The group found themselves all standing around the barrister of the staircase, looking down at the hallway below them that lead into the kitchen. The door was shut once again and meant that the Order of the Phoenix was having another one of their meetings. Sophia stood beside Fred who was lowering the Extendable Ear down on a piece of string, holding an identical one in his hands for listening to. The group leaned in closely when quiet voices started to erupt from the ear in Fred's hands, Sirius's voice being the first for them to hear.
"If anyone has the right to know, it's Harry!" his voice sounded from the ear. "If it wasn't for him, we wouldn't know Voldemort was back! He's not a child Molly!"
"He's not an adult either! He's not James, Sirius!" Molly was heard.
"He's not your son," Sirius tried.
"He's as good as! Who else has he got?"
"He's got me!"
"How touching Black. Perhaps Potter will grow up to be a felon, just like his godfather," Professor Snape's dreary voice mocked.
"Snape's part of the order?" Harry spoke as he looked up from his place at the barrister.
"Git," Ron spat before they all lent forward again to listen in on the meeting.
"What about you Moony, don't you want Sophia knowing about what's going on? She's got just as much involvement now as Harry does," Sirius was heard again. Sophia could feel the quick looks she got from everyone at the mention of her name but kept her gaze down on the hallway. She was anxious to hear more about why she maybe was being so closely watched by her father, when a distant meow was heard and there was no longer any voices coming from the Extendable Ear. Hermione's cat Crookshanks appeared into view in the hallway and started to hauntingly creep up to the ear at the end of the string.
"Pull it up!" George hissed when he saw the feline, making Fred jump into action and start pulling at the string. But Crookshanks had started to swat at the ear and deeming it impossible to reel back up. Loud meows echoed from the ear as the cat sniffed and bit at the fake flesh, the Order meeting now forgotten as Fred and George panicked at the thought of their mum walking out and finding their dangling product.
"That little furball-" Fred continued to try and yank the ear from the tabby cat. Quick whispers were now coming from Ginny and Ron to try and get Fred to pull it up faster.
"Crookshanks!" Hermione tried to quietly shout down at her pet. "Leave it! Bad Crookshanks!"
A high pitch ring suddenly rang through the ear in Fred's hand and the string went limp, the counterpart now in Crookshanks mouth as he ran away from the scene. Sophia huffed at their ruined chance to spy on the meeting and pushed back from the barrister while hearing Ron grumble,
"Hermione I hate your cat."
Fred and George grumbled about that being one of their best prototypes and swore they'd shave the cat next time they saw it. They heard the door to the kitchen open and voices become clear throughout the hallway, initiating the end of the meeting and the end of the group's spying. Molly was seen walking into view and looking up towards the top floors making the Hogwarts' students jump back out of sight. Their reactions seemed to be quick enough as she called,
"Dinner will be downstairs today! If you want it before midnight, I suggest you come help!"
The group made it seem like they had just come out of their rooms and started descending the stairs to the bottom floor. Fred had shoved the useless ear and string into his pocket to hide it from Molly, George whispering quickly about what they were going to do now that their best prototype was ruined. Sophia was going to give an input when she spotted her father walking the length of the hallway just as she stepped off the stairs. She looked up just in time to see him a metre away from her, making her stop in her place at the thought to maybe say something.
"You staying for dinner?" was all she could say.
"I will if you want me to," his response surprised her but she found herself nodding.
"Yes please."
Remus nodded back and turned on his heels to walk back to the kitchen. They hadn't been talking much in their small run-ins at the house. When Remus would come for an Order meeting, the most he would say is hello and if there was anything she needed him to bring for their own house. It was a mutual feeling at the moment but quite depressing as they were usually close as a father and daughter. Sophia followed Remus into the kitchen and watched as the man sat down beside Sirius, propping his elbows up on to the table and staring at the wall that was adjacent to him. Sophia spotted a seat next to Bill who was sitting with his arms crossed silently, making her way over and plopping herself in the chair. Bill turned his head to see the girl sitting there and shot her a friendly smile, not having talked to her much since first meeting her at The Burrow last year.
"What's the Ministry of Magic got against me?" Sophia heard a new conversation start up from Harry aimed at the members of the Order that were still in the room. Mad-Eye Moody was standing in the corner as well as Kingsley Shacklebolt, making Sophia ensure that she kept her gaze from that side of the room. She still hadn't gotten over her fear of the appearance of Alastor Moody even after seeing him multiple times during her stay at Sirius's house.
Kingsley pushed an edition of the Daily Prophet towards Harry that read the words 'The Boy Who Lies?' written in bold on the cover. A moving picture of Harry was on the front from last year during the Tri-Wizard tournament, looking as clueless as ever while surrounded by countless Wizarding press. It was clear that Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was giving rather oblivious statements about the fake claims of You Know Who being back.
"He's been attacking Dumbledore as well," Sirius explained from the head of the table. "Fudge is using all this power, including his influence at the Daily Prophet, to smear anyone who claims the Dark Lord has returned."
"Why?" Harry questioned, the entire table now listening in quietly as their eating was becoming slower and slower at the distraction.
"The Minister thinks Dumbledore's after his job," Remus spoke up from opposite Harry.
"But that's insane. No one in their right mind could believe that Dumbledore-"
"Exactly the point, Fudge isn't in his right mind. It's been twisted and warped by fear," Remus offered him an understanding smile but it went missed by an agitated and anxious Harry.
"We think Voldemort wants to build up his army again," Sirius butted in. An audible yelp came from Ron at the sound of the cursed name and chills ran down the younger one's spines. They hadn't gotten used to the so casual use of the Dark Lord's name by Sirius and Harry, them being the only ones brave enough to say it aloud. "He's been recruiting heavily and we've been attempting to do the same. But gathering followers isn't the only thing he's interested in".
Sophia luckily enough didn't notice the glances she got from multiple people in the room. Her attention was solely on Sirius who was doing his best to keep his gaze on the awaiting Harry, but the others were out of her view enough to not be noticed. Remus, Fred, Molly and Arthur were the main ones to look at the oblivious girl, but quickly diverted their attention back to Sirius who continued to speak without proper thought.
"We believe... Voldemort may be after something else-"
"Sirius," Moody attempted to warn from his corner, his magical eye swivelling to zero in on Sophia who was now becoming tense from the suspension in the room. He didn't know much of the girl but was aware of the situation from the Order meetings.
"Something he didn't have last time," Sirius finished and not a breath was heard from anyone in the room.
"You mean, a weapon?" Harry inquired.
"No that's enough!" Molly jumped up from her place and grabbed the newspaper from in front of Harry, glaring at Sirius who sat with his mouth ready to speak again. "He's just a boy! You tell him much more and you might as well induct him in the Order straight away!"
"Good!" Harry pipped up. "I want to join! If Voldemort's raising an army then I want to fight!"
Sirius leaned back in his seat while looking mightily pleased with himself and his godson. While Molly continued to glare at him, Sirius turned his head to the opposite side of the table towards his best friend to see him with a very patronising look. Remus sat there silently but could communicate his discomfort and annoyance at his friend through his dark eyes and expression. Sirius momentarily looked back on his words and realised what he had said in front of all the watching eyes, unconsciously glancing towards the youngest Lupin who was carefully watching her father and his friend's silent conversation. Sirius pursed his lips and looked down at the wood of the table, avoiding Remus's eyes altogether.
It was then that Sophia knew there was something much bigger that they weren't telling her.
Harry had his hearing at the Ministry of Magic and was relieved to find he was cleared of all charges, thanks to Professor Dumbledore's sudden but helpful appearance. A celebration was held at Sirius's house for Harry's victory with Pumpkin Juice and some of Molly's best homemade pie. Remus had also come over for the occasion and was sitting in the kitchen with everyone except Sophia and Fred, who were yet to come downstairs.
"Where are those two?" Molly mumbled as she stepped under the door frame of the kitchen and looked up the staircase for any sign of them.
"There's no broom cupboard here either for them to use," George sneakily whispered to the knowing youngsters, causing a ring of sniggers to run through the group. Remus, Sirius, Bill and Arthur sat at the end of the table and were too far to hear the joke.
Molly had just walked back towards the stove top only to have quiet giggles suddenly enter the room, making everyone's head turn up from their pies. Sophia stood behind Fred with both of her hands holding on to Fred's singular one and showing signs of just previously laughing at one of Fred's jokes. The group sitting at the table watched as the two realised who was now staring intently at them, forgetting completely that other people actually lived in this house other than themselves. Sophia ripped her hands away from Fred's in a bashful hurry, feeling the familiar sensation of warmth climbing on to her cheeks as she attempted to busy herself with pulling up her jeans that didn't need fixing. Fred awkwardly cleared his throat and shoved his hands into his pockets, trying his best to not look at his twin who was giving the smuggest of looks.
"Well... sit down you two," Molly said first in attempt to appear unfazed by their chummy entrance. The Weasley parents exchanged a look from across the room that included knowing grins and gleaming eyes, being reminded of their own days as youngsters. Remus however, glared harshly at Sirius who was trying to keep a laugh at bay by pushing a glass of what looked like wine to his lips.
The Weasley and the Lupin knew that there was no hiding it now, sure that their parents had at least an idea about their relationship. Yet they still didn't make a move to hold hands once they had settled into their seats and dug into their pies. Conversations started up eventually and Sophia was thankful that everyone appeared to have glossed over their unintended informative entrance. She turned to Harry who was conveniently sat next to her and decided to strike up her own conversation.
"Congratulations Harry, I'd knew you'd be fine in the end," she beamed at him and he gave her a smile back.
"I'm just glad it's over, Dumbledore was a big help," Harry nodded without mentioning the fact of how distant the Professor had seemed after the hearing. The man had left the courtroom before Harry could even stand up and ignored the boy when he had attempted to call out to him.
Sophia went to speak again when she suddenly stopped herself. She had caught something that she had never seen before, making her forget completely what she was going to say. Harry's usually clear blue eyes had suddenly ghosted over for a split second when looking at her, yet his expression stayed the same like he hadn't felt it or noticed it at all. When she went to look further, his eyes appeared normal and he was now staring at her with a very confused expression.
"You okay Soph?" he asked as she was suddenly silent and switching between each of his eyes. It was almost like she didn't know he was sitting there, as if he had suddenly disappeared. Sophia didn't see anything different and convinced herself it just must have been some shade of the light that was playing tricks on her vision.
"Y-Yeah... I just thought I saw..." Sophia went to explain but shook her head and turned back to her pie after shooting Harry a very unconvincing smile. "Nothing. It was nothing."
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