I'm gonna die here
"Carl, please turn up the air conditioner, I'm shivering here." I kindly ask my not-too-lazy roommate who is closer to the air conditioner than me. "Carl, wake up, please." My eyebrows crinkle close and I pat around me, looking for my oversize, pleasant, heated blanket. Which I don't find; I flinch when more shivers shake from my hand to my entire body. My eyes open in shock and terror.
Everything is iced.
This is not my room.
Trying to control my unstabled breath, I clench in the area right above my heart and shakingly stand up. I breathe out an enormous puff of cloud out of my mouth. My aghast eyes slowly close back shut after wind blew on them like I'm a candle.
I'm scared.
The air that I'm breathing is exceedingly cold, so I get out my t-shirt from under my blue jacket and place it above my breathing senses, making my stomach exposed to the cold air, so I dress it with my skinny jeans. Alright, cooperate, Richard. I think to myself. I glance around, alright, it seems like I'm in an iced cavern. Great, making progress here.
I have so many questions.
How did I end up here?
How can I get out?
How am I dressed like I was going to get out, I was asleep before I ended up here?
Am I even able to get out?
Does Carl know about this?
Does Mitch know about this?
I'm just a nineteen years young boy! What's happening to me!?
"Hello!?" My high-pitched voice echos through the blue, uninhabited, frozen cavern. I let out a shaky breath and lean in against the wall, slowly curling myself into a ball.
Am I going to be okay?
What if I die here?
What if I die alone?
What if I die here, alone, in the empty cold.
Would people even care about me?
"I-I'm... "
Did they even notice that I'm gone?
I'm gonna die here
I'm gonna die here
I'm gonna die here
My eyes unclose. Still in the voluminous cavern. I blink a couple more times, trying to forget about what just happened. This is not normal. But it is not a dream either. I have to get out of here.
I stand up, browsing around for what seems like hours, but it has only been seconds since I just woke up. Does me trying to find a way out seem pointless? Well, I can't disagree. But I have to. I have to stay resoluted. I'm not gonna die here.
I tuck my hand in my light blue jacket's sleeve, making only the tip of my fingers show. I place my hand on one of the icy walls, making me swiftly flinch, but I do it again with my left hand. I climb up the frozen wall as best as I can, though falling back multiple times, until I finally made it into what-seems-like a surface, but still in the cavern. I look down, looking at the place where I naturally woke up in. Progress, Richard. That's a good thing. I pull out a small smile and want to pat myself in the back in celebration, but then I remember that if I let go of the wall, I'm going to fall to my death. So I better continue holding on.
I walk my way over to my right, hoping I'd go somewhere instead of being stuck standing up a couple of feet away from the ground. It seems like my wishes had brought to life as I stare into an entrance of some sort. Do I trust it? Yeah. As if I can be alive in this cavern, at least I can die of something else other than coldness wherever I am.
When I step into the surface, I immediately get hit by a wave of nervousness. There's nothing else you can do, Richard. I breathe in, trying to process what's happening to me. I woke up in a strange cave. I am wearing a light blue jacket, skinny jeans, some socks and shoes and am carrying a bag that I have never seen before. And I have to somehow get out of this frosty place without getting frozen to death. Simple.
Breathe, Richard. Breathe. I inhale the cold oxygen through my shirt, and let out my white, frigid breath, such making the sound of the wind higher. I clear out the snow that is covering my long eyelashes with my freezing hands. Wait... Snow?
I check the sleeves above my hands, seeing snow slowly melt. I undress my hoodie, realise that right above me is white, not blue. Clouds. Skies. I suck in a hard breath and hurry up the wall, climbing out of the cavern.
Where am I?
I am alone.
In some snowy place.
With no one.
No food.
No water.
No phone.
No heat.
The only thing I see now is my red eyelids.
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