Sophia was rushed to St. Mungos while going into labour that next week by a hyperventilating Fred. The Weasley family had been alerted immediately and gathered in the waiting room along with Harry and Hermione. Harry had even brought along Teddy, who was crawling around on the floor under heavy supervision of Molly. The woman was taking all her nerves and frantic thoughts and pushing them into being an overly enthusiastic mother figure to the baby. She crawled around after the boy who giggled in tune to his forever changing hair.
"Mum, that's a little embarrassing," Ginny commented from the plastic waiting chairs while looking around wearingly. "People are staring."
"Just leave her be Ginny," Arthur said in a sort of sigh and leaned back in his chair. He too was embarrassed by his wife's antics but found it much less stressful than how she had been when she had first heard of Sophia going into labour. To make a long story short, the woman had dropped the stack of plates she had enchanted to fly into the cupboards by losing concentration. Ron had run into The Burrow and cried the news, and the chaos started there.
The door sitting on their right opened and everyone's heads turned in it's direction, jumping to their feet at the sight of Fred stumbling out. The boy's brow was soaked with sweat and his dark orange hair was sticking up in odd places. The Muggle dye had slowly started to fade and the natural orange was peering through the light brunette strands, but it was still enough for Fred to see someone other than his brother in the mirror. Besides that, Fred's eyelids were low over his eyes from exhaustion. He peered at his family and gulped loudly, opening his mouth to speak for the first time in hours.
"She had a baby," he spoke as if in a daze and Charlie sniggered.
"Well we'd bloody hope so," Charlie started but was nudged by his father with a bony elbow.
"How is she dear?" Molly jumped forward and resisted in grabbing her son's shirt in desperation. "Did it go well? Is the baby healthy?"
"Maybe we should come inside in small groups. Just so we don't over whelm her," Hermione suggested logically, eyeing Molly worriedly.
"To hell with that. I wanna meet my niece and/or nephew," Ron rolled his eyes and stepped forward.
As if the rest of the family had been thinking the same, the entire redhead clan and the few brunettes shoved through the doorway and into the room. If any nurse or doctor had seen this, they would have been thrown out immediately. But the family piled in unsupervised and gathered around the hospital bed that sat against the wall.
Sophia lay in a light blue robe with her tied in a messy bun that was poorly done by Fred during the delivery. Small hairs stuck to her moist cheeks and she smiled tiredly at the new people in the room. In her arms, sat three bundles that snoozed against their mother's chest peacefully. The room was silent as the Weasleys' and their accomplices had their jaws to the floor. Molly, Fleur, Hermione and Ginny all had their eyes glazed with tears at the sight of the tiny sleeping faces, while the men resisted the urge to do the same.
"Oh dear..." Molly sniffled and brought out her infamous handkerchief. "How wonderful..."
"I so called it," Bill whispered and shrunk back from Fleur's vicious glare that she threw over her shoulder.
"No, you said quadruplets," Percy piped up but no one seemed to follow on from his comment. They were too amazed by the three babies that slept in the arms of Sophia.
"I'm fine by the way," Sophia said in a surprisingly strong voice. "I didn't just push three humans out of me or anything."
"Oh Sophia I'm so proud of you!" Molly cheered and rushed to her bedside, shoving poor Harry out of the way in the process. Luckily, he had a strong hold on Teddy who he was carrying. But the woman had little sympathy as she was now solely focused on her new grandchildren.
Fred, who had walked through the door only seconds before after recollecting his thoughts in the hallway, quietly made his way to the unoccupied side of Sophia's bed. His mind was blank as he stared at the four faces he had found himself loving the most out of the entire of the world. As soon as he had seen the three children come wrapped in their white blankets and their small heads covered by white hats, he swore he would love and cherish them for the rest of his life.
When he stumbled out into the hall, he could barely make out the words he was saying. His wife had just given birth to three children. His three children. The three children who would grow up in a world of which their parents had fought to be safe for them. Barely standing up straight, he rested his hands on the metal bar and leaned down to eye the bundles containing the new generation of the Weasley family. Even now, he noticed the slanting eyes of one that reminded him so much of George. He also saw the button nose that belonged to Sophia on the middle bundle's face.
"Two girls and a boy," Sophia announced to the lot with the same tired smile. "All born within ten minutes of each other."
"So now we've got to figure out godparents," Charlie pipped up.
"They haven't even got names yet," Hermione shushed him and turned back to Sophia with a gentle look. "Have you thought of any?"
"I want one of the girls to be Hazel..." Sophia replied as she looked down at the child on the far right. She stared down at them with a love she had never felt before. It wasn't the love she felt for her father or even Fred; it was a motherly love. The sort of love that Molly would look at her and the rest of her children with. The new sensation filled Sophia with so much joy that she knew Fred was also mirroring beside her.
He hadn't said anything but she knew he was in shock and currently processing the fact that he was now a father. And she was sure that once they have taken the three home to The Burrow or the flat, he'll jump into the position that he had been dreaming about for so long now.
"This one's George," Fred spoke up and everyone went quiet as they turned to look up at him. He was staring down at the child that he saw had slanting eyes and knew for a fact that it was the boy of the three. He expected to feel a pain in his heart from the sound of his brother's name, but he only felt warmth and pride. George was sure to be standing behind him, grateful and teary-eyed at having his nephew named after him.
"George Remus Weasley," Sophia followed and Fred looked to her, displaying a large grin. The two agreed and Fred pressed his lips against the side of her head, thanking his lucky stars for giving him such a family.
"Hazel Hermione Weasley... and Molly Sophia Weasley," Sophia continued and the said women in the room gasped aloud.
"Y-You'd give her my name?" Hermione stuttered with wide eyes.
"Of course," she nodded and Hermione had to turn away in order to wipe her eyes. Ron consoled her as everyone turned to Molly instinctively to see her reaction.
Everyone had expected to see the woman melt into a puddle of tears and sobbing. But she stood strong in her posture and placed her handkerchief to her lips, eyes twinkling in glee. Fred looked at his mother from across the bed and couldn't help the tears that gathered in his own eyes at the sight of her. He and Sophia had previously discussed that if they were to have a girl, she would be named Molly either as a first or second name. But now that they had three, their choices were far broader. And he was thankful for that, as the look on his mother's face was enough to make him cry.
"Thank you... so much," Molly spluttered and glanced at Arthur next to her, snuggling into his side as she stared at the child that now carried her name.
"I suppose we should leave you for a moment," Harry suggested in favour of everyone and Sophia smiled up at him gratefully.
The Weasleys' left the room and Fred, Sophia and their three children sat in comfortable silence. The two gazed down at George, Molly and Hazel and thought about the life they'd live in the new Wizarding world. George may never see his nieces and nephew, but they were sure he appreciated everything they did for him while he was alive and when he passed on. Remus would be looking over them with his fatherly smile and swell with pride at seeing his grandchildren so healthy and with a whole life ahead of them. And they were doing what they knew George and Remus would have wanted. They were living.
"I love you," Fred blurted and Sophia turned to him. "So much..."
"I love you too," she replied and adjusted herself so she could reach up, connecting their lips together in a heart-warming kiss. "More than you know."
-Sixteen years later-
"You pull Ginny's hair one more time Fionn, and I'll hex your eyebrows off again," Fred threatened as the family stepped on to Platform nine and three-quarters.
"I wasn't doing anything!" the thirteen year old boy cried, shoving his younger sister away from him. "She provoked me!"
"Mum, help me!" Ginny cried and rubbed her head where Fionn had been pulling her hair.
"Fionn, stop it" Sophia huffed and took hold of her youngest daughter, placing her in front of her with a small glare to her son.
"Yeah Fionn, grow up will ya'," George sassed. "Second years get shit for being annoying-"
"George, please don't," Sophia winced and Fred hit his son up the side of the head. The boy immediately went quiet and muttered something under his breath as he pushed his trolley towards the compartment that was packed with other students' trunks.
"I'll see you guys later. I'm gonna meet with Fallon on the train," Molly kissed both her mother and father on the cheek before turning away to rush on to the bright red steam train. "Love you guys!"
"I don't want any letters home this year!" Fred called after her and pointing a finger accusingly. "Longbottom's getting too friendly with me because of all the letters I get about you throwing soil about!"
The girl ignored her father and disappeared into the carriage of compartments, soon appearing at one of the windows and waving mockingly at him. George came back over and whined at the kisses Sophia tried to give his freckled cheeks. Ginny giggled behind her mother and poked her tongue out at the boy who glared back at her. Fred took hold of Hazel before she could run off like her sister and licked his thumb, rubbing it against her cheek that had a smudge of dirt on it.
"Dad! Sixteen-year-olds don't have their parents practically lick their faces!" Hazel swatted away Fred's hand, letting her bright orange hair fall over her face to hide the smudged dirt.
"Yeah, they snog Slytherins' instead," Fionn butted in and Hazel reached out to try and grab him by the collar, only to have him slip away and run on to the train laughing evilly.
"Snogging Slytherins'?!" Fred repeated in shock and with wide eyes. "Hazel, please tell me-"
"Bye Dad! Bye Mum!" she called as she slipped away before he could continue and disappeared in the same place Molly and Fionn had.
"Be good!" Sophia said as George turned around to head towards the train.
"I'm owling McGonagall about Hazel," Fred announced and stood next to Sophia, waiting for the train to start moving to begin waving at his children through the carriage windows. "There's no way I'm letting her come home with some Slytherin."
"Don't go throwing a hissy fit. She can do what she wants," Sophia warned while slipping her hand into Fred's, linking their fingers. "Although I did think she'd go for a Hufflepuff or a Gryffindor. Being a Ravenclaw and all."
"Good thing George's a Hufflepuff. But I can't guarantee Fionn will keep it in his pants when he gets older," Fred grumbled.
"Keep what in his pants Dad?" Ginny questioned innocently with her hand clenched in her mother's free one.
"Er nothing," Fred murmured and shuffled his feet at Sophia's judging stare that he could feel flaring on his side.
The train sounded its chime and began to move out of the station. Sophia and Fred eagerly searched for their children and saw the triplets and Fionn appear through different windows. Among other children, they waved merrily at their parents and pulled faces at young Ginny who pouted at being left on the platform. Sophia and Fred leaned against each other with their slightly wrinkly smiles and watched the train turn the corner of the track, disappearing from the platform on its way to Hogwarts.
And as Sophia looked to her husband with her youngest daughter by her side, she realised that all was well.
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