Molly let out a loud sigh with her fingers fiddling together, before turning to face Fred and Sophia. She looked between them, glancing towards their hands that each had the silver band still on their ring fingers. She read their fearful and anxious expressions before trusting herself to speak once more.
"I would have really liked to have been at the ceremony," Molly started and Sophia winced at first. "But I suppose it can't be helped. Welcome to the family, dear!"
The woman wrapped her chubby arms around Sophia's arms and awkwardly embraced her from her chair. George attempted to beam at Sophia from behind Molly's back with his thumbs up in encouragement and Fred did the same to Molly, smiling brightly at her. Molly surrendered to the tears filling in her eyes and sobbed down Sophia's back, realising that her once little boy has grown up. Fred and George were the ones she and Arthur had least expected to ever settle down. The two once joked that they'd end up as the fun uncles rather than having families of their own.
"Oh you're Mrs Sophia Weasley!" Molly exclaimed and sobbed louder, making George roll his eyes and Fred result to a cringe that could be taken as a smile.
"And you're my mother-in-aaw," Sophia replied with an awkward laugh, making the woman sob harder.
"I never thought the day would come! Oh Freddie!" she stood up from her chair and rushed over to Fred, her face red and riddled with tears. She yanked him up and submerged herself into Fred's front, bawling into his jumper.
"Mum, you do know what this means right?" George decided to butt in, the woman peeling herself from Fred's jumper and looking to him with a questioning look. Fred and Sophia both knew that George was up to no good, but could only send warning gazes to which both were ignored.
"The next step is obviously going to be children!"
"Oh Merlin, Mary and Joseph!"
"Nice one George..."
"I've got to start knitting rompers!"
"Oh Molly, you really shouldn't-"
"Nonsense! I expect twins!"
Molly immediately started to grab her bag that sat next to the sofa in the living room and pulled out several balls of yarn and wool. Fred sent a killing glare towards George who beamed from his place at the table and sipped his tea with raised eyebrows, knowing full well what he just got the couple into. Sophia stood with a hand on her forehead, the thought of twins at the age of eighteen making her suddenly dizzy. The gene was definitely there and they could well and truly have twins. And if they turned out anything like Fred and George, they would be in for a whirlwind. The fact that she was even thinking about this was barbaric in itself.
"Um Molly-" Sophia started.
"Dear, we're family now. Call me Mum", Molly shot her a swift grin and nod, now having completely forgotten about missing her son's wedding.
"Okay um... Mum-" she blushed lightly and stepped into the living room. "-what do you think I should tell my dad?"
"Well I doubt it would be much of a shock," she shrugged. "With him and Tonks doing the same thing, he wouldn't really have-"
Molly blinked and stopped her knitting, looking at Sophia with a puzzled expression. Her mouth was to the floor and she resembled what Molly had looked like only minutes ago. The Weasley Mother then realised that she had just let slip the news without knowing that Sophia hadn't been told yet.
"O-Oh dear..." Molly placed the tips of her fingers against her lips as if to take it back. "Maybe I shouldn't have said that..."
"My dad got married?! When?!" Sophia glanced back at Fred and George, only to see them looking away from her and fiddling nervously with anything that was near. "Wait, you two knew about this as well?! Why didn't you tell me?!"
"I'm not going to lie, it kind of slipped my mind," Fred confessed with a nervous laugh, passing the buck to George.
"Same here," George shrugged and busied himself with his cup which was now empty of tea.
Sophia sighed and let her hands fall to her sides, relaxing her muscles and attempting to remain calm. She didn't really have any room to be angry or upset, as she had done the exact same thing. She would have liked to have been at their wedding, just like Remus would have liked to have been at her's. It did irk her that the Weasleys' seemed to know about it but she figured that it couldn't be helped now.
"Did you guys go then?" Sophia questioned and collapsed into the armchair next to her.
"No, it was private ceremony," Molly went back to her knitting. "But I'd advise you tell Remus as soon as possible about you and Fred. He's probably just as embarrassed about it."
"I doubt it..." Sophia grumbled and Molly looked up to her with raised eyebrows.
"Why would you say that dear?"
Sophia bit her lip at the thought of bitterness she associated with her father. He hadn't been entirely present ever since she rocked up to The Burrow entirely bathed in blood. She understood his frustration from how unfamiliar she was towards him because of her trauma, but he hadn't really done much in order to help her through it. Instead, she had Molly and the twins to thank for her recovery as she would have never of pulled through it so quickly without them. What she didn't understand was why he had been so adamant to not have her follow the same fate as her mother, yet didn't appreciate the fact that she had turned up alive.
"He hasn't exactly been the best father during all of this..." she mumbled aloud and Molly stopped her knitting once again. The twins looked to each other in the kitchen before simultaneously moving to sit in the living room, staying quiet as Molly took the initiative to speak.
"You didn't see him when you turned up here last year," Molly seriously spoke with her knitting needles in hand. "He was distraught. And he had every right to be. He spent most of the three months slipping into a depression. I doubt that he would have come out of it if Tonks hadn't been there. You can't blame him for the distancing Sophia. He worked hard to even see you when he did."
"Then why didn't he come to see me when I was well again?" Sophia crossed her arms over her chest, regretting even bringing up the subject. She hadn't known that her father had been inconsolable during her time of illness, but it still didn't satisfy her yearn for closure on his behaviour.
"I suppose he's taking his time to come to terms with it," Molly reasoned. "It may take years for him to come around. But for now, Tonks has been the one he has found comfort in. Having your only child turn up on someone else's doorstep bloodied and confused can do such a thing to a person. I don't even want to think about what it would be like to have one of mine turning up like that..."
The room slipped into a silence as Molly cleared her throat and began knitting again, busying herself from her dark thoughts. Sophia felt bad for making the woman consider such things and decided to drop the whole subject. She sat back in the armchair and tried to think of other things to maybe talk about. Fred watched her from his seat on the sofa with careful eyes, wishing for her to walk out of the room so he could follow and talk to her privately. But when she didn't make the move, he decided to speak up to fill the uneasy silence.
"W-We were able to get Sophia's map, Mum", he announced and she was pulled out of her thoughts.
"Really?! That's brilliant!" she looked between Fred and Sophia, knitting without looking. "Where is it?! We'll have to tell the Order straight away!"
"We burned it," Sophia mentioned and Molly blinked, looking to her sons' for confirmation. They nodded back at her and she put down her knitting once more.
"Is that what you wanted?" she asked the question Sophia had once asked herself.
"It was for the best..." Sophia shrugged her shoulders. "It was my mother's and she would have wanted me to keep it. But it was wanted by too many of the wrong people."
"No, your mum would have wanted you to destroy it if she knew what it was causing," Fred spoke up. "It's what everyone wanted. You did the right thing Sophia. Don't tell yourself anything different."
George and Molly both nodded encouragingly and Sophia felt warm at the support. She had been trying to convince herself the same thing and the encouragement from the people she knew the best boosted her confidence in the idea. The last opinion she needed was from her father and he was the one she was the most worried for. The map was the last remnants that her father had of his wife.
"I'd tell him today," George said. "We'll come with you."
"Okay..." Sophia nodded and bit her lip, catching Fred's gaze and smiled at him appreciatively.
"I've always wondered where you lived," Fred thought aloud as the apparated on to the hill in Brighton. Him, George and Sophia walked down to the house that was barely standing in the dip of the greenery.
"I'm surprised it's lasted as long as it has," Sophia stated and walked up the porch steps first. She breathed out to try and release the nerves and worries, but found it useless. Trying to ignore her heavy shoulders and beating heart, she raised her fist and knocked lightly on the poorly made door.
Fred and George stood behind her while looking wearingly through the windows that sat facing out from the front of the house. It was oddly quiet inside and no one could be seen in the living room or the kitchen. Sophia stayed in front of the door, slightly anxious as the twins looked through the windows in hopes of seeing someone inside.
"Maybe he's at Tonks's house?" Sophia suggested and the boys hummed, unconvinced.
Fred looked over the living room with narrowed eyes, seeing the sofa's cushions disheveled and the coffee table crooked. It looked as if someone had a fight inside and pushed the furniture during the rumble. That was the first warning sign. George looked into the kitchen and saw that the fridge door was wide open with its contents spilled all over the floor. The chairs that sat at the dining table were either broken or laying on their sides. That was the second and last warning sign.
The boys turned to each other and wordlessly agreed to leave immediately. But Sophia didn't have that same twin connection and was unaware of their decision. She reached out and took hold of the doorknob to turn it, pushing the door open and revealing herself to whoever was inside.
"Wait don't!-" Fred jumped forward and pulled her out of the line of fire, leaving a green shot of light to fly through the door way and hit the hill's rise behind her. Sophia barely had time to contemplate what had just happened before Fred dropped her to the floor next to him and forced her to sit back against the wall.
"It's Dolohov," George mumbled as he stood back against the wall on the other side of the door, bringing his wand out and glancing around the door frame. A red spell skimmed his cheek bone and if his ear was present, it would have been singed off. He yanked his head back to be protected by the wall and glanced at Fred, seeing him standing with his own wand out.
"Who is it?" Dolohov's voice flowed out as if he was playing with them, his tone child-like and mocking. "Is it Miss Lupin?"
Fred and George stayed silent as they waited beside the door frame, Sophia getting to her feet and pulling out her wand from her jean pocket. She remembered Dolohov as insane and reckless, going to Azkaban with Bellatrix Lestrange from staying faithful to Voldemort during his fall. If he was at the house looking for Sophia, it meant he was here for business and wouldn't hesitate to kill Fred and George if they stood in his way.
A shot of yellow made Fred pull his wand back behind the wall with his unfinished spell, frustrated at his slowness. The yellow light hit the hill and made dirt explode into the air, leaving rocks of earth on the grass. Sophia gulped at the thought of that nearly being Fred's head and whipped her gaze around when she saw George attempt to shoot a spell into the house.
Another green light inched past George's hand and he yanked it back just in time. He let out a low whistle with a combination of pent up air and looked at Sophia and Fred with wide eyes.
"Fuck he's quick," he whispered. "We'll never get a spell in."
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