Chapter Three
TW alcohol abuse, suicidal thoughts
Shane stares at me for a moment. "Oh, there you are. I was actually just going to the farm."
"Why?" I respond.
"Um... I just wanted to say I'm sorry for getting mad at you this morning. I was hungover, and in a bad mood... um, yeah. I'm sorry."
"Oh!" I wasn't expecting an apology. "So you don't completely hate me?"
"Why would I...? No, I don't. You're alright, Madeleine."
"Okay, well, I forgive you. And I don't wanna press matters, but... do you seriously go out drinking like that every night...?"
"No." He pauses. "Well... not every night. Sometimes I drink at home."
Those words break me. "Shane, seriously. This... this will do serious damage. I know you don't wanna hear that, and I don't know if you need someone to tell you it straight or what, but... but I know this will end you if you don't stop."
He sighs. "You think I don't know that?"
"And you still do it? Why?" I ask.
He gives a soft laugh. "Oh, you are naive, aren't you? If this is the stupid life I'm forced into living, I'm gonna dull the pain. And if the thing that dulls the pain ensures the pain will also stop... well."
I feel my eyes tear up. "Shane, you don't mean...?"
He sighs softly. "Don't cry for a loser like me, Madeleine. You know what? I think you should forget about me and go live your life, cos you?" He chuckles. "You actually have a chance."
I shake my head. "No. I won't give up on you."
He looks at me. "You're a sweet girl. But... what makes you think I'm living for some girl I met yesterday? You know, my shift is the regular 9-5. Or it was. I just lost my job. And I don't know what I'm gonna do now." He laughs again, placing his hand onto his face. "And I appreciate you trying to help but this is territory you know nothing about."
"You're wrong." I murmur. "Would you please just listen for one minute?"
He looks up. "Okay."
"My father was an alcoholic, Shane. And he died of liver failure. I've seen first hand how consuming alcohol like you do ends. You might think I'm naive but... I've seen stuff."
His face softens. "I'm so sorry, Madeleine. Really. But don't pin your hopes on me. And please don't treat me like your little project to fix up in place of your dad. I know what happens to people like me, and at this point, I welcome it. So... I'm sorry, but nothing you can do will help me. I'm a lost cause."
I pause. There's a huge lump in my throat, and I can feel my breathing stopping. Then, someone shouts.
"Uncle Shane!"
Shane turns around and sees a little girl running up to him with a smile on her face. He breaks out into a grin.
"Hey, Jas!" He smiled as she jumps into his arms.
"Why aren't you in work?"
"Well, good news. Uncle Shane will have a lot more free time now."
"Will you finally play with me?" Jas asks. Shane nods.
"Absolutely. Right, let's get back to Auntie Marnie, then. Say goodbye to Madeleine."
Jas waves at me, and I wave back, trying to not let it show on my face that I'm about to break down into tears.
Shane looks at me before walking away. I blink a couple of times.
Then, I'm angry.
How dare he sit and refuse to give life a chance? How dare he even think of leaving that little girl?
"Everything alright, Madeleine?" I look up and see Robin. "You look upset."
I look up and quickly nod. "Yes. I'm fine."
"I get it. You sometimes get so lost in thought you forget to control your face." She smiles softly. "Have you visited Pierre's store yet?"
"No, I haven't."
"I'm going there now. Come on, I'll get you two acquainted."
Before I have the chance to say anything, she has ahold of my arm and is dragging me into the store.
"Farmer Madeleine!" The man behind the counter says. "I'm Pierre. It's good to meet you, if you ever need to get any produce from your farm off your hands, I'm your go to guy. Also, if you need any seeds, I have plenty."
"Oh, could I buy some now, maybe?" I ask.
"Yes, of course!" He replies. I look over the seeds, and select a few out, before placing them in my bag.
"Thank you." I hand him the money.
"Not a problem. You'll probably see my daughter and wife around, my daughter has purple hair and my wife has green hair so they're easy to spot. Say hello to them if you do."
"Okay." I reply, and start turning to leave. "I'll see you, probably." Probably not, though. Even I'm getting bad vibes.
As I leave the store, I'm met by a plump man with a beard and apron on. He doesn't meet my eye.
"Hello... I'm Clint..." he mumbles.
"Your name is Clit?!"
"Clint." He says more firmly. "Um... yeah, I'm a blacksmith. Sooo... if you need any upgrades to your tools... or anything else... yeah, I'll help you."
"Okay. Thanks." I reply, and start to go towards the farm.
"That's it?"
"Sorry?" I turn.
"'Okay, thanks'? No... I'll see you later, or, or... here's my number?"
I blink. "Did you... did you want my number?"
"Not like this! Oh, forget it... all women are the same..." he mutters to himself as he wanders off.
With a small sense of confusion, I head home.
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