The Past.. Part 2
):< >FYI guys if you are going to ask "We're is Rumples New kid with Belle..?" Well IDC! right now he is not born JUST yet! so Ha! don't ask Please!< >:(
-In Ruby's room-
"Why.. why me? couldn't have been any other day.. for once I was having the Best Birthday with new friends.. now I have to leave them" she said to herself
-outside of her door-
"I'm a bad father.. but it had to be done.. she needs this school" Rumble said trying to be quiet
"Dad? really couldn't you have waited till tomorrow?" Neal said walking up the stairs
"Bealfire? when did you get here? I thought you were with Henry?" Rumple Said
"I was with him but then I remembered I had to come here and say Happy Birthday to My sister" Neal said
"I'm here to!" Said Henry
"Henry? why did you bring him here Bealfire?" Rumple Said
"Because he has to spend the next 3 days with me" Neal said
-In Ruby's Bedroom-
Ruby gets a text
Mom: Happy Birthday!
Ruby: ...
Mom: what's wrong?
Ruby: ... Nothing.. Why don't you ever say Happy.. birthday to me in person?
Mom: im always Buzy.. have to go Love you dear
Ruby: Yah okay bye
Ruby's POV
why.. dose everyone hate me? what did I do to get this I don't deserve this you know what its my Birthday I'll spend it my way.. in the wood ill got to grams see if she really loves me!?
*There was a knock on the door at the same time she was jumping out of her window*
Hum? someone at my door?.. Whatever i'm out of here! *Jumps out of the window and walks away from the house
"What's ya doing?" Alistair said
"Were did you come from?" I said
"what do you mean?" Alistair said
"I did not see you when I-" I said before I was intrepid
"when you Jumped out of your Window then walked away like you did not hurt your self?" Alistair questioned
"I did not hurt myself im fine like as if I could get hurt" I said
"SSSure" Alistair said
"Talk to you later Alistair! I have to go before someone notice I'm gone" I said walking away
"I'm coming with you" he said Smiling
"I don't think you can? I'm leaving wonderland" I said
"L-leave Wonderland?" Alistair worried
"Yep! I'm going to my grams she lives in the enchanted Forest" I said all happily
"I'll go with you even though I have never left Wonderland" He said confidant
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