Fred moved at the speed of light and rolled on top of Sophia, narrowly avoiding the napping Pygmy Puff on the pillow. Sophia squealed when Fred's weight transferred on to her and she was smothered with kisses all over her face. He made sure that he had his bottom half in between Sophia's legs so that he wouldn't completely crush her. Especially not on her birthday. Never the less, he didn't let her wiggle out from under him as he continued to suffocate her with kisses.
"Fred-get-off!" Sophia tried to say while turning her head to the side. She spotted her wand sitting next to Fred's on the nightstand furthest away from her and reached out her arm desperately. After a small leap of faith, she grasped the light brown wood and performed her very first spell while being a legal adult. Fred was jinxed off of her and fell to the floor, a small yelp leaving his mouth in surprise and was followed with a groan of pain.
"The first spell you use legally is a separation jinx?!" Fred cried with a grimace from the ache in his back. Sophia leaned over the side of the bed and grinned down at him, ecstatic about finally being able to use magic after half a year of restrictions.
"It's my birthday. I do what I want!" she cheered and sat up straight in bed, looking around for something else to use magic on. While Fred grabbed hold of the duvet and tried to pull himself up with another groan, Sophia spotted a small pile of presents sitting on top of the wardrobe. Fred knew that she was too short to reach anywhere near there so he stuck all the gifts in the place she knew she wouldn't be able to get to without magic or a chair. And they didn't have a dining table in the flat so she had no chair to move into the room. But now that she was an adult, she used the summoning charm with a flick of her wand and the wrapped presents flew down obediently.
"We have to wait for Georgie before you open them," Fred mentioned as he got to his feet when he saw that Sophia was ready to dive into her gifts. "GEORGE! GET IN HERE!"
"Did you have to yell?" Sophia questioned with a wincing expression. Fred beamed at her without an answer before climbing back under the duvet on his side and leaning back against the headboard. Not a moment later, the door opened and George walked in with his ginger hair sticking out in all directions and his eyes half shut.
"Did you have to yell?" George repeated as he dragged a hand down his face. Sophia shot Fred a smug look to which he ignored while grabbing his wand and sending a hex George's way. George yelped aloud and jumped out of the path of the flying spell, making it hit the wall behind him and leaving a black mark of charred wallpaper.
"What the hell was that for?!" George cried, now wide awake as he looked back forth between the wall and his brother.
"For being my brother. Now hurry up and sit down," Fred jabbed his wand to towards the end of the bed where Sophia's feet didn't reach. George grumbled like an old man as he did what he was told and sat down on the end of the bed, crossing his lanky legs with a huff.
"Happy birthday Soph," he muttered while failing to fight the smile that appeared on his face.
"Thank you Georgie. Oh, and nice pajamas," Sophia giggled and George looked down at his sleeping attire which consisted of a white t-shirt and pajama pants with Nifflers' all over them.
"Mum got me them, lay off," George rolled hiseyes before mumbling. "And I like them."
Sophia laughed and Fred ushered her to start opening the pile of presents that sat on her lap. The twins watched as she opened all the presents that had come from various people. They came from Harry, Ron and Hermione (obviously left at the Burrow as the OwlPost was constantly being watched by the Ministry for any sign of Sophia or Death Eaters' communication) as well as Order members. Albus Dumbledore had even gifted her a Sneakoscope. Her father had gotten her the usual three Chocolate Frogs even though she had completely the set of trading cards, but had also enclosed a Sugar Quill as well. A small yet sweet surprise she appreciated.
"Now it's our turn," Fred stated once she had gotten down to the last present that he had sneakily hid from her until now. "This is from the both of us."
"It's not just a box with Coughing Powder inside is it?" Sophia sighed and the twins scoffed.
"You think we'd do that to the person that cleaned our whole flat in one day?" George raised an eyebrow at her. "You went into my room Sophia. That's a challenge in itself."
"Enough about your petty habits George, no one cares," Fred glared at his twin but beamed brightly when he turned to face Sophia with the present in his hands. "Here's to you being legal love."
George muttered some comment about being legal didn't just mean being able to do magic outside of school, making Fred reach for his wand again. George shut his mouth and focused on Sophia who had begun to rip at the wrapping paper, soon coming to a rectangular-leather bound book. The cover was bland and didn't give any insight on what was inside, forcing her to open up to the first page curiously.
"I know it's kinda lame but what else do you get a girl on her seventeenth?" George shrugged but Sophia was barely listening.
The first page contained a Polaroid that displayed the twins and Sophia during her first year at Hogwarts. The twins held their brooms while being dressed in their Quidditch robes and were trying to pull Sophia on to Fred's broom. The enchanted photograph replayed the scene of Sophia struggling in their grasps while Fred and George had cheeky grins on their faces, before Remus would appear in the corner and stop them in their act.
"It's not lame at all..." Sophia whispered and felt a large smile growing on her face at the memory.
"We found out that Colin Creevy- you know the little camera pipsqueak?- had been taking pictures of all three of us for ages ," Fred explained. "Apparently we were gonna be voted best trio of 1995 in our yearbook."
"But of course we didn't get the yearbook-" George added.
"So we can't show you. But-" Fred continued.
"Ron hustled the pictures off of the twit-"
"So happy birthday!"
"Guys this is amazing..." Sophia mumbled and went through the book slowly, taking in every Polaroid that contained the three of them. Sometimes Lee would be there but it was centred around her and the twins for the most part. There were pictures of them sitting in the Great Hall laughing or even asleep on the table from going out after curfew the night before. There was one of them in the Gryffindor common room while Fred and George threw hexes at each other and Sophia attempted to take cover behind poor Ron who walked in at the wrong time. But Sophia's favourite had to be the end one which only contained her and Fred. It was a picture of them at The Three Broomsticks in Hogsmeade and they sat in their usual corner with Fred's arm around her shoulders, pressing his lips against the side of her head. Sophia could be seen smiling shyly to herself before looking up at Fred with sparkling eyes, making him smile down at her lovingly. The scene would then replay and every time it did, it made Sophia's heart skip a beat.
"We were also gonna be voted cutest couple of the year-" Fred brought her out of her thoughts. "-but we got disqualified because you weren't in our year. Apparently having only one out of two of the couple in the graduating year was against yearbook rules."
"I love it guys. Thank you so much," Sophia felt tears spring to her eyes as she hugged both of the twins happily, clutching the photo album to her chest.
"But wait, there's more!" Fred cheered like he was some sort of Salesmen offering a great deal.
"More?" Sophia repeated and Fred suddenly pulled out a small velvet box out from the drawer in his nightstand. Sophia felt her breath hitch into her throat and her eyes go wide, staring down at the box that sat in Fred's hand. Her heart was hammering against her rib cage and her mind was racing with panicking thoughts. She felt herself begin to get dizzy and the photo album slipped out of her hands and on to her lap. Fred noticed her expression and limp arms and he chuckled lightly.
"Don't be so dramatic Soph, it's not what you think it is," he shook his head and opened up the small box to show her the thin silver ring that was nestled inside.
"W-What..." Sophia didn't finish and swapped her gaze from the ring to Fred's face with a stunned look.
"It's a promise ring," Fred finally announced and Sophia felt herself deflate from relief. Her posture physically slouched and the twins exchanged an amused look.
"Merlin, she really thought you were proposing," George laughed.
"Well I basically am promising to," Fred thoughtfully said and Sophia raised a hand to her forehead as she let out a heavy sigh.
"They're two very different things Freddie," Sophia rasped but let a small smile return to her face. "So you're promising to propose?"
"Yep. Aren't I just so romantic?" Fred boasted and took the simple silver band out of the box and gently took hold of Sophia's hand, ready to slip it on to her finger. "So, you trust me and my promise?"
"Eh sure," Sophia shrugged to act like she didn't care but wasn't fooling anyone with her twinkling eyes and blushing cheeks. Fred let the corner of his lips hitch up and he slipped the ring on to the ring finger of her left hand. He barely had time to look back up when Sophia grabbed hold of his face and kissed him on the lips, immediately making him kiss back with his eyes sliding shut. It wasn't very long but it was enough. And afterwards, Sophia turned her head to George who was sitting there while staring lazily up at the ceiling as he leaned back on his arms.
"But wait, surely George and Lee got voted cutest couple of the year instead."
"What?!" George's head pulled itself down from it's upright position. "Gross!"
"Oh come on Georgie," Fred rolled his eyes with an amused smile. "You know you've got a think for little old Lee."
George leaped across the bed and tackled Fred out of the bed, the two landing on the floor with a thud. They had barely missed Bell the Pygmy Puff who was still napping peacefully on Sophia's pillow and started to wrestle on the floor as if they were five years old.
"I'll rip your nose off!"
"Go on then! I'll rip your eyes out!"
"Ugh, come here you twit!"
"Happy birthday to me," Sophia sung as she lay down across the bed to look over the edge to watch them fight.
Sophia spent the rest of the day testing out some magic. She hadn't been able to do any since her capture and she was taking full advantage of being seventeen. She now had the power to wash, dry and put away the dishes with just a flick of her wand and could have all their laundry washed without the Muggle washing machine. It felt great to feel magical again. The one thing she couldn't unfortunately do was Apparate. If she were to be at Hogwarts this year, she would have taken the Apparation classes and eventually taken her test. George had offered to teach her but both she and Fred immediately declined. He looked offended but then faltered when Fred mentioned splinching. Sophia asked what splinching was, but the two said that she didn't need to worry about it for now and shared an identical hard look.
"Can you not summon all my drinks away from me?" Fred exaggerated as yet another glass of water flew out of his hand and into Sophia's.
"It's just so fun!" Sophia giggled and sent the drink back towards him with her wand, levitating it until he took hold of it cautiously.
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