The cool, winter wind brushed Abarra's long, black hair as she marched onward through the Mountains. Sfrin and Ix k'eh traveled on either side of her, instructing her on where to go. The group approached a winding path. Abarra's gaze traced the route up the caves. Her eyes glinted in the sunlight. They were almost to the caves, and she was itching to reach her destination, to finally meet the elusive dresses. Abarra glanced behind her, just to be sure that everything was in order. No need for more to go wrong.
Nal m'se stood tall, but moved at a remarkably slow pace. Abarra rolled her eyes. We could have gotten there yesterday if she didn't walk so slow! Abarra knew that she was nimbler than the elderly woman, but nevertheless, she was convinced that Nal m'se was going slower than she needed to.
"Hurry up!" Abarra commanded for the thousandth time.
Nal m'se didn't so much as glance in Abarra's direction. She'd stopped responding to Abarra's demands on the first day of the journey. Nal m'se had a feeling that Abarra would find the dresses, especially since Ix k'eh knew they were in the weaver's cave, but at least she could deny Abarra the pleasure of having her newly acquired power recognized.
Abarra huffed at Nal m'se's lack of response, but faced forward again. The real fun would begin once she gained possession of the dresses.
"How much longer?" Lachina complained.
"Be quiet," Fairuza hushed. "Not much longer."
"My feet hurt," Lachina continued.
Abarra turned around. "Don't worry, Lachina," she sang. "You may rest soon. That is, if you are cooperative."
Aapo scowled. Defiance flashed in Nal m'se's eyes. Ul m'ka and Sa k'u looked at each other with unease.
"We will never bow to you," Fa spat, speaking for the whole group.
"I wouldn't be so hasty in making that decision, Fa," Abarra said smoothly. "I advise you to really consider the consequences of that choice."
The only person unfazed by it all was Taavi. All Taavi had done was stare at the ground for the whole journey. Abarra had debated about bringing Taavi along on the journey, but she felt that the future ruler should be present when she finally destroyed the tribes' leaders once and for all.
Abarra set her focus on the path in front. They wound a corner, and the shape of the caves became clearer. She was so close to her prize. She could feel the warmth of the light on her skin, the texture of the woven threads on the tips of her fingers. Her hands tingled with anticipation.
Soon, the dresses would be hers. Soon, she'd possess the power of the sun, moon, and stars. Soon, she'd be unstoppable.
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