"Well she did look ready to pass out anyway," George shrugged at the state of the girl in his brother's arms. Her skin was sickly pale and dark circles were prominent under her eyes, reminding the three that she was a Lupin, as her father had a very similar look for most of his time at Hogwarts. Her hair needed a good wash and overall, she just looked like she could use a week's worth of sleep. Fred sighed down at her with half a mind to leave her to sleep for a full week by not giving the other end of the Fainting Fancy, forcing her to sleep right through to next Monday. But he knew she didn't want that. It was hard enough to convince her to sleep for what she thought would be one night, but Fred was gonna extend that to at least two days.
Once Fred had walked up to his dormitory and snuggled Sophia into his own bed, he descended back down to the common room to sit down with George and Lee. They were meant to be doing their Charms homework but found their plans for the shop much more important.
"Did you ask Sophia about coming with us?" George questioned with a quill in his hand. He was the official scribe of the three as he had the neatest hand writing, and Fred never seemed to be able to get things down quick enough while other people talked around him.
"No I didn't get too," Fred shook his head. "I think she would be too exhausted to even comprehend what I'm asking."
"I don't think she'll do it," Lee spoke up and the twins turned to him at the same time.
"Why do you think that?" Fred asked while puzzled.
"Dude you're her boyfriend, you know her best," Lee scoffed at the still confused look on the Weasley's face. "She has two years left here and she obviously wants to be one of those astronauts-"
"Astronomer," Fred cut in with a correction.
"Whatever," Lee rolled her his eyes before continuing. "She'll definitely need her N.E.W.T's for that. And no offence guys, but running a joke shop doesn't seem like her ideal future to me."
Fred hadn't really thought about what Sophia wanted for her future. It was obvious she had a path in Astronomy but he never thought about the fact that she would have to do extra activities for that. A joke shop was easy in that sense, you had to be inventive, creative and with a good sense of humour. But with Astronomy, Sophia would have to specialise in the subject as well as Divination, Care for Magical Creatures (to accurately understand Centaurs), Defence Against the Dark Arts and maybe even Arithmancy. Fred suddenly felt selfish for not taking Sophia's future into consideration and was glad that he hadn't be able to ask her to leave with them yet.
"Eh don't worry about it Freddie," George noticed his twin's deep thinking session and clapped a hand on to his back. "If she doesn't want to come, then she can always visit during the holidays."
"Yeah..." Fred trailed off and let the other two move on to the more light-hearted subject of what colour should the corner of the Portable Swamps be in the shop.
The O.W.L exams had officially started for fifth years and everyone was mentally and physically exhausted. Hermione had been constantly shaking when she was seen walking in the corridors to her exams, frantically reading a book in attempts for a few last bits of revision. Sophia was no better. She had finally started to understand Transfiguration theory but wasn't confident enough to do a whole exam on it. What was bad enough was that it was her first exam, and the night before consisted of her sitting at the table in the Gryffindor common room with her head in her hands.
"I can't do it," she groaned.
"Yes you can," Ginny sat next to her, free from any exams as she was only a fourth year.
"Transfigure yourself into me and do the exam then," Sophia wept.
"I'd have to use Polyjuice Potion for that Sophia," Ginny reared back and it made Sophia deflate. Her mind was basically jellied now and she didn't know if she could ever remember something ever again. Her morals were too stapled into her brain for her to just accept she was going to fail, and she couldn't even send an owl to her father because of the apparent watching of the Ministry over every single piece of Owl Post.
"Ugh," Sophia let her head fall and hit the open book in front of her, making Ginny wince at the loud thud.
Fred, who was sitting on the sofa in front of the fireplace, was watching the whole ordeal while biting harshly at his bottom lip. By the end of next week, him and George were finally going to leave the clutches of Professor Umbridge's school of Hogwarts. Every time he hyped himself up to finally tell Sophia about their departure, she would look at him with those tired grey eyes and adorable round face. It would make him feel ultimately guilty to even think about leaving her here and would prevent him from telling her. But it was getting really close now and George was getting frustrated with how disinterested he sometimes looked when they'd discuss their methods of leaving. He had said that if Fred hasn't told Sophia by the end of this week, he would do it himself. And he definitely didn't want that as George didn't have that same softness Fred had when it came to Sophia.
"If you're gonna do it, do it now," George's voice came from next to him, making Fred turn to see his brother staring at him from his place on the carpet in front of the fire. He could see Fred was looking at Sophia and constantly thinking about telling her, and it was time he did it. Do it before she starts her exams rather than after, as her relief of finishing them will just turn into despair once she hears of the news.
Fred forced himself out of his chair and hastily made his way over to the table where his sister and his girlfriend sat. Ginny noticed him approaching and got out of her seat, fleetingly saying to Sophia that she needed to see how Hermione was doing with her studying. The girl looked up when Ginny left and watched as Fred slid into the seat she once sat at, immediately giving off the vibe that he needed to tell her something.
"Please don't say you're breaking up with me because of how crazy I have been lately," Sophia whined with a prominent red mark in the middle of her forehead from where she had laid it against her book.
"No it's not that," Fred shook his head with a hint of smile, reaching forward and rubbing the red mark on her skin with his thumb to try and dissolve it. To no avail, he then cleared his throat with the returning worried look.
"Then what is it?" she asked, clueless.
"I-I..." Fred attempted and held his breath to stop himself trying to chicken out again. "GeorgeandIareleaving."
Sophia definitely heard what he had said even though it was pushed out so fast, but she merely blinked at him. Fred had been looking down at his hands when he spoke but looked up quickly in order to catch her reaction. But he was shocked to see her stay in the same place she had been in before he said anything, quietly blinking at him normally. Fred glanced over at George who was watching from his spot in front of the fireplace, him too looking puzzled at the lack of reaction from Sophia. The two had thought she would maybe hex him across the room with the stunning spell or maybe whack him around the head with her Transfiguration book. But no, she didn't do any of that.
"Well obviously," Sophia shrugged unaffectedly. "I'm not dim Fred. I know you two don't want to be here with Umbridge around. I've been waiting since she became Headmistress for you to say you were leaving."
"Y-You knew?" Fred stammered, astonished at how much he had underestimated her.
"I had an inkling," she scratched the side of her nose instinctively. "When are you leaving?"
"End of next week..." he said airily, thinking this was some kind of joke. "You're okay with it? You don't care that I'm leaving even earlier than expected?"
"Of course I care but I know it's what you want," Sophia answered with an amused expression. "Besides, I'll see you during the holidays right? And probably meet during the weekends at Hogsmeade."
"Right..." he leaned back in his chair with his eyebrows pinched together, his arms crossed over his chest and dipping his head down slightly.
"What now?" Sophia sighed but kept a hint of humour in her voice.
"I don't know. I just..." Fred shrugged before meeting her eyes with a pouting bottom lip. "I want you to miss me".
"Awww Freddie," she cooed at his attempt to enlarge his brown eyes to appear like a kicked puppy. "I will miss you. But I'm not going to be that girlfriend who forces her boyfriend to do things only she wants him to do. Sorry if that's what you expected."
"Hmpf," he turned his head away from her with a fake pouting look, making her laugh at his childish behaviour. She was flattered that he wanted her miss him and try to stop him from leaving, as it made him appear much more affectionate and vulnerable compared to his usual prankster self. Yes she wanted to spend the last days of his seventh year at Hogwarts with him, but she knew all too well he wouldn't be able to stand Umbridge much longer. It was probably safer for his sanity for him to leave sooner rather than later.
"Soooo?" George appeared in between Fred and Sophia with his hands in his jumper pockets, looking between the two hopefully yet with a cautious addition to it. "What's the goss?"
"Sophia doesn't mind that we're leaving," Fred muttered with his still pouty look.
"That's good!... right?" George beamed at first but then looked wearingly between the two again.
"Yeah it's fantastic! Amazing! Spectacular!" Fred listed with a mocking tone that only made Sophia laugh out loud. She got out of her chair with a giggle and took a spot on Fred's lap with an arm hooked round the back of his neck, sitting side ways so that she could speak to George while facing him.
"Awww Freddie's just upset that I didn't burst into tears about him leaving me," she informed as Fred didn't falter from her new position on his thighs. She sweetly kissed his cheek and said 'I love you', making him falter for one second before putting back on his visage of a sook.
"Right..." George nodded still slightly confused. "Welp now that that's cleared up, you want to test some of our Kissing Concoctions Soph?"
Fred jumped excitedly in his place at the name of the product he had been trying to force on to Sophia for a week now, looking hopefully at the girl on his lap who held a clear face of disgust.
"Absolutely not," she stood off of Fred's lap and sat back down in her own chair. Fred deflated from his sudden glee, putting back on his childish pout and George awkwardly shuffled away back towards the fireplace.
After three torturous exams, Sophia had heard about three incidents that had happened to Umbridge as a result of Fred and George. They had decided that they didn't just want to do one grand exit at the end of the week, but do multiple little pranks in order to get everyone hyped for the main event. They had already set off fireworks in one of the corridors right when Umbridge was taking a stroll towards her office, as well as throw dungbombs into her office while she was sitting have her tea. Other students had also gotten into pranking influence as they had continuously been taking some of the sweets they had been sold by Fred and George in Umbridge's lessons, claiming they had 'Umbridgitous'. They would break out into gruesome boils and continuous vomiting, making the teacher ultimately angry as well as confused by the chain of events. She didn't know who exactly was doing it, making it that little bit more amusing for onlookers.
"Hello girlfriend of mine," Fred smooched Sophia on the side of her head while slipping on to the bench next to her, displaying his cheerful mood that could only come from a master prank he had just pulled. "Have I ever told you I love you?".
"Yes, you have," Ron butt in from opposite to two, scrunching up his face at his brother's gum-hoe attitude. "Three times today and its half past eight in the morning! Give it a rest will you?"
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