this class so pay attention closely I won't repeat myself" professor Snape said
I kinda liked him but at the same time he sort of reminded me of my father. Which wasn't a good thing but I truly hoped he wouldn't hit me. I flinched at the memory causing pansy to look at me funny but I brushed it off. Our schedules were considered different at times depending on the student of course. So I was lucky to have both Draco and pansy in all my classes at the same time.
"The potions you will learn this semester are the following, Cure for Boils, Forgetfulness Potion, Wiggenweld Potion, Herbicide Potion, Antidote to Common Poisons, Pompion Potion, Strength Potion, Hair-Raising Potion" snape said then paused
I wrote down the list of potions so that I wouldn't forget. I knew how to make most of the potions he had listed as it was. Due to the simple fact my parents were brutal when it came to my studies.
"Miss Evergreen care to explain what ingredients are in a cure for boils potion" snape asked
This was easy I knew this one like the back of my hand.
"Dried nettles, 6 snake fangs, 4 horned slugs, 2 porcupine quills, Pungous Onions, Flobberworm Mucus, Ginger root, Shrake spines" i stated
"Mhmm very well done ten points for Slytherin" he said
"How did you know that?" Pansy whispered
I sigh at the bad and distant memory before replying to her question.
"My parents expected it of me" i said simply
She nodded as she noticed my lack of wanting to continue on the topic. As class moved forward I knew the majority of what he was saying. I also found it funny that he picked on Harry Potter because the bloody boy knew nothing. What a complete git he surly was that wouldn't change I assumed. Even though he wasn't raised in the wizarding world I didn't really care. I mean you had to know something right look at the muggle born witch. Hermione granger knows everything at least she thinks she does. She constantly has her hand up to answer questions but snape won't call on her how funny. Then Ronald Weasley his family is considered blood traitors considering they turned in their own people.
It was a big ordeal back when they were younger apparently but I didn't pay much attention to that anyway. It's not that I was against the whole blood relation thing but I was raised to only be around Pure-Blooded witches and wizards. Not that I cared if I befriended a muggle born but it was very unlikely that I would. Plus most of Slytherin was pure-blooded witches and wizards hence our password to enter the common room. It was in face the word pure-blood which made sense honestly. Salazar Slytherin was all about pure-blooded witches and wizards and he was said to be evil. Not that I cared about him being evil or not it wasn't much important to me. Of course it wasn't but I did still know a lot about it.
Considering where I came from after all I had to study anything and everything. That was mother and father for you, forcing me to do what they wanted all the time. Sometimes it wasn't in the best way either, of course that didn't matter to them.
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