When heading towards the hospital wing, Sophia saw someone in the corridors that made her heart drop. She attempted to lower her head and hide beside Fred's tall frame, but it was useless as he had already seen. Valentin spotted the girl and made a B-line across the corridor to stand in front of her and Fred, making the two stop.
"Sophie!" he called, grinning down at her with the same sly grin that he wore when he first introduced himself. "I was hoping to see you again!"
"Erm yeah hi Valentin," Sophia mumbled back, keeping her arm hooked with Fred's next to her. The bearded boy was looking at the Durmstrang with confusion and a sense of hot jealousy, noticing Sophia's discomfort in an instant.
"Is this one of your teachers?" Valentin questioned, motioning lazily to Fred next to her. "It's nice to meet you Professor!"
"H-He's not a teacher-"
"What did you just say to me?!" Fred exclaimed in anger, glaring through the long hair and beard at the Durmstrang. "Who in Merlin's name are you?!"
"I am Valentin Volkov," he said proudly, ignoring the fact that he had just been shouted at by a student he thought was a Professor. "I saw Sophie yesterday while leaving back to our ship! She is very beautiful you know-"
Fred pulled his arm away from the girl next to him and stomped off past Valentin and towards George and Angelina who had coincidentally passed them during their Durmstrang distraction. Sophia stood rooted in her spot and watched Fred disappear around a corridor, leaving her in front of Valentin who seemed oblivious to Fred's sudden leave. People in the corridor were starting to look now, as the sight of Fred's old-looking exterior had brought enough attention already. But now Valentin was solely focused on Sophia, who wanted nothing more than to run after Fred who was obviously upset.
"Strange man. Does he teach anything interesting?" Valentin questioned. Sophia sighed and went to start moving around the boy and after Fred.
"Nice talking to you Valentin..." she mumbled. She scurried down the corridor without waiting for his reply and tried looking for any sign of grey hair or a long beard. After not seeing Fred or George from journeys down different hallways, Sophia concluded that they must be in the hospital wing getting their aged appearances fixed. She sighed and decided to just head to her next class of Potions, in fear of being prosecuted further by Professor Snape.
That evening, Sophia took out a piece of parchment and her quill. She took out a hard-back book to lean on as well as the scroll that was in her trunk. Unraveling the long map, Sophia started looking over the many constellations that littered across the stretched out parchment. After some careful analysis, Sophia came to three conclusions from the stars. One, someone was going to attempt to change the outcomes of an important event at Hogwarts. Two, a female involved in a high order of some sort is in grave danger with the Dark Arts. And three, a young wizard is about to embark on a life-changing journey he didn't know he had to do. These were the only 'predictions' that Sophia was able to interpret, and they thoroughly confused her. None the less, she picked up the quill and started writing,
The Tri-Wizard tournament at Hogwarts has started and the Beauxbatons and Durmstrang schools have come to participate. None of my close friends came with the Beauxbatons, but I did see that Fleur Delacour was here. Remember her? The snotty one who attempted to have you removed from school grounds when you came to see me off that time at school? Nasty piece of work she was.
I was just looking at my sky map too, and I'm a little anxious at some of the things I read. Something about there being someone interfering with an event at Hogwarts, an important woman being in danger with the Dark Arts, and a supposed young wizard going on some journey. I'm not sure what these mean, could you possible talk to Sirius about it? I know he's dying for some information from Hogwarts and Harry.
Are you still taking the potion by the way? Is it still working as well as before? And have you been able to get anymore interviews? Please write back soon!
Love, Sophia.
P.S: Oh yeah, some Durmstrang boy keeps calling me Sophie and talking to me in the corridors. Please send help xoxo.
Sophia sealed the parchment in an envelope and set off down to the common room to ask Ron if she could use his miniature owl, Pigwigdeon. Ginny said that Ron's particular owl was extremely fast in post delivery, so she thought ask to use him as the school owls were quite slow. Making her way down the steps from the girls' dormitory, she saw that the common room had a warm glow from the fireplace as well as several candles and lamps lit to provide a toasty atmosphere. Various Gryffindors were sitting around the place, finishing off homework or just enjoying a lazy evening.
"Hey Ron, would you mind if I used your owl to send my dad a letter?" Sophia asked the redhead as he sat on the sofa with Harry and Hermione. The two boys were lounging non-discreetly while Hermione was writing away on probably another essay due in a month's time.
"Yeah go for it," Ron nodded and Sophia thanked him. She went to head towards the Owlery, until she was stopped by Ron calling her name.
"What happened between you and Fred?" he inquired. Hermione looked up from her homework and even Harry seemed to be listening from his seat in the armchair.
"What do you mean? Nothing happened," Sophia retorted truthfully. She hadn't seen him for the rest of the night, but she assumed it was just unfortunate timings with each of their classes.
"He was being all soppy when he came in an hour ago. I assumed it was something to do with that Durmstrang that Harry told us about," Ron shrugged. "Even George looked like he couldn't get him to talk."
"Oh Merlin is he really upset about that?" she groaned. "Is he up in his room?"
Ron nodded and went to continue, but Sophia was already making her way up the stairs to the boys' dormitory. The trio exchanged a look of astonishment and bewilderment as she disappeared around the wall, not even stopping to pet Crookshanks who was sitting on the steps in hope of a pet from her. Girls usually never wanted to set foot in the boys' dormitory. Who knows what could be caged inside their messy bedrooms and unmade beds.
Once she had made it outside the sixth year boy's room, she knocked on the wood of the door and waited patiently for it to open. Footsteps were heard before the door swung open to reveal George standing there with a look of surprise. Never had they ever had a girl knock on their bedroom door, and wait patiently to be let in willingly.
"Uh hey Soph," George greeted.
"Is Fred here?" she asked immediately. George didn't take offence but looked over his shoulder to see his twin passed out in his bed with his mouth hanging open. He contemplated telling her that he shouldn't be disturbed and he was asleep, but decided that he wasn't that type of caring twin brother.
"Yeah he's here, come on in."
Sophia walked through the door frame and was immediately greeted with the mother of all messes. Clothes, books and pieces of parchment were spread all over the floor. All four of the beds that were in the room were unmade and had their covers tossed to the floor in a heap. Sophia had to look away from some of the piles of worn socks that were gathered around the room. She caught side of Fred's body lounging carelessly across his bed, with his arm and head hanging off the side of the mattress. His and George's beards and long hair had thankfully gone now, leaving their bright orange hair to be on show once again.
"I think he bumped his head when the goblet threw us across the Great Hall. He passed out as soon as he lay down," George explained as he went to sit on his own unmade bed. "But he did seem pretty bummed out after the whole thing. Care to explain?"
"How do you know it was something to do with me?" Sophia tried to look taken back, but the look George gave her let her know that he wasn't falling for it.
"There are only two things my brother would be bummed out about Soph," he started. "One being something about you, and the other being the cancelling of Quidditch."
"Ah yes the two holy grails of my existence," a new voice entered. Sophia and George turned to see Fred pulling his head up from the side of the bed with heavy-lidded eyes. His voice was laced with exhaustion and his limited movements were slow as he leaned up against the headboard of his bed. "Why are you two talking about me while I'm in the room? And why would dear Sophie ever want to be in here of all places?"
Sophia cringed at the name 'Sophie' as Fred was obviously making a reference towards Valentin, the oblivious Durmstrang who had taken an interest in her. Fred didn't smile like he usually did when he talked to her, and was holding what could be seen as a stern look but both Sophia and George knew better. He was jealous. Undoubtedly jealous of the fact that another male other than himself thought Sophia was pretty, but he bitterly knew that Valentin couldn't possibly like Sophia as whole-heartedly as he did.
"Jealousy doesn't suit you mate," George spoke up from his place on his bed.
"I'm not jealous!" Fred fought, looking between Sophia and his twin. "It was the fact that he called me a bloody Professor! What a sly git-"
"What's the big deal Freddie?" Sophia cut him off. She crossed her arms over her chest with the envelope meant for Pigwidgeon still in her hand. "There's nothing going on with him anyway. Why are you so bothered by this?"
"Yeah it's not like he asked her to Hogsmeade or anything."
Fred whipped his head to stare solely at his brother, emitting a glare so fierce that Sophia was surprised it didn't make him explode into flames. George grew a lop-sided grin at the trap he had just laid out so graciously for his brother, before getting to his feet and heading towards the door of the room. Sophia watched in confusion as George left the room without another word, leaving Fred and her in an air of awkwardness. The only thing was that Sophia didn't know why it was awkward.
"What does he mean by that?" she decided to ask. Fred was now looking down at his hands that were fiddling with each other on his torso, suddenly becoming quiet and bashful. He had previously mentioned to George that he wanted to take Sophia on their date to Hogsmeade (as he told George everything), only he had just realised that he actually asked Sophia on a date. Fred always seemed to become overly confident at times, and he tended to make quick decisions and make sometimes careless mistakes. Now that he felt vulnerable after the confrontation with the oh-so-great Valentin, he was starting to become increasingly nervous about even asking her to Hogsmeade for their previously agreed date.
"I-I erm, well," Fred stuttered while his eyes flickered from his hands and up to Sophia's face. Seeing him so lost and bashful made Sophia's insides turn to moosh, immediately feeling all previous negative feelings disappear.He always seemed to be able to do that to her, no matter what she was feeling previously. She absolutely adored it when Fred would drop the macho facade he always put on and would turn into a nervous, self-conscious little boy. Although she knew he would deny it if she ever said anything about it, she tried to stop herself from cooing and pinching his not so chubby cheeks.
"Were you going to ask me to Hogsmeade Freddie?" Sophia finished for him with a wide grin. Fred stopped fiddling with his hands and locked eyes with the light grey ones that he adored so much, feeling a smile of his own growing on his face. Seeing how brightly she was smiling made him regain some of his Gryffindor courage, making him push himself up from the headboard and stand up from his bed. He stood in front of the girl and looked down at her, feeling his Weasley charm kick in once again.
"What if I was? Would you want to go with Valentin instead?" he lead up to his punch line, knowing full well of what she was going to respond with. Sophia sighed in frustration and went to scold him.
"Nothing is going on with-"
Fred didn't let her finish as he leaned down and pressed his lips against hers, cutting her off in the best way he knew how. Sophia didn't know how much she had wanted Fred to kiss her again, and it didn't take her more than a second to respond. She wrapped her arms around the back of Fred's neck, letting him do the same around her waist and lift her slightly so he wasn't leaning down much. The two were in a state of bliss in the middle of Fred's dorm room, and Fred had been running on adrenaline once again when he dared to run his tongue along the lower lip of Sophia's. It wasn't long before they were both deeply engaged in a passionate kiss, only pulling away when they were short of breath.
"You planned that," Sophia said first as noticed Fred's grinning expression. They stayed in the same position of Fred holding her up with her arms wrapped snugly around his shoulders, being closer than they'd ever hoped.
"I did," he proudly replied. "That was way better than a blowie in a broom cupboard wouldn't you say?"
Sophia's jaw dropped and her eyes widened when Fred lowered her feet back to the floor. Her expression was absolutely priceless, and Fred soaked up the moment with everything he could. They had just had their second kiss, which had also confirmed that she would go to Hogsmeade with him for their first date. The girl was in a state of shock and pure embarrassment as Fred kept his hands on the sides of her hips, smirking as she was unresponsive to his tease. He knew about the rumour. And boy did he use it to his advantage.
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