- What is your favorite fandom overall? It's not fictional, but BTS' fan base. ARMY. I'm talking about the funny as hell, nice, filled with poc and lgbt+ fans side of things, not the delusional side who think the boys are children for some damn reason.
- What is your favorite fandom to write a fanfic for? Definitely the TVD universe. I really enjoyed planning for Solar too, so the MCU as well. I'm just attached to the TVD universe at this point. I think I write for it really well, and I'm comfortable with the characters and the world, even though the lore is inconsistent.
- How do you get ideas for your books? I don't really have a process, honestly? It usually starts with people I want to use for face claims, actually. I just construct the story from the characters I create. Aspen, Adrian, and Henrik were the exceptions. I simply wanted to write a Bellamy fic and Aspen was born. Adrian was created out of pure spite and I love him for it. And Henrik was...actually really interesting because it started from a fic I wrote for fun when I was like 14. I was just like "what if he were alive lmao" and then wrote something horrible for it. He was straight then 🤢. My poor boy, I'm so sorry I ever thought there was a straight bone in your body.
- How do you plan your books? I brainstorm as I rewatch or reread. Like with Riley, after I saw Endgame, his entire story arc just clicked into place and I'm so incredibly happy with it. Blue's ending was decided as I watched the final season of TO. I'm still plotting for Rowan, but that's only because I decided to write a sequel simply because where I planned for her story to end wouldn't necessarily be satisfying. But, as I write, some things do tend to change and the plot adjusts accordingly. So basically the planning I do is my own version of a rough draft, and then what I post is the final cut. Unless it's Black Magic. I just decided to rewrite that all together.
- What's your favorite dog breed? Pit Bull or Golden Retriever.
- Dogs or cats? Dogs :((
- Would you ever make a Teen Wolf or HP fanfic? For Teen Wolf, I doubt it. I feel like that phase of my life is over at this point and the one idea I ever had for a TW fic just never happened. As for HP, maybe? It'd be very pro-Slytherin, though. Gotta rep my house.
- What's your favorite book? I haven't been reading a lot lately so I can't really say, but I did adore the Six of Crows duology and I think I always will. I also bought Red Scrolls of Magic by Cassandra Clare and plan on reading it at the beach next week, so that'll probably shoot up my favorite list.
- What are your hobbies besides writing books? Reading, listening to music, watching TV shows, riding in a car and blasting music at night, planning trips to haunted places but never going through with any of them. Boring, I know, but I'm an introvert, so. I like swimming too (ironic, since I can't actually swim swim).
- Thoughts on Marvel? I love the MCU but it frustrates me sometimes. I really loved Endgame but I had a few major problems with it that I plan on fixing in Riley's story. Thor and Steve, mostly.
- Favorite food and drink? Sweet iced tea and, I don't know, Chinese takeout? I kind of like everything.
- Thoughts on Loki and a Loki fanfic? Loki is my fucking baby, okay, and he deserved so much better than to die just so the evil version of himself could live on in another timeline. Like so much growth down the drain and for what. It's also a huge shame that they erased his queerness. Like. Come on now, MCU. You could have easily had the first LGBT+ character in Loki (or in Valkyrie or even Carol) but decided on an extra no one cared about. But whatever.
As for a Loki fanfic, I don't really have any thoughts on one? If I ever did write one, it certainly wouldn't end with him dying. Especially since it'd most likely be gay as hell and I don't do the Bury Your Gays trope here.
- Thoughts on the Winter Soldier/Falcon TV show? I'm excited for it! I love Sam and Bucky so much.
- Thoughts on Gendrya? The only good thing to come out of the final season of GoT. Aside from Dany's, like, one single moment of happiness before they repeatedly ran her over with a bus for the rest of the season.
- Have you seen the latest season of The 100? If yes, what are your thoughts on it? I haven't seen any of it yet! I plan on watching, though. Also: I hate the camera work and weird angles they've been doing since season 5. It gives me a damn headache. I'm also mad that I won't ever be able to write Aspen vs. Octavia because Aspen would put her in her place real fucking quick. (Unless, of course, I decide to continue Aspen's story...much to think about.)
- Can you please show us more pics of your puppy? WELL IF YOU I N S I S T. This bitch was so hard to do a photoshoot for. Like damn, stay still, you demon child. I am convinced this puppy is the antichrist. This is Dani (named after my queen, Daenerys, also fuck D&D).
Bonus: here is the infamous Holly (ft. my brother). The goodest girl in the world.
- Have you ever seen One Day at a Time? YES AND I'LL FOREVER BE ANGRY THAT NETFLIX CANCELLED IT. They could've cancelled 13 Reasons Why, since it's done nothing but cause harm to people and has done nothing but cause controversy, but nope, let's cancel the cheaper-to-produce and better-for-mental-illness-rep show instead. Clowns. Everyone at Netflix are clowns.
- How do you plan characters? I actually choose the face claim first, then the name, then I work on personality traits. And I typically get inspiration for characters by the stuff around me. Rowan's entire character came from the quote, "Karma's a bitch." I can't even explain that one, it just happened.
- What's your favorite thing about making characters? Creating their dynamics with other people. I had the time of my life having Francis interact with the Mikaelsons, specifically Henrik (of course) and Elijah. It was just so much fun.
- Why do you write? I've always loved reading. I've always loved disappearing into a story and forgetting about reality for a while. It's the same way when I write. Like, even planning a story, I disappear into it and it's relaxing even when it's driving me crazy. I just genuinely love it to death and I can't imagine how much worse I'd be mentally if I didn't have writing as an outlet.
- Who is your favorite character to write, not as a person, but in how they do something? As in, which character do I find the most interesting when I'm in their headspace? Henrik and Francis both, but for different reasons. Henrik because he's just so emotional, and every decision he makes is rooted in what he's feeling in that moment. He lets his emotions guide him, even when he doesn't want to admit it. He's also just constantly on edge, like any second he'll snap because he doesn't have any other outlet. What he did to Lucien during the Thanksgiving chapter was fueled 100% by rage, and it could have potentially had horrible consequences in terms of Rebekah, but he didn't even think about her in that moment because what Lucien said made him so furious. The fact that he started it by bringing up Alexis (who Lucien clearly cared about) didn't even occur to him.
Francis, on the other hand, is the exact opposite. No one has read from his point of view except for me and my friend Taylor. All you've seen is what Henrik has seen, and it's weird, because none of you really know just how cold this man actually is. He was never heartless, but he was never good either. He's worse than Henrik when it comes to moral corruption, actually, because he doesn't have something akin to the witch community like Henrik does. Every single move he makes is thought out, every smile is fake, every joke and word is calculated. There's a reason he was the best spy in the Strix. The only reason Henrik knew he was following him was because Francis wanted him to know. He says later it's because he was bored, but in reality, he guessed he could learn more about Henrik if he was closer and conversing with him. It was a calculated risk and it worked in his favor. Him liking and falling in love with Henrik was the only thing that was an accident, and it wasn't until he started feeling things that he started making decisions that worked directly against his favor. Giving Henrik that weapon was 100% against his self interest. He almost died because of it, and it could've put Haewon and Abella in danger. But he did it anyway because he couldn't stand the thought of hurting Henrik anymore than he already was.
So, yeah, definitely Henrik and Francis are the most interesting to write about. Henrik, because he feels too much until he explodes, and Francis, because he feels too little until someone makes him feel by force. I love my morally corrupt boys so much.
- What is your favorite and least favorite aspects of your characters? Oh. Oof, what a good but also very hard question. Okay, let's do this.
• Henrik Mikaelson. My absolute favorite. I can't even pretend otherwise at this point. Whoever says a parent can't have a favorite child is lying and I'm living proof. I love literally everything about this bisexual disaster. Like. He's a complete mess, utter fucking garbage, but he's my garbage. I love you, sweet magical prince. But since this is a q&a, I guess I'll answer seriously.
My favorite thing about him is the fact that he genuinely feels remorse for the bad things he's done. As a thousand year old immortal warlock, it'd be so easy for him to just stop caring. And he did, at one point. But he crawled out of that and refused to fall victim to it again. His humanity might fluctuate a little, but he has morals and at his core, he wants to be good.
My least favorite thing about Henrik. God. Where do I even start. Maybe the fact that he has a tendency to treat the people around him like literal shit when he's falling apart. His casual cruelty was left unchecked for literally centuries, and he knows that, but he never bothered to check himself. He's ruined a lot of potential relationships because of it, and he very nearly lost his soulmate to it, too. It's his most fatal flaw.
• Francis de la Croix. God, my favorite is the fact that he's so fucking confident in his own bullshit. This bitch looked at an immortal, all powerful witch that also happened to be a Mikaelson and went, "I want to annoy the living hell out of him," on the off chance he'd be able to spy better. He chills on top of the Mikaelson roof and sunbathes. He's so unbothered by potential danger that he walks around New Orleans with music blasting at full volume. He looked Elijah Mikaelson dead in the eye and called him out on his hypocrisy without even flinching, and then had the nerve to be amused when Elijah got pissed. An icon for the ages. No wonder Henrik jumped his bones the first chance he got.
My least favorite is his absolute need to keep his secrets close to his chest, to the point that Henrik doesn't know the true story behind how he turned until the epilogue of Blue, over a decade after they meet. His reasoning is completely understandable, and the reason he lied is 100% valid considering how little they knew about each other at the time and what he lied about, but still. Trust your damn soulmate, Francis, Henrik is the last person who would ever judge you for your human life.
• Aspen Carter. My favorite part of her is everything. She's a ball of sunshine who simply deserves the absolute world. But also, her ability to see the absolute best in everyone she meets.
My least favorite thing about her is how impulsive she is. From her ranting when provoked, running headfirst into danger, and inability to keep her mouth shut, it's a miracle this girl didn't die in the first book against the grounders. She's literally everything bad about a Gryffindor.
• Rowan Cartwright. My favorite part of her is how easy it is for her to empathize with people. We canonically see her feel bad for both Damon and Katherine in the same scene, and neither of them really deserve it from her, and we'll see her feel bad for more people who don't deserve it later on.
My least favorite thing about her is that she ignores very obvious problems she has in favor of distractions. For example, she clearly has a problem with blood. But instead of talking to Stefan about it or working to control it, she pretends like it's not there. Like if she ignores it, it'll fix itself. And while this is actually intentional on my part as the writer, it's still a flaw.
• Adrian Rosewell. My favorite part about him is probably everyone else's, too. He has, arguably, the biggest heart of any of my OC's, rivaling only Aspen. He's just so, genuinely, good and I think we deserve more characters like that. He has his pessimistic moments, of course, but he's very easy to love and I think I managed to portray that very well.
My least favorite is that he never lets anyone finish their damn sentences. He's so scared of rejection that he took every interruption as an opportunity to avoid it, and he never bothered to say, "Hey, Alec and I need to talk, leave us the hell alone." It happened so much it literally became a running joke in the story itself. Don't be fooled. Adrian could have easily told everyone to fuck off, but he didn't. It helped keep it the slow burn I wanted, but god, at what cost?
• Riley Cho. Oh, Riley. My youngest. My favorite thing about him is his refusal to budge on his beliefs. I can't say much about it, because spoilers, but Civil War really highlights this characteristic very well.
My least favorite thing about him is his codependency. You can't blame him for it, considering his history, but it really does hurt him in the long run, especially towards the end of his story.
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Thanks so much to everyone who sent questions!
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