Chapter 3: Made You Look
(We see Y/N pull into a grocery store.)
(Y/N): [humming]
(He walks inside & looks around the store.)
Fezco: Well isn't it the Submission Magician himself.
(Y/N): [chuckles] Still not entirely sold on that nickname, man.
Fezco: I know. But I think it works. What are you looking for?
(Y/N): I've got a date today.
Fezco: For real? That's great, man.
(Y/N): Thanks. Do you have flowers? Roses specifically?
Ashtray: Does this place look like a Home Depot or a Lowes to you?
(Y/N): No.
Ashtray: There's your answer.
(Y/N): Okay, no flowers. Girls like chocolate, right?
Ashtray: Bitches love chocolate.
Fezco: Unless she's lactose intolerant.
(Y/N): Shit. I don't know if she is or not. Screw it.
(He picks up a Hershey's Milk Chocolate Bar.)
Fezco: That'll be $1.24.
(Y/N pays him.)
Fezco: All right. Good luck on your date.
(Y/N): Speaking of that; you got any ideas on where I should take her?
Fezco: Nah, bruh.
(Y/N): Ashtray?
Ashtray: Nope.
(Y/N): Figured. You're not even old enough to date.
Ashtray: How old do you think I am?
(Y/N walks out of the store & into his car. Cut to Y/N driving down a neighborhood.)
Rue's Narration: The car that Y/N is driving is a 2006 Hummer H2. His dream car.
Rue's Narration: Now he knew that the mileage and gas of a Hummer were bad but he didn't care. He always wanted a big car. Some people would say that is because he's compensating for something. He's not.
(Pan down to Y/N parking across the Howard residence & in front of his brother, Chris' car. He gets out & walks to the driver's side of his brother's car.)
McKay: Hey, bro.
(The two brothers dap each other up.)
(Y/N): I didn't think I'd see you.
McKay: Really? What are you doing here anyway?
(Y/N): I am here to pick up Lexi. We're gonna go on a date.
McKay: My little brother likes a girl.
(Y/N): Shut up.
McKay: How come I had to hear from Cassie that you and her sister have been talking?
(Y/N): I don't know...I don't have the best luck with women. I was gonna tell you when me and her were on more..."stable footing" if that makes sense.
McKay: I got you, bro. Where are you gonna take her?
(Y/N): Don't know yet. Any suggestions?
McKay: Take her bowling.
(Y/N): Bowling?
McKay: Trust me.
(Y/N): Bowling it is. So, how should approach her mom?
McKay: What?
(Y/N): You met her, right? Multiple times.
McKay: Relax. [chuckles] Just be yourself and you'll be fine.
(Y/N): That simple? Really?
McKay: That simple. Really.
(Y/N): Bet.
(As they're finishing up their conversation, Cassie walks out of her house followed by her mom, Maddy, Kat, & BB.)
Suze: Have fun, baby girl. No funny business, Christopher!
McKay: Yeah, no, I promise.
Suze: Yeah, just be a gentleman. [softly] And don't you dare get pregnant.
(Y/N): Cassie.
Cassie: Hey, (Y/N).
(He opens the passenger side door for her.)
Cassie: Thanks.
(He closes the passenger side door.)
Cassie: Oh, (Y/N).
(Y/N): Yeah?
Cassie: Lexi's looking forward to the date.
(Y/N): Heh, so am I. You two have a great weekend.
McKay: Back at ya, bro.
(He drives away with Cassie as Y/N watches.)
Suze: (Y/N), come on inside. Lexi's still getting ready.
(Y/N): Of course.
(Cut to Y/N sitting down with Suze sitting across from him.)
Suze: (Y/N) Mckay.
(Y/N): It's nice to meet you.
Suze: You already said that.
(Y/N): At the door, I remember.
Suze: Are you nervous?
(Y/N): Honestly? A little.
Suze: You're honest. I like that.
(Y/N): Ha, good.
Suze: What do you have planned for this date?
(Y/N): Bowling.
Suze: Hm. You should see Lexi's face every time your name comes up. She blushes so hard.
(Y/N): That's cute.
Suze: Are you, uh, a good bowler?
(Lexi walks down the stairs.)
Lexi: Okay, mom. You can stop talking to him.
Suze: Stopping.
Lexi: Sorry I took so long.
(Y/N): What? No. You're fine. You look great.
Lexi: Aw, thanks.
Suze: He's right, baby.
(She kisses her forehead.)
Suze: Like your brother, same goes for you. No funny business.
(Y/N): Yes, m'am.
Suze: Have her back by 10:30.
Lexi: Mom...
(Y/N): 10:30. Got it.
(Cut to them in Y/N's car.)
(Y/N): I'm surprised your friends didn't follow us out.
Lexi: I practically had to beg them to stay in my room.
(Y/N): Ah. You're not lactose intolerant, are you?
Lexi: No. Why?
(Y/N): Because on my way here I wanted to get you some flowers but I couldn't find any so I...
(He takes the Hershey's Chocolate Bar out of the glove compartment & hands it to her.)
(Y/N): I get you this instead. I hope that's acceptable.
Lexi: *blushes* It's more than acceptable.
(Y/N): That's a relief. [chuckles]
(He starts his car & they are now on their way. She opens her chocolate bar & takes a bite out of it.)
Lexi: I think I heard you talk to my mom about bowling?
(Y/N): Yeah. We're going bowling. Do you know how to bowl?
Lexi: I know how to bowl. As long as the gutter guards are up, then yes, I know how to bowl.
(Y/N): Oh, Lexi.
Lexi: What?
(Y/N): That's the only way I know how to bowl.
Lexi: [chuckles]
Bowlium Lanes
(Cut to Lexi & Y/N bowling after 5 rounds...)
(Y/N): You're killing me.
Lexi: Come on. It's not bad.
(The score is Lexi: 226 to Y/N: 173.)
(Y/N): You're making fun of me.
Lexi: [chuckles] I'm not.
(Y/N): Sure, Lexi Howard. Sure.
Lexi: So, I was doing some research about you.
(Y/N): Whatcha find out?
Lexi: You're undefeated?
(Y/N): Correct! 12-0.
Lexi: Wow. Is 12 a lot?
(Y/N): Depends on who you ask. I try to stay active.
Lexi: Even as the champ?
(Y/N): No. I just have to wait for challengers. I get reckless, you know?
Lexi: I think.
(Y/N): Bored even. I'm not bored right now though. You're not boring me.
(She places her hand on his.)
Lexi: Good.
(Y/N): *smiles*
(She stands up, picks up her bowling ball, & walks up to her alley. She turns her head to Y/N.)
Lexi: Got any pointers for me?
(Y/N): You're beating me and you want me to give you pointers?
Lexi: Yes.
(Y/N): Alrighty then.
(He walks up behind her.)
(Y/N): Bowling is all about posture.
Lexi: Posture?
(He stands right behind her, his head over her shoulder.)
(Y/N): Stand straight.
(He places his hands on each side of her.)
(Y/N): Is this okay?
Lexi: *blush* Yeah.
(Y/N): Now lift the bowling ball up.
(She does what he says.)
(Y/N): Now give it a throw.
(Lexi throws the bowling ball down the alley with the result of a...)
Lexi: A strike!
(Y/N): Ha. Good job.
(The two continue to bowl until it gets close to 10:30. To Y/N's surprise, Lexi beat him. They bowled 2 more times after the first go-round...Lexi beat him those 2 times as well. Cut to them in front of her house.)
Lexi: You suck at bowling. [chuckles]
(Y/N): Getting cocky now? It's warranted. I'll beat you next time.
Lexi: We'll see.
(Y/N): Oh, we will.
Lexi: Tonight was fun.
(Y/N): Other than you destroying me in bowling, I agree.
Lexi: [chuckles]
(She's about to open the door to exit the car but before she can, he stops her.)
(Y/N): Wait!
Lexi: Waiting.
(He exits the car, walks over to the passenger side door, & opens it for her.)
Lexi: Thanks.
(Y/N): No problem. I'll walk you to the door.
Lexi: You don't have to.
(Y/N): I want to.
(He walks her to the front door of her house.)
(Y/N): I'll see you Monday.
Lexi: Yeah.
(They hug.)
(Y/N): Good night.
Lexi: Do you...?
(Y/N): Do I...?
Lexi: Do you...want a kiss?
(Y/N): Definitely! I mean, since it's our first date and all...I didn't--
(She kisses him on the cheek.)
Lexi: Text me. Good night, (Y/N).
(She walks inside, leaving Y/N.)
(Y/N): Hell yeah.
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