Chapter 8: And Salt the Earth Behind You
UFC GYM Torrance
(We see Y/N, drenched in sweat, doing some training.)
(If you were to call out his name, he wouldn't hear you. Due to two things. One, the music he's listening to playing at full volume, his ears will be ringing afterwards but he didn't care. And two, his sole focus right now is driving the bag through the gym's floor & into the center of the Earth. Y/N knows that's not possible but it won't stop him from trying. His music stops playing through his earpods as he gets a call. He performs one more takedown on the bag before looking at his phone & seeing it's Lexi who's calling him.)
(Y/N): [panting] Hello?
Lexi: Hey, (Y/N). Are you busy?
(Y/N): Just doing some takedowns.
Lexi: I was gonna ask you for a favor but you're busy so--
(Y/N): Slow your roll there, Lexi. I'm about done. What's the favor?
Lexi: I was wondering--I was hoping you could give me, Cassie, and our mom a ride? Our car has a flat tire and we don't have time to get a spare.
(Y/N): A ride where?
Lexi: I'll...tell you on the way.
(Y/N): *wipes some sweat off his face* Give me 10-15 minutes because I've got to shower and then I'll be there.
Lexi: Thanks. I really appreciate it.
(Y/N): [chuckles] It's just a ride. I'll see you in a bit.
(Cut to Y/N pulling up across from the Howard Residence & sees the Howards in their front yard, waiting for him. They walk up to his car & enter it. Lexi in the front passenger seat next to him while her mom & Cassie sit in the back.)
(Y/N): I didn't keep you guys waiting too long, did I?
Lexi: No, you're fine.
(He looks in his rearview mirror.)
(Y/N): So where to, ladies?
Suze: Just drive.
(Y/N): Um, okay.
(He does just that. Once he's out of their neighborhood, their mother gives him directions to where they're going. There's a silence in the car, Y/N wants to turn on the radio but something tells him not to. He sees the looks on each of their faces & knows one thing for sure. He's not going to like where this ride ends. He finally pulls into a parking lot. An abortion clinic parking lot. He starts thinking to himself that Lexi's not pregnant because they haven't had sex yet, it can't be their mother because Lexi hasn't told him that she's seeing anyone, then he thinks about Cassie & how it can only be her. Cut to Y/N pulling into a parking spot. Suze & Cassie exit the car, now waiting for Lexi to do the same.)
Lexi: Thanks know.
(Y/N): Uh? Oh, no problem.
Lexi: I should've told you why we needed the ride.
(Y/N): Yeah, definitely. But I understand why you didn't.
Lexi: [sighs] Of course you do. You can leave. We'll call an Uber--
(Y/N): [scoffs] You really think I'm going to just leave you three here.
Lexi: (Y/N), no, I can't ask you to stay.
(Y/N): You're not. It's settled. My only question is; do I stay in the car or do I go with your family inside? I don't want to seem insensitive.
Lexi: If I can't convince you to leave then stay.
(Y/N): I'll be here.
(The Howard family leaves Y/N in his car to wait for them as Cassie gets an abortion.)
(Cut to Y/N dropping off the Howard family back at their house. Suze & Cassie thank him as they walk away, Lexi stands in front of the driver side door & talks to Y/N as he rolls down the window.)
Lexi: Some field trip, huh?
(Y/N): You could say that. You don't have to worry about me telling Chris about this. I won't.
Lexi: I know that.
(Y/N): Cool, cool. Oh! I almost forgot to ask--
(Before he can finish his sentence, Lexi kisses him. It's short & sweet but Y/N, it lasts a lifetime.)
Lexi: *blushes* How was that for you?
(Y/N): Great! It was great. I just wish I was prepared for it.
Lexi: Something tells me you'll be prepared for the next one.
(She walks away leaving him.)
(Y/N): [chuckles]
(He starts his car & drives away.)
Days Later
(Tonight's the Winter Formal. We see Y/N ring the doorbell of the Howard house.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(Suze opens the door.)
Suze: You really are perfect.
(Y/N): [chuckles] No one is.
(She adjusts his bowtie.)
Suze: Come on in. The girls are still getting ready.
(Y/N): Figured.
(He follows her inside.)
Suze: Straight home after the dance.
(Y/N): Yes, ma'am. I'm sure we won't run into any trouble.
Suze: Really? That's a shame.
(Y/N): You're joking, right?
(Cassie walks downstairs.)
Cassie: Hey, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Cassie. You look nice.
(Suze walks up to her daughter, leaving Y/N.)
(Y/N): *pops fingers*
(Minutes later, Lexi makes her appearance.)
Suze: You look beautiful.
Lexi: I don't know.
Suze: What does your boyfriend think?
(He gets a good look at her.)
(Y/N): look fucking amazing.
Lexi: *blushes*
Suze & Cassie: [chuckles]
(Y/N): Heh, it just slipped out.
(Cut to Y/N driving with Lexi, Cassie, & Maddy, who he also picked up at her house, on the way to the Winter Formal.)
Maddy: Ugh, I'm so jealous of you, Lexi.
Lexi: Why?
Maddy: Because you have, like, the perfect boyfriend.
Cassie: Right?
(Y/N): [chuckles] I try.
Lexi: Perfect's a good word to describe you.
(Maddy drinks something.)
Maddy: Aah! You want some, Cass?
Cassie: No, I'm good.
Lexi: What is it?
Maddy: Gatorade and Everclear.
Lexi: Fuck it.
(Lexi drinks some.)
Maddy: Fuck it. Aah.
(Y/N): Ha. Look at you.
Maddy: (Y/N)?
(Y/N): Designated driver so no thanks.
Maddy: Yeah, perfect.
(Cut to Y/N driving around the school parking lot looking for a parking spot before stopping.)
(Y/N): Okay, this is going to take awhile. I'll see you ladies inside.
Lexi: Are you sure?
(Y/N): Yeah. Go have fun.
(The two kiss, then the girls exit the car & make their way to the dance as Y/N continues to look for a parking spot.)
Cassie: I feel really good about tonight.
Maddy & Lexi: Really?
Cassie: Yeah. I mean...I was thinking this is the first time since the beginning of high school that I haven't, like, been in love with somebody.
Maddy: Honestly, I love that for you.
(Y/N finally finds a parking spot, dabs up some of friends outside & in, & walks up to the table Lexi's sitting at.)
Lexi: (Y/N)!
(Y/N): Lexi. Ladies.
Rue: Looking very dapper, (Y/N).
Jules: I love the bowtie.
(Y/N): Thanks, bowties are my jam. You two look amazing, obviously. Same goes for you, Kat. Mind if you scoot down so I can sit with Lexi?
Kat: Not at all.
(He takes a chair from the table behind them & sits next to Lexi.)
Cassie: What if these are, like, the big moments in life? Like, my mom always talks about how high school was like this big monumental part of her life. But I cannot imagine being 40 and looking back at this, like, "Wow."
Maddy: Yeah, but that's because most people peak in high school.
Kat: I definitely haven't peaked, so...
Lexi: I feel like I'm not even a person yet.
Cassie: Yeah, I'm definitely at, like, 25 percent preakness.
Jules: I feel like I'm at a hundred. But I can definitely get to 150.
(Y/N): I am barely scratching the surface.
Rue: Honestly, I never thought I'd make it this far.
(Y/N): I feel that.
Lexi: (Y/N)!
Cassie: What do you mean?
Rue: I don't know. I just always had, like, this overwhelming anxiety that something bad would happen.
Maddy: In all fairness, last summer, there were, like, three weeks where I thought you were dead.
Jules: Okay, but she's been sober for, like, three months.
Maddy: Weren't you in rehab, like, six months ago?
Rue: Uh, yeah. [chuckles]
Cassie: Maybe people are nostalgic about high school 'cause, it's, like, the last time in their life that they get to dream. After this is just bad jobs, bills, and bad husbands. Maybe I'm generalizing, but...I don't know. Do you guys get what I mean?
Jules: I don't know. I kind of feel the opposite. I feel like high school's super fucking suffocating.
Cassie: Really?
Jules: Yeah. I'll be right back.
(She leaves the table.)
(Y/N): High school can feel suffocating sometimes. We're young and full of hormones. Combine those two things with school work, college, possibly figuring what you're going to do with the rest of your life...
(He looks at Lexi.)
(Y/N): And relationships. I'd say feeling suffocated feels normal.
(Lexi leans her head on his shoulder.)
Lexi: You're not feeling suffocated right now, are you?
(Y/N): The furthest from it.
(Nate walks in with his date & dances with her in front of Maddy.)
Cassie: Maddy, don't.
Cassie: Maddy. Don't do it.
Maddy: Fuck this.
(She finds a guy to dance with.)
Kat: I guarantee you Maddy and Nate are gonna get married. And probably, like, divorced three times, and in some strange way, live a pretty happy life.
Lexi: Yeah.
Cassie: Yeah.
Rue: Yeah.
(Y/N): That tracks.
(Rue leaves the table to go find Jules, which she does & they return shortly to the table & then to the dancefloor.)
Cassie: I feel like love is super dark and no one ever talks about it.
Lexi: Yeah, but that might be specific to their kind of love.
Cassie: Or my kind of love. I think I'm gonna do everything in my power for at least, like, the next three years to not fall in love.
Kat: But what if you do?
Cassie: Then intervene and fucking destroy it. Break my arm if you have too, (Y/N).
(Y/N): I'm sure it won't come to that.
(Cassie watches Jules & Rue dance.)
Cassie: Why don't you go dance with Lexi?
(Y/N): Simple. Lexi, you wanna go dance?
Lexi: Uh? Yeah! Just...
(She looks around.)
(Y/N): You're too drunk to dance let alone dance, are you?
Lexi: [chuckles] Seems so.
(As they're having this conversation Kat sneaks off with Ethan where the two kiss. Causing Lexi to...)
Lexi: [shouts indistinctly]
(Y/N): [chuckles] What the hell?
Cassie: What did you say?
Lexi: I started to say one thing, and then I said something else, but she knows what I meant.
Cassie: [laughs] Lexi!
(As the Winter Formal continues, Rue follows Nate outside.)
Lexi: Can I ask you something?
Cassie: Yeah.
Lexi: How do you decide who you wanna hook up with?
Cassie: I don't know. They usually just come to you.
Lexi: Yeah, but what if they don't?
Cassie: Then go and do whoever the fuck you want.
Lexi: Yeah. Okay.
Lexi: (Y/N) and I are gonna hook up.
(Y/N): Word?
Cassie: [laughs] I love you, Lex.
Lexi: I love you, too. I love you as well, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Oh, I love you, too.
Casse: Aw.
(Maddy returns to the table & after talking to Rue outside, Nate walks up to the table.)
Nate: Maddy, get up.
Maddy: No.
Nate: Just get up.
Maddy: Why?
Nate: Could you stop being such a fucking cunt and just come dance with me, please?
Maddy: You don't even know how to dance.
Nate: It's a fucking slow song. Let's go. Get up.
Maddy: Mostly you're despicable. But fine.
(Her & Nate walk onto the dancefloor.)
(Y/N): Should I have said something?
Cassie & Lexi: No.
(The girl that Nate came with throws her shoes on the table they're at & sits down across from them with her mascara running.)
Cassie: Hi.
Natalie: Hi. I thought this was gonna be, like, a night I'd remember forever. [sniffles]
Lexi: Well, I think you will remember it forever. Like, not in a bad way. a way that stays with you.
(Y/N): Well said, babe.
Lexi: Thanks.
Natalie: Yeah.
Howard House
(The Winter Formal ends & Y/N is seen helping Lexi up the stairs to her & Cassie's room. Cassie is ahead of them.)
Cassie: Thanks for helping her, (Y/N). I'm not as strong as you.
(Y/N): No need for flattery. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't help her when she's drunk. You sure your mom won't flip to see me here?
Cassie: I wouldn't worry about her. She's out like a light.
(Cut to Y/N gently placing Lexi in her bed. He turns around to leave but as he does, she grabs his hand.)
Lexi: Where...where are you going?
(Y/N): Home?
Lexi: But I thought we were hooking up?
(Y/N): You're still on that? [chuckles] Trust me, I would love to hook up with you, but you're drunk. If we were to hook up now, I would be taking advantage of you.
Lexi: I'm...I'm not that drunk.
(Y/N): Ask me tomorrow and I'll rock your world.
(He walks away but she's still holding his hand.)
Lexi: Stay the night at least.
(Y/N): I don't know, Lexi. Your mom would murder me if she saw me up here.
Lexi: Please?
(Y/N): Okay, okay. I could take your mom anyway. Your bed's not big enough for both of us so...
(He looks at the couch in their room.)
(Y/N): I'll take the couch.
Lexi: *slowly closes her eyes* Fine.
(He turns her onto her side, makes his way to the couch, & lays down.)
(Y/N): [sighs]
(He slides his shoes off & puts his hands behind his head. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees Cassie get into her bed.)
Cassie: Goodnight, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Goodnight, Cassie.
(He closes his eyes & falls asleep.)
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