Min started crying somewhere in the middle of the night and so I woke up. I almost freaked out to see that my hand was locked with Jimin above Min's head. We both sat up awkwardly.
"I guess it's her diaper.." I murmured.
"Well, go change it" he said, rubbing his eyes.
"Why me?"
"Because she's a girl!"
"Ah fine!" I groaned and got up to change her diapers.
"Who are your friends by the way?" I asked a sleepy Jimin while at it.
"We are like a group of friends, and we call ourselves the Bangtan boys"
"So what are your children going to be? Army?"
"Well, congratulations here is the first one" I placed Min in his lap. She looked adorable as usual.
"So why did you become an accountant?" he asked while cradling her.
"I was really bad at maths, everybody made fun of me. Told me i was a looser. I guess it kicked in a defensive mechanism and I started working harder at it. Before I knew it, I had developed a love for it and I started winning maths contests all over the country and you know..." I shrugged
"Wow that's crazy"
"I guess so. What do you do besides bringing random girls home and making babies? Please don't tell me you sell drugs?"
"My father owns a car company. I'm in line for the CEO but I guess it's just too early for me to start working.."
"It's early for you to become a father too" I reminded him.
"Can you please stop rubbing it in my face?" I hope her mom comes back to take her away, whoever she is"
In the morning, I called my sister and she gave me basic instructions on how to take care of a baby. She texted me a whole list of items needed for baby care. Since I didn't have to go to office anyway, I decided to help Jimin shop.
He drove us to the mart where we were supposed to find all the stuff.
"Bottles, formula milk, bibs... what the...? Baby cereal and cereal bowls, diapers, stuffed toys..." I read as we entered, holding Min.
We were done buying the basic stuff quite quickly, but the dilemma happened with baby clothes.
"Don't you have something more appealing like... black?" I asked the sales guy.
"Well, most baby girls and their parents prefer pink clothes..."
"HOW DO YOU KNOW WHAT BABY GIRLS PREFER!? YOU JUST FORCE PINK ON THEM UNTIL THEY START BELIEVING THEY ACTUALLY LIKE IT!" the feminist inside me got provoked with ever pink thing I saw and this place was loaded with pink.
"Whoa whoa hey..." Jimin tried to calm me down.
"Okay okay chillax! You're gonna hyperventilate! Geez!"
After being done with clothes ( still ending up with loads of pink because Jimin liked them and it was his daughter anyway) and toys, we went to a furniture shop and bought a cute pink crib for her.
Sometimes he would hold her while I did the calculation and at others it would be me holding her while he did the selection.
When it was all done, we drove back home and I was surprised to see six boys already in the living area, making a mess.
One was in the kitchen, holding chopsticks, cooking something that smelled delicious. He was tall and had broad shoulders. Another black haired one was at his back, almost drooling over the food already.
The chef handed over a bowl to another taller one to take it to the living area, but the taller one dropped it without having moved three feet.
A fairly excited one noticed us and came running towards us while clapping his hand, waking up a grumpy one with minty green hair who had been sleeping in the couch all the while. A red head accompanied the excited one and took Min from me.
"She's so cute!" he squealed happily.
"Look at her cheeks they are so squishy!"
"Wah Jiminah you really scored before any of us! Wahhh!" the over-excited one exclaimed. All of them surrounded Min.
Min started cackling as the two excited boys made funny faces at her and they all went nuts about how cute she looked doing that, screeching excitedly.
Even the grumpy one showed a full on, gummy smile as he saw her responding to the excited one's weird facial expression.
"Um, since your friends are here..." I tried to get their attention.
"Oh!" Jimin slapped his forehead. " I forgot to introduce them to you. Guys, this is uh... what was your name again?"
"Just kidding" he grinned. " Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N , these are my friends Jin hyung..." he greeted me cheerfully and then sniffing the air, rushed to the kitchen yelling about burnt food.
"and Namjoon hyung..." Namjoon gave me a charismatic, close lipped smile.
"Yoongi a.k.a Suga hyung"
"How did you get stuck with this idiot?" Yoongi asked.
"Hoseok a.k.a hobi hyung!"
"Hey!" Suddenly I was trapped in a bear hug, followed by a swirl.
"Taehyung!" Jimin tried to take Min from the one called Taehyung but he refused right up.
"She looks exactly like you" he said to me.
"I'm not her mom" I replied.
"Ooopsie, my bad" he gave me a cute boxy smile.
"And Jungkook,"
The guy with black hair gave me a cute bunny smile and then they were all over Min again. My phone started ringing and i had to excuse myself. It was from Eunjee.
I went inside the bedroom to answer it, telling her I would join her two days later. Then I entered the living room to find Min crying without a stop and the Bangtan boys trying desperately to shush her up.
"Give her Jin hyung's food! She'll love it!" someone said.
"She's too young for that!" Namjoon, who was waving a toy violently in front of her replied.
"Hobi do your break dance for her!"
"Hyung please don't it will scar her for life!" Jimin wailed.
This child wasn't going to survive one day with them, I thought. They all loved her and cared for her, but baby care wasn't exactly their domain, it seemed.
"Jimin," I called him to a side.
"What is it?"
"I'm leaving" I said.
"What? But..."
"You said it was just for a night..."
"Yes but... now that they're here... I don't think ... I mean Min is a girl and..." he seemed to be aware of the reality too.
"It's not my problem"
"Please! Pretty please! Stay a few more days huh?" he fell to his knees, joining his hands and rubbing them together.
"Ah fine, okay!" I replied, although I knew staying here would mean caring for one small baby and seven huge ones.
One month of vacation? My foot.
It was more like one month change of career from a Chartered Accountant to a nanny.
Or maybe... a mom.
Yes I wrote this chapter back in those days where in every fanfic one of the boys would introduce the rest of them one by one to y/n like
"and this is min yoongi a k a suga who's always sleeping"
"hi yn, lemme take a nap and then we'll discuss shiz" the guy with mint hair waved at y/n
and it'd get so cringy and weird like y'all just witnessed😬😬😬
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