Months flew by for Sophia. Christmas had come and gone, to which she spent at the castle with her father in his office. From an on-lookers point of view, it would seem depressing to see a father and Daughter sitting in a dark office wrapped in blankets with a tiny Christmas tree placed on Remus's desk. But to them, it wasn't any different from how their Christmas's usually went. The small exchange of gifts was enough, and Sophia had even introduced her father to Hermione's cat Crookshanks. Hermione had gone home for the holiday and entrusted Sophia to take care of her cat while she was away, and Sophia thought it would be great to introduce him to Remus.
The man recoiled at first at the sight of a feline in his office, but when he saw that it only calmly sat on his daughter's lap, he soon relaxed. He resisted his inner animal that was continuously growling and barking at the cat and managed to spend a nice Christmas with his beloved small family.
In the new year, classes went by as normal and there wasn't much mention of Sirius Black. Sophia could tell that Harry was still slightly on edge about his godfather's presence in the school, but still went along with his day with his friends and with the protection of the school. In fact, Harry had mysteriously been given a brand new Firebolt in the mail to which cheered him up immensely. It did have to be taken by Professor McGonagall for checks for curses or hexes, but none the less, it was the fastest broom in the word!
Sophia spent a hefty amount of her free time with Fred and George, as she had grown unbelievably close with them over the course of the year. She would always be laughing along with their jokes and pranks, while still keeping a close relationship with Ron, Hermione and Harry.
Every month, she would still consult her Sky map in order to ensure she was on track with her father's cycle. There was no word about any unexplained animal attacks, so Sophia assumed that the potion Professor Snape was making for her father was working and keeping him at bay when it came to his transformations. Sophia had heard terrible news about Buckbeak the Hippogriff though, as Draco Malfoy's father had convinced the Ministry of Magic that the creature was too dangerous to be a subject at Hogwarts. He was set for execution, which upset Hagrid greatly. Sophia always sympathised for the huge man during her lessons of Care for Magical Creatures, and made sure to frequently accompany him for tea with Ron, Harry and Hermione.
As for her friendship with Fred, the two continued their ignorance towards the rumours of them being a couple. No fourth-years had come near her because of their little Dungbomb prank, which satisfied Fred's yearning to get revenge on the said 'prat'. In fact, most boys at Hogwarts avoided Sophia completely. A rumour had also got around that Fred was threatening all the boys who tried to talk to her with his Beater's bat. This of course excluded Harry, Ron, George, Lee, Neville, Dean and Seamus. The Gryffindors that were in her year weren't included in Fred's supposed threat, but anyone else was too terrified to say a word to the girl. When Sophia asked Fred about this, he shrugged and asked if she was complaining. She answered with a no, to which Fred gave her look that barely answered her question.
Sophia had also given up her act of trying to get Fred and George to study for their O.W.L's. Just the other day, Sophia approached the two before one of their Quidditch practices. They were throwing a quaffel back and forth while seated in the common room dressed in their Quidditch robes, and they barely stopped their actions when Sophia spoke up.
"How about after practice today I help you guys with your Herbology study?" she said looking between the two with a bright smile. The two sniggered at her suggestion which resulted in a constant rant from the girl, saying how they're going to fail all their exams and regret their lack of motivation later in life. The two eventually grew tired of her rambling and Fred rammed his shoulder into her middle, picking her up and hoisting her over his shoulder.
"FRED!" she squealed as she balled up the back of his jersey in her hands, afraid of falling face first to the ground that seemed to far away at Fred's great height. "PUT ME DOWN!"
"Nah you need to learn to loosen up about this study thing Soph," he replied as he walked over to the unoccupied sofa in front of the fire. He threw her down on the cushions before him and his brother proceeded to sit on her, making her squeal even more.
This ended her mission as she didn't want to be sat on again by the hefty sixteen-year-old's, and was afraid her small fourteen-year-old frame couldn't take such weight. When it did start to come around to their O.W.L's though, she wasn't surprised to see them still being as care-free as they had been all year. The weekend before their exams, they all sat in the Great Hall at dinner. It was also the day of poor Buckbeak's execution and Harry, Ron and Hermione said they were going to go comfort Hagrid today before the dreaded event and asked if she wanted to come along. She politely declined, as she wanted to go talk to her Father today about something. He had been looking rather troubled lately, and she didn't think it was from his usual monthly transformation.
"Hey Sophia," George called as he looked up from his bowl of soup. "What's the constellation that has the three stars in a sort of belt again?"
"Orion's belt?" she answered in disbelief. Surely he should know this for Astronomy, they studied it in their first year for Merlin's sake!
"Right right thanks," he said before going back to shovelling down his dinner. Sophia sighed and wanted to bang her head against the table. She didn't want to appear to be like a second Hermione when it came to school, but the twin's lack of knowledge just turned her into a goblin of rage.
"Don't worry Soph." Fred spoke up from next to her. "If Mum does in fact kill us after the exams, we'll leave all our Chocolate Frog cards to you."
"Gee thanks," she sighed before standing up from her place on the bench. "I'm gonna go see my dad. I'll see you guys later."
The twins hummed in response as Sophia left the Great Hall and headed towards her father's office. The halls were reasonably quiet this weekend, and Sophia somehow thought that it mustn't be just because of Buckbeak's execution. Today had a strange feeling to it, as if anticipation was high in everyone. Only she didn't seem to know from what or who in particular.
She made it to her Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom and wandered over to the stairs that led up to her father's office. The door was already open, so she only knocked lightly against the wood. Remus was hunched over his desk, his fingers through his lank brown hair before raising his head in a quick jerk to only see his daughter standing in the doorway. He was aware of how troubled he must look, with his pale looking skin and deep, sunken in eyes. But smiled none the less at the girl.
"What's wrong Dad?" Sophia asked as she walked in to sit down in the chair that sat opposite Remus's desk. The man sighed and leaned back in his own chair, contemplating more thoughts that had been troubling him for months. Seeing his girl sitting there so innocent looking and unscathed, only made his nerves double in effect and make him worry more about what the situation was at the present time.
"It's Peter..." he answered vaguely. Sophia was confused for a moment and looked down at her father's desk where an old looking piece of parchment sat. It had swirls of ink that looked like it was moving, but from where she sat, it was impossible to read without making it obvious that she was looking. It was then that a lightbulb went off in Sophia's head, and she perked up in her seat.
"Peter.... Pettigrew? Your old friend that was killed by Sirius Black?" she enquired while keeping a cautious eye on her father's pale expression. She would hate to upset him, as his old friends were sometimes a touchy subject for him. Especially when they were about the two murders that occurred to James Potter and Peter Pettigrew.
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