Chapter 9: Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door
(We see Y/N, drenched in sweat, jogging down a sidewalk. It's a part of his training, working on his conditioning. He had been running all over town but now he's jogging.)
(Y/N): *spits*
(He stops to see Fezco's grocery store in front of him & decides to walk in.)
(Y/N): A/C...
Fezco: (Y/N), man, I know this may be hard for you but, please don't sweat all over the store.
(Y/N): [panting] I will definitely try not to.
Fezco: Okay. Can I help you with anything?
(Y/N): [deep breath] You have, uh, Gatorade or Powerade? Doesn't matter which...what am I talking about? You have both. Of course you have both.
Fezco: Yup.
(Y/N): Surprise me. Doesn't matter the color. Except blue.
(He tosses an orange Gatorade to Y/N which he catches.)
(Y/N): Thanks.
Fezco: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah?
Fezco: I heard a rumor about you.
(Y/N): The rumor being?
Fezco: That you don't much care for Nate Jacobs.
(Y/N): That is true. I hate that dude.
Fezco: Cool, cool. Wanna help me fuck him up?
(Cut to Y/N at a party, standing in front of the drinks table.)
(Y/N): [sighs] I hate parties.
(As he takes a sip from his drink, he notices a girl hiding behind the table next to him.)
(Y/N): Rue?
(She looks up at him.)
Rue: (Y/N)? What are you doing here?
(Y/N): Getting something to drink. You mean why aren't I with Lexi right now. For starters, we took our own cars. And, well, I'm giving her some space. Apparently her and Cassie had an argument. So, why are you hiding?
Rue: Uh...
(He notices Jules.)
(Y/N): Oh. Gotcha. You-
Rue: I'm gonna stop you right there. I know you want to help me because you're like, the perfect gentlemen, am I right?
(Y/N): Yes?
Rue: I don't want nor need your help right now.
(Y/N): Fuck me, huh?
Rue: Yeah, fuck you. Bye.
(She crawls away.)
(Y/N): I fucking hate parties.
(Cut to Lexi running into Maddy.)
Lexi: Maddy, have you seen Cassie?
Maddy: I thought she was with you?
Lexi: No, we like got in a screaming fight and she got out of the car in the middle of the road.
Maddy: Wait, what? What were you fighting about?
Lexi: She was drinking while I was driving.
Maddy: How long ago was this?
Lexi: Like an hour and a half.
Maddy: Did you call her?
Lexi: She's not answering.
Maddy: She always answers.
Lexi: I know. It's fucking weird. I'm actually worried. She was, like, very drunk.
Maddy: I'm sure she's fine. There's no way Cassie's going to miss a New Year's Eve party.
(After walking through the party, she sits down on a couch. A couch that Fezco's sitting on as well.)
Fezco: Yo, you Rue's friend, right?
Lexi: Yeah, since like preschool. Sorry, I don't know why I said that.
Fezco: Nah, you good. You met where you met. Yo, what was your name again?
Lexi: Lexi.
Fezco: Lexi. (Y/N)'s girl.
Lexi: Yup. I am his girl.
Fezco: That's a nice name.
Lexi: Thanks.
(Cut to Y/N leaning against a wall, watching people dance.)
(Y/N): I'm gonna ask Lexi to dance.
Jules: (Y/N).
(Y/N): Hey, Jules. You look nice.
Jules: You're always full of compliments.
(Y/N): Suppose I am.
Jules: Have you seen Rue?
(Y/N): I have.
Jules: Really?
(Y/N): Still told me fuck off and then crawled away.
Jules: What?
(Y/N): Shocking, I know. Kinda hurt my feelings.
Jules: I'm gonna go find her and tell her to apologize.
(Y/N): You don't have too. I'm over it.
Jules: [chuckles] Right. If you're looking for Lexi, she's back there with Fezco.
(Y/N): Thanks, I'll head over there now.
(As he makes his way through the party, we cut to Lexi & Fezco still on the couch.)
Fezco: So, did you, like, have a good Christmas or are you Jewish or somethin'?
Lexi: Yeah, well, my mom's Jewish, but she always says if the Christians can steal Christmas from the Pagans, then the Jews can also.
Fezco: You say the Christians stole Christmas?
Lexi: Well, in order to convert the Germanic Pagans who, like, celebrated winter solstice and stuff, the Christians were like, "Fuck it. Let's just say Jesus was born this day, and you can hang tinsel and stuff."
Fezco: How you just go and change the man's birthday?
Lexi: Well, in the same way King James was rewriting the Bible on one side of the castle, and had witches tryna turn his pee into gold on the other.
Fezco: Yo, how the fuck do you know all of this?
Lexi: I don't know, by reading.
Fezco: Do you, like, not believe in God?
Fezco: Damn, fuckin' fearless. I see why (Y/N) loves you so much.
Lexi: Thanks.
(Y/N finally walks up to them.)
Fezco: Speak of the devil.
(Y/N): Hey. I hope I'm not interrupting?
Lexi: You're not.
(Y/N): Great.
(He sits next to her & kisses her on the cheek. He places an arm across his shoulders.)
Lexi: So, do you believe in God?
(Y/N): Heavy topic.
Fezco: [chuckles]
Lexi: I want an answer from you too.
(Y/N): Figured.
Fezco: Hell yeah, I believe in God.
Lexi: Like, there's a man sitting in the clouds...judging all of your actions and stuff.
Fezco: Hell yeah.
Lexi: Can I ask you a personal question?
Fezco: What's up?
Lexi: How do you justify dealing drugs then?
Fezco: Well, I mean, my Uncle Carl got diabetes from eatin' too much McDonald's. You don't see nobody goin' after they ass.
Lexi: Yeah, but if I were God, I don't know if I'd let McDonald's CEO in Heaven. I'd be like, "Fuck that guy."
Fezco: Yeah, that's a good point.
(Y/N): I concur.
Fezco: I have to get back to you on that one.
Lexi: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Right. I kinda believe in God. Meaning, I also believe in the Big Bang and dinosaurs and all that science crap. But someone had to make the Big Bang happen, right?
Fezco: That makes a lot of sense.
Lexi: I never thought about it like that.
(Y/N): I think I could've worded that better but I'm glad you guys see it.
(Cut to Y/N & Lexi walking up to his brother.)
Lexi: Hey, Happy New Year, McKay!
McKay: Wassup, wassup, Lex! Happy New Year!
(They hug.)
(Y/N): Happy New Year, bro.
McKay: Right back at ya!
(They hug as well.)
Lexi: Uh, have you seen Cassie?
McKay: Uh, nah. I ain't seen Cass since, um--
Lexi: Yeah.
(Y/N): Hm.
McKay: Is she here, though?
Lexi: Uh, no.
McKay: No?
Lexi: Well, will you text me or (Y/N) if you hear from her?
McKay: Yeah, I got you.
(Lexi leaves with Y/N following her. He & Nate exchange quick looks at each other.)
(Y/N): Lexi.
Lexi: What?
(Y/N): You wanna dance?
Lexi: I would love too, but my mind's on Cassie right now.
(Y/N): Of course. Obviously.
Lexi: You should go enjoy the party.
(Y/N): I'm enjoying being with you right here. You know I hate parties. I'm only here for you.
Lexi: Are you sure?
(Y/N): 100%.
(She holds his hand & squeezes it before going back to calling her sister with Y/N following her. They eventually find Cassie.)
Lexi: Cassie, where the fuck have you been? I called you, like, 500 times.
Cassie: You did?
Lexi: Why aren't you answering the phone?
Maddy: Happy New Year, Cass! I love you.
(She hugs her.)
McKay: Hey, Cass, can I talk to you for a minute?
Cassie: Uh, yeah, totally.
(They walk off as Lexi, followed by Y/N, walk up to Kat & Ethan.)
Lexi: Why is Cassie acting so fuckin' weird?
Kat: I don't know.
Lexi: [groans] (Y/N)?
(Y/N): What's up?
Lexi: You still wanna dance?
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am.
(They make their way onto the dancefloor & dance.)
(After dancing for a bit, they return back to the couch.)
Lexi: That was fun.
(Y/N): Definitely. I didn't step on her feet, did I?
Lexi: [chuckles] No.
(Y/N): That's a relief.
Lexi: Can I tell you something?
(Y/N): Please.
Lexi: You're the best thing that happened to me this year.
(Y/N): The feeling's mutual.
Lexi: I'm better than your title win?
(Y/N): Fuck yeah.
Fezco: Yo, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Huh?
(He looks beside him to see Fezco standing up next to the couch & giving him a knowing look.)
(Y/N): Okay.
Lexi: "Okay" what?
(He kisses Lexi passionately.)
(Y/N): I love you.
Lexi: I love you too...
(He stands up from the couch while popping his fingers & stands next to Fezco. This doesn't feel right to Lexi so she follows their eyes to Nate Jacobs.)
(Y/N, followed by Fezco, make their way through the partygoers & up to Nate.)
(Y/N): What's up, man? You havin' a good time?
Nate: [coughs] Yeah.
(Y/N): You make any New Year's resolutions?
Nate: No, you?
(Y/N): Just one.
Nate: Don't tell me yours is making it into the UFC. If it is, you're fucking delusional.
(Y/N): You know, I was having second thoughts. Not anymore.
Nate: Second thoughts about--
(Y/N punches Nate in the face, holds him down on the drinks table, & punches him some more.)
Cassie: [gasps] Oh my God!
(Y/N turns him over &...)
(Smashes his face into the drinks table.)
Cassie: Lexi, get him off!
(He throws Nate to the ground so Fezco can take over.)
Cassie: Fezco, stop! McKay! Stop.
(Y/N): *blows on his fist*
Cassie: Fezco, stop! Fezco, get off of him!
(McKay pulls Fezco off Nate. He then turns to Y/N.)
McKay: (Y/N), what the fuck?
(Y/N): *spits*
(Fezco starts to leave the party, as does Y/N who takes a quick look at Lexi.)
(McKay, Cassie, & Maddy carry Nate out.)
Rue: Damn.
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