Sophia's knees wobbled dangerously when the Death Eater walked in. The sight of the nearly 7ft werewolf was enough to make her insides tremble in fear, but it was who he was shoving into the room that really made her feel faint. Fred stumbled into the room and looked up from the floor with his right nostril gushing with blood, his eyes now wide as he spotted Sophia standing in the middle of the room. He was wearing a dark green sweater with a coat over the top, looking mostly unharmed besides his blood nose.
"His twin tried to step in for 'im," Greyback announced with his long nails digging into the back of Fred's coat. "But I knew which one 'e was."
"Show me his wand," Bellatrix demanded and snatched the wand that was in Greyback's hand. In the mean time, Sophia and Fred gazed at each other across the room with both shocked and dreading expressions. Neither had expected to see each other here. Fred thought he had been found out as one of the hosts of Potterwatch and Sophia thought Greyback was being brought in order to rip her apart.
"Ah now I see," Bellatrix cooed and held up two wands, grinning back at Sophia with realisation. The sight of Sophia's wand stirred something within her and seeing it next to Fred's just confirmed that fact that he was here and in danger.
"Now, you are going to look at that map and tell me what it says. If you don't, he-" Bellatrix dropped the two wands on to the wooden floor with a clatter and pulled out her own, pointing it at Fred. "-dies."
Tears welled up in Sophia's eyes as the crooked wand pointed directly at Fred, who looked between the woman and Sophia with shifting eyes. He was nervous and afraid, yet hated to see Sophia in the position to choose between him and betraying the resistance. Biting his lower lip, he stared at Sophia and started to subtly shake his head, indicating for her to do the right thing. He could see that her hands were shaking by the way the parchment quivered even from where he was standing, and knew that she was hesitating too much. Don't do it, he thought. Don't throw it all away for me.
"I-I can't..." Sophia sobbed and Fred almost let himself smile, partially proud of her for not giving in.
Sophia watched in horror as Fred collapsed to the floor and started to scream, withering in agony with Bellatrix's wand initiating the curse. She stumbled backwards as Fred's cries echoed through the bare room and began to crumble at the sight. His body convulsed and he looked like he was fighting some unseen force. Sophia wanted to shut her eyes and clamp her hands over her ears, not wanting anything to do with Fred's pain and screams. They were constant and made every muscle in her body constrict and shiver.
"Stop it! Please, just stop it!" Sophia yelled and Bellatrix lowered her wand, allowing Fred's arched back to drop to the floor. He panted loudly and clenched his eyes shut, thankful for the moment of peace. Sophia sniffled and despised the sight of Bellatrix's wide, insane grin. The woman was enjoying the sheen in Sophia's eyes and liked seeing Fred wither in pain. It was child's play for her.
"Are you going to tell me what it says?" Bellatrix stuck out her lower lip and blinked her dark lashes at Sophia. She put the tip of her wand against her lip to appear innocent but it made Sophia sick to her stomach. She could end it all right now and rip the parchment in her hands, but that would only end in both her and Fred being killed. And they were bound to know some spell that could repair the map, making it useless to give up now.
"Come on lumpy," she taunted. "Save your weasel-"
"Don't listen to her Soph."
Greyback's head whipped down to bare his sharp teeth down at Fred and lifted his leg, stamping his boot down on to his chest. Fred let out a chocking noise followed by a cough, silencing him for a moment. Sophia felt anger burn inside her and thought of all the curses and hexes she would throw at Greyback and Bellatrix if she had her wand. The map trembled in her hands from anger and the tears that were sliding down her cheeks were now full of rage.
"How sweet," the frizzy haired witch cringed with her evil smirk. "Wittle Weasley wants wou to weave him to die."
"The Order have plans to ambush your Snatchers in Diagon Alley," Sophia spoke in a monotone voice. "Tomorrow, at midday."
Fred let the back of his head knock against the hard wood floor in defeat while Bellatrix cackled lightly to herself. Greyback grinned and stomped his boot down on Fred's chest again, just for good measure. Sophia glared fiercely at the man as Fred groaned, ready to leap forward and claw out the grin on his face. Snatching the map out of Sophia's hands, Bellatrix flicked her wand and the scroll rolled itself up before she chucked it on to the table that was conveniently behind her.
"The things we do for love," she flicked her tongue out as if to mimic the word 'yuck'. "Now, what to do with the weasel-"
"Ma'am," a new voice interrupted as a man stepped into the room, standing straight with a deep frown on his face. He wore a smart looking suit and kept his hands behind his back, looking like a butler of some sort. "Someone has come to the gate."
"Who is it?!" she shouted, irritated by the interruption. "What do they want?!"
"Snatchers ma'am. They believe they've caught Harry Potter."
The irritated expression diminished fast from Bellatrix's face and she immediately stalked out of the room, heading towards the front door with now a new mission. Greyback watched her leave mindlessly and Sophia hoped he would maybe leave with her, letting her tend to Fred who hadn't made any more noise since his groaning. The Death Eater soon enough decided what to do next and reached down, grabbing Fred's coat and yanking him up to his feet. He barely had time to stumble as Greyback marched across the room towards Sophia, snatching her bicep with his free hand and dragging them towards the staircase.
Peter Pettigrew jerked his head up at the descending footsteps and rushed to open the gate of the cellar, holding it open as the Death Eater walked inside. He threw Sophia forward first who was able to regain her footing, but Fred wasn't so lucky. Sophia tried to balance him but his 6ft lanky frame made it impossible for her to keep up, only being able to lower him gently to the floor as he groaned from the pain coming from his chest.
Greyback turned away and disappeared up the stairs, Pettigrew shutting the gate behind him and following him back up to the living room. Ollivander, Luna and Griphook walked out of the shadows curiously at the abrupt entrance and Sophia jumped at the opportunity of being able to touch Fred and helped him towards the wall. She leaned his back against it and was fast to notice his hand that stayed against his chest where it hurt the most.
"Oh Freddie..." Sophia hopelessly squeaked when she heard his heavy breathing. "I'm so sorry you're here... it's all my fault..."
"W-Why did you tell them?" he wheezed, turning his head to look into her eyes with a hint of betrayal. "You told her what your map said. Why would you do that?"
"I-I didn't... it wasn't true..." Sophia shook her head and nervously bit her lip.
"You... you lied?" Fred ensured and she nodded. "They'll kill you for that!"
"I know... but I couldn't let her kill you Fred. She wouldn't of hesitated again..."
Fred sighed and leaned his head back against the wall, relieved to hear that she hadn't given up but was now fearful for her life once more. Putting that worrisome thought aside for a moment, he started to grimace at the burn he could feel spreading from his chest. His nose was once the only sting that bothered him, but that was nothing compared to the bruise he could feel blooming in the middle of his chest.
"That looks painful," Luna mentioned and pointed a finger at the blood streaming down Fred's lips. "Nargles are attracted to open wounds. Might want to clear that up."
"Thanks Luna," Fred mumbled with a roll of his eyes, circulating his palm in hopes of easing the ache.
"Nevermind that let me take a look at this," Sophia grabbed the bottom of his jumper and pushed it up, exposing the green and blue bruise that was already blackening on his skin. It spread from his collarbones to most of the width of his upper half.
"How bad is it?" Fred dared to ask and Sophia gulped, flickering her gaze to meet his with a cringe.
"Broken ribs, no doubt about that," Griphook butted in and Sophia sighed, not wanting such brutality and honesty. But it did answer Fred's question.
"He could have caved in your ribcage," Sophia mumbled before lowering his jumper, using her thumb to wipe away the blood from his nose. She cringed at the liquid that had now solidified and started to crack, allowing her to lightly scratch it away. The red stained his skin but at least it had stopped leaking and only a small black bruise was visible on the bridge of his nose.
"Did they come to The Burrow?" she questioned as she worked.
"No, they came to the shop. Georgie and I were there to clear some stuff but they stopped us before we could even get inside," Fred explained. "They asked for me and George tried to step in, saying that he was me. They weren't thick though..."
She fell on to her backside next to him with a sigh, the bitter cold of the wall biting against her back. The only positive about the past few minutes was that she knew her map was here. She had held it in her own two hands and hated every minute of it. She saw where Bellatrix had put it but now it was a matter of somehow getting away from here with it. And now that Fred was here, she had so much more to worry about. He wasn't a hundred per cent ready for some big breakout mission with his chest injury and she couldn't be sure of the severity of his ribs. The could be stabbing into his organs for all she knew.
Then she remembered why they had been put back in the cell in the first place. The man had said that they may have found Harry. This was exactly what Griphook had said before and it made her feel like even more of an idiot. Her and Harry have just walked right into You Know Who's hands.
"Your hair's longer," Fred brought her out of her thoughts and she turned to see him looking down at her, the tiniest of smiles playing on his lips.
"Not really the time Fred," she rolled her eyes.
"Is it ever the time?"
"Hm, I guess not."
He took a piece of her brown hair and twirled it between his fingers, barely noticing how greasy and dirty it was. He gazed at the side of her face and was amazed at how beautiful she looked even with the smudges of dirt and grease. He hadn't anticipated for their meeting to be so chaotic and painful but he was glad to see her none the less.
"I missed you..." Fred admitted.
"I missed you too... again," Sophia shrugged bashfully and Fred's lips hitched into a smile. Putting an arm around her shoulders, he pulled her flush against his side. She let her head fall next to his with a content smile on her lips and a small warmth inside her.
"Marry me," the words left Fred's lips quickly but he didn't regret them. She pulled her head up from his shoulder and looked at him with wide eyes, seeing his sincere and honest expression.
"Now?" she stammered and he chuckled.
"As soon as possible."
Their attention was drawn from each other at the sound of the gate of the cell opening and two new people being thrown in. Sophia stood up hurriedly as she spotted familiar red hair and unmistakable glasses being pulled out of one of the two's pockets. A girl's screams were starting to erupt from upstairs and the two looked distressed, one having ghastly bulbs on his face that nearly made him unrecognisable.
"You really are here. Great," Sophia groaned and Harry and Ron whipped around, spotting her, Fred, Luna, Ollivander and Griphook in the shadows. "Now we're really done for."
"What the bloody hell are you doing here?" Ron questioned as when he saw Fred.
"What? Not happy to see me Ronnie-kins?" Fred joked with a roll of his eyes.
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