Living with Fred and George was just as chaotic as Sophia thought it was going to be. They never did the dishes and never did the laundry themselves. They insisted that their mother was happy to do their laundry and the dishes would soon get to an extent where one of them would be bothered enough to flick their wands and have them wash by magic. But until then, the pile of clothes and dishes just got bigger and bigger. Considering Sophia still wasn't allowed to do any magic until next month, when her seventeenth birthday would be, she would have to do it manually if she were to do all the chores. She was always the one to make the bed that her and Fred slept in as well as pick up the clothes that he would throw on to the floor when he got ready in the morning. And no amount of nagging would stop both of their habits.
So one day, when Fred and George went to work in the shop in the morning, Sophia set out a plan. Today would be the day she would do all the chores. Some may say that it wasn't right that she was the only one who did the chores around the flat, but the twins said that they didn't care about how they lived. If she wanted a clean living space, she would have to do it herself.
She took all of the mugs and cups that sat all around George's room and put them next to the pile of dishes already in the sink. The one thing that she had been able to do was to make Fred take his own dishware out of their room when he was done with them. But George hadn't gotten this message and had a total of ten cups on his nightstand. An honourable collection, but also an alarming one.
Sophia cleaned all of the dishes and put them all away. She then started on the sofa, forcing the enchanted pillows and cushions to go into their respectable places. It was true that they wanted to be everywhere except on the furniture they were meant for, and would fly across the room when she would try to force them into their places. After five attempts, Sophia laid herself down across the sofa to forcefully hold the wiggling cushions down all at once. They eventually stopped their squirming and laid still, making Sophia sigh in relief.
She then started on the laundry. They wouldn't be sending their laundry to Molly until tomorrow so the pile was quite high. But for some reason, the flat had a Muggle washing machine that both Fred and George didn't know about. It was inside the broom cupboard that sat in the hallway next to the bathroom. There was no way the twins knew what a washing machine was so Sophia didn't blame them for not using it. She barely knew how to use it herself, but thankfully got it working with the lighter coloured clothes being washed first before doing the next batch of dark clothes. She hung the washed clothes on a drying rack that also sat in the cupboard, placing it in the living room in front of the window so the Sun would work its warmth and dry them.
By the time the twins had locked up the shop and sent Verity on her way, Sophia had vacuumed (again found in the cupboard) and cleaned down all of the surfaces of the flat. Everyone's clothes had dried and been put away, and she even took the liberty of making George's bed for him. His room was exactly like Fred's except his bed had dark blue covers instead of maroon one's Fred had.
Sophia had just collapsed on to the neat-looking sofa when Fred and George walked through the front door. Their eyes first went to the sink that was free of any dishes, before travelling to Sophia with wide eyes.
"T-The dishes are all gone!" George exclaimed in shock.
"And the cushions are all on the sofa!" Fred followed. "Were we robbed by a polite thief?!"
"No. I cleaned the whole house," Sophia announced with emphasis on the 'I'. "All WITHOUT magic."
Fred hurried over to the cabinets in the kitchen and saw that all the cups, plates, cutlery and pans had been washed and put away neatly. George ran down the hallway and opened the door that lead into his room, seeing his bed neatly made and all his clothes sitting neatly in the drawers.
"She did! I can see my floor Freddie! I had forgotten it was this colour!" George yelled from down the hall.
Sophia rolled her eyes and Fred pulled his head out from the cabinets and had his jaw hanging open. When they had first bought the dishes for the flat, they hadn't even bothered to put them away into the cabinets. They just sat on the side until they were used before sitting in the sink for weeks, eventually being reused after a quick rinse. That cycle repeated right up until now. Fred found that their dishware actually looked really nice in the cabinets. And it was so much better to see the sink empty and free from the stench of old food.
"Merlin we really are disgusting..." Fred muttered to himself as George came back into the living room. Fred watched as his brother walked over to the sofa where Sophia was laying down lazily and knelt down on one knee, taking hold of her hand.
"Sophia. You are wifey material. Please marry my brother so we can all live as a happy family," he pleaded and Sophia ripped her hand out of his with a look of disgust.
"George, you are not living with us if we get married," Sophia crossed her arms over her chest.
"When we get married dear," Fred voiced as he got out a clean cup from the cabinet. He winked at Sophia when she met his gaze as he brought the cup to his lips filled with water and she turned away with a small blush settling into her cheeks. Marriage was always the topic that made her nervous as well as giddy. But now that she had learnt of Fred's living habits, she wasn't so sure about the idea. Jokingly of course.
"Why not?!" George cried as he stood up from his kneeling position. "I'd be a great addition to the family! If you ever needed someone to make you Polyjuice Potion, I'd be your guy! I'm the best at it now."
"What about Angelina? Wouldn't you want to live with her?" Sophia questioned. George looked away from her and crossed his own arms over his chest, mimicking her voice with a sulky expression. He stomped away to his room and could be heard mimicking Sophia's voice in an over-exaggerated high pitch tone before shutting his door.
"How did you wash all our clothes?" Fred asked as he started walking over with the cup of water still in his hand. Sophia lifted up her legs and let him sit down in the spot at the end of the sofa before lowering them down again to lay on his lap.
"You have a Muggle washing machine in the cupboard," Sophia pointed towards the hallway.
"I assume that's some Muggle way to wash clothes? Must have been left by the previous owners," Fred shrugged and Sophia nodded with a small hitch in the corner of her lips. "Well thank you for cleaning everything. It looks a lot better."
"Just be glad Molly hadn't seen it yet. The amount of golden snitch-patterned underwear I had to pick up from George's room was just as gross as it was funny," Sophia held back a laugh by masking it with a cringe. Fred groaned and also cringed at the thought of his brother's underwear being in the hands of his girlfriend.
"She misses you by the way," Fred piped up, letting his hand slide up and down Sophia's smooth legs. "The protection spells are taking longer than expected. The Order are still trying to figure out how the Death Eaters got through."
"Do you think someone let them through?"
"No. I think they've got even more dark magic that no one yet knows about," Fred answered, keeping his eyes on the milky skin that covered her legs.
"Like the magic they used on me?"
Fred felt himself wince at her words and bit his lip at the image in his head that he had tried hard to lock away. He had been forcing the scene of Sophia's torture out of his head every since he had used the Pensieve but he sometimes had relapses. Sometimes he would jerk awake at night after a vivid nightmare and needed to ensure that Sophia was beside him, peacefully asleep and unharmed. He found himself always taking her into his arms just to settle his conscious that she was really there and that no one would take her away from him.
"Sorry..." Sophia murmured when she saw his wince.
"No, you have no reason to be. I wasn't the one who-" Fred didn't let himself finish and sighed, turning to face her with an attempt at a smile. "Let's talk about something else."
"Alright," Sophia sat up from her laying position, twiddling her thumbs. "What do you want to talk about then?"
"Oh I nearly forgot!" Fred jumped in his place and reached into the pocket that was on the inside of his jacket, pulling out something tiny that chirped loudly. "This is for you."
"Freddie, it could have suffocated in there!" Sophia cried as she snatched the chirping animal from his hand.
"Pygmy Puffs can survive up to an hour without air," Fred shrugged. "Trust me, I know this."
Sophia rolled her eyes and looked down at the Pygmy Puff that sat in her hands, her expression softening as it blinked innocently up at her with it's bright green eyes. Her heart melted at the thought of the previous Pygmy Puff she had held and loved, but quickly forced the thought away to focus on the puff in front of her now. This puff had periwinkle fur that sprouted out wildly with bright green eyes and was much calmer than her previous pet. While George would scurry around as soon as his feet touched the floor, this puff sat in her palms completely still yet chirped louder and more frequently.
"Thank you Freddie," she stated and smiled between Fred and the puff.
"You're welcome love," he shuffled over and pressed his lips against the side of her head, resting his arm on the back cushions of the sofa. "What are you gonna name him? Surely Fred."
"She will not be called Fred. I like the name Bell," Sophia nuzzled the ball of fur against the tip of her nose. "You know, like the Blue Bell flower."
"How do you know it's a girl?" Fred inquired with a raised eyebrow.
"The blue gene is genetic in girl Pygmy Puffs only," she explained without taking her eyes from her palms. "Better luck next time Frederick."
A month passed and the barriers around The Burrow still hadn't been finished. The Order wanted to be sure that no Death Eaters would get through again but they still didn't know how they had gotten through in the first place. The only way to make the barriers immune to this particular dark magic was to find the spell that was used. The Order had set out on a search for any Death Eaters out in public in order to perform a kidnapping and find out the dark magic.
Aside from that, it soon reached April 17th. Fred and George had officially turned nineteen on the 1st and had a mini celebration at The Burrow. The big event was going to be concerning Sophia, as she would be turning seventeen and classified as an adult in the Wizarding world. So on the morning of the 17th, Sophia rolled over in bed and cracked her eyes open from the sunlight that was peaking from behind the curtains. Fred was already wide awake and was seen with his head propped up against the headboard of the bed, smiling down at Bell the Pygmy Puff that wandered around in his propped up hands.
Sophia took the time to admire Fred's side profile and the lop-sided smile he displayed as he gazed down at the puff. His bare chest was covered by the maroon duvet leaving only his muscular shoulders to be seen. His ginger hair was ruffled on top of his head from his sleep and some ginger scruff had begun to line his jaw and cheeks. Bell walked in slow circles in his palms while mindlessly chirping making both Sophia and Fred smile unconsciously out of amusement.
Bell had just finished another circuit when she caught the sight of Sophia's open eyes and content expression, making her slide down the small hill made by Fred's arm and pondered over to Sophia's face. She nuzzled against her chin affectionately with a chirp before settling on the pillow for a nap. Fred had followed the puff's journey and seen that Sophia was awake, now smiling widely down at her.
"Happy birthday love."
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