The scream from Harry was enough to put everyone in a state of sorrow. Sirius's body disappeared through the archway behind him yet didn't come out the other side, truly initiating his departure from the world. Harry had just lost his last bit of family at the hands of a Death Eater and his mind was numb from the idea that Sirius was dead. Remus had to step forward and hold Harry to stop him from trying to leap through the archway in hopes of retrieving his godfather. But everyone could see that Remus looked broken at the sight of seeing his last best friend being taken to the place where everyone he ever held dear lay. Sophia cupped her hands over her mouth as tears leaked out of her eyes, cringing at the sound of Harry's sobs and feeling her heart break in two. She loved Sirius. He was like an Uncle to her and man spent most of his life in prison for a crime he didn't commit. Sirius died a wanted man.
Remus couldn't comprehend what he was doing and didn't realise that he was making a huge mistake. He could only console Harry silently while also consoling himself, forcing his emotions to be locked away once again. He didn't see the Death Eater that was beginning to advance towards Sophia, who stood obliviously with tears stains on her cheeks. He only saw Bellatrix Lestrange flee down a corridor to which Harry forced himself away from Remus, running after her in a pit of rage.
Sophia barely had time to make a sound as a grubby hand clamped over her mouth and apparated away before anyone noticed. She disappeared and it only took five seconds after for Hermione to suddenly look around the room, not seeing her best friend who had been left unprotected for a split second.
"Sophia!" she called out and the Order turned their heads to her at the sound of the name. "She's gone!"
Remus whipped around in his place to look where he had left his daughter, only to see nothing but her wand on the ground and her nowhere in sight. As if his world couldn't crash anymore, the fear and panic that he had been feeling for so long suddenly returned with full throttle. He rushed over and picked up the light brown wand while shakily breathing, almost expecting to see her suddenly appear to retrieve it. But when she didn't, he looked around at the members of the Order that stood with expressions of shock and concern.
"Remus-" Nymphadora went to speak but he rushed towards the Death Eaters' that had been secured with the body-binding spell in the corner. He grabbed hold of Antonin Dolohov's cloak in his fist and jerked the man up to face him.
"Where is she? Where did they take her?" he demanded, his tone deep and threatening. Dolohov only laughed manically in his face with his rotting teeth on full display for Remus to see.
"The Dark Lord wants her as well as Potter," Dolohov sneered with a crazed look in his eyes. "She's the key to his rule."
King's Cross station was bustling as normal at the end of the school year. The Hogwarts Express docked into the platform and students immediately rushed off to greet their parents. The news had gotten around that Dolores Umbridge had been found dazed and mindless in the Forbidden Forest amongst hostile Centaurs. The relationship that once was civil between Wizards and Centaurs was now tarnished, just as the Ministry now was at the news that Lord Voldemort had indeed returned. Cornelius Fudge himself saw the Dark Lord standing over Harry Potter's unconscious body as Albus Dumbledore stood back from the barrier that the man had put around him and Harry. The Daily Prophet had a sudden changing of sides and stated that Harry Potter was right all along and that Fudge would be resigning from his place as Minister of Magic.
The Daily Prophet's front page had the picture of Harry after he had awoken from his unconscious state, and he stood with Dumbledore looking beaten and broken. Also on the front page, were two columns on either side of the main article. One said about Sirius Black now being proved innocent, yet has died at the hands of his cousin Bellatrix Lestrange. The other column displayed a picture of Sophia Lupin in her Hogwarts uniform with the title 'MISSING' over the top. The article went on to describe what she looked like and that if any information was found on her, that it should be reported to the Ministry of Magic.
Harry, Ron and Hermione stepped off the train to see Mr and Mrs Weasley standing there with the rest of the Weasley family. Nymphadora Tonks and Remus stood nearby, the two holding hands discreetly as the man hung his head low beside the pink haired woman. Molly rushed forward and embraced all three of the students, holding back sobs as she refrained from thinking of the third student who should be with them.
"Thank heavens you're all alright," she said with a shaky voice. "We'll head back to the Burrow first if you lot don't mind."
She nodded to herself with a look of calmness yet the tears that swam in her eyes said otherwise. Harry couldn't help but look to Remus whose eyes looked dull and large against his ill looking complexion. The scars on his face looked that little more gruesome and Harry knew it wasn't because of his transformation being near. Remus barely looked at him but sent him a small grimace of what could have been a smile. Harry felt awful for what happened. He felt like he was responsible for the taking of Sophia as Remus wouldn't have had to console him if he hadn't broken down because of Sirius's death. He felt like no one wanted to admit it, but Sophia wouldn't have been taken if Harry controlled his emotions.
Harry dared to look over to where Fred and George stood, seeing George helping Ginny with her trunk while Fred stood there with a crestfallen face. It was strange to see the twin so unhappy, but he had the right to do so. He hadn't been there when Sophia had been taken yet he wishes with all his being that he had been. Maybe he could have stopped it. When he had heard from his Father that Sophia was nowhere to be found, Fred felt his heart stop and his world turn fuzzy right before his eyes.
"We'll find her mate," George had said to him. "We're in the Order now. We can look for her together."
Fred clung to his idea and prayed she would be alive when he did find her. Even if it took years, he would find her.
Three months had passed since the end of the year at Hogwarts. Harry had been transported by Dumbledore to The Burrow exactly a week before the start of his sixth year and made his way to the front door from the fields surrounding the home. He didn't have the chance to knock as the door swung open from the other side, revealing Tonks and Remus standing together. Harry gulped at the sight of the two, them both looking disheartened and exhausted.
"Wotcha Harry," Tonks said without her usual high energy attitude. Harry barely nodded back before he gazed at Remus for a moment, not sure if he should greet him or continue the silence.
Without a word, Remus stepped to the side and squeezed past the boy. He walked out into the night and began heading towards the long grass that surrounded The Burrow, his steps seeming meaningless and with no purpose. Tonks followed after him and left Harry to stand on the porch watching after them, their figures disappearing into the field and leaving him with the urge to call after them.
"Oh Harry!" Molly appeared in front of him and pulled him into a warm embrace. "When did you get here dear?"
"J-Just now," he stammered and motioned behind him with a small smile. "It was Dumbledore."
"Oh that man," Molly shook her head while cupping his jaw with her motherly smile. "I'll make some tea. I suppose you saw Remus and Tonks on the way here?"
"Yeah I did..."
Molly ushered him towards the table that sat in the middle of the kitchen and began to make more tea on the stove. Harry sat down and immediately saw the dishevelled looking newspaper that sat on the table, obviously being read beforehand and thrown back down out of frustration. The cover displayed the resignation of Cornelius Fudge and the appointment of Rufus Scrimgeour, a man who was seen with long un-kept hair and a tight looking face. The column down the side still displayed the same moving picture of Sophia smiling lightly in her Hogwarts' uniform with the usual 'MISSING' caption over the stop. No word had been given about her disappearance. It was as if she had disappeared off the face of the Earth.
"Remus and Tonks come here quite often now," Molly piped up as she put a cup of tea in front of Harry. "She likes to talk about Sirius while he reads the Prophet the whole time. Never says anything though..."
"What... How's Fred been doing?" he decided to question, bringing the cup up to his lips in an attempt to busy himself. Molly's face slacked slightly but she tried her best to keep her warm smile apparent.
"He's fine I suppose," she answered. "Him and George's shop is open now and quite successful from what I hear. George says Fred works nonstop. He'll sometimes wake up at four in the morning just to rearrange everything on the shelves. He seems quite... lost actually."
Three days before the start of term, the Weasleys', Harry and Hermione ventured to Diagon Alley to pick up their school supplies. They also wanted to check out the twins' shop for the first time as they had been planning to for the entirety of the holidays. Molly and Arthur walked off to look for their books while Harry, Ron, Ginny and Hermione went into the only shop that was open and thriving on the particular street. The outside was painted a bright orange and a large figure of what could only be described as a huge Weasely was out the front, raising its hat up and down to reveal a rabbit on its head.
The shop was full to the brim with Hogwarts students as well as normal shoppers that were amazed by the exterior of the shop. Bright colours beamed from the walls and shelves, mainly focusing on the colour orange and purple. Products were everywhere with all sorts of funky and creative titles to get people to look at them. One girl stood at the cash register and was continuously exchanging products for galleons, a name tag on her apron saying 'Verity'.
Fred and George themselves stood on the stairs to look over everyone dressed in brown suits with different coloured ties, sticking to theme of orange for Fred and purple for George. The two had their hair gelled up identically while looking ecstatic to have so many customers at once.
"Get your Fainting Fancies!" Fred announced over the bustle below.
"Stop for your Screaming Yo-Yo's as well!" George added.
Harry, Ron and Hermione were astonished at the shop and picked up everything they saw with immense interest. Hermione went over to where she found Ginny standing with the stand that said 'Love Potions', surrounded with pink bubbles that continuously flowed out. Harry went to look over at the small stand that said 'Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder' where small rocks of black sat on a blue velvet sheet. Fred appeared next to him while George slid over on his ladder to where the boy stood.
"Always good for a quick getaway," Fred stated as he took a piece and threw it into Harry's hands. "Got out of a lot of sticky situations with this one."
Harry caught the piece and looked down at the black yet shimmery rock. He decided he would maybe use this for something while at Hogwarts this year and reached into his pocket to pull out a few sickles, to which George scoffed at and stopped him immediately.
"You don't pay here Harry," he said as slipped his hands into his trouser pockets.
"What? Why?" Harry questioned while looking between the two.
"You're an investor. Anything you want in here is free of charge," Fred stated and patted Harry's back. Harry turned to look up at him for the first time since he entered the shop and immediately noticed how disheveled he really looked. If you didn't know Fred personally, you would think that he was happy to be working here and wanted nothing more than to help people prank others forever. But to Harry, he could see how dark Fred's eyes looked and the small bags that hung under them like a shadow. He had tried to appear uneffected with his smart looking suit and gelled up hair, but knew what was really on his mind.
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