Harry had now become the new beloved champion of Hogwarts. Of course Cedric still had his own fans, but Harry was now believed to be the underdog that everyone was rooting for. The pins that were once around saying 'Potter Stinks' had been mostly thrown out, minus Draco Malfoy's and most of the Slytherins'. Harry had come out of the first task with a couple of scratches and burns but still a miracle as he was only fourteen among seventeen year olds.
Fred, George, Lee and Sophia were making their way down to the Great Hall one morning. It would be a while until the next task in the Tri-Wizard tournament which meant that Sophia was able to relax for the time being. She was now able to fully indulge in the feeling of having a boyfriend, a sensation that she hadn't felt before. And Fred had made sure that she was getting the full experience. Unfortunate for her, she spotted Valentin while walking next to Fred in the corridor that same morning. She didn't even need to bow her head down this time in hopes of being unseen because Fred had thrown him the harshest glare, causing him to stop his previous pursuit towards her. Valentin scurried away with his head attempting to be held high, avoiding any eye-contact with Sophia.
"That showed him huh?" Lee sniggered from in front of the two.
"Sure did," George continued. Sophia went to laugh along in relief from finally being free from any awkward run-ins with the Durmstrang, when she yelped aloud at the feeling of a hand squeezing her backside. Her automatic reaction was to whack her arm against Fred chest with a deep blush now settling on to her face. Sophia made the effort to pull down her skirt in fear of her underwear being seen from her boyfriend's actions, already getting strange looks from other students in the corridor from her not so subtly yelp.
"Frederick Weasley!" she shouted in horror.
"What?" Fred innocently attempted but couldn't stop the smirk growing on his face. "You've just got such a nice bum, how can I not?"
"We're in public you git!" Sophia harshly whispered. She crossed her arms over her chest to show she wasn't pleased with Fred's butt grab, but this only fuelled the glint of mischief in his brown eyes. It also didn't help that Professor McGonagall was now heading the opposite way down the corridor, giving Fred the worst of ideas.
"Ooh here comes Purr-fessor McGonagall."
Sophia knew it was coming but didn't have enough to time to stop it. All she could do was try and suffocate the second yelp that tried to leave her lips, the smack of Fred's hand on her bum being much more apparent than the previous grab. Fred even had the audacity to watch McGonagall's head turn to look straight at them without breaking eye contact with the teacher and see the most disapproving of looks dawn her features. Her pursed lips looking as if she had just bitten into a lemon as she walked off down the hall with a shaking head.
"I'm gonna murder you Fred."
Thankfully, they had made it to the Great Hall and Fred's murder date was temporarily postponed. Sitting down for breakfast wasn't the most compassionate times for Fred this morning, but he knew she would come around by the start of class. He was charming like that, which Sophia referred to as the Weasley charm.
"Trouble in paradise?" Harry asked when the two sat down opposite him next to Ron. The two friends had ultimately made up after the first task, with Ron saying that Harry 'would be barking mad to put his own name in the goblet'. They were now best friends again to everyone's relief.
"Don't start Potter," Sophia grumbled while stabbing her poached eggs with a fork. Fred just winked at Harry when he looked at him questionably, and ended up trying to suppress a chuckle and returned to his own Breakfast. Thankfully, Harry was now much friendlier after the first task. He was back to being best friends with Hermione and Ron as well as talkative towards Sophia and other people he was friends with.
"Parcel for you Mr Weasley!" a young Gryffindor came up to Ron with a large box in his hands. This caught everyone's attention as Ron thanked the boy who stood there with anticipation for the next few seconds. Hermione cleared her throat to make Ron look back at the boy named Nigel as he stared with wide eyes at Harry, who looked ultimately uncomfortable.
"Not now Nigel," Ron tried to mutter under his breath, but soon became a little more forceful. "Later!"
"I told him I'd get Harry's autograph," Ron explained when everyone looked at him with curiosity. He soon started to open up the large box and pulled out the ugliest of robes Sophia had ever seen. They were brown with laced cuffs and looked as if they had come out of the 17th century. The Weasley reluctantly pulled the robes out of the box to hold it up at full height, looking down at it with disgust and confusion.
"Mum's sent me a dress!" he exclaimed.
"Well it does match your eyes," Harry shrugged before searching through box once more. "Is there a bonnet? Ah ha!"
"Put it down Harry," Ron held back an embarrassed smile while pushing the bow-tie and lace back into the box. He then spotted his younger sitting a little further away and immediately walked over to her. "Ginny, these must be for you."
"I'm not wearing that, it's ghastly!" the girl shook her head with a further look of disgust. Hermione's laugh made Ron whip his head towards her, knowing that she knew something he didn't. "What are you laughing at?"
"They're not for Ginny! They're for you."
An eruption of laughter exploded from where Sophia was sitting. Fred and George were laughing the loudest at the thought of seeing their youngest brother wearing those ugly robes, and Sophia covered her mouth as her own laughs escaped. Ron looked utterly embarrassed and distraught, while Hermione went to explain further through her own giggles.
"Dress robes!" she beamed.
"Dress robes?! For what?!"
Ron's inquiry was soon answered later that day when Professor McGonagall had ordered students from their classes to meet in the Great Hall once more. The tables and benches had been pushed to the side of the hall to make room for a large record player that Filch was fiddling with and McGonagall standing in the middle of the hall. She had instructed for girls to sit on one side of the hall and boys on the other, only fourth year and upwards students allowed to attend.
"The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Tri-Wizard tournament since its inception," McGonagall explained.
Sophia hadn't really been listening until Professor McGonagall had stated that the Yule Ball was a dance, making all the girls erupt into excited gasps and whispers as the boys erupted into drawn out groans. Sophia couldn't help but feel her own excitement fill her being as she had always wanted to go to a formal dance. She had instinctively looked at where Fred and George were standing at the back of the group of boys, seeing them already starting to mess around. She resisted the urge to roll her eyes as McGonagall started speaking again.
"The house of Godric Gryffindor has commanded the respect of the wizarding world for nearly ten centuries. I will not have you in the course of a single evening, besmirching that name by behaving like a babbling, bumbling band of baboons!" McGonagall looked around the room with the same pursed look to her lips. Something she said had caused Fred and George to mess around even further, repeating some sort of tongue twister between themselves. Fred had felt Sophia's look from across the room and turned to look at her, lowering one of his eyes into a wink when he had met her gaze. She cracked a smile before having her attention diverted once more when Ron was suddenly pulled out of his seat as a volunteer.
"Heyyy," she could hear George say as a low rumble of laughs came from both sides of the hall. A wolf-whistle also came from Fred when McGonagall instructed Ron to place his hand on her waist, his face red and embarrassed. Fred and George watched with their own red faces as a result of trying to hold in their laughs, before they too started to sway around to the music Filch had put on from the record player.
"Everyone on your feet!" McGonagall cheered as she waltzed with Ron.
The girls sprung up immediately but the boys shrunk in their seats while covering their faces in hopes of not catching any of their eyes. Hermione and Sophia stood next to each other while still giggling at Ron who was still being forced to dance with the Professor, before Hermione soon wondered off to dance with Harry. Sophia stood there for a moment, watching people begin to pair up around her to start waltzing in the hall. She thought of maybe trying to save Ron from his embarrassment but was stopped when a voice came from behind her.
"May I waltz with you Miss Lupin?" Fred held out his hand like a true Gentleman and dawning another one of his smirks.
"If George isn't free, then I guess," Sophia joked but took his hand regardless. She felt a familiar giddy feeling when Fred placed his large hand on her waist while she placed hers' on his tall shoulders. They then begin to waltz around the hall, occasionally bumping into George who was constantly throwing Angelina Johnson in an attempt to appear that he knew what he was doing.
"Sorry," Sophia squeaked when she stepped on Fred's foot for the fourth time.
"Merlin Soph, I didn't know you have two left feet," he joked. She sent him a playful glare before returning her gaze to their feet, concentrating on where she stepped. The Weasley took the time to admire Sophia's beauty, still not believing he could be so lucky to call her his girlfriend. His mum would be thrilled to say the very least.
Fred took the lead of the waltz once Sophia went to glance up and focused on weaving the two of them through the other dancing partners, exchanging a look or two with George on the way. He could see how the two were displaying bright smiles, making Fred believe maybe he wasn't the only Weasley having luck with the ladies this year.
"Fred," Sophia called. "Fred? Fred!"
"What?" he whipped his head back down to see Sophia with a clenched jaw.
"Can you move your hand please?" she said through clenched teeth. Fred realised that his hand had 'unconsciously' slipped down to now occupy her backside once again.
"Sorry love," he smugly raised his hand to set it back on her hip instead. "I was watchin' Georgie."
"Does he like Angelina?" she asked after she had spotted the two waltzing nearby.
"If he does, he hasn't told me."
"Hm I wonder why that is."
"Oi watch it Lupin."
It was Sophia's turn to look smug. The rest of the lesson went fine with more stepping on Fred's feet and the rest of the week was spent in anticipation from all students. Girls and boys were asking each other to the Yule Ball left and right with some even dramatic moments in classes. Apparently Lee had attempted to ask Katie Bell through a charmed rose that whispered a poem about how good she was Quidditch. But he had been ultimately rejected. This didn't damper his mood though, as he just moved on to Alicia Spinnet who said she'd go with him as friends.
Sitting in a study session in the Great Hall, Sophia sat next to Ginny while she wrote in her exercise book. Professor Snape was walking up and down the aisle between the Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tables, harshly glaring and sneering at anyone that spoke or looked up from their books. Her ears caught the sound of Ron groaning as Snape had forcefully pushed his head down when he was attempting to talk to Harry next to him.
"I think you'll be interested that Neville's already got someone," Hermione whispered and Ron looked shocked.
"Now I'm really depressed,"he mumbled as Snape walked behind him again.
Sophia watched through the corner of her eye as Fred discreetly handed Ron a note, looking waringly between Snape and his brother. Ron looked confused but read the note anyway, before looking at Fred with a patronising look.
"Who are you going with then?" Ron whispered harshly.
"Thanks for reminding me Ronnie-kins," Fred whispered back. He picked up a piece of parchment and scrunched it into a ball, raising his eyebrows once at his brother before throwing it. Sophia was whispering to Ginny next to her about something when it hit her shoulder, making her turn her head to look at Fred with a questionable look.
'What?' she mouthed.
'Do you-' he pointed towards her. '-want to go to the ball-' he pretended to waltz. 'with me?' he motioned to himself.
'I'm your Girlfriend you nitwit,' she mouthed back with a roll of her eyes but nodded with a small smile.
Fred turned to look back at Ron with a smirk before winking smugly. This set Ron and Harry on a journey in attempt to find dates for the ball as Hermione had stated that she had already been asked, ruling her out completely. Sophia observed as Harry was approached three times by girls who he turned down for being either two years younger than him, or just asking so that they can get the attention of going with a champion.
"I'm sure Cho Chang would say yes," Sophia encouraged as Harry told her about the person he was going to ask next. They were walking towards Herbology together through the corridors, passing many Beauxbatons who sneered at Harry and Durmstrangs who eyed Sophia with hidden intentions to ask her to the ball. Only they stayed at a distance from the rumour of her already being asked by one of the two boys who were ginger and looked very much alike.
"How can you be so sure?" Harry whined. "Please tell me you've seen it in your map. That's the only way I'll know I won't get rejected."
"And what map would this be Potter?"
The two whipped around to see Professor Moody standing there. He was staring down at the then with his magical eye changing between Harry and Sophia, looking intrigued and interested in their conversation. Sophia felt her heart sink as Harry had just let slip a hint on her being able to read into the future. She gulped as Harry stayed quiet and leaving Moody to settle on her for an explanation. He didn't look like he could be swayed with just a simple 'it's nothing'. She had to give some sort of explanation, but she didn't know what his enlarged eye could see through. Maybe it had X-Ray vision and was able to see that her heart was pounding as she lied.
"I-It's a map I use for Astronomy," she half lied. She wouldn't ever use her Sky map for her classes as that would be classified as cheating. It was solely for monitoring her Father's transformations as well as the occasional learning of how to hear what the stars were saying. Her previous predictions had just been mostly luck at this point as she wasn't that well trained yet.
"An Astronomy map you say?" Professor Moody looked now even more interested. "Could it be one of those star charts that show the current night's sky perhaps?"
"U-Uh I'm not sure," Sophia now was in a deep panic.
"Well I'd love to see it sometime Miss Lupin. Very rare those things are," Moody nodded to himself before glancing at Harry. "Good to see you Potter."
The Professor then limped off down the hallway. Harry looked at Sophia with wide eyes and an opening and closing mouth, feeling guilty for putting her right in the deep end. Even though he trusted Moody, he certainly knew that Sophia didn't and he had just basically told him about her ability to predict the future.
"Soph, I'm so sorry," he tried.
"No it's okay," she shook her head and put on a nervous smile. "I mean, he's mad right? Surely he'll forget or no one will believe him if he tells anyone else."
"Yeah surely," Harry repeated with a stern nod, but he knew she was convinced.
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