The next morning, Sophia was woken up by Hermione who frantically ushered her to get dressed into her uniform. It was a surprisingly warm day outside, judging by the light breeze and bright blue sky that Sophia saw when looking out the window. She pulled on her skirt, button-up top and long-sleeved jumper before heading down to the common room with Hermione. The two walked through the many hallways that Sophia attempted to remember for future reference when Hermione wasn't around to guide her. They soon came to the familiar Great Hall and ventured to the Gryffindor table where Harry and Ron were sat eating a mighty breakfast that was covering the length of the long table.
"Morning guys," Sophia said as she sat down on the bench beside Hermione. The two boys greeted her as Ron especially stuffed his face with strips of bacon. Hermione pulled a face of disgust with Ron's poor manners, before beginning to fill her bowl with porridge. Sophia settled on some cereal and found herself looking up towards the teacher's table to spot her father.
Remus was sitting again between Rubeus Hagrid and the curly-haired teacher who Sophia learnt was Professor Sprout. She noticed the jolly conversation that was going on between Hagrid and her father, reassuring her that he had startled to settle in with the other teachers at Hogwarts.
"G' morning Sophia," two voices simultaneously pulled her attention from the teacher's table and settled on the Weasley twins, who had sat beside her in their untidy robes.
"Good morning. Were you guys in a hurry or something?" Sophia asked at the sight of their untucked shirts and rolled up sleeves of their jumpers. The two boys turned to look at each other before turning back to the girl with looks of amusement.
"No?" Fred replied in a sort of question. Sophia rolled her eyes with a small smile on her face, before turning back to her cereal. She had noticed the very minor details that allowed her to identify which twin was which. The most distinctive one being the shape of their eyes, as George had a more hooded and slanting eye shape compared to Fred's wide oval ones. But other than that, there was little different about the two.
Professor McGonagall soon came around to the Gryffindor table with the student's timetables, handing them out individually. Sophia saw that she had Care for Magical Creatures with Hagrid first up, which she shared with the trio who sat at the table with her. She was glad that most of the people she did know would mostly be in the same classes as her until they would be able to start picking and dropping certain classes in later years.
"So Sophia, do you think you'll try out for the Quidditch team this year?" George asked from next to his brother. Sophia immediately shook her head with a small laugh.
"Oh definitely not, I'm not good on a broom," she confessed to the twins. "I hated it when they forced us to experience flying at Beauxbatons. I prefer the ground."
"But you'll come watch our practices and games, right? We're Beaters for the Gryffindor team," Fred and his brother looked proud at this confession. "And Harry here is a great Seeker."
Sophia couldn't help but ponder the idea of the Weasley twins being Beaters. In order to even be considered for the position, you had to have immense arm strength in order to hit the vicious bludgers that weaved through the game. Sophia suddenly had an interest in the sport, and she was sure it had nothing to do with the fact that the redhead next to her had asked her to watch their practices.
"Sure, I'll come watch," she nodded with a sweet smile, making the boy beside her light up like a Christmas tree. What Sophia didn't know was that Fred's stomach was now swimming with butterflies, and he was now looking forward to practice tonight despite Oliver Wood's tendency to go mad when it came to practice.
"Great! Our first practice is tonight, Granger can show you the way," Fred informed before standing to his feet to head off to class with George. "See you later Soph."
Once the twins had disappeared, Sophia went to finish the rest of her cereal when she felt three strong stares and unnerving silence. She looked to Ron, Harry and Hermione who were all staring at her with raised eyebrows and the looks Sophia had now grown to dislike. She looked between the three, before regrettably stating, "What?"
"I've never seen Fred like that towards a girl before," Ron immediately jumped in, his face showing pure shock. "Asking you to practice especially!"
"Are other students not allowed to watch the practices then?" Sophia asked.
"Oh no they are," Hermione replied with the same growing smile on her lips. "Only the act of personally asking you to go watch Fred is definitely not in his nature."
"And calling you Soph? He barely knows you!" Ron explained further. Harry stayed quiet but continued to follow the conversation and accusations with an amused expression.
"He's just being nice!" Sophia attempted to defend herself, before standing to her feet with her cheeks growing unusually warm. "Can we please go to class now?"
The walk towards Hagrid's hut that resided near the Forbidden Forest was an awkward one for Sophia. She walked beside Hermione while Ron and Harry walked in front, leaving Sophia to have to endure more of Hermione's teasing. They obviously didn't think that Fred was just being unusually nice to her, despite her constant denial and defence towards the topic. The conversation was thankfully dropped once they reached Hagrid's small hut, and Sophia saw the same tall man with his great bushy beard and beady dark eyes that was talking to her Father at Breakfast.
"Hey Hagrid!" cheered the trio that knew him so well.
"'Ello you lot! I s'pose yer ready for yer first lesson with me!" Hagrid cheered back as equally delighted to see them. His eyes soon moved to the short girl who stood at the back of the trio, before realisation hit the huge man.
"Oh you must be Lupin's girl?!" Hagrid explained with a smile. "Had a good chat with yer dad this morning! Lovely bloke he is, proud of yer for gettin' into Gryffindor! Said that 'Sophia had the manners of a royal but a spark of mischief like 'imself!'"
"God that's embarrassing," Sophia mumbled back which resulted in a laugh from Hagrid and sniggers from Harry, Ron and Hermione.
Throughout the lesson, Sophia found herself thoroughly enjoying Hagrid's gum-hoe attitude and slight nervousness from teaching a whole class. They met the Hippogriff Buckbeak, who seemed to take quite a liking towards Harry in particular. But unfortunately, they had to share the class with the Slytherins in their year, resulting in a lot of unnecessary comments from Draco Malfoy about Hagrid's somewhat rough teaching. Malfoy even decided to mock Harry further about his Dementor encounter on the train, pulling his robe's hood over his platinum blonde hair and making considered spooky noises. Hermione pulled Harry away from the group, unfortunately leaving Sophia standing alone between the space where Ron, Harry and Hermione stood and where Malfoy and his goons stood.
"You're not really associating yourself with this lot, are you?" Malfoy spoke to Sophia with a look of disgust when mentioning her fellow Gryffindors. "Surely you can do better than them. You're a pure-blood, aren't you?"
Sophia barely knew what to say to this comment and considering how much taller Malfoy and his goons were than her, she was quite scared to say anything. She could even be considered a house-elf with her 5'2' frame. With the Slytherins leering down at her (with them being at least 5'7') , she barely opened her mouth to retort a reply when Hagrid had finally brought out the topic of today's lesson, Buckbeak.
Lucky for the Gryffindors, Draco Malfoy decided to staunch right up to Buckbeak without taking in to account the previous instructions from Hagrid about Hippogriffs being proud creatures. Receiving a semi-minor scratch to the forearm, Hagrid dismissed the lesson and the Gryffindors decided to head towards their next lesson back in the castle.
Sophia was delighted to hear that it was Defence Against the Dark Arts, which would mean her father would be teaching her class. Buzzing with excitement, Sophia and the trio entered the classroom where the desks had been put to the side and a large old-fashioned wardrobe was placed at the front of the class. She spotted her father standing beside it in his grey-patched suit, waiting for his third-year students to arrive. Sophia found it best to just wave at her father, who gladly returned the wave with a good-nature smile.
Once the class had gathered and were standing all together in the middle of the room, Sophia's father spoke up for the first time. She noticed the wardrobe wobble about every so often, making most students jump and take several steps back.
"No need to worry," Remus said when he noticed his student's uncertain faces. "There's a boggart in there. Does anyone know what a Boggart is?"
"It's a shape-shifter sir," Hermione spoke up immediately, making everyone's head turn to her. "It forms what the person present fears most. That's what makes- "
"-It so terrifying yes indeed," Professor Lupin finished for her. He then began to explain where Boggarts are usually found, before calling on Neville Longbottom to step forward. He asked him what he feared most, and Neville reluctantly answered Professor Snape. This resulted in laughter from students and even a slight chuckle from Professor Lupin, before he unlocked the wardrobe and a greasy-haired man emerged its depths. Sophia recognised him as the Potions teacher and was yet to experience his wrath in Potions class later that day.
It wasn't long till Neville had performed the Riddikulus charm that Professor Lupin instructed, and Professor Snape was now clad in the ugliest clothes Sophia had ever seen. Laughter spread throughout the room and pushes to quickly line up for their turn occurred. Unfortunately for Sophia, she was pushed behind Ron making her second in line. She gulped as Ron successfully transformed the huge spider in front of him into a legless lump, again resulting in laughter from the class. Ron turned to move to the back of the queue, and Sophia's nerves peaked a new high.
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