Before Sophia knew it, she had thrown her arms around Fred's neck and buried her face into his shoulder. Fred seemed to be prepared for this as he swiftly wrapped his own arms around Sophia's middle and hugged her close to his tall figure. She had to stand on the tips of her toes to keep the position, but Fred gladly lifted her slightly off the ground so that she wouldn't have to. The common room's noise was blurred in both their ears as she silently sniffed into Fred's shoulder, feeling so appreciative and thankful for his kind and calm manner. He was always so supportive of her, whether it be with school work or situations like these. He seemed to be always there, and Sophia adored that for him.
"He loves you Soph," Fred mumbled against her hair. "No matter what he is. Even I can see that."
Harry watched the two embrace each other in the middle of the room, oblivious to the stares they were recieving from himself, Hermione, Ginny, and George. Anyone could see that they were having a moment that wasn't to be interupted, and they all secretly gushed at the cute sight of the two that were obviously infactuated with each other. Well Ginny and Hermione did anyway.
Harry was itching to also go talk to Professor Lupin to find out the situation and inform him that Sirius was safe from the Ministry and the Dementors. Unfortunately, Peter Pettigrew had gotten away in the flurry during Lupin's transformation. While they were all fearing for their lives, the cowardly man had disappeared into his rat form and flead the scene. This meant that the truth about Sirius Black's supposed murders wouldn't be believed as the man responsible was now nowhere to be found, obliviating Harry's plan to finally be reunited and live with the part of his family he actually liked.
He wanted to accompany Sophia, as he knew that she was going to see Professor Lupin to settle some differences that involved the scratch that she now wore on her arm. Hermione told him that it would leave a nasty scar before huffing at Harry's obliviousness to the fact that she had learnt this from the essay she did about Werewolves for Professor Snape. He obviously hadn't taken in any of the information that Professor Snape had momentarily taught them.
Once Sophia had showered and changed into clean clothes, she made her way back down the stairs to immediately be faced with Harry. He informed her that he wanted to accompany her to her father's office, as he had grown quite friendly with him. Apparantely her father had taught him to conjure the Patronus charm, which lead to the saving of both his and Sirius's life when they had been ambushed by Dementors.
"I promise I won't be a nuissance," Harry reassured her as both him and her made their way towards the potrait hole. She threw a glance over her shoulder at Fred who was already looking at her, and returned the reassuring smile that he gave her before she left.
"I'm not worried about that Harry," Sophia chuckled lightly. "I'm sure my dad will appreciate you seeing him. I can't imagine how he..."
Sophia trailed off and Harry understood what she meant regardless of her lack of explanation. The two made it through the hallways and found themselves entering their Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom, and rushing up the stairs that lead to Professor Lupin's office. They immediately went to speak until they saw that all of Lupin's belongings were stored away in trunks and suitcases, leaving the room looking bare and familiar to Harry especially. He had seen three times now how the room looked without any personal touches to it.
"You've been sacked," Harry said first in disbelief. Professor Lupin looked up at the two standing in the doorway, and tried to push down the feeling he got in his chest when setting his eyes on his daughter. Avoiding the urge to let his eyes travel towards her bandaged arm was even more of a challenge for him.
"No no... I've resigned," the man said as he clicked shut his briefcase that was standing upright on his desk. "It won't be long 'till parents start sending letters about not wanting their little darlings being taught by a Werewolf."
"B-But you're the best teacher we've ever had for this subject! No one would care what you are!" Harry interjected and Remus found a smile forming on his lips at his words. He couldn't deny that he had loved his year of teaching in this position, and had grown to quite like Harry in particular.
"I'm touched that you feel that way Harry, but it's not up to you unfortunately," a kind smile was dawing the man's scarred face.
"What will we do Dad?"
Remus finally had to turn his attention to his daughter who looked crest-fallen at the news of his resignation. His true fear had come true last night, and he didn't know if he could even face Sophia after what he had done. Seeing her bandaged arm only fuelled his regret and worry, knowing full well that he had intended to kill his only child. If it hadn't been for the suspicious wolf call in the distance, he would have surely carried out this task along with the remaining people that were there last night.
"We'll get by," Remus answered with a sure nod, gulping down his dry throat as he met eyes with his daughter. "We've been doing so up until now haven't we? You'll be here at Hogwarts, and I'll look for another job."
"B-But..." she went to continue but felt herself deflate. Harry had found it best to leave for the moment and wait in the classroom below, giving the two some privacy in their obvious family matters. Sophia was forcing the image of her father's wolf form out of her head ever since she woke up, and was trying extra hard to do the same in this moment. Remus did look so much more refreshed than when he did before the event last night, but it just reminded her of what had actually happened. And on top of that, they were placed back into the never-ending circle of being poor as her father struggled for a job.
"Sophia, you know that we can get by," Remus said more sternly, now wanting more than anything to make his daughter believe in him and his security. "Job or not, I've raised you on my own with this blasted problem. And I will continue to do so until I no longer can. Last night was bound to happen sooner or later, it was just unforunate that I had to hurt you in the meantime..."
"W-Will I... Will I become one?" she asked and Remus chuckled lightly, shaking his head.
"If you had paid attention during Snape's substitute lessons, you would know that offsprings of mixed relationships (this case being a Witch and a Werewolf), are somehow immune to Werewolf bites and scratches," the two seemed relieved at this information. "But you will have the scars much like me unfortunately."
He motioned towards the three distinctive scars that ran diagnolly across his face, and Sophia somehow found herself laughing lightly at the situation.
"Like father like daughter huh?" she said and the man agreed with a very similiar laugh. The atmosphere in the room had lifted into something much more pleasant, and Sophia found it was time for her to let Harry back in the room to have his own chat with her father. "I'll tell Harry to come back in. When will I see you next?"
"I'll be at the Quidditch game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw tomorrow," he answered. "Wouldn't want to miss the chance to see if Gryffindor gets the House Cup. It's been a while since I've seen it happen."
Sophia left the room and motioned for Harry to go up into Remus's office. The boy was pleasantly surprised to see the girl smiling, reassured that everything was well enough for her to be in a happier mood than before. The girl left the room and began to wander her way back towards the Gryffindor common room, where she seemed to be itching to see Fred. After their embrace, she had felt great gratitude towards the redhead and found herself wanting to spend the rest of the day with him. She would gladly answer all his questions, as he had protected her once again from potential humiliation. What was more, she just wanted to be in his prescence. Sophia wanted to be around Fred, and maybe even rest in his arms like she did just now during her breakdown. The warmth that emitted from him had made her feel like she hadn't before, and it almost topped the hugs she had with her father in their own times of hardship.
"Oi Lupin," a voice harshly pulled her from her thoughts of Fred. "Now that everyone knows your father's a filthy half-breed, will you be returning to the cave that you two live in?"
Sophia whiped around to see Draco Malfoy with his two goons fastly approaching her with a swagger in his step. The boy was grinning and his goons were laughing, finding what Malfoy just said the funniest thing that had ever graced this Earth. The smirk that dawned Draco's face made Sophia boil, as he obviously was taking advantage of the new gossip about her and her father.
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